
By Haddassa

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What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 6

3.4K 81 7
By Haddassa

Chapter 6

"ELIANA!" I heard someone call out.

I pulled the sheets up over my head and felt something soft hit my back.

"Go away idiot," I muttered and grabbed the pillow lying by my side, and chucked it in the general direction of the voice that had woken me up.

I felt someone jump onto the bed too close for my liking. I grunted and tried to shake my brother off of the bed.

"GET OUT PHILL!" I growled.

"Never," He chuckled.

I sat up instantly and smashed my pillow into his side, knocking him over. Then put it on my face as I lay back down. I grunted as I felt him pull the covers off of me. I sat up so fast that he fell off of the bed in fright. I jumped onto him, and smashed his body into the carpeting. He crawled out from under me and started running out the hallway, looking like a dog with its tail between its legs. I jumped up and chased after him. I tripped on my own feet a couple of times, but once he ran for the stairs I had him. He had slowed down when reaching the stairs, where as I just continued barreling down them not even slowing for an instant. He started screaming like I was trying to murder him. I jumped off of the fifth step just as he reached the bottom step tackling him to the ground.

"HELP!!! She's trying to kill me," Philly screamed hurting my ears.

I pushed my palm onto his mouth to silence him. I felt a warm thick thing slobber all over my hand. I pulled my hand back.

"You just licked me you idiot!" I screamed, rubbing my hand onto his shirt.

He pulled out from under me again, and sprinted for the kitchen. I stood up slowly rubbing my hand again against my shorts. I slowly strolled towards the kitchen. I slammed the door into the kitchen open making a loud bang echo through the house. Philly screamed when he saw me, and jumped into a corner. He was holding one of MY chocolate puddings, and ran to hide. I marched over to him and hit him with all my might.

"What the heck was that for?" He asked rubbing his shoulder dropping MY pudding. I lurched forward saving it.

I pushed him into the cabinet, and stalked onto the island, where I hopped up nearly knocking off Mitch's cereal. Both Dylan and Mitch were smirking so widely at their brother's pain.

"Eliana please stop beating up your big brother," I heard another voice right outside the door. You could even hear the smirk in her voice.

I turned and saw Mom come in, with Dad following close behind.

"What are you doing in the corner boy?" My dad asked Philly.

He just pointed to me. I smirked shoving another spoonful of pudding into my mouth.

"He woke me up and stole my pudding."

"Enough with the puddings," Mom complained. She shoved a box of cheerios into my hand. "Try this for once."

I nodded, and once she turned her back I threw it at Dylan who was smiling so widely you would think his face was about to split in half.

"Hey!" He screamed.

"Hi," I said just getting on his nerve.

He mumbled something too low for me to understand as he went back to eating his pancakes.

"Hey since I'm you favorite sister you're going to share those pancakes you made for yourself, right?" I asked.

He shook his head, his mouth too full of pancakes to speak.

"Why?" I screamed. "Mom Dylan's not sharing with me."

"Did he make it?"

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Did he leave any for you?" She asked.

"No," I grunted.

She shrugged as if saying sorry, but really just saying tough luck. I glared at Dylan as I finished off the last of my pudding. Philly was slowly making his way out of the corner, and over to the cupboard to grab a pop tart that he popped into the toaster.

"What are you kids going to do today?" Dad asked. I looked around and saw that none of us really had an idea other then just being lazy all day. Dad sighed, as this was not the response he wanted. "The pools opening today, why don't you guys go there?"

I yawned giving dad my excuse. My brothers just sort of went back to eating their breakfast in silence. The four of us were banned from the pool because last time my stupid brothers pissed off every single lifeguard because they had refused to get off of the water slides when they closed those pools for 20 minutes. We had been waiting in line for so long, and just when we were about to go they closed it telling everyone to go back down. I just sort of stayed off to the corner while they were arguing. They got their warning and one more problem we would be kicked out. Later my brothers took food into the pool, which wasn't allowed. To tell you the truth I really was innocent, if you'll believe it. That got us kicked out after the three of them, and me a little, screamed at the manager that they couldn't kick us out. Our parents had never found out.

"We don't really feel like going today," my brothers came up with.

I threw away the pudding cup and washed off the spoon. I went upstairs followed by my three brothers. We all ended up in Mitch's room, because it was the cleanest.

"What do you guys really want to do today?" Philly asked.

"I don't know maybe we should ask the people who got us kicked out of the pool," I smirked.

All three growled at me. "Maybe if you hadn't been complaining the entire time, then we wouldn't have been so pissed off," Philly said.

I glared and pocked out my tongue at him. He launched forward trying to tackle me to the floor. Well it worked. I rolled off of the bed with a loud thump as Philly knocked me over. I heard a loud thwack as my head hit the hard ground. I reached out for him pulling the laughing Philly down to the ground with me. He was still laughing too hard to really even realize what was going on. I started to laugh at him with my brothers as he was still laughing too hard to really even realize.

After a minute he realized where he was and jumped up lunging for me again. I dashed out the door and down the stairs jumping onto the railing sliding down. I landed on the ground with a lurch forward. I fled with all three of my brothers running after me. Two of them were just following so they wouldn't miss out on the fun. I ran into the hallway leading to the living room. I glanced back to see Philly litteraly a foot away.

Thwack! I hit something hard sending me into a surprised Philly who fell on the ground with me. Mitch and Dylan managed to stop in time before they tripped over us following us to the ground. I looked up to see Adam standing there laughing his head off. I glared at him holding my hand out for him to help me up.

"Get off me. God when did you get so fat?" Philly asked.

"I'm not fat," I shrieked. I weighed less then his last girlfriend who was a fricken skinny cheerleader.

Adam finally held out his hand for me. I grabbed onto it, and he pulled me up with too much force I was air born for a few seconds.

"What are you talking about Phil she's as light as a feather. I actually think I could hold her with my pinkie." I glared at him just noticing a girl standing behind him.

I peered around him and stared at a girl about my age with a shock of red long curls reaching to her elbows that was in a braid, and deep jade eyes. She was about the same height as me which was really rare considering I was only 5"2.

"Hey," I offered politely.

She smiled back and said her hellos.

"She's my cuz and is staying with us for a month until her Parents get back from their anniversary to Europe," Adam said.

"Sweet," I said, I waved for her to follow me as I headed into the kitchen. I popped open the fridge and looked in for some more food. I chose a vanilla pudding this time. I offered one to her and she just shook her head. I grabbed a spoon and hopped up onto the counter digging in.

"So what's your name?" I asked.

"Kathleen, yours?"

"Eliana, wow that's a really pretty name."

I heard laughter coming from right outside the kitchen door. Dylan came in followed by all the other boys.

"Where you... just trying... to be nice," Dylan got out between laughter.

I glared at him and then went back to Kathleen.

"Just ignore all these idiots," I said really meaning it. "So are you going to be going to school with us while your here?"

"Yeah, I'll be starting with you guys on Monday."

"And your a...?" I trailed off.

"Sophomore," she glanced over at my brothers and Adam who were wrestling in the corner. I started laughing making her jump as Mitch was pushed roughly into the side of the fridge.

"Shut up Eliana!" Mitch threatened.

"Make me." I turned my back on my immature brothers and went back to talking to Kathleen. "I am too. We will probably have Mr. Kellogg together, he's the only geometry teacher here and he only has sophomores for 5th period. He is really mean."

"Hahaha," someone laughed probably Adam from the sounds of it, "Where you just talking about school?"

He had stopped fighting with my brothers, and was just casually leaning against the counter behind me, watching. I punched him in the arm and turned my back to him. Kathleen was laughing so hard she was holding her side. I raised an eyebrow questioning her. She shook her head once she got control of her laughter, dismissing it.

"What are you doing today?" Adam asked. I turned around to answer him and smashed into him knocking my breath out.

Jace's laughing face appeared in my head. I widened my eyes as Adam held me. I needed to talk to someone about what was going on with him.

"Kathleen and I are going to go to the mall today."

"The mall? You?" Philly said. I glared at him.

"Yep, right?" I asked Kathleen.

"Sure sounds like fun."

"Well then lets go."

"You might need to change," Adam said looking at my Oscar the grouch pajama shorts and black t-shirt.

I growled at him and spun around stomping up the stairs still holding my pudding in my hand. I slammed my door shut and heard laughter erupt downstairs. I pulled out some jeans and a blue and grey top. Slipped on my black convers and brushed out my hair. Thoughts of last night were going through my head. Would I ever meet Jace again? What was with my inner voices reactions? I stomped back down the stairs after putting on a thin layer of makeup. I entered the kitchen, and the boys and Kathleen were talking. I opened the fridge and grabbed yet another pudding. It's a wonder I'm this thin if I'm constantly eating puddings.

"God, isn't that like your third pudding in the past 40 minutes?" Dylan asked, his worried older brother voice coming into play.

"No, it's my third in the last 20 minutes."

Everyone erupted into laughter. I put the pudding back and settled with something healthy for once, grabbing a banana. I knew I would be stuffing my face with pretzels and ice cream at the mall. Dylan vanished and then reappeared with a $50 from Dad's office.

"Thanks, ready Kathleen?" I asked. She nodded as Adam gave her a $50 too.

I snatched Mitch's car keys and waited for him to give us a ride, because I was still waiting to turn 16 to get my own car. Philly still didn't have one cause he kept bombing the written part of the test. Dylan's scared the hell out of me because of how big his car is.

We spent the first 10 minutes blasting the radio and dancing in our seats. I did like her, even though she was super shy. We were stopped at a red light when a car full of teenage guys started flirting with us. I pulled on my best-disgusted face and Kathleen just smirked at the face I pulled. After a couple of seconds Mitch caught on and started flicking them off and screaming at them even though they couldn't hear a thing.

Sure I must admit Kathleen was totally cute with her off the shoulder white top, and her bright red hair pulled into a really messy braid that her curls were trying to escape from. Me, sort of. I wasn't really dressed up at all just in an old t-shirt with my dark hair spilling all over the place in tumbling waves.

As soon as the light turned green Mitch was off, still swearing those douche bags to the deepest pit. After another minute we were at the mall. He dropped us off with a "Call me when you're done."

We were pushed around by the thick Saturday crowed in the mall. We stuck at a couple of stores not really finding anything interesting.

"So I wanted to talk to you about someone that I had met last night."

She nodded for me to continue while holding up a flowery dress against her self.

"I was-" oh shoot how do I say this without getting myself into trouble. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked.

"I promise."

"Ok so I was sort of out last night really late, and fell asleep at a friends garage. They all left me while I slept. It was raining out so this guy offered me a ride. I think I'm really in love."

She put the dress back and stared at me. She suddenly started screeching, holding onto my arm, and dragged me away to the changing room with an armful of clothes. He pulled me into a changing room and looked around to see no one else in the changing room.

"Oh My God, you found your mate." I was taken back by her words.

"Your a werewolf?" I asked, no doubt the look on my face was priceless.

"Duh, well I'm not on yet but I will be in another week." Her jade eyes looked as though they were ready to pop out of her face from excitement. I looked at her and thought bout how impossible him being my mate would be.

"I'm human." With those two words she shrunk back, and shock started to set in on her face followed by panic.

"Your human?" I nodded my head. " And you know?"

I lowered my eyes. Humans weren't supposed to know, but my dad being an alpha had allowed it.

"How?" her voice was very low just barely loud enough for me to hear.

"I was adopted. Living with an alpha that was very strong and fond of me gave me the excuse to know, and live after knowing."

"So he's not your mate then?" she said returning to our previous subject.

"Guess not. Humans can't have mates."

"He's human?" she asked.

"Yeah," I answered, she was getting excited again.

"So you guys can date. Oh you two are probably so cute together. What's he look like? Is he hot?" She shot out questions that hit me like whizzing bullets.

"He's really hot. He's tall tan muscular, with hair about my color. Oh and he has the most amazing dark green eyes."

She started giggling. She suddenly shoved her armload of clothes into my arms.

"Try these on." she slammed the door shut and left me be.

I turned around glaring at the door that was now shut with her on the other side.

"Stupid girl," I muttered under my breath.

"Yep now go on and change. Come out to show me."

"Why?" I moaned, eyeing the clothes that I sat down on the chair. They were far too girly for my liking. Sure I would wear girly clothes sometimes but not dresses, and flowers, and definitly not pink.

"Because if you want to impress him you need to start wearing clothes that don't like you stole them from your brothers," she said and I knew she was smirking by her tone.

"Hey!" I shouted out offended. "You didn't even know about him while you were choosing the clothes."

I heard a snort come from the other side of the door. I turned back to the mirror and looked at myself in my dark jeans converse and blue and grey top that was fairly close to girly.

I pulled out a very pretty white sundress with a brown belt right beneath the chest. I pulled off my shirt and pulled the dress on over my jeans. I tied the belt on and looked at myself in the mirror. It wasn't that stunning on me because the light brown belt contrasted with my nearly black hair. I pulled off the belt and let out a small gasp at the difference removing the belt made. I pulled open the door and heard another gasp followed by a hug.

"That is really cute on you."

I must admit it made me look pure and almost angelic with my dark hair fanning out. She took off her gold bangles that were covering her arms and slid them onto mine. That pulled out the flecks of gold that surrounded my pupil.

I entered the stall again and changed into a couple different outfits. One of the dresses brought out the blue in my eyes and I fell in love with it. I ended up with three dresses, and a new pair of jeans along with a couple of tops. The dresses were all simple enough I could wear it to school, but with the right jewelry and makeup fancy enough for a dance. I knew my brothers would definitely not approve of my reasoning for buying the clothes and the look of the clothes. One of them would make any guy melt like butter, which is what Kathleen, had insisted I should get.

Kathleen had also insisted on buying the dresses for me, while I bought the jeans and tops. One of the tops along with a jacket at home was what I decided to wear for my reappearance at school. It had a bad girl look along but with the top it would make me look sexy.

After another 10 minutes of walking around we went over to the food court. I bought some ice cream for myself with my own money, because I spent the majority of the money Dylan gave me on clothes. I explained to her what really happen last night.

After another half an hour we decided to start heading home after she insisted I bought some cute sandals to pair up with some of the dresses and one of the tops. I called Mitch to come and get us. He appeared another 20 minutes later. He wanted badly to know what I had bought but told him it was a surprise.

Kathleen started to sing to a song, with a beautiful voice, that was playing on the radio. I joined in with her filling the car with our voices. Kathleen was everything I needed in a friend, well at least a girl friend. She was kind and trustworthy and I knew that this was a beginning to a great friendship.

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