Heya sweetheart~ {G!sansXread...

By fizzypopcandy

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(Wrote this a while ago so I'm sorry if the grammar is bad) Reader is an abusive relationship, and when she r... More

chapter 1 -Fuck dis shit im out!!
chapter 2- A place to stay
chapter 3 - oh no :( help
Chapter 4 - Nope !
chapter 5 - school
chapter 6 - âš *trigger warning*âš 
chapter 7 - his fault
chapter 8- Forgive and forget?
chapter 9- things are going swimmingly ...
ey ey! -
chapter 10 - whaaaat
chapter 11 - my luck
chapter 12- party?
Chapter 14 - something I shouldn't have done.

chapter 13 - goof

579 17 11
By fizzypopcandy

After stumbling off the ride, we sat on the nearest bench, processing the previous 15 minutes of our lives. I was practically shivering whilst G calmly waited and looked around. "Come on now, it wasn't that scary," G said, folding his arms. I gave him an evil glance and wrapped my coat further round my waist. I bet I looked terrible up there. How embarrassing, I can't do anything right. Maybe It was a stupid idea to come...

I sighed quietly and stood up but a small tug on my sleeve stopped me. "Hey,  whilst we're here- we might as well take a look round Hun." I frowned a little but agreed on the condition for G to pay for everything else. He didn't take the agreement well. 

As we walked past the many stalls and merch stands, smelling the sweet aroma and hearing the bustling people stride past,  we came to a doughnut stand and I turned towards G with a mischievous smile. "erm, no... You know I can't afford-

"No," I interrupted with a smug face,  " 'i'll pay for everything' were your exact words." He paused momentarily and then shook his head while flipping out his wallet. I was so satisfied watching the lady make them that I hadn't even realised G had a box of them already. I reached into the box, but G slapped my hand almost instantly. "Wait a minute Hun, they're not going anywhere." He said.

My eyes watered. I'll be back my babies, just you hang in there! G began laughing at this and muttered something under his breath. G lead us down a little path which brough us to a band stand full of sparkling fairylights. 

"Not too shabby for an edgy skele-dude." I said in surprise.
"well, surprisingly, I actually get out of the house and, you know, have a life." He replied.
"Ouch, I have a feeling that was deliberately aimed." I gasped.
He smiled and replied, "well no, anyways, let's sit down so I can tuck into my doughnuts."

"Now," he said, grabbing one from the box ,"the rules are that you have to eat the entire doughnut without licking your lips or else *pauses briefly to think of punishment*... You can't eat another one."
I gasped. "That's not fair, you don't even have lips, or a tongue for that matter!" He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Firstly, I may not have lips but I have magic and although you can't see them- believe me they're there and secondly, I do have a tongue." He replied whilst opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue which was yellow.

"Woah! That's awesome... Guess it is even then." I replied with grin. "Bring it on bone boy." I giggled, then took a bite of a sugar coated doughnut. The food sweats had already begun. I warily looked up at G, who held the same expression, and stared intensely at him. "Boy,  isn't this doughnut just the best?" G said between bites ,"all this sugar is getting around your mouth right?"

"You meanie." I whined whilst taking another bite. "It would be so nice to just get a taste of that sugar, right?" He then asked. Come on N/Y, you've been through a lot of things in your life,  with enough will power you can do this! The tension and mental strain grew. I just had to pull through the last 2 bites. G had at least another 3 to go.

"Aw, no I lost- you can lick your lips now." He said and without even processing the rest of his sentence, my tongue swiped around my lips. My eyes widened in shock and I shrieked. G smiled evilly and grabbed the box of doughnuts. "What a shame, guess the rest are mine." He said with a proud grin. With tears in the corners of my eyes, I rose up, like a volcano sprouting from the ground and looked down on G.

"My. Doughnuts." I spoke.
"Don't think so hun." G spoke. With that I leaped on top of him and wrestled him to the ground. He yelped and started wrestling back and then started laughing. I couldn't help but giggle a little. He lifted me up with he magic and then caught me in his arms and began tickling me on the sides. "aha, n-no, stop it!" I cried. He laughed and carried on, so for about 5 minutes I squirmed around, giggling like a idiot, until G's phone started ringing.

He paused for a moment and then reached into his jean pocket. "Ello?... listen I can explain when we get back- now?... Fine, see you soon."

"Who was that?" I asked.
"Toriel, she wants us to come home now." he replied. I slowly stood up and grabbed my bag. I took G's hand and looked at him. For a few seconds, he paused but then understood. He quickly wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards him. Then a bright flash of gold clouded my vision so I dug my head into G's coat and within a matter of seconds we arrived infront of the house.

Before G could let go, I looked up and smiled genuinely at him. "Thank you so much for today, it was really fun." I said. He smiled and opened the door. "After you." He gestured to the door. "Why, thank you." I said and took a step forward. Then, rather quickly, I tripped on one of the paving stones and fell into G, who panicked and fell down with me.

After recovering momentarily, I raised my head to find out that I had landed on G. His face was bright yellow and he covered his face with his hands. "I'm so s-sorry," I laughed nervously ,"are you okay?" He removed his hands from his face and looked at me, staring straight into my eyes which sent butterflies whirling in my stomach. Unexpectedly, he smiled and  without even thinking, he gentelly grabbed the back of my head and pushed it towards his...lips. Our lips connected for what seemed like a century. My heartbeat quickened and a nauseous feeling grew in my stomach. He seemed so passionate and his eyes were closed shut. W-what am I doing? What is he doing?! I broke the kiss and mumbled ,"sorry."

Then I did the only thing I knew how to do,  and that was to run.

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