Kidnapped by Chance Sutton...

נכתב על ידי Mattybsturniolo03

81.8K 1.1K 555

I'm kidnapped and then I'm thinking that I'm actually , like literally falling in love with one of my kidnapp... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 17

1.9K 32 9
נכתב על ידי Mattybsturniolo03

Rebecca's pov

I wake up. I'm back in mine and Tessa's room. I have a cast on my leg. Tessa is next to me on the other bed sleeping, but then Thomas comes into the room. He shakes Tessa awake. She looks confused. "Lets go." Thomas says. Tessa starts to freak out. " Please don't start." Thomas says. He grabs her arm and yanks her from the bed. She falls to the ground. " You aren't taking me anywhere!" Tessa yells. Thomas picks her up and places her over his shoulder. She starts kicking and screaming. " Let me go, Rebecca please help me!!" She screams. I just sit there. I can't exactly help. I can't stand or even sit up.

Thomas takes her away.

Then chance comes into the room. He sits on Tessa's bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm okay, I'm in pain though." I look up at the iv pole and the bag is empty. " Okay I'll send a doctor in here to give you some pain meds." Chance says. " okay thank you." I say. I give him a smile.

He smiles back.

"I'm so sorry." Chance says.

"For what?" I ask.

"For the kidnapping, you being hurt. The torture ,everything, jake is insane, we can't stop him." Chance explains.

"It's fine , why don't you call the cops on him or something?" I ask.

" I don't know." Chance says.

I don't say anything back to him.

Then he stands up and walks over to my bed.

"I like you." He blurts out.

He likes me too? I like him,but I don't know. Is that weird? Liking my kidnapper? I mean technically Chance didn't kidnap me. Jake did.

"I like you too." I say. I smile at him and he smiles back. Then Anthony comes into the room. "We are going to play a game." Anthony says. "I'm gonna take you downstairs." Anthony says. I don't resist because I might want to play.

Anthony comes over to me. He is about to pick me up, but chance stops him and says. " Wait let me." Chance picks me up and we go downstairs. He places me into a wheelchair at the bottom of the stairs and he wheels me into the kitchen and up to the island.

Jake , Chance , Anthony , Erika ,
, Kade and Meg and chad are here.

" So we are going to play a little game for YouTube , Rebecca if you act up or say anything you aren't suppose to. Something terrible will happen to you." Jake explains. I just cross my arms and I lean back in the wheelchair.

"We are going to play, you spin it , we wax it!" Jake tells us. I'm not so sure I want to play now. Kade turns on the camera and Jake starts to explain to the camera what is happening. Then the camera turn to me. " So Rebecca is on a cast because she was being silly yesterday she was trying to climb a tree and fell off." Jake explains to the camera. Part of it is true. I wave to the camera. Chance puts his hand on my shoulder and I stop waving.

Kade paints the camera back at jake.

Anthony decide to go up first. He spins the wheel and it lands on arm. Erika is doing the waxing.

Anthony lays his arm onto the counter and Erika places the wax on his arm and then the strip and she pulls it off his arm. He squeals like a baby. Hahaha!!

Erika keeps doing it because not all of the wax came off. He jumps up and down with his arm still on the island. I just keep laughing. " It isn't funny." Anthony says and Erika finishes and he grabs onto his arm.

Chad decides to go next. He spins the wheel and he gets butt. Oooo this going to be so good. Hahaha. Chad pulls down his pants/underwear to a certain length. Dang he has a hairy butt. Hahaha!!

I can't stop laughing. I haven't laughed this hard in ages.

Erika does the same thing to chad as she did with Anthony. It's hilarious!

I want to play now! At least it's Erika doing it and not Jake. " I want to go next." I spoke up raising my hand into the hair. " Sure!" Jake says. Chance wheels me up to the wheel and I spin it hard.

It's slowing down and it lands on stomach. " Make her spin again, I don't think she has hair on her stomach"Chad says. "Trust me, I've got hair. I've been needing to get it waxed anyway." I says. I lift up my shirt a tad and everyone laughs. Chance helps me up. He lifts me up onto the Island and I lay on my back.

Erika comes over to wax it,but Jake stops her. " I wanna do it." Jake says. Erika hands the waxing stuff to Jake. Shit!

I lift up my shirt a little bit. Jake gives me a smile. I want to protest, but Jake said if I act up something will happen and I don't really want to find out. Chance stays at my side right next to Jake. Chance holds onto my hand. I squeeze tight. Not ever wanting to let go.

Jake spreads the wax on my stomach. He places the waxing strip. He yanks up very fast without any warning. I yell in pain. Damn that hurt. It's much more sensitive than getting your eyebrows waxed. Everyone laughs and I join them. Cry laughing. I look down and jake didn't get all the wax off. He places another strip. He yanks up one more time and I squeal.

"I'm never doing this again." I laugh. Jake laughs too. It's not a fake laugh or an evil one. It's a happy one. Kind.

Chance helps me down from the island and back into my wheelchair. Everyone else takes their turn.


It's finally nighttime. We all decide to do a movie night, everyone is suddenly being so nice to me. Feels like a dream, but I know it's not.

The only people who are doing movie night are Anthony , Chance, and Jake and I. We go into Chance and Anthony's room. They still have their tv and couch. I sit on the couch next to Jake. Chance and Anthony are on each side of us sitting on office chairs.

We decide to watch Halloween town. To get into the spirit of Halloween even though it's literally the beginning of September. It was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Make sure you vote and comment and add the story to your library so you know when I updated! Bye for now! Peace! ✌🏻

המשך קריאה

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