Beyond the City Lights

By EvelynMuoz0

337 13 0

***"Scream if you find anything" He says "I have my- "I begin to say realizing my gun was no longer with me... More

Original version-Chapter one
Original version-Chapter two
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Preview-Chapter fourteen

Chapter Seven

12 0 0
By EvelynMuoz0

***Sorry it is italicized but this is the only way I can get the whole thing without parts of it deleting...weird I know anyhow enjoy!***

                                                             Chapter seven

I woke up feeling like I can do anything "Feeling better today" Lucas asks coming out of the bathroom "Yes thank you" I say watching as he puts the herbs he has been using to help ease the pain away. "I think it is time for you to train"

Tightening my ponytail, I walk into the gym that I never knew existed but a month ago, I didn't know werewolves existed and here they are. "Jaspar" I say walking over to him "Hey Morgan" He says touching my shoulder making my body tingle. "No way" He says his eyes sparkling making me giggle for the first time in a long time "You thinking what I'm thinking?" I nod as he pulls me for a hug "I knew it" He says making me forget Cain and everything else because I no longer feel weird when I think of him. "Mine" Jaspar says kissing me "Yours" I reply even though I feel an unexplainable hole inside of me. "I found my mate!" Jaspar shouts making everyone in the room cheer. "We will celebrate after I kick your butt" I roll my eyes smiling "Bet" I reply getting ready to beat him.

I huff accepting defeat as I once again fall on the floor, "I am the one with more super strength why am I failing" Jaspar smiles chuckling "Babe, you need to use your super strengths" I bite my lip "Last try" I say "Fine" He says. After a couple minutes of fighting he finally falls on the floor pulling me down with him "Guess we both lost" I roll my eyes breathing heavily closing my eyes for a second. "I need a shower" I mutter "Me too" Jaspar says shoving my shoulder "Nice try" I tell him getting up to wipe my sweat with a towel. "Bummer" He mutters smiling at me.



Natalia sits outside the garden in one of the chairs replaying it in her head over and over again. "Natalia?" Adeline asks seeing as she looks like something terrible happened to her. Natalia looks up wiping the tears off her face. "I found my mate" She says sniffling but at the same time she laughs "Wow. Isn't that great?" Adeline says sitting next to her "Not when he is a jerk." She mutters looking over at Micas who gives her a smirk putting a finger to his lips. "Who is it? Cain? Josh?" She asks looking over to where Natalia was staring but Micas was gone. "No. I am not ready to tell if that's okay" Adeline nods "I am sorry about Cain I really thought he was sick, I guess he just needed a nap" Adeline nods "Apology accepted" Natalia smiles "I have to go, it was nice talking to you" Natalia says getting a mind link from Micas. Meet me now.

"What took you so long love?" Micas asks caressing her cheek "I was finishing up a conversation" She replies getting closer to him to feel the spark "Why must it be you" She says barely above a whisper "I am thinking the same thing" He replies their lips barely touching "I must reject you" She says stepping away from him "What?!" He yells getting angry "This is not healthy I can't be in another unhealthy relationship" Micas face softens "Love, I really love you and I do not want anything bad to happen to you it is best with what is going to happen in the next couple of weeks." He steps closer to her "Please don't reject me" She smiles kissing him softly "I won't" He smiles pulling her closer to him.


The room was dark, everything was misplaced making it look like there was another attack but there wasn't. Cain was hunched over a chair breathing heavily his heart was weakening as the days go by. No one but Natalia has noticed it gave him hope but then she disappeared to go with her newly found mate; Micas. He knew something was wrong but couldn't figure it out, his hands were shaky so were his legs. Cain couldn't walk, he was too weak to walk. No one will notice his health until he is dead. "Morgan..." He whimpers crawling to the door but stops himself short his heart pounding against his chest. "L-" His eye lips begin to feel heavy until he finally gives in and closes them, his breathing getting slower and slower.



I watch the children playing outside as I sit on the balcony. I sigh walking over to my closet looking at all of my mother's clothes hoping to find something that can tie me to her, that can show me how she was before she died. I kick the wall, I kick it again hearing the hollow sound bringing me quick to my knees to open it. I slowly open it putting the loose piece of wall out of my way reaching into the darkness feeling a journal. The letter C was imprinted in gold "Catalina" I murmur opening the journal to begin reading page one.

I close the journal tears brimming my eyes. She never really wanted to be Luna she just wanted the luxury not the duty. I was beginning to see her as my role model but not anymore not after I read how she chose love over keeping the little peace these creatures had. "Morgan" I look up smiling when I see Jaspar. "Hey you" I get up putting the journal facing down so he won't see the letter. "What were you reading?" He asks eyeing the journal "Oh some old thing I found" I say trying to brush it away. "Really? It looks like a journal Catalina had" He says giving me a look that says he knows it all "How do you know?" I ask grabbing the journal protectively "Micas gave it to her and Micas is the second person I am with the most" I raise a brow "Who is the first?" I ask not letting go of the journal as he comes closer. "You of course" I smile "Better be" I say while he caresses my cheek "You look like you've been crying" I shake my head "No I was about to but I don't want to cry for someone like her" He takes the journal from my hands tossing it on the bed "Let's go out, to take your mind off things" I smile "Like out, out of the castle?" I ask hoping he will take me to the city "I think I can make the work" I hug him kissing him softly on the lips "Thank you!" He smiles hugging me back bringing the unforgettable spark between us also conjuring up the hole inside of me. "What's wrong?" He asks holding my hand when he looks at me I snap out of it "Nothing." And I wasn't lying nothing was happening to me, I don't feel the spark anymore.


Natalia sat on the plush chair waiting for Micas to finish solving the packs problems. "What does Lucas do?" Natalia asks leaning forward trying to not to bore herself to death "He does the same we split the work in half but right now his priority is gaining Morgan's trust so she can stay" Natalia grimaces "I hope she leaves" Micas smiles "She will if things go according to plan" He says looking at a very confused Natalia "Very soon my love...very soon" He repeats smiling at the wave of power he is going to receive. "Are you almost done babe I am getting bored" She replies smiling at him even though he can tell she is annoyed. "Almost" He mumbles getting back to the paperwork. "Well I am going for a walk while you finish" Natalia says giving Micas a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

She makes her way to Morgan's room but instead goes into Cain's wanting to see how he has been. "Cain?" She knocks on the door but it opens slowly "Cain?" she asks again walking slowly inside "O' my- MICAS!" She screams running out of the room after seeing a pale motionless body on the floor. Natalia keeps running tears in her eyes "Woah there" Micas says catching her by surprise "Cain" She looks at Micas with a scared look in her eyes. "We have to help him!" She yells pulling Micas but he doesn't move "It's for the best, Natalia that he is gone" He tells her giving her a smile trying to comfort her. "Cain dying is for the best of what Micas?!" She screams moving away from him but he pulls her close again. "If we want everything to go according to plan we have to take these measures even if it means hurting one of our own" He wipes away her tears "We have to stick together if we want to survive Natalia because something big is coming and fast" He whispers in her ear. Natalia finally calms down waiting for Micas to let his guard down she can go and think about the choice she must make.


I lay on my bed remembering the girl I used to be before I was brought here, back in the city. The only friend I had was Sampson and he was my partner so we kind of had to be friends if we wanted to get anything done. I never liked someone the way I like Jaspar, well only in high school but that is every teenage girl. Never went out, always working my butt off going home to an empty apartment with no one. I was alone and now that I have so many people around me I am starting to finally see that this is what I am supposed to do. I am supposed to be with Jaspar and become the Luna of this pack that will bring down my father. "You look worried" I jump looking at Adeline who smiles "You scared me" I say putting a hand over my heart "Please" She says rolling her eyes "Why were you so worried?" I sigh making room for her on my bed "I just have a bad feeling about it all" I bite my lip trying to figure it out. "I am trying to figure out but I can't I need more information but no one is willing to give me any" Adeline sighs "Well have you tried asking Cain? I know you guys aren't super friendly but if you really want answers he is the person to go to" I furrow my brow clenching my teeth "I don't I haven't even seen him all this week!" I say looking at Adeline who gets serious "Wait you haven't seen him either?" She asks I shake my head "No" She stands up beginning to get nervous "No one has seen him I thought at least one person would see him and you were my last hope" She says running a hand through her hair. "We need to go find him" I look at her sadly "I can't Adeline, I have plans with Jaspar and I don't think he will like me ditching him to find his brother who for all we know can be hiding from us." I tell her and she nods "I get it. I'll find him myself." She says leaving the room.

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