BOUND - Justin Bieber Fanfict...

By DreamzGal

29.8K 1K 396

Someone once said, 'The best love story is when you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most... More

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1.9K 67 17
By DreamzGal

Alishia's POV

Why is he here?!

"Hey, Alishia." He said with his very familiar evil grin.

"W-what are y-you doing here?" I asked him in fear.

I looked him up and down. The man was styled in a 100,000-dollar Armani velvet suit; his hair styled perfectly.

His eyes were lifeless, cold, and dark and were only filled with lust.

It was Kannon. I gulped.

To society, he was everything and anything all men strived to be. But the reality was different.

"What happened? Aren't you happy to see me here?" He questioned in a cocky manner. He was pinning me more towards the wall.

"I-I uh..." I was out of words. I don't know what he'll go to do now. He was getting closer.

"We don't need words, Darling." He said before coming near me.

"Please... Don't. Please." I begged him. Our lips were just centimeters away. I was panicking.

I don't know what came into me, but I somehow pushed him away by the chest and tried to run away, but still, he took a tight hold of my left wrist and pinned me more roughly.

"You can't do anything, darling! I always have things which I want!" He spat on my face.

I was struggling to get out of his tight full grip. Tears were streaming from my eyes. Somebody, please save me. Please...

"Miss. Simpson!" I heard the voice of Miss. Jeanne. It's like god listened to me. Kannon quickly got away.

"This time again, you got rescued. But next time... remember." He said and went away.

I sighed deeply and calmed myself down before wiping my tears.

"God! You're still here and-" Miss Jeanne stopped dead in her tracks and looked down.

I got confused. I followed her stare down and noticed... OMG! No!

"What the hell!!! You broke all the glasses!!!" She shouted. I flinched at her tone.

"You're worthless! I shouldn't have even given you this job. Now what I'm going to do!?" She shouted at me.

"I-I'm s-so sorry, Mada-"

"Sorry!? Oh no, no, Miss. Simpson. Why are you being sorry? You should be proud of yourself!." She said in a sarcastic tone. I bowed my head down.

"You know what, Miss. Simpson, You're fired." She flatly said. My eyes widened. I looked at her.

"No. Please, Mam... Please don't fire me. If you fire me, how will I pay my college fee?" I said in a panicking voice.

"I don't care! You're useless here! You only make things worse. So please, Miss. Simpson, after this conference, you may leave." She bluntly said.

"B-But," Before I could've said anything, she just walked away, leaving me alone in my guilt.

Now, what I'm going to do? How will I pay my college fee for the last year? What I'm going to answer to Millicent? Why is this all happening to me?

There were so many questions running through my mind. Tears were still streaming down my face.

But I decided that I should do my job right now, then I'll see what happens next.

I dried my face to avoid anyone noticing me crying and headed towards the kitchen to retake my glasses.


Finally, I and some other co-workers brought all the necessary things that were required inside the conference room.

Slowly, all the businessmen and women started taking their seats. I and some other workers were standing near the door so that if anyone needed anything, we would be there to serve them.

Then the same handsome blonde guy stepped in.

I froze. Because this time, his eyes landed on me.

I noticed how brown those golden orbs were that I could stare at them for the rest of my life. He looked at me up and down and licked his lips. It was like he was also frozen for a second.

"Gentleman?" Another attractive guy interrupted our little starting conversation. The blonde handsome cleared his throat and broke his gaze from mine. Another man near him chuckled and shook his head.

I felt someone else's eyes burning on me. So, I turned my head in that direction and noticed Kannon staring at me with those dark and lustful eyes. I somehow ignored him.

Then they started their boring conference. I couldn't listen to anything they were talking about as I stood far from them.

"Alishia?" Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and looked at her. She was one of my co-workers.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Can you please fill water in their glasses? I forgot to do that." She said.

"But-" I tried to protest, but she made her puppy dog face that I couldn't deny.

"Alright. Alright, I'll do it, but if Miss. Jeanne said something; it will not be my responsibility." I said.

"Ok, ok, Done." She said and handed me the jug.

I went inside the conference room and filled all the glasses with water. Everyone's concentration was on a guy explaining something on the whiteboard. I ignored Kannon.

Then I reached near the handsome blonde. I smiled. His golden-brown eyes were entirely concentrated on the whiteboard in front of him. His hand was kept on his chin. And God! His jawline.

He was so mesmerized that I didn't even know where I was filling the water. It fell right onto his expensive coat. His gaze broke from the conference and went towards his wet clothing. I panicked.

Oh no, no! Stupid Alishia! What have you done?! Now, he's also going to get angry and shout at me. No.

"I-I'm so so sorry. I-I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry. I apologize to you-

"It's okay." He said calmly in his smooth, husky velvet voice. I got baffled. Why isn't he getting angry?

"No. It's my fault. I-

"It's alright. Trust me." He said reassuringly in his velvet-like voice. A small reassuring smile was present on his soft pink lips.

"Excuse me, everyone, I'll be right back." He excused himself and went outside the room.

I saw him going out of the conference room while many gazes of some businessmen and some of my co-workers were on me. I ignored them and went outside. Why did they stop the conference just because of him going out?

I went outside. I want to be alone for some time. I know I'm worthless, idiot, clumsy, ugly, stupid, ill, and useless, but I also want to live without these problems. I'm the only reason why my parents aren't alive today. I'm the worst.

All these depressing thoughts forced me more to do what I did last night. But somehow, I controlled my emotions.

Now, I need to go home and relax...


So, leaving the chapter here. In the next chapter, the real story will start from the next chapter. 😏

Please vote and comment.🥀

Love ~ Mariya

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