Malik 3: One Big Family

By BreatheLungs

40K 1.1K 31

Third book of the Malik series! Kid's POV. More

Sneak Peak
Chapter 1- Black Eye & Bruised Face
Chapter 2- Done
Chapter 3- Family
Chapter 4- Was It Planned?
Chapter 5- Aunties & Uncles
Chapter 6- Little Does He Know
Chapter 7- Bombarded
Chapter 8- Partayy
Chapter 9- Reveal
Chapter 10- What?
Chapter 11- Intimacy & Motherly Love
Chapter 12- Everything Is Changing
Chapter 13- Catching Up
Chapter 14- Happy Birthday To You!
Chapter 15- Parents
Chapter 16- Wait
Chapter 17- Words
Chapter 18- Pets
Chapter 19- Pets, Pt. 2
Chapter 20- Sticky Situation
Chapter 22- Baby Come Back!
Chapter 23- Four
Chapter 24- Epilepsy & Dyslexia
Chapter 25- Round Two?
The End

Chapter 21- Shocking News

837 32 0
By BreatheLungs

*Kami's POV*
*Continues where left off...

"Hey, Cam, can we talk?" Jack asked, walking through the front door and setting his stuff down.

"Yeah, of course." I said, following him over to the couch.

"I have something to tell you. And, I don't really know how to say it. I have two children from a previous marriage." He said.


"Um, e-excuse me?" I asked.

"I know I should have told you from day one, but I thought I'd lose you if I told you." He said, holding my hands in his.

"Jack, how could you keep this from me?" I asked, letting a tear slip. Dang Cam, why do you have to cry?

"I'm sorry." he said.

"Just when I thought I was ready to have a child with you, you put this stepmom load on me." I said.

"What? You want to have a baby?" He asked.

"I don't know about now, Jack...." I said, standing up to go up to my room.

"Baby." He cooed.

"Babe, please. Don't leave, we need to talk this out." He said.

I started stuffing things in my duffle and grabbed my purse, phone, and keys and headed out.

"Cam." He whispered.

I turned back around and looked at him. I made my way out and drove to my parents.

When I got there, I hoped they'd still be awake to let me in, even though I had a key.

"Cameron? What are you doing here?" Dad asked, opening the door groggily.

"Dad, I need a place to stay for a while." I said.

He brought me in and sat me down at the kitchen table.

"What's going on, Jack do something to upset you?" He asked.

"Dad, he has two children from a previous marriage." I explained.

He looked up at me and sighed, nodding at what was just said.

"Yeah, we know. He told us a while back." He said, setting down his cup of tea.

"You knew?" I asked.

He nodded and tried to calm me down.

"Am I the only one who didn't know?" I asked.

He nodded once again. I can't believe it. Why? Why was I the last one to know? Huh? Gosh.

"Why? Why didn't he tell me?" I asked.

"Because, when he asked for your hand in marriage, he told me that he knew there was a chance of losing you if he spoke up about it." He explained.


"Well, he has a chance of losing me now." I snapped back.

"They don't even live with him. They don't see him often. So, therefore, he thought it wan't extremely worried about it." He said.

"Obviously, Dad. But, still, that's a major something that he should have told me about. This is such a load of crap. And, here I am, I thinking I was ready to have his child. Shit.....Shit, shit, shit. This is shit." I said.

"What?" Dad asked.

"Nothing." I replied. I was shy when it came to this kind of stuff. Sex life, man, I tell ya. It's especially awkward with your parents, geez.

"What did you just say?" He asked.

"Oh geez, Dad. I don't know. Jack wants a baby. But, I'm only twenty years old, So I haven't made my mind up yet." I said.

He sighed and said, "Go to bed, my love. We'll talk with your mother in the morning. I love you, we're going to get all of this worked out, I promise." he said, kissing my forehead and leading me to my old room, now a guest room.

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