How Dare You Call Me Romeo (H...

Av TheBandNerd3760

31.4K 564 24

"Kendall!" I heard Harry call from behind me. No, I didn't want to talk to him. Next thing I knew he was in f... Mer

How Dare You Call Me Romeo (Harry Styles AU)
Twenty One
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One

Twenty Two

620 16 2
Av TheBandNerd3760

Angeline walked back into the room while I was thinking and I launched myself up and into her arms, "Angeline please don't be mad at me!"

"Calm down Kendall. I'm not mad, I was just frustrated. When we came here I thought everything would be different and I wouldn't have to deal with any of the babying I got at home. Look I understand that asthma is serious but to me it's just part of my life. Don't treat me differently because of it like my parents have." she pleaded.

I bit my bottom lip to keep from letting out a sob. Angeline was right, I've been babying her all year. "I'm sorry. I just want to be able to look out for you somehow. That's not easy to do when you always put up this badass facade all the time. It can become overwhelming knowing that you can help me but I can never help you."

Angeline sat on her bed a I sat on mine, "You have no idea Kendall. You have helped me more than anyone else, by not smothering me. I don't think you realize how refreshing it is to get away from all that and to know that I have a friend I can turn to that won't worry in going to suffocate by simply running across campus." she smiled.

"I've known you forever Angeline and you've always done what you wanted no matter what anyone else thinks. What makes it so important now of all times?"

She just shrugged, "I guess that now that I've finally gotten a taste of freedom I want the knowledge that it isn't going to be taken away again. You know I love my parents but they worry too much. They treat me like I'm a porcelain doll, about to break at any moment."

"They love you though." I insisted.

She nodded as she became lost in thought. It took a few minutes for her to focus again. "Look, I don't care that we fight. It's what sisters do."

I smiled and stood up from my bed. "I'm glad that you think so. Now let's talk about something more productive. Like graduation. It's only. Little over a month away. Are you excited?"

Angeline smiled and nodded, "I can't believe it's been four years already. Too much I wish that it hadn't gone so fast. We've made so many friends here that I'm not sure we'll be able to leave them all." She gazed at the door to our room! "So many times a friend has come over at one in the morning hoping for advice and comfort from us. Though I would never admit it, those were some of my favorite times. It made me feel... useful."

I chuckled as I remembered the many times a friend had come over in a panic. Whether they were going through a first date, having their second, maybe relationship problems, or even freakin out over a test; we had always been there to help them. Just like we had always been there for each other. There were so many memories that I would take with me when this school was behind us.

I turned back to Angeline, "Have you decided on a college yet?" I asked.

She shook her head slightly, "I know I want somewhere back in the US. Being here has been an amazing experience but its been a bit of culture overload since day one. I'm ready to get back to somewhere that I feel normal and know how to fit in. How about you?"

I smiled, "I have a few places in mind but I haven't made up my mind yet. None of my application letters have gotten any responses yet either. We'll just wait and see how things go."

A knock sounded on the door and Angeline raised her eyebrows, "Speaking of people problems."

I chuckled as I skipped over to the door and pulled it open. Thankfully it wasn't my father on the other side. Unthankfully, it WAS Harry. "What are you doing here?" I insisted.

"I was hoping that we could talk."

I looked back at Angeline who had been watching us. "I'm going to go to the library. I think you two need some alone time." She hopped up and moved passed us. "Come and get me when you're done." she called as she walked down the hall.

I moved to the side and motioned for Harry to come into my room. "So what is it that you want to speak to me about?

He sat on the end of Angeline's bed and leaned forward so his forearms were resting on his knees, "You hate me don't you?" he asked sounding hurt.

If I had been taking a drink I would have choked, his question was completely unexpected. "No, what made you believe that?"

"The way you act around me. You could really care less what I'm like because you already have this image in your head of me and nothing I do will be able to get it out. I don't understand why you agreed to give me a chance when you were so dead set against it in the first place." He sighed and looked up at me, "Despite what you have convinced yourself, I'm not a bad guy. I know that I've done some bad things but honestly I've tried for you. I've never had to try for a girl before and I've started to believe that even the worst of us can change. It just takes someone to believe in us to push us along."

Dear god, he was pouring heart out to me; a heart I never believed he possessed. If only he knew that I had never truly believed in him. This whole time I was counting the seconds until he screwed up. He's proved me wrong though. Instead of crumpling to the floor in a mess of emotions I crossed my arms and gazed down at him. "Is this your way of saying that you want out of the bet?"

"Yes. I'm so glad you understand what I came here to say." Sarcasm laced his voice along with cruel venom and hatred. "I'll leave you alone now. You win. The month was up tomorrow anyway." he walked over to the door but before walking out he turned back to look at me for a second, "Have a nice life Kendall."

Then he was gone and the door was shut. I felt that it was pretty symbolic. He had shut the door on any chance we may have had at actually getting to know each other. I bit down on my bottom lip to keep it from trembling and sunk down on my knees. How could I have been so stupid? I guess it's true what they say, teenagers make idiotic choices no matter how smart they are.

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