Red String {EDITING}

By IllenisThorn

101K 7.1K 697

Why was her hair red? Simple... Because she dyed it in the blood of her enemies. *** One mistake. That was al... More

| Foreword |
Prologue | The Stringmaker
Chapter One | The Way Back Home
Chapter Two | Through the Forest
Chapter Three | Of Assassins and Alphas
Chapter Four | Meeting Rylan
Chapter Five | Job Offers and Adjustments
Chapter Six | The Barracks
Chapter Seven | A Noisy Dinner
Chapter Eight | Cypher Division
Chapter Nine | Tracking Frost
Chapter Ten | A Night Out
Chapter Eleven | The Lion's Head
Chapter Twelve | Purple Dreams
Chapter Thirteen | Strings and Snakes
Chapter Fourteen | Poisonous Breadcrumbs
Chapter Fifteen | Truths and Answers
Chapter Thirteen: A Relatively Normal Day
Chapter Fourteen: Strengths and Gifts
The New Normal
Shadows of the Past
Confessions and Consequences
A Suffocating Blanket
A Bloody Message
An Unexpected Visitor
Kings and Queens
Threats and Promises
If Only He Hadn't Worn Gloves
The Alpha and The Rogue
Battling Blaze
The Birth of the Red Devil
Purple Poison
Little Sister
Public Transport Hell
The Angel of Blagmoor
Stonewall Castle
Red Eyes
Training in the Glade
A Rather Short Battle
Back to Blagmoor
Awkward Imprints
Arrow's Arrival
Lyra's Ability
Lyra's Fight
The One Who Conquers

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Frost and Lightning

1.3K 103 9
By IllenisThorn


The air was heavy with the scent, and each time she took a breath, she could feel it on her tongue. It was always there, like it always had been, on every single battlefield she'd ever graced with her presence.

Only this time she was on the opposite side.

The side she wanted to be on.

And there was no way in hell she was going to let Omega Taurus take her away from that. From him. Her eyes narrowed, sparks crackling around her hands as she readied herself for the fight. The other Alphas were already embroiled in their fights, claws and fangs meeting fur as they scuffled about in their furry forms.

Blaze was a nimble wolf, darting about the snowy grounds with a practiced ease she wished she had. She'd never had the chance to spend much time in wolf form. Though she had no doubts Rylan would soon rectify that.


Rylan's shout made her attention snap back to the fight, and she narrowly dodged the wolf leaping at her, her gaze narrowing as Blaze tackled that very same wolf. His teeth ripped into the back of the furry neck, slinging the wolf across to his partner in crime with a flick of his head.

Another wolf down.

A ridiculous number to go.

Lyra silently wondered how many cells there were underground Blagmoor Castle. Hopefully enough for most of their enemies here, though she doubted they'd be able to take all of them alive. Fights like these ones weren't particularly kind to either side.

She only hoped no one on their side would fall.

She didn't think she'd be able to live with herself if one of them died.

Lyra scowled, red lightning sparking around her arm as she splayed her hand out towards the wolves flanking Blaze. "No you don't," she muttered, smiling grimly when her lightning arced towards her targets, branching off to hit their targets with an accuracy which surprised her somewhat.

Her training had paid off.

Blaze yipped a thank you in her direction, soon charging back into the fray.

"Watch out," her mate reminded her, blocking a hail of ice sent their way with a simple command. "Counter," he muttered, sweeping his hand through the air, watching as the shards of frozen water vanished back into the vapour they'd been created from. His back was soon pressed snugly against hers, the pair of them looking out onto the battlefield surrounding them, Lyra knowing the worst was still to come.

Frost was nowhere to be seen... but the temperature of the air around her told Lyra he was close.

A flicker of white lightning soon revealed him, though, Thorn having spied him creeping towards them from the trees.

"He's mine," Thorn growled, glaring pointedly at her. "You aren't going anywhere near him."

Lyra sighed, smiling ever so slightly as she drew lightning around herself. He was the same as ever. Besides, even if she wanted to go after Frost, she'd have to fight through a load of wolves to get there. Thorn was closer.

White lightning met the wall of ice surging towards him, Thorn not even bothering to hold back. He was going all out – no doubt to pay the man back after all the trouble he'd caused him on the train.

Her old friend was surprisingly vengeful.

"Lyra." Rylan sighed, punching the wolf nearest to her.

She bit her lip. "Sorry?"

"Just keep—"

Ice spiked around her ankle, her eyes widening as her sparks went haywire, fear biting at her chest before she pushed it away. She was better than that.

Her eyes narrowed, her body going through the motions she'd practiced so thoroughly over the last few weeks, sending lightning racing down to her leg. Ice exploded, little chunks raining down around her as she spun to face where Thorn was – holding Frost back as best as he could.

He was a tricky opponent though.

Scowling, Lyra edged forwards, annoyance written across her face as she advanced on Frost. He needed to be taken down a peg, and if it took two of them to do it, then so be it.

"Two on one," he said, smirking.

Lyra wanted to punch the smug expression off his face.

"I'm flattered," he purred.

Thorn folded his arms. "I had it handled," he grumbled, ducking under the swipe at his head, slamming his fist against the troublesome frozen armour their opponent always wore.

"Of course you did," Lyra said, smiling. "But it'll be quicker this way."

Thorn shrugged. "I suppose," he mumbled.

She blurred into action, red lightning crackling around her as she moved towards him, fast as lightning.

"Oh, Lyra... Lyra..." Frost sighed. "You're far too predictable," he said, dodging her relentless attacks with millimetres to spare.

Her leg slammed into him quicker than she could blink, her face grim as he skidded back a few metres. "How was that for predictable?"

"Aww... is ickle wickle Lyra coming to play with the big boys now?" he asked, a mocking sneer in place. "It's still far too soon for you," he hissed, closing his hand around the shaft of ice condensing from the very air around them.

Lyra stiffened, her arms coming up to guard, lightning sparking around her to shield her – but it wasn't enough. Frost was the better fighter. He always had been.

He slipped past her guard far too easily, slamming the butt of his icy staff into her stomach, sending her careening backwards with a loud yelp.

Lyra winced, tumbling to the snow, eyes wide as a set of yellowing fangs came into view. But she didn't need Rylan to save her. A simple reinforced kick was enough to put that wolf out of commission.

"You OK?" Rylan was there in seconds, offering a hand up.

She took it, ignoring the small amount of blood spattered across his smooth pale skin. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me," she said.

"I will. You're my mate, in case you've forgotten – and these idiots are here for you," he grumbled, pulling her into his arms, glaring at the cannon fodder surrounding them.

They weren't a match for any of the Alphas. They were just there to overwhelm them with numbers, and no doubt tire them out.

It didn't matter to Omega Taurus if any of them died.

She squeezed his hand, smiling up at him. "I'll be fine, Ry. No matter what..." she whispered. "I'm strong too."

"I know," he mumbled, chewing on his lip. "Doesn't mean I can't worry about you, though."

Lyra smiled.

Red lightning crackled to life in each hand, set to the 'severely stun' setting – as she'd named it. She wasn't particularly eager to cover her hands in more blood. Not when she'd finally found her peace with Rylan.

"Tch," a voice drawled behind them, making them both spin.

Lightning crackled in her hands, but Rylan's relaxed posture made her pause, spying the two men behind them.

"Honestly, Rylan," a bored voice called. "we leave you alone for a few years and then come back to find you in this mess..."



I've edited this ahead of the other chapters leading up to this one, so apologies if it doesn't make too much sense, or doesn't flow into the others well. I've changed a few things.


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