Half Blood Demon [LONG HIATU...

By YasuBloodly

178K 3.8K 1.9K

[Creepypasta x Male Reader] Credit to the cover artist Warning: Harem Created: 27 April 2016 My first story i... More

Chapter 1: My Life
Chapter 2: Kidnapping Time
Chapter 3: New 'friends'
Chapter 4: The old Memories
Chapter 5: A New Beginning
Chapter 6: New Member
I'M HERE!ヽ(' ∇' )ノ
Chapter 7: Precious
Chapter 8: Secrets
Chapter 9:Welcome Party Only For You
Chapter 10: Happy Moment
Thank You for 2.62K Reads!
A/N(i'm so sorry)
Chapter 11: Old Friend
10 Facts About Me
Attention!!!( • ̀ω•́ )
Chapter 12: My Mind
Chapter 13: Dangerous
Chapter 15: Trusting People
Q&A 2018!(CLOSED)

Chapter 14: Good or Bad?

2K 53 6
By YasuBloodly

Where were we again xD...okay,okay Let's continue

Somehow I feel like,this story is getting more boring...don't ya think so?


*Note: I'm changing "you" into (male name) which will be more easier for me to write lololol and I will edit all the chapters soon.

How many time does it happens?(M/n) know it's hard,he could never try to bring himself up,defending with his two bare hands.How pathetic.

Without anyone around (M/n),without his mom,he will never be here,breathing.(M/n) always thought that he was alone in this world but the truth is he built a wall between his and the others.Everything that happened around him,everyone will always be his fault,he blames himself.After all,he was just a trash.

Tears streaming down on his pale cheeks,(M/n) could feels warmness engulfed his cheeks as its been lifted up by a soft warm hands.It's too blurry, he could see a face,a familiar one.It smile warmly up to him,no wonder he feels so safe,(M/n) returned the smile to it.

"Hush child,don't fear because I will be here to protect you from any harm" a voice,so soft and the warmness of its hand intrigued (M/n).Smile started to formed from his soft pale lips,he touch the hand,not wanting to let it go.The voice was too familiar, (M/n) couldn't help but to feel at ease,its calling him out again,he opened his (e/c) color to see a blurry vision.

"(M/n)!!!" Someone was calling out for (M/n)'s name,more like to a guy's voice.Husky,faint and yet it's too familiar with the previous one.

Clearing his eyes vision,he saw a figure on him,to his relieved it was actually Bloodly with his violet shimmering unique eyes,looking down at him with panic all over Bloodly's face.(M/n) blinks confusedly, what happened? Curiosity clouded inside of his mind.

"Are you okay?" Questioned Bloodly with a hint of worry in his voice.

(M/n) just nods,too dizzy and confused from the sudden awake.Did he just fainted earlier? (M/n) shook his thoughts off and slowly trying to stand up with his own legs "Be careful,I don't want you to get hurt...so listen to me.I need you to let go of my hand in reality and go tell them that I have some business that need to be settled over here...get it?" Bloodly cupped (M/n)'s cheeks with a wet sensations over the male.(M/n) looks at Bloodly with a glint of hope in his (e/c) colors "W-what are you saying?!I can't leave you here!" (M/n) shouted at Bloodly while gritting his teeth.

He have been through lots of things like this when he was still a child but the scene right now is just too dangerous to let it be.(M/n) glances from Bloodly's shoulder to see the other him but only to see blood everywhere on the floor,his (e/c) widen in horrors.Where did he disappeared?Is those blood? Bloodly tensed up as he could feels something was ready to kill both of them,he immediately sprung around with his left hand trying to reach for something,a gun just showed up in his grasp as he shoot it into the thin air when a movement caught both of the males attention.


Chuckling could be heard.The sounds of someone coughing engulfed the space,like it was trying to vomit something out.Both of (M/n)'s and Bloodly's eyes were searching for the source when they spotted the demon itself appeared behind the couch.

"I never thought that you could be so stupid (M/n.You trust this guy so much!Come on~hahaha!you just met him few minutes ago and now you're all buddy along.That's gross" He snickered while walking out from behind the couch,grinning from ear to ear.

"What do you mean?!You're the one that I shouldn't trust!You attacked us!" (M/n) barked at the male in front of him at the top of his lungs.

The male laughs,like this is actually a joke.(M/n) was shaking like a leaf.His whole body quivered with an uncontrollable rage.He could just charged towards the silver haired guy like a bull already if the guy were not a demon.

"For lord's sake!Do you think that he's actually a really good guy?So I'm the bad guy here huh?How hilarious!" He laughs more louder.He was just playing a trick and Bloodly knows that.

(M/n) couldn't help but to feels like he was about to kill this guy,before he could ever say something,the laughter stopped "Why don't I tell you something interesting about that guy's past?" The demon smirked while gave a glances to Bloodly.

That made Bloodly's violet eyes widen in shocked.(M/n) looked over to Bloodly,the demon's offers made him curious but he will not going to allow the demon to play a trick on his mind.Which one is the good side and bad side? All of the questions clouded in his mind.

The demon spoke again,but rather with a mocking tone coming from his husky deep voice.

"I killed people in past and same goes to that guy...who killed thousand of humans on the earth. Now who do you trust more?"

Ticking sounds could be heard in slow motion as the demon ended his talk,giving a dead silent.

To Be Continued

900+ words

How was it?For now I'm doing my best with both writing and exam.....will do ma best :D

So,see you guys around!

Feel free to ask me any questions~ pm or in comment section below!

Byeeeee and thank you for still reading my stories!

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