The Bridesmaid

By gabcxx

334K 4K 345

Natalia Grey has known Jessica Delp all her life. Growing up together in sunny Las Vegas, they grew close and... More

Cast List
Meet the Characters
1|Proposal Planning
2|Lunch Time Hangs
3|Reunions, Reunions
4|Long Time No See
5|Maid of Honor?
6|Distant Memories
7|Going Home?
8|Home Not So Sweet Home
9|The Unwanted Welcome
10|The Whole Story
Character Q&A
11|Unexpected Guests
12|Rooftop Talks
14|Hometown Memories
15|Feelings Are Messy
16|It's A Date
17|It's Part of the Job
18|Girls Day
19|First Date Jitters
20|Adjustment Drama
21|The Glo Up
22|Best Friend's Brother
23|Jealousy At Its Finest
25|Proud Is An Understatement
26|The Last Resort
28|On The Hunt
29|Secret Admirer
30|So Not Official
31|Planning With the Devil
32|The Before
33|Decisive Travel Days
34|Into the Lion's Den
36|To Confess or To Not Confess
37|Out In The Open
38|Venue Hunting
39|Engagement Photos
40|Airport Drama
42|It's A Lying Game
43|Figuring Things Out
44|Devil's Return
45|Dinner Date
47|The First Goodbye
48|Mystery In Arizona
49|Surprises in Arizona
Bonus Chapter
51|Meeting the Ex
52|Brunching with the Ex
53|Media Mess
54|Back to Bridesmaid Duties
55|When Bridezilla Attacks
56|The First Love & Jealousy
57| a new type of reunion
58| help me understand
59| three days
60| stop being cheesy
61| meeting the family
62| part of the family
63| this town
64| proud

46|Savanna The Scammer

3K 41 9
By gabcxx

"So how was your day," Natalia asked as she sat on her couch. Bowl of ice cream in one hand and phone in the other.

"It was okay. It would've been better if you were here too," Anthony joked.

"Cheesy," Natalia giggled, before cutting herself off with a cough. "But we both know that would've been a bad idea."

"Babe, I don't care if you get me sick," Anthony argued.

"That makes one out of the millions of baseball fans wanting to see you during spring training," Natalia said with a small laugh. "I don't want to be responsible for you having to sit out the first few games."

"It's for that reason that we should be spending time together," Anthony said. "I'll be gone for all of spring training and won't see you for awhile."

"Is that your way of saying you're going to miss me," Natalia mused.

"I'll straight out say it, Natalia. I'm going to miss you a whole freaking lot. It's like I can't even go a day without hearing your voice, let alone actually seeing you," Anthony confessed.

"Well, now you've officially guilt tripped me," Natalia awed. "I'm obviously staying in my apartment all day trying to get rid of this cold before my mock trial, so mind bring me some soup and we can spend the rest of the day together?"

"I'll be there in an hour," Anthony quickly said.
Anthony walked into a nearby cafe and got in line. As he skimmed the menu, he felt someone tap his shoulder. Thinking it was a fan, he turned around with a smile on his face, but was shocked to see the smiling face of Savanna Parker staring back at him.

"Fancy seeing you here," she joked.

"Savanna. Hey," Anthony greeted uncomfortably. He really didn't know the girl, but felt like he did through the countless stories the gang had told him. It was safe to say, he felt uneasy around her.

"Are you getting soup too," Savanna asked as she saw him read over the section of the menu.

"Yeah," he easily responded as he tried to choose one for Natalia.

"Care to share which one is the best," Savanna asked as he finally looked at her. "It's my first time, and I hear this place is really good."

"Uh, the chicken soup is easily a classic, but if you want something special, I'd go with the gnocchi. Their known around the city for that one," Anthony said.

"This might be asking too much, but do you want to join me," Savanna asked. Anthony unwittingly made a face, and she was quick to reword her question. "I promise I won't try anything. I know you've heard the stories, and you have no reason to trust me, but I've changed. As a token of peace, I'll even answer any questions you have. I'm sure you have tons about Natalia and Chase."


"-I swear this is a friendly meal. I know I said that right before I scared off Natalia, but I mean it this time."

"I actually have to go meet with her right now," Anthony said as he tried to find a polite excuse.

"You see her everyday," Savanna giggled. "She can wait a little longer."

Anthony opened his mouth to say something, but Savanna cut him off. "I'm giving you a once in a lifetime opportunity that no one ever has to even know about if it makes you that uncomfortable. I know that you have to have questions about Chase, and I can answer them for you. No one knows the story of Chase and Natalia better than the two of them and Catherine Grey. I, however, was part of the story. I'm a trustworthy source," she joked.

The customer in front of Anthony left, and before he could order, Savanna side stepped him and said, "We'll have two gnocchi soups for here, please."
"She was in love with him," Savanna started as she sat across from Anthony. "She would never admit it now because she's too prideful, but she was in love with him. She owed her whole life to Chase, so sometimes I think she was more in love with the idea of how he helped versus him as a person."

"What? Like she was a gold digger or something," Anthony incredulously asked.

"No, never," Savanna quickly said as she defended herself, and tried to regroup and gather her thoughts. "I'm just telling you this because when you love someone, it never really goes away," she innocently shrugged.

"So you're saying she's still in love with him?"

"Not necessarily," Savanna said as she brought her cup of water to her lips. "I'm just saying that sometimes, even if you're over someone, it's hard to actually see them move on. Seeing someone with your ex, even if you are ready, not easy."

"She's not in love with him, or jealous of him," Anthony defended. "She hates him with everything."

"It doesn't matter if she hates him or if she loves him," Savanna insisted. "Her life will forever be bound to his. Honestly, I'd leave while you can. You don't need all the baggage that comes with Natalia and Chase."

"Is that why you chose to stay," Anthony asked as Savanna's eyes widened. "If there's really so much baggage, why didn't you leave? And you know what? I think the one that's in love with him is you. You're so infatuated with him that you'd do anything for him, even trying to stage a date with me to get Natalia on his side."

"How did- how did you-"

"How did I figure it out," Anthony scoffed. "The guy taking pictures in the corner gave it away."

"How do you know that's not just a fan? It's Chicago and you're a Cub. People take pictures all the time," Savanna defended.

"That would be true, except you got defensive after I brought him up," Anthony smirked as he stood up to his full height.

"You know what? You and Natalia are clearly perfect for each other. You've both got that extra intuition. Props to you, Rizzo," Savanna said as she stood up as well. "But you can't tell anyone this happened."

"To hell I won't," Anthony scoffed. "You better be out of here and onto whatever poor person you're going to torture next, you psychotic bitch."

With that, he grabbed the extra bag of soup for Natalia and walked out of the restaurant and to his car.
"It's open," came a faint yell from inside Natalia's apartment as Anthony knocked on the door.

"That's really not safe you know," Anthony chided as he opened the door and made his way to her living room.

"Cassie's right across from me. No one would try to break in knowing that my neighbor's home. Besides, have you seen her dog," Natalia said with a small laugh.

"I haven't," Anthony said as he went into her kitchen to get a spoon.

"He's a German Shepherd and is an absolute sweetheart, except when someone gets too close," Natalia explained as she sat up from her previously laying down position.

"You brought me chicken soup," Natalia asked as she eyed the bowl of soup in Anthony's hands.

"Well, it is your favorite," Anthony teased.

Natalia was silent as she ate her soup, and Anthony took the time to think about whether or not to tell her about his unexpected meeting with Savanna.

Unfortunately for him, his time ran out as Natalia's phone rang.
Fam Bam 💥

Dri 👸🏻💜
Anyone care to explain
wtf this is?

KyKy 👩🏽‍⚕️💗
Foreal, KB isn't a
blonde 🤔 wtf is

KB ⚾️💙
Can you all just not
jump to conclusions

Dri 👸🏻💜
Know your loyalty, KB.
I really hope that when
it comes down to it, you
side with Nat.

Jess 👰🏻💖
Everyone needs to take
a few hundred steps back.
We don't know what's
going on so chill 😒

Dri 👸🏻💜
It's pretty clear to me
that Rizzo was eating
with Savanna 🤔 what's
not to get?

KyKy 👩🏽‍⚕️💗
She's right, Jess. ^
it looks bad

KB ⚾️💙
Where did you even
get these pictures?

Dri 👸🏻💜
TMZ posted an article
about some "mystery
girl" and wrote some
trashy/tacky article about

Nat 🤷🏼‍♀️💛
Blowing up my phone
isn't helping anyone ✋🏼
As for the picture, can
you leave me alone for
like 5 seconds to actually
talk to my boyfriend?

Jess 👰🏻💖
Someone who doesn't
jump to conclusions !
Thank you 🙌🏼

Dri 👸🏻💜
He says one wrong
thing, and he'll catch
these hands 🤗

Nat 🤷🏼‍♀️💛
Love you all, but
kindly stfu 😁


"What's the deal with Savanna," Natalia calmly asked Anthony.

"I was going to go get your soup, and when I was in line, she was just there. I know it sounds crazy, but it was like-"

"-she was waiting for you," Natalia finished. "No, it doesn't sound crazy at all. The same thing has been going through my head this whole time."

"Oh, thank god," Anthony said as he let out a breath of relief. "I thought you were going to get mad about it."

"It wasn't your fault," Natalia shrugged. "Besides, I know Savanna. She's a scam artist. An even better one than my own mother."

"So you think she was planning something when she came here," Anthony asked.

"I don't know," Natalia said as she thought back to the text messages between her and Chase. "People used to call her Savanna the Scammer back home. She came from a wealthy family, but then her dad cut her off after her grades started slipping. She didn't take no for an answer ever, so she started getting her money from somewhere else."

"I called her a psychotic bitch before I left," Anthony confessed.

Natalia couldn't help but laugh as she thought about that. "The only thing that could've made that better is if you had recorded it."

Anthony groaned as he jokingly said, "You're right! I totally should've."

Natalia giggled as she laid her head on his shoulder. "Thank you for being here with me."

"I love you" she wanted to say, but chickened out at the last minute as the words died on her tongue.

The I love yous are coming ! 🙌🏼 I'm so excited for my babies. Also, we're not entirely done with Savanna yet. She'll be making an appearance in a later chapter 😏

Until next time,

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