The New Girl to Beacon Hills

By trash-trademark

3.1K 63 5

Aussie moves to Beacon Hills with her mom, dad, and brothers, Rhys and Flavian. Then she finds a guy in the m... More

Wolf Moon
Questing Wolf information
Second Chance at First Line
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
The Tell
Heart Monitors
Night School
Wolf's bane
New Book!

Code Breaker

98 3 0
By trash-trademark

(Video is for later)

I ran through the woods until I stopped at a tree. How did they find out?  I thought. I looked down at my muddy dress. My one night as a normal person, ruined.

"How am I going to get through this?" I whispered. I started to cry. I hate it when I get frustrated. I punched the tree behind me and regained my composure. I trekked through the woods until I got really tired. 

"Time to do this again" I mumbled as I grew my claws. I climbed the tree to think. 

"I need to find Scott" I thought out loud. I jumped back down and started to look for Scott. I followed the smell until I arrived at the Vet Clinic. I opened the door to see Scott sitting on the ground. I sat down on the ground across from him, trying to be comforting.

"She knows" Scott mumbled.

"Who does" I asked Scott kindly.

"Allison" Scott told me. I looked him. 

"We need to find Derek" I told him. He can help Scott. We turned to hear the dogs barking in the other room. 

I stood behind Scott as he climbed to higher ground, trying to look for Derek. I felt my eyes glow as he roared. We walked back to the tree, waiting for a response. We were about to walk away when we heard a howl. We took off in that direction. We ran until we arrived at the Hale house. We examined the surroundings of the house, making sure no hunters were there. I followed Scott when he started to sniff the air. We followed the scent and walked into an underground tunnel. The door opened with a squeak and we started into the tunnel. I am so glad I had a change of clothes at the clinic.

"This is creepy" I said, barely above a whisper. Scott nodded. We went along with the tunnel until we found the door where we found where the scent led us. We opened the door and saw Derek tied up. We untied him and he stayed there to hurt the hunter. We hid in the shadows till the said hunter showed up.

"You ready for another round? To be honest, my knuckles are kind of hurting." He taunted. "So I brought some help" He told Derek, holding a bat up."But I need to warn ya. I used to play in college. He took a swing at Derek, but he caught it. 

"I brought a little help too" Derek taunted. He saw us standing in the doorway and he turned back to be punched in the face by Derek. Derek ripped off the duct tape that helped shock him and turned back to us.

"Scott, Aussie, Help me with this" He told us as he tried to get the other cuff off. 

"No" Scott told him. I followed Scott's lead.

"What?" He asked surprised. 

"Not until you tell us how to stop Peter" I told Derek.

"You really wanna talk about this right now?" Derek exclaimed.

"He is going after Allison and her family. He's going to kill them." Scott stressed.

"So what?" Derek yelled.

"So tell me how to stop him" Scott demanded. 

"You can't, alright? Now..." He yanked on his chain. 

"I don't know when Kate's coming back, so just get me out of this right now. Get me out of this right now!" He yelled at us. 

"Promise you'll help me" Scott told him. I heard that there's a way for Scott to not be a werewolf anymore, and I am determined to help him. There is no hope for me to change back.

"You want me to risk my life for your girlfriend? For your stupid little teenage crush that means absolutely nothing?" He asked him. "You're not in love Scott, You're 16 years old. You're a child." Scott nodded. 

"Maybe you're right" He told Derek."But I know something you don't. Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right?" Scott asked him. "He lied. Remember this?" He pulled out a slip of paper, showing a dead deer with the swirl on the body.

"This is what brought your sister back to Beacon Hills right?" Scott asked. Derek looked at the paper.

"Where did you get that?" Derek asked quietly.

"Our boss told us three months ago that someone came into the clinic, asking for a copy of this picture." I told him. "Do you wanna know who it was?" Derek remained silent. "Peter's nurse" I told him.

"They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the alpha, and that's why you're going to help us." Scott demanded. Derek made a fist.

"Just say you'll help me and we'll help you unlock your other..." Scott's  mumble was cut off by a loud thud behind us. We both turned around to see that Derek finally got out of his cuff.

"I'll help you" He told us. I grinned smugly. 

We walked Derek out of the tunnels and to the Hale house. 

"Hey, Hold on. Hold on, Hold on." Derek told us, out of breath. I stood next to him and Scott was just a couple steps in front of us. Derek took a look behind us and turned back to Scott. "Something doesn't feel right" 

"What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"I don't know," Derek started. "It was... kind of like it was."

"No, Don't say too easy! People say too easy and bad things happen. " Scott yelled. Derek made a face.

"Do you think finding you was easy?" Scott asked. "Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy!" 

"Fine, you're right" Derek admitted.

"Thank you" Scott whispered. I looked behind us and was met by an arrow in the chest. Derek got shot by two arrows beside me. I fell to the ground and hissed when I saw that Allison shot me. 

"Now get her in the other shoulder with the flash bolt" I heard Kate coach. I heard Allison whisper my name in surprise right before I heard Derek.

"Guys, your eyes" He yelled I shut my eyes as I felt the sparks from the arrow. She missed my shoulder, luckily. I groaned in pain as I tried to rip the arrow out of my shoulder. I eventually got it out and heard Derek again.

"Come on, Lets go!" Derek yelled, picking Scott up. I followed behind them. We ran to the front of the Hale house and Derek fell onto the ground, bringing Scott with him. 

"Scott, go!" Derek yelled as I waited for him. Scott still couldn't see so I tried to pick him up. Allison walked over to us.

"Allison, I can explain" Scott told her, probably barely seeing her.

"Stop lying" She stopped him.

"He's telling the truth!" I defended.

"Can you both, for once, stop lying?" She asked us angrily. 

"I was going to tell you the truth at the formal" Scott admitted. "I was going to tell you everything" I saw him regain his vision.

"Because everything I said, Everything that I did..." He was interrupted.

"Was to protect me" Allison finished.

"Yes" Scott agreed. I nodded. 

"I don't believe you" Allison said, tears coming down her face.

"Well, the tears say that you do" I spoke up. I felt a bullet pierce my shoulder and I fell down to the ground. Scott looked at me worried.

"Thank god" Kate drug out, putting her gun down. "Now shoot him before I have to shoot again" 

"You- You said we were just going to catch them" Allison stuttered.

"We did that" Kate told her. I felt really lucky that my arrow wound decided to heal quickly. Guess some of that stuff Deaton put on me is still there. "Now we're going to kill them" Kate said, shooting Derek.

"See? Not that hard" She admitted. I backed up with Scott, my shoulder still hurting. "Oh no" Kate said. "I know that look. Thats the, 'you're gonna have to do it yourself' look." She aimed the gun at Scott and I tried to move to protect him, but I couldn't. 

"Kate? Kate, what are you doing?" Allison asked worried. Kate pushed her to the ground. 

"I love those brown eyes" Kate admitted. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard an angry Argent calling for his sister. I saw Mr. Argent walk up on my side. 

"I know what you did" He told her. "Put the gun down" 

"I did what I was told to do" Kate said, keeping her gun on Scott.

"No one asked you to murder innocent people" Mr. Argent told her angrily. "There were children in that house, ones who were human. Look what you're doing now, you're holding a gun at a 16 year old boy next to a girl you shot, no proof either of them spilled human blood. We go by the code," Kate looked at him, unamused. "Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent" He told her.

"We hunt those who hunt us" I heard Allison mumble. Kate turned back to shoot Scott. I saw Mr. Argent pull his gun on Kate.

"Put the gun down" He ordered. He shot a warning shot into the tree she was in front of. "Before I put you down"  Kate lowered her gun. Scott and I both took a breath of relief before we heard the front door creak open. 

"Allison, get back" Her dad ordered.Kate pulled her gun out, aiming at the door. Scott and I got up quickly and backed up with the rest of them. 

"What is it?" Allison asked nervously. I felt my eyes glow when Scott spoke.

"It's the alpha" Scott told her. We all backed up as the alpha ran around us. I saw him knock Mr. Argent over, and then Allison. I felt the rain on me as we all waited. The alpha knocked Scott and I down and Kate was the last one standing. 

"Come on!" Kate yelled. "Come on!" She swung her gun around wildly. I saw Peter grab her hand with the gun in it.  He emptied the barrel into the sky. He then broke her wrist with a slight punch. I saw him grab her by the throat and he threw her to the door. She was dragged inside by Peter and Allison ran after her. Scott and I got up and ran in. 

Scott and I shifted and got in between Peter and Allison, Derek on the other side. 

"Run" I ordered Allison. She took off and then we attacked. Peter tossed Derek and Scott to the opposite sides of the room and threw me on the ground. I dodged Peter's feet as Derek punched Peter. After he threw Derek again, I decided to attack. I swiped my claws at him, but he dodged them. He picked me up by the neck and threw me onto the ground, and then kicking me across the room. 

       Scott attacked last from behind Peter and he threw Scott over his shoulder. He slid Scott across the room and then Derek attacked Peter again, but failed. Derek roared at his uncle, but then Peter broke his arm. He threw Derek at Scott and I decided to attack again. 

   I grabbed his arm, but then he threw me onto the ground from over his shoulder. I tried to kick him in the gut, but he grabbed my leg and threw me to Scott's side. Derek ran to attack Peter, but it ended with him throwing Derek into a wall, knocking him unconscious. I slowly got up as Scott squared off with Peter. Peter got him into a hold and kept on kicking Scott in the gut. He threw him into the fireplace, and I tried to swing a punch at Peter. I missed and he tossed me through the boarded up window to the outside. The next time I saw Scott, he been tossed through another window.

    I walked up to where Scott was and prepared for a fight. The fully transformed Peter barged through the broken window and came out to fight. He held Scott by his throat and lifted him up high. I roared as loud as I could. I saw Allison cover her ears in pain as Scott kicked himself off of Peter, pushing him to the house. We were about to fight when we heard the sound of a car horn. I looked over and saw Stiles and Jackson getting out, holding something. I saw Stiles throw a beaker at Peter, but he caught it. He roared at Jackson and Stiles. 

"Oh, damn" I heard Stiles whisper.

"Allison!" Scott yelled. He tossed her bow to her and she shot the beaker. It broke and Peters arm was on fire. Another jar was thrown and soon enough, Peter was engulfed in flames. I roared at Peter as he writhed in pain. I saw Scott roar at him because he was making his way over to Allison.

'No!" Scott yelled. He kicked the Peter down and he stumbled behind the tree Mr. Argent shot at earlier. We saw him stand, but then fall down to the ground as the flames died out. Scott and I, still shifted, slowly walked over to the burned Peter, and he fell to the ground. I walked closer to the body of Peter and left Scott behind me. Derek went to the body and I stood in front of him.

"Derek, What are you-" I was interrupted by him pushing me down. I walked back to where Stiles and Jackson were. I saw Derek kneel beside Peter.

"Wait!" Scott yelled. 'You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek, If you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family" Scott gestured to Allison. "What am I supposed to do?"" Scott begged. Scott yelled as Derek raised his hand up and slit Peter's throat. I flinched and look behind Stiles as he comforted me. I'm sick of seeing blood tonight. I looked back and saw Derek's eyes glow red.

 "I'm the alpha now" He growled.

Scott, Stiles and I crept around the corner and into Lydia's room. Apparently, Lydia was bitten by Peter, and it seems like her body is refusing the bite.

"Shut the door" Scott whispered. Stiles slid back and started to shut it slowly. We heard it creak loud and obnoxiously. 

"Oh god" I complained. It creaked until Stiles finally shut the door and locked it. Stiles looked at us.

"What?" He asked. We all just got up and walked to Lydia's bed. Scott lifted her covers a tad bit until we saw the area Stiles told us Peter bit. Stiles looked away as Scott lifted something.

"Is it completely haled?" Stiles asked us.

"No, Not at all" Scott said. Stiles looked down at the wound.

"What? The doctor said she'd be fine" Stiles told us.

"Yeah, but the bite's not healing like it did with me" Scott told us. "Which means..." 

"She's not a werewolf" I finished. 

"Then what the hell is she?" Stiles asked us.

"I'm home" I called inside. I ran to the clinic for a minute and fixed up all the cuts I got from Peter to make sure they healed correctly. I put some popcorn in the microwave and set some soda on the coffee table. 

"Guys! Movie night!" I yelled. The boys raced downstairs, my mom following.

"We're watching The Avengers" I told them, putting the popcorn into the bowl. We all sat down on the couch and started the movie. It will be the last time life wasn't chaotic in a while.


OMG I finished it! I will publish an authors note with what the next book will be called.

(The tiger at the top is what her roar sounds like, but louder)

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