Robbed of Freedom

By 1AnnaJade

959 34 23

Kimberly June had a great life. Friends, a family that loved her, good grades, everything. That is until she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Hotel Of Imprisonment

Chapter 12

34 1 0
By 1AnnaJade

Ryan's POV

The next day we pulled the bookshelf away from the wall. Neel took his key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. I reached in and pulled Kimberly out by her rope. She yelped in pain as she landed on her stomach.

Quickly she got up and we led her to the living room to a chair. Once she was seated we began to explain what was going to happen. "We have an important visitor coming today for lunch and to buy some horses. You will not speak to him. You will not communicate in any way with him. You will be known only as Neel's mute girlfriend Maddie. You got that Kimberly?" She nodded and I grinned slapping her. "Every time you mess up you will be punished for it after he leaves. You are to cook us lunch while we show him the horses. If you behave and make no more mistakes we will give you a surprise." I looked at her to make sure she understood. She nodded her head. "Now what is your name?"

"Awhee," she tried to answer.

I slapped her again. "You're mute." Neel said as he grabbed her hair and lifted her off the seat.

She yelled and grabbed his hand. He stopped pulling but still held on. I took the rope around her belly button and wrapped it around her waist.

I went to the back room and grabbed some gloves. Then I cut off the fingers. We each placed one over her hands so the ropes weren't visible, then we had her put on socks.

All her ropes and bruises were hidden. Almost the second we finished the door bell rang. It wasn't actually someone coming to buy horses. It was my father.

Dad was my role model. He had started the family robbery business. Neel, mom, dad, and I were one big happy family till mom died that is. Dad was devastated, and we were left to the business on our own.

This farm had been hand picked by dad. He wanted lots of space so he could hide things like bodies and money. The first time he had ever kidnapped a girl, Neel was 16 and I was 14. He wasn't very creative with his methods of torture. It was just rape, cut her, rip parts off and back to rape. Eventually she died. But before she did dad let me rip her fingernails off, and since Neel was older he let him rape her. Once she was dead we put her in a canoe in our pond and covered her in milk and honey. The flies ate her, and what was left we buried.

He was so satisfied with torturing her, that the next time he kidnapped two girls. This time I was 18. He would let us shoot one of them. He let us whip her, rape her, string her up and lick her. She was the first person we ever branded. We put our initials on her boobs. Dad and Mom had fun with the other girl. They would take her and flay her. They also branded her. Mom got the stomach, Dad got the face. The burned out her private parts. They would put salt in all her fresh wounds. Then when both our "guests" had died we did with them the same thing we did with the first. Let the flies eat them, and buried them.

We continued to kidnap girls and torture them until one of them tried to escape. She stuck a knife in mom. We took her to the hospital. When they started asking questions we told them she fell off the loft in the barn and onto a spike. Eventually she died and dad handed leadership over to me. Neel wasn't happy but he learned to deal with it.

Dad knew about Kimberly. We were just setting her up so she would mess up and give dad the chance to put a little joy back in his life. Dad knew we were trying to get her to mess up, and he assured us that he would play along. My hands shook with excitement as I answered the door, and dad walked in.

Kim's POV

"Hello. Welcome. Would you like something to drink?" The man shook his head no. "Straight to business then. We can go take a look at the horses and discuss a deal over lunch? Sound good?"

"Sure," The man huffed letting Ryan lead him out the door.

"Go make lunch. And don't even think about trying anything. I'll be in there with you."

I turned and started walking towards the kitchen door.I turned back around and gave him a confused expression. "wah wouw wou wie who eah." I attempted to say.

Neel grabbed my shoulders and kneed me in the crotch. I yelped and fell to the ground. "Mutes don't speak. You will make three steaks, and some mashed potatoes. There are cookbooks in there."

I was crying and rocking back in forth. "Get up," Slowly I got up and headed to the fridge.

I grabbed the cookbook and got all the ingredients out. I heated the oven and prepared for everything. Then I made lunch.


The three of them sat down and started eating. Neel invited me to sit next to him. I nodded and sat. "Well Jack, I suppose you're wondering who these two are. This is my brother Neel and that's his girlfriend Maddie. She's mute."

Neel pinched me and I smiled waving slightly. "Ryan and I should go get the documents for you to sign." Neel said and they both moved out of the room.

I debated trying to get Jack's help but decided to wait a few more seconds till they were out of ear range. I stood up wincing as I walked around the table over to the man. "Hweesh hel hwe. wey hiwawwy we." I tried to ask for help and explain that they had Kidnapped me, he just looked at me and smiled.

He smiled the same evil grin that Neel and Ryan both had.I started backing away. He stood up and I bumped into the corner. I was trapped. "Ryan, Neel I thought you said she was mute."

Ryan and Neel stepped back in from the hallway, with no papers in hand. "Oops, we lied."

"Well seeing as how we know she can talk, I want to hear her scream."

AN: Sorry I know it's short. I just wanted to give y'all some background information. Also BTW I am still sick so yeah. Be happy I at least updated on time. Still in need of ideas. Comment and Vote.

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