The Struggles of a Single Fat...

By Diallina

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Where are you going? I'm leaving... Why? Because I can't take being cooped up in one place What about our son... More

Getting a New Addition
In With The New
Nothing stays the same
Can't I just Give Up
Help is Needed
Evan's Sickness
Allowing Help
Taking things Slow
Even Adults Need Shots
On Your Tummy
Now say Dada
New Job
Actions Speak Louder
Terrible Twos
Haunting Nightmare
Aunt Sheila
Never Speak to Me
Enjoying Life
Always Smile Daddy
Its Just Enough
Sudden Changes
To Court
Hearing the Truth
Inner Battles
So this is the End


1.1K 76 6
By Diallina

Chapter 14 Jobless

"Hey Jonathan," Luke said as he came through the front doors of an office.

It had been 10 long months of not working but Jonathan managed to find a job that provided childcare services. It was working at an office building that held a lot of meetings. What the meetings were about Jonathan didn't have a clue. It was a paying job that could provide him and Evan for a better life.

"Hey Luke aren't you supposed to be working," Jonathan asked as he was typing away at the computer.

"I mean I told the boss that you had found a job and he was very excited for you. He said he knew you could do it and sent me right over to tell you," Luke said making Jonathan chuckle.

"I can see Max now. Glad that Lazy bum got off his ass and got a job to provide for his only son," Jonathan said mimicking Max making Luke laugh.

"It was more or less like that but he was genuine on congratulating you," he said handing Jonathan a card.

Jonathan took the card in his hands and opened it up. He smiled seeing all the messages his old fellow coworkers had left. He placed the card next to several other photos he has on his desk. One of them being Evan's first experience on Halloween. Jonathan had found him the cutest owl costume ever and had to buy it for him. Of course Evan didn't really like it much since he was 5 months old.

Another picture showed Evan experiencing his first Christmas as well. There were presents surrounding the curious 7 month old child as Jonathan held him close to his body. There was another picture of Valentine's Day but it was pretty much spent at home as he showered Evan with as much love as he can possibly show.

"You're desk looks mighty fine for our first day working," Luke said as he looked at the pictures as well.

"Yeah well I'm about to have my lunch break, wanna take Evan and eat out somewhere," Jonathan asked as he got up from his seat.

"Yeah sure where is the care place anyways," Luke said looking around the clean area.

"It's on the third floor common," Jonathan said walking towards the elevator.

The ride up was relaxing as soothing piano music was playing overhead. But something in Jonathan's mind didn't feel right. Ever since he dropped off Evan at the care center he felt like going back and keeping Evan with him. He just blamed in on anxiety that this was going to be the first time since he was born that he had left his side. Once the door was open there was a strong odor that surrounded the floor. Jonathan wrinkled his nose and Luke held his hand up to his nose.

"What the fuck is that smell," Luke said as they walked closer to it.

"It smells like... vomit, iron, and I don't even want to guess the last part," Jonathan said not being able to take the stench.

Once he opened the door in the child's care he nearly collapsed on the floor as he saw how bad the room looked. Feces were on the walls as there was several children naked. There was vomit in almost every corner of the room. It didn't even look like this when he came to drop off Evan this morning. There was several sleeping children sleeping on cots that had every stain possible. But what he heard the most out of this whole chaos was the cries of his child.

"EVAN," Jonathan screamed bursting into the room looking for his child.

He saw that Evan was in a corner supporting a nasty looking bruise on his arms. The worker who was supposed to be looking out for these children was passed out with a bottle of alcohol next to him. Evan immediately saw Jonathan and as fast as his little legs could walked over to Jonathan holding his hands up in the air.

Jonathan wanted to coo at Evan for making his first steps but he was disgusted at the sight in front of him. He heard Luke on the phone calling the police telling them about the situation that they were witnessing. It didn't take long for them to come as they were rushed out of the building as they made some arrests. Several children were taken to the hospital because of the neglect they had suffered and several others had to be clean on the spot.

"Does your son need to go to the hospital," a paramedic asked him as Jonathan frowned at the nasty bruise on his poor babies skin.

"Yes please," Jonathan mumbled as he was led to the an ambulance.

The ride there was filled with the soft sounds of Evan sleeping as Jonathan brushed his cheeks. They were led to a room and Jonathan held Evan close not really sure if he could let a doctor see his child.

"Jonathan I came here as soon I saw Evan's name on the monitors," Blue said holding her stomach as she was 3 months pregnant.

"Yeah I got a job at this office building that provided child care and I left Evan there but when I came up for Lunch the room was a complete mess and Evan was crying supporting this bruise," Jonathan said showing the purpled bruise that had for on Evan's arm.

Blue looked at Evan's arm and hummed. She quickly left and the came back with an ice pack that was surrounding a towel.

"Apply this on his arm and I'll be back with some pain medicine," she said as Jonathan took the ice pack from her.

"Thanks Blue," Jonathan said placing the ice pack gently on Evan's skin making him cry out from pain.

"Shhh Evan I'm here," Jonathan whispered to him holding him very close to his chest.

"So apparently they're shutting the company down," Luke said once Jonathan got out of the hospital with Evan.

"Good riddance," Jonathan said placing Evan in his carrier, checking his bruise once again.

"I guess you're Jobless again," Luke said as they started the drive home.

"I rather be jobless than put Evan through that again," Jonathan mumbled as he looked out the window with one thought in his mind.

"Was life going to get harder or easier from here..."

I know it's been long since an update. To say the least I kinda forgot that it existed... oh well haha. I do plan on getting back into this story as the plot line revived me to continue writing. Also I don't think this has ever happened in real life.

Also have you figured out the secret yet?

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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