Saving the Mafia Boss (BOOK 2)

By Mongenllina

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*COMPLETED/UNEDITED* She had found happiness and was ready to start her life next to the man she loves. Sadly... More



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By Mongenllina


I look at him laying there. I miss hearing his loud voice, joking around and goofing off. I miss acting annoyed at his words and rolling my eyes at him. It's only been one day but you can definitely feel his absence. I look at the pale man in the bed in front of me. Emily and I are seated in chairs at the side of his bed.

"Marcos, guess what? You know how someone need to replace Ale while he isn't here... I decided to take his place." I can imagine what it would have been like if he had been there.

"Alex is gonna flip! He's gonna kill us for letting you do this!" I smile as I imagine his reaction. He would have joked and then he would have told me that he was proud, I'm sure.

I grab his hand in mine.

"Good night Marcos, get better alright?" I plant a soft kiss on his cheek and Emily speaks.

"'Night, stud." That was what Em called him. I mean, he isn't at all bad looking and he is just naturally flirty.

I gave his hand a light squeeze before letting go, but his own hand stopped me from leaving. I felt it tighten a little over my own. I gasp and turn to look at his face only to find him opening his eyes.

"Hey." He manages to croak out weakly. Now Emily gasps.

"Marcos!" I yell in enthusiasm but I refrain from hugging him. I don't want to hurt him so instead I keep holding his hand. I feel one lone tear run down my face. He chuckles softly.

"Nice to know you guys have been missing me, although I know it's kind of hard not to. I mean, look at me." He winks. I laugh at his joke, at the relief, at the fact that not even being close to death is stopping him from being himself. Even if we have all tried to act normally there is still a tension in the air between us so this is refreshing.

"So, what have I missed?" He asks and I see no concern on his face and I realize that he doesn't know. I sigh before eI gather myself.

"Marcos, I need you to know that no one is dead but...there has been an issue." I sigh again as I bite back the tears that are threatening to fall. I take a few deep breaths before speaking again. I look at his worried face.

"First, the attack was yesterday. So only one day has gone by." The fact that not too much time has passed yet is giving me hope of finding him.

"What is it Amber, just tell me. Please." I hear the vulnerability in his voice and a small gulp.

"Alessandro was taken." I see his jaw clench.

"Marcos, you can't work yourself up. You need to do everything right in order to get better as quickly as possible. Ale needs us, but we can't help him unless we are in proper shape." I see him try to relax a little.

"Hey." I clear my throat.

"Umm, guess who took his place." I see him think but he almost immediately answers.

"Nicholas, of course." I smile weakly.

"Guess again." I try to subtly point to myself and after a few seconds I see his eyes widen at the realization.


"Yup." Emily answers.

"Awwww man! Alex is gonna fucking kill us!" I let out a laugh as I remember the reaction I'd imagined he would have. I see him smile at my laughter.

"It doesn't matter. It's good to know you're being strong. You've come a long way from the moment we first found you. You're much more confident. Congrats Amber, it's a tough spot to fill but I know that if anyone can do it, it's you." I see the genuine smile he offers.

"Thanks. Though, you had better get ready fast! I need your help." He chuckles.

"Look at you, all bossy. The power is really getting to your head!" We all laugh.

"I had better head to bed Marcos, I can sleep a little better knowing that you're fine. Get some rest." I lean down to kiss his cheek once more.

"Good night girls."

"Good night." We answer.

As we walk out we bump into Vince and Max.

"Marcos just woke up. If you want to say hi I suggest you do so before he falls asleep." I smile at them and I see their eyes brighten at the news.

"Thanks Amber. Have a good night." Vince says. I nod.

"You too. Both of you." I look at Max as well.

I turn around to walk up with Emily.

"Amber!" I hear some footsteps behind me and I turn around to see Blade in front of me.

"Can we talk tomorrow?"

"Sure." I wonder what about.

"Alright. See ya then." I wave at him.

"Hey, Em?" She looks at me.


"Want to sleep with me tonight?" She smiles and nods.

"Just a fair warning though. I snore. Like, a lot." I laugh and shake my head. I love this girl.


I let out a groan as I wake up. Emily wasn't lying when she said that she snores. I hadn't been able to sleep much and she also moves around. She had kicked me a few times throughout the night. If I already had trouble sleeping because of my worry for Alessandro, she only made it worse but I understand it wasn't intentional and it was nice to have company. I get out of the new and walk over to the closet to get my clothing for the day. After my morning routine I walk out of the bedroom letting Emily sleep in.

I walk down the stairs and at the bottom I bump into Luca. He looks at me.

"My apologies Mrs. Santos I didn't see you. I promise it was not..." I laugh at his nervousness. It's amusing to see such a large and tough man afraid of me.

"Luca, it's fine. I wasn't looking either." I see a smile on his face. This is the first time I have seen him do so.

"You are very unique Mrs. Santos." I shake my head.

"Stop being so formal Luca. Call me Amber." He seems hesitant.

"Amber, how are you so...sweet? I have never met anyone such as yourself. If I had acted the way I did with anyone else, I would already be underground with a bullet in my head."

"I...don't know. Ever since I met Alessandro, everyone tells me that I have an aura of light and innocence. I don't see it but everyone asks me how it's possible. I just am the way I am, I do what I think feels right."

"They are right Mrs..." I look at him with a serious face.

"...Amber." I laugh at his unease once more. I can't believe what the title of capo does.

"I think you are exactly what we need here. I think you can make some positive changes." I smile at his words.

"Thank you Luca. Have you had breakfast?" He shakes his head. It's actually early and I think almost everyone is asleep.

"Join me?"

"Um, of course." He seems taken aback. I have noticed that in this place, roles are very noticeable. The most important members eat and do things together, while the others do things separately. Well, if there is a rule that doesn't allow us to "mix" I don't care.

"Let's go." We walk in silence towards the kitchen where I find Mel. She turns around and looks like a child who was caught stealing cookies.

"Oh, hello dear."

"Mel, what are you doing here? You are supposed to be resting! This is a vacation." I look at all the pots and pans around her.

"I'm sorry I just love to cook and it was killing me to not do so." I smile at her. I know it's a passion of hers so I simply shake my head.

"Don't apologize Mel! I understand what it is to have something you're passionate about. Actually...Luca and I came to make breakfast. How about you give us some of whatever you were making?" I see her grin.

"Sit down then! I'm almost finished."

"But...only if you eat with us." For some strange reason she feels uncomfortable to share the table with the rest of us.

"Oh, ok." She seem hesitant but then smiles. She turns around and continues her cooking.

"Come, Luca." I walk him over to the table with me.

"So, tell me about yourself. How long have you been here? How did you join?" He is taken aback by my question. I know that these men are very private about their personal lives.

"Well, I've been here my entire life. My father was our old capo's right hand man."

"Alessandro's father?" I see his face darken as he shakes his head.

"No. Nicholas' father." I remember the story Ale had shared with me. His father killed Nico's father. I nod.

"Stefano was a great man. He was tough, he had to be as capo but he had a kind heart. He truly loved Nicholas and his wife. He even showed me love, he let me train from a young age teaching me as much as I was able to learn." I understand his resistance at the beginning. He took the roles very seriously and of course he would find it absurd for a complete stranger to take the place of their capo.

"I remember the day Emilio came to kill Stefano. That day there were many deaths, my father's included." I reach out my hand and place it over his.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He nods and smiles in appreciation.

"Thank you. That day things changed but I remember when thing took a turn. One day we heard that Emilio had been killed and that his son had taken his place. I feared the worst. I was afraid he would be the same as his father. We all were. Thankfully, he wasn't. Of course he is a tough man but he is not cruel. He has helped many people and he has only been capo for a few years. He has done well, helping the Mafia not only maintain it's power but to extend it. I admire him deeply. If he chose you for his wife it is because he found you to be special and I have started to see it too. I trust him and as his wife I trust you as well." I smile at him.

"Thank you Luca, you are a great man."

"I am not Amber. I have killed many men in unimaginable ways."

"That says nothing. If they were evil men, men who had hurt others merely for their own pleasure or lack of a conscious, you have not done wrong. I know when I see a cruel person and you are not one."

"Thank you. do not have to answer but I am curious and I apologize if I appear rude but what is your story? What have you been through? No one can be as strong as you, taking control of the Mafia without having lived in it for a long time. Something happened to make you so tough." He is smart and I am genuinely surprised at his ability to notice.

"'s not a story I enjoy sharing."

"My apologies."

"Don't worry, you shared your story with me and I know I can trust you. How do I start? Well, Alessandro and I met precisely because I am one of those people he has helped save. That was a few months ago." I see his shocked face and I laugh.

"I know, it seems crazy. We have barely just met each other and we are already married. But you just know when someone is meant for you. You can feel it." I sigh sadly as I think about Ale. My husband.

"Well, he saved me from a man named Dominic Petrov. I had been held by him for about a month. I was sold to him by my father who had kept me prisoner for ten years." I look at his appalled face.

"Yep. Anyway, he would torture me constantly. Not just physically. The worst part though... was that...he would sell my body." I feel his hand hand on my arm.

"I'm sorry. I know it must have been tragic but you should be proud about overcoming it. You didn't give up, that is why you are her and still fighting."

"The only problem is that my father is still an issue. He's the one who took Alessandro." I look at Luca and see his horrified expression. I know I shouldn't but I laugh once more. His faces are amusing.

"Sorry, it's just that for me it is normal but seeing your reactions is fun. I know how wrong it all is." He nods.

"I apologize once more Amber. You have forgiven me but the more I know about you, the worse I feel for the way I spoke to you. If anyone here deserves admiration and respect, it is you."

"Thank you." I feel a small bond form between us. We now see each other in a different way.

"Luca, I want you to help me with something."

"Of course! Whatever you need." I smile at his enthusiasm.

"You must know that there are a few traitors with us. I want you to try and find out who they are. Be discreet. As soon as you have any information, please let me know." He nods.

"Don't give anything away, act normally and do what you must. Maybe earn their trust if you can. There must obviously be some with much more experience and ability. I need you to give me the ones with the least skill."

"I understand. I think I may know where to start. There were men that didn't agree with Alessandro taking the power. They say his father didn't deserve it so he has no right to inherit it." Now I guess we have one reason why they would turn on him.

"Thank you Luca, I know you won't fail me."

"I will not." He is serious and determined.

"Well, breakfast is ready dears!" I hear Mel yell from the other side of the kitchen and see her coming our way with large plates full of food. I swear she is trying to fatten me up with all the food she gives me, but I can't complain. It is delicious. She goes back to get her own plate and sits down with us.

"Thank you Mel." She nods with a large smile. We actually enjoy our breakfast, having friendly conversation. Luca has really opened up and is acting much friendlier.


"So, Vince what did you want to talk about?" After breakfast I had come to look for him since he asked to speak with me.

"Nothing really. We just haven't talked much lately." He shrugs.

"I miss hanging out with you." I smile sadly.

"I do too. I'm sorry I haven't been around much."

"Eh, it's not your fault. So, how are you holding up?"

"I miss him and I think about him all the time. I just hope he isn't in too much pain. What about you? I know you care about him a lot. He nods.

"Yeah, I guess I just want to be able to feel like I'm doing something to help him. You know? I feel so powerless right now."

"I understand perfectly. All I can do for now is wait and I honestly don't want to. I just want him here already." I feel Vince come sit next to me and out his arm around me. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"We all do but like you said, we're a family. We can do this together."

"I know." We sit there for about and hour holding a random conversation and goofing off. It's nice to feel good even if only for a while.

"I've got to go Vince. Nicholas is going to teach me all about every members duty and how they interfere with each other." He lets out a laugh.

"Sound real fun!"

"Ha, ha. Laugh all you want because today you are going to be training with me. Four hours long." I hear him groan.

"Who's laughing now?" I wink and turn to leave. I have to find Nico.


"Please, no more!" I clutch my head and Nico lets out a chuckle.

"All right, only because you are a quick learner and I think I've covered the most important details."

"Thank you!" I raise my arms and then let them drop.

"I swear Emily is rubbing off on you a little too much." We both laugh and I smile while thinking of my friend.

"Well, I'm going to train Nico. Today Blade is going to be teaching me how to handle knives and all that." I see his worried expression.

"Um, how about I go with you. I promise not to intervene's dangerous and I don't you to get hurt." I roll my eyes, I know he won't let me leave if I don't agree.

"Fine, but absolutely no interrupting! Got it?" I see amusement on his face.

"Loud and clear capo." He winks at me before exiting the room. I walk up to get changed and run back down and head to the gym.

"Hey, Amber!" Vince greets me as I walk in.

"Hi, Vince! Ready?" He smirks.

"The question is if you're ready."

"Bring it!" We start warming up and after a few minutes Nicholas walks in but he stays true to his word and doesn't say a thing. He starts to do his own workout and Vincent and I do the same. After about an hour of that we start with the blades.

"Alright so first you need to know the different types of weapons that exist." He proceeds to explain that guns aren't the only available choices and that I would have to figure out which one I like best. He prefers melle weapons and anything with a blade, just like his name. He demonstrates his skills and I can't help but be impressed. He knows how to use so many things with incredible grace and precision. Even Nicholas seems surprised by his abilities. He said that I won't be able to learn how to use a sword or katana in such a short period of time but that he could teach me how to use the other weapons. So, he does. I learn where to place them so that they are hidden but still accessible. I learn the best situations to use them and where to attack depending on the effect I want. He teaches me the proper way to hold them. He also tries to teach me his to throw them but I don't do so good. Soon, our time is up.

"Tomorrow we can continue Amber, I need at least another session with you. Next time I'll make sure you learn how to throw them. Sound good?" I nods.

"Yeah, thanks Blade!" He nods.

"Happy to help. See you later." I hug him.

"See you later." I turn back around and come face to face with Nicholas.

"I have always been impressed by him, but today I saw everything he can do and it's incredible." I nod in agreement.

"I know."

"Hey, how do you feel about going to the garden? We haven't really spoken much about anything that isn't Mafia related." I think about it before agreeing.

"Alright, let's go." I grab my sweatshirt and throw it on and we make our way outside. We sit down on a bench and I look up at the night sky. I remember how Alessandro and I used to do this.

"I miss him too." I turn to look at him. He wasn't even facing me but he still knew how I felt.

"How do you think he is?" I gulp as I think about the nightmare I had.

"Well, I won't lie. He is most probably hurt but don't worry about too much about that. He has been through a lot of rough situations. He can handle it. We won't help him by worrying. We have to be strong and do everything we can for now." I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder while looking at the stars. A memory comes to mind.

"I always call you an Angel, but I guess you can also be my moon or star. You are the light in my dark life, you brighten it up just like them." I kiss Ale softly.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

I smile sadly. Just hang on Ale, wait for me...

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