Last chance for honour

By astarkofwinterfell

435K 11.4K 982

Sansa Stark and Jamie Lannister are forced to marry, their family's hatred for each other is inevitably going... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 54

Chapter 52

6.3K 148 26
By astarkofwinterfell

Sansa could feel the prickles of snow landing on her cheeks, the cold winds nipped at her skin. She pulled her hood further over her head trying to shield herself more from the cold. "It won't be much longer my lady" one of the Lannister soldiers said. She had sent Brienne back to Winterfell after she had escorted her to the men Jamie had left behind, she had thanked her kindly for everything she had done for her.

She had also asked her to tell her family she was sorry. She had given her letters for them, for Jon, Arya and Rickon. She knew how they would feel towards her, how she had abandoned them, she couldn't get rid of the guilt which was rooted deep inside of her. She loved her family, but she also loved Jamie, and she had chosen him. It was selfish but she had made the choice anyway.

After what felt about an hours ride, Sansa could see a soft glow in the distance, they had reached the camp. As they got deeper into the camp, she could feel the soldiers eyes on her. She thought how they must have despised her. They had fought a battle for her, for a Northerner, a family they hated. She kept her head held high following the four men who had escorted her.

They came to a halt, one got down coming to Sansa's horse's side offering his hand to help her down. She thanked him graciously. She looked around her. She could see a few men dressed differently to the other soldiers, she presumed they were generals, or leaders of other important Southern houses. They stared back at her coldly.

She followed one of the guards to what she presumed was Jamie's tent. She was glad to get out of the cold. She pulled her hood down, letting the front of her hair fall loosely around her face. She walked further into the tent, seeing Jamie walking straight towards her. he put his arms around her tightly pulling her close to him. He nodded at the guard, dismissing him.

"Thank the gods you're safe" Jamie whispered. Sansa pulled her head back slightly "I think it should be Brienne and your soldiers you should be thanking" she said softly, with a smile appearing on her lips. Jamie brought his hand to her face, stroking her cheek softly with his thumb. He brought his head closer pressing his mouth to hers, her lips felt like ice against his, he felt her warm tongue brush against his bottom lip for less than a second. He hadn't realised how much he had missed her until he was holding her in his arms, he never wanted to let her go.

"You must be freezing, here sit I'll have to servants fetch you some food while they prepare you a bath". Sansa perched at the table which Jamie had been sat at. She smiled at how he worried about her. "Im not half as cold anymore, there's no need to go to any trouble" Jamie swiftly interrupted "I insist, I won't sleep unless I know my wife has properly thawed out from the winds of winter." Sansa laughed at his words. "Fine, as you insist, a hot bath does sound quite nice" she smiled at him.

"I won't be long" he pressed a kiss on her forehead, leaving her in the tent.


Sansa picked at the food the servants had brought her, while they filled a large tub with boiling water. She thanked them kindly once they had finished. She sat by the waters edge, feeling the water's heat near her. She took off her cloak lying in on the bed, she began taking off her dress. Her eyes scanned over the details she had sewn into it, she smiled softly at the memory of giving Jon the cloak she had made him.

The hot water bit into Sansa's leg as she edged into the bath. The water was still too hot but she didn't care, she longed to feel heat in her bones again. She stayed as long as she could in the bath, until the water began dropping back to the cold temperatures outside.

She pulled one of the nightgown's the servants had brought her over her.

She turned her head towards the entrance of the tent, seeing Jamie appear once more. "I didn't mean to disturb you, I just wanted to check you had everything-"

"You haven't disturbed me, stay... I want you to" Sansa reassured him. His lips softened into a slight smile. "I can't sleep when I'm alone, to be honest the last time I slept properly was when you stayed with me". Sansa lowered her gaze, she didn't like admitting how she was still afraid. How when she tried to get to sleep, all she did was lie in the darkness dreading any noise she heard. But Ramsey had gone, she knew that.

Jamie came closer to her, wrapping his arms around hers, "I'm not going anywhere" he pressed a soft kiss on her lips. "Not ever"


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