Jurassic Tale (Au)

By Dinosaur1039

597 11 0

When the gang comes across a strange man, who offers to take them to a park he says is "unimaginable by other... More

Chapter 1: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 2: Arrival
Chapter 3: From one pal, to another
Chapter 4: How it all began
Chapter 5: Kids these days
Chapter 6: Some people you'll have to deal with
Chapter 7: The Tour
Chapter 8: 1 minute
Chapter 9: When hell breaks loose
Chapter 10: Bloody Revenge
Chapter 11: They'd never find his body
Chapter 12: When the World was Simple
Chapter 13: Tree for my bed
Chapter 14: Drama in a Haven
Chapter 15: Hold on to your butts
Chapter 17: Danger in the water
Chapter 18: The Chase
Chapter 19: Raptor in the Kitchen/ Getting the power back on
Chapter 20: A Hero in a Villian
Chapter 21: The End!/ And a Authors note!
Teaser 1
Teaser 2
Sneak Peak at Jurassic Tale: The Untold Story

Chapter 16: Ambush

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By Dinosaur1039

                                                  "Well?" Arnold asked himself. The room was dimly light, with the only source of light outside of the room. Arnold slowly walked to one moniter, and looked, on the bottom right hand corner, it read, Access complete.

                                                   "Look! Look see? It worked!" Arnold exclaimed. Everyone but Undyne came closer to him to look.

                                                   "What do you mean it worked? Everything is still off," Undyne complained. She was slowly getting up, but the bruises forced her to stay down.

                                                   "It's probably a glitch with the ciruit breakers, three minutes, the whole entire island will be online," Arnold explained. Ronald turned to him, in confusion of one detail.

                                                   "Where are the breakers?" Ronald asked.

                                                   "Maintenence shed, other side of the island, I'll be back in and out before you know it," Arnold told them.

                                                   "Ok then, but just in case, I want everyone in the emergency bunker, until Mr. Arnold gets back," Hammond ordered.

                                                   "G-got it," Alphys stuttered.


                                                    "So sis, you been doing any hacking recently?" Monster kid asked.

                                                    "For the last time, it's a REQUIRED course, but yes, I have been getting kinda into it," Muffet answered. The four of them were walking past the lucious trees, they waved in the wind, however, they soon realized that something wasn't right. 

                                                    "I've been working with unix code for a few years, I bet I could-" Sans started. Sudenlly, something zoomed past them, the brush moved silently as the creature, slickly, ran around them. Frisk looked horrified, she stood behind Sans, while the two others stood by his side.

                                                    "What the hell was that?!" Muffet screamed.

                                                   "Keep your voice down!" Sans hissed. The creature zoomed past again, but during that period it called out a almost de ja vu sound. It was loud, but light at the same time. The pitch was high, and as the creature zomed past again, Sans could see a greenish red marking.

                                                   "Oh no, a Dilophosaur," Sans whispered.

                                                   "D-don't they s-spit venom?" Muffet stuttered.

                                                   "Yes they do, be on alert, run as fast as you can if they appear," Sans whispered. And almost as if the Dilo heard what he said, it jumped out of the brush, it opened up it's frill. It was orange, red, and green, in a flashing array of colors.

                                                   "Run!" Monster kid shouted. The black ink spat out, as it hit Frisk's shirt, it slowly crawled down, as it left a gooy residue behind. The four of them ran as fast they could, the dilo lowered it frill and called the same call.

                                                   "Gah!" Sans exclaimed. Another dilo appeared in front of them, opening it's colored frill, it jumped up and tried to spit, but Sans lowered them and the kids.

                                                  "Keep running!!" Muffet yelled. The two dilo's started running at them, they were going at a faster pace then them.

                                                   "We need to find a distraction yo!" Monster kid shouted. Sans looked around him, what could he find that might help them? He looked to his right, he could see a small gate, it looked hand opened already.

                                                  "There!" Sans shouted. He grabbed the kids and ran over, the dilos slid on the dirt as they went back to get them. Sans rushed over and set his hands on the gate, while the kids climbed inside. He pushed hard, and it WAS closing, but not fast enough. Sudenlly, Frisk grabbed the poles as she pushed, the dilos where closing in. Muffet followed, then Monster kid, and at the last second when the dilo's jumped at them, the gate slammed shut. They tried to break in, as the others ran back avoiding any spit or saliva bites.

                                                 "Phew, close one," Monster kid huffed. They contineud walking down the pathway, until they found a small glass array, it was a map!

                                                 "Lets use this to find where we are!" Muffet excalimed. Sans looked at it slightly, and he read what it said. It said they were on some sort of pathway, and the next stop would be a turn across the perimeter fence.

                                                "Look, the permiter fence heads back onto the main road, and from there it should be a mile only!" Muffet explained. 

                                               "Your right, question is how far?" Sans asked. Frisk tugged on Sans's jacket, and pointed out, the perimeter fence was right there.


                                               "Somethings wrong, Something went wrong, I'm going to go find Arnold," Toriel told them.

                                                "It's just a delay! All themeparks have delays! In Disney land, they couldn't get any of the rides running," Hammond assured.

                                                "Yeah, but Hammond, if the Pirates of the Carribean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists," Undyne jocked.

                                                "W-what if h-he got hurt? T-then what?," Alphys asked. Toriel started walking over to the front of the room to get some supplies.

                                                 "Don't be to hasty now, he's only been gone for about twenty minutes," Hammond replied. He looked down at his watch, looking at the time. 

                                                  "Now that I think of it, where is Gennaro?" Undyne asked.

                                                  "He went out to find the others, you were asleep at that point," Hammond answered.

                                                   "Come on, we need to foucus on the key point," Toriel added.

                                                 "It's not like a stroll down the road, you know?" Ronald told her. He followed behind, and opened up a cabniet, it had two remightons, and a ammo shack up top. Toriel walked over to the walkie talkies, and grabbed two, she flicked one on, and then went to Hammond, and extended it out to him.

                                                 "Here," Toriel said. Hammond looked up and saw the talkie, he waited a bit and then took it. Toriel and Ronald then started walking up the stairs toward the shed.

                                                 "I'll be back in a few minutes! Stay in touch, and i'm on chanell two!" Toriel shouted. 

                                                 "Chanell two, got it," Hammond whispered. He then set it on and waited. As Ronald opened the door, he could already feel something was off, and as Toriel and Ronald continued to walk, they took a glimpse at the raptor enclosure. Toriel gasped, it had been broken apart, wires flung in every direction and in every place, with small sparks littering the ground. Ronald crouched, as he put his head to the sand, to his surprise, he found footprints, raptor footprints.

                                               "God damn you Arnold, didn't put any thought into the raptor enclousure," Ronald muttered. Toriel followed behind, as they continued on into the jungle.

                                               "There, the shed is right there, we can make it if we run," Toriel whispered. Ronald took out his gun, as he slowly walked forward.

                                               "We can't," Ronald whispered. Toriel stared wide eyed at him, as she looked at him for a answer.

                                               "Why not?"

                                               "Because, we're being hunted," Ronald whispered. Toriel was horrified by the statment, and she could hear slight snarling coming fron the brush ahead.

                                                "Oh god," Toriel whispered.

                                                "Go, towards the shed, I got her," Ronald whispered. Toriel started backing up as he talked, as Ronald moved closer.

                                                "Go, NOW!" Ronald hissed. Toriel ran back and ran right into a log. She swiftly jumped over it and continued. Ahead was a swampy puddle, and so she jumped up and grabbed the branch above, and flung her self across, and then continued to run. As she dashed forward, she could hear something chasing her, something was trying to get her. She ran ahead, as she passed a small metal gate, and opened the shed door. And with a loud thud, the door shut closed, as she was plunged to darkness.

                                               "Mr. Arnold? Mr. Arnold?" Toriel called. She reached to her pocket and took out the talkie, as she continued down.

                                               "John, i'm in," Toriel said.

                                               "Good, above you, there should be a large stair way, go down it," Hammond instructed. With a loud thud of her feet, Toriel made it to the bottom.

                                               "Done," Toriel whispered.

Sans, Muffet, Frisk, and Monster kid walked forward and saw it, the lights were off, and the fence looked dented, but for all they knew it could be on still. Sans looked around, and reached for a twig and fern, he attached the fern to the stick and reached out. Nothing happened, it just sat there, and when he reached further, still nothing,

                                               "Guess that means the power's out," Sans told himself. The kids shook their heads, and did a shrug, they didn't know. Sans reached out his hand, and started going forward, he kept going, as the kids waited, scared and fearful. And as soon his hand reached the fence.

                                               "GAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Sans screamed. The other kids screamed in usnion. Sans was shaking the fence, but after a few seconds, he turned back, he was still, with a huge grin on his face. Frisk was hidding behind a bush, while Muffet closed her eyes, Monster kid was staring at him, and he soon grew a grin to.

                                              "That was great," Monster kid added on.

                                              "I hate you so much," Muffet added. Frisk came out of the shrubbery, and walked close to Muffet. She was shaking her head, and mouthed, Not cool, Not cool. Sans turned back and tried to rip the fence open, when he heard someone call his name.

                                              "Sans? Kids? Are you here?" the voice called. It was Gennaro! He had found them, but he was on the other side.

                                              "We're here!" Monster kid called. As the four of them ran over, they could now see it WAS Gennaro.

                                              "Did you lock the gate?" Gennaro asked.

                                               "Yes, a pack of dilo's attacked us, we had to," Sans replied.

                                               "We've been trying for five minutes to get it open,"

                                               "Ok, i'll try and go around," Gennaro told them.

                                               "You can't, the whole area is lined with border walls," Muffet replied.

                                               "Then what?" 

                                               "Go back to Hammond, tell him where you last saw us, and then tell him where we're going, we're heading up north on the main road," Sans instructed.

                                               "Got it," Gennaro replied. He dashed back toward the road, as he ran back to Hammond. The four of them turned back to the perimeter fence, Sans walked back up the wall and tried to pull it apart.

                                              "Maybe we can break the fence open, then maybe-" Sans started. Then Sans stopped, so did the kids, they turned back and they could hear a noise, the rex, it was near again. The kids looked at eachother, then dashed toward Sans. He helped them up as they slowly, but surely crawled up.

                                              "Darn it, dead end," Toriel whispered into the walkie.

                                              "Ummm, no wait, I think you made a wrong turn here-," Hammond started. Alphys took it quickly and spoke into the walkie.

                                              "Miss Toriel, you should see a large valve pipe ahead of you, follow that," Alphys instructed. Toriel looked up, she could see it cleary, a large black pipe way.

                                              "Got it," Toriel whispered.

                                              "Now ahead you should find a intersection, go right," Alphys continued. Toriel followed the instructions, and after a few minutes, she found it.

                                              "I see it!" Toriel exclaimed. She frantically ran over and opened up another gate, to be reaviled a metal box. Hammond then took the talkie back, and continued instructing.

                                             "Now, there should be a green button, that says Push to close, Push it," Hammond whispered.

                                            "Got it," Toriel whispered back. As soon as she pressed it, orange lights started flashing to the left side of the box. Back at the fence, the lights turned on, and a siren noise played. Muffet, Frisk, and Sans had made it down, but Monster kid was still up ontop.

                                            "Monster kid! You gotta jump for it!" Sans shouted.

                                            "JUMP! JUMP NOW!" Muffet screamed. Frisk was mouthing, you have to do it!

                                           "Are you crazy?! I'm not gonna jump!" Monster kid shouted back. 

                                           "Ok now, the following lights your about to see, are the assests that are offline. Turn them on," Hammond continued. Toriel flipped open the small glass case, and pressed the green button, as she continued down, the last one, was the perimeter fence.

                                           "I'm gonna count to three! One! Two! Three!" Sans shouted. But Monster kid still refused to budge, he was still clinging on with his mouth.

                                           "Ok i'll count to three," Monster kid shouted back. Toriel was closing in, only 10 left, 9, 8, 7, 6.

                                           "One," Monster kid whispered. 5, 4, 3, 2.

                                           "Two-" Monster kid started. 1, 0. The fence sudenlly burst with sparks, as Monster kid was flung back, jumping down into Sans's grip. Sans checked the pulse on the side of his neck.

                                           "He's not breathing," Sans alerted. Muffet and Frisk dashed toward him, in horrible woe. But back at the shed, the lights were coming, the power was running, the plan had worked!

                                          "John, I think we're back in buisness!" Toriel exclaimed. The attack was sudden, and horrifying. A raptor had burst through a small junction behind her, Toriel screamed and ran back into the gate. The raptors skin was rough and brownish gray, the claws were shiny black, ready to kill it's prey. It's teeth were like small daggers, with stained blood from a victim before. The eye was pale green, as a black line slit, forming the pupil. It plunged itself toward her, using it's claws to grab hold and push it's self out.

                                           "GOD DAMN!" Toriel screamed. She opened the gate, and right as she closed it, the raptor jumped at her. It's claws pierced through the gates tiny gaps, as it tried to push it open, but Toriel's feet held it in place until it was finally closed. Toriel dashed backwards, hitting the wall, and greated with a surprise.

                                          "Arnold? Oh thank god," Toriel sighed. Arnold's arm stuck out, and assuming it was Arnold, she tried pulling him out. But when she reached the gate, she noticed, it was just the hand. It had blood pouring out, and small bones were stuck into the muscle. Toriel dropped it, and started to scream, as the raptor plunged at her again and ripped of her robe, revealing a stained blue shirt, and ruined blue jeans, with tainted blood on them.

                                          "GAAAAAH!" Toriel screamed. She made a mad dash, as the raptor sickled the gate, until it finally broke apart. Toriel was running, but it didn't seem like enough, she was panting, and the world seemed to spin around her. By the time she reached the stair case, the raptor's sickle claw had made it down, as it contineud to run at her. Toriel dashed up, and opened the door and shut it, not caring about it anymore, and just running. She ran and ran until she reached the gate, and as she closed it, she slid across the dirt, leaving a painful scratch. Toriel started to cry, as she put her hands up to her eyes, and sobbed.

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