Project Masculinity (ON HOLD)

By JVGreek

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“Like charges repel and unlike charges attract” - Coulomb's law. But it was not surprising in our nature as... More

Project Masculinity
Chapter 2: Maybe the Smart guy's not that smart After all
Chapter 3: I thank God for everything, even biscotchis
Chapter 4: Meeting De Avance: Operation Start!
Chapter 5: Who knew lifting barbells would be this disastrous?
Chapter 6: Sighs, Laughter and Gay magnets
Chapter 7: Attack of the Drama Llama
Chapter 8: I'm in Heaven
Chapter 9: The Devil Wears Prada: 24hrs on the Record
Chapter 10: The Pretty Little Liars: Rumor has it
Chapter 11: Slaps, Soldiers and Surgeons
Chapter 12: Easy Pete
Chapter 13: We Crash a Funeral
Chapter 14: Totally Cliché
Chapter 15: This is not Funny
Chapter 16: Claws are out
Chapter 17: Plan in Action!
Chapter 18: Pandora's Box
Chapter 19: Is this Necessary?
Chapter 20: The Truth
Chapter 21: I Don't Know
Chapter 22: Being Bored is Boring
Chapter 23: Level Three
Chapter 24: Welcome to the World of Boys
Chapter 25: May the Odds be ever in your Favor

Chapter 1: The Faggot, the Fighter and the Macho

1.6K 101 69
By JVGreek

Chapter 1: The Faggot, the Fighter and the Macho

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” growled Anastasia Nichol.

I was momentarily shocked to see my best friend single-handedly punch the most macho guy in the whole Evergreen High School, aka: Draco Collins, straight on his jaw. 

“Well, it’s true Anastasia! He’s a faggot! He’s a fucking faggot!” he snarled with all his might, while simultaneously pointing his finger straight at me.                

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you are probably wondering now on who's the one narrating this action-flick going on inside the usually quiet halls of our cafeteria.               

And like, who was also the one being pointed out by Draco as the most  fucking faggot in the whole word, well, not in the whole world perhaps, but I know you get my point. 

Nonetheless, it’s me, Jace Langston.

And if this was the story of my life, and you’re just unveiling the first chapter, I would have felt obligated to give an introduction about myself. Sadly though I can’t. I’m currently sitting on the cold hard ground right on my ass.


Why don’t I tell you what happened the moment I got up from my safe haven (or my bed) unto the very moment of this supposedly crazy action film going on.

So I woke up with quite some cheery vibe, since yet again, it was the first day of classes, and I’ve really missed my best friends for quite some time already. All I did was read, space out and practically day dream my whole summer vacation.

Thinking of quite a lot of productive activities I’d been wanting to indulge in as school starts, I wasn’t aware that our abnormally crazy dog Piper left one of her infamous landmines near my desk.

And as anyone would predict it, I stepped on the bright-yellow liquid and BAM! I landed on my butt.

If I was not the least bit distracted, I would’ve have read the signs and must’ve at least thought that there would be a lot of slip and slide moments or perhaps butt-landing incidents about to happen this day, oh and it might even include public humiliation of some sort.

Shaking my head ever so lightly, I went inside the shower, scrubbed myself furiously, hoping to take off any trace of filth or whatever bacterial organisms got attached, and prepared myself to do the usual routine I always do in the mornings of school days.

As I went down the stairs I noticed that nothing and no one was in the kitchen and the dining hall except for a tray of food quite bluntly stacked against each other. 

I went to the fridge to have some early morning latte (a leftover from last night’s escapade) when I noticed a note stuck on the table.

Hey brotha! We all left early becoz today’s my first college freshmen orientation! It wasn’t our fault you were quite busy harassing your bed or perhaps succumbing to your wet dreams for about 12 hours, ta ta! Wish me luck!

Xoxoxo, Athena – your gorgeous sister

A smirk escaped from my lips and I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly.

Oh and just to clear things up, I’m way past those 'wet dreams" thing.  

I sat down and dutifully scarfed down the entire meal as I needed a lot of energy for who I was picking up today.

“Noelle! I’m leaving the house,” I shouted at the top of my lungs for our Nanny to hear me.

We never call our helpers maids unless we actually hate them and our Nanny Noelle has been in our family for quite some time already.

Never bothering to wait for a reply, I quickly went outside unto the garage and got inside my very own Monster Hummer.

So why don’t you join me as I briefly introduce myself.

 I’m Jace Langston, currently 16 years old and by the looks of me having my own hummer, you’d pretty much say that we’re indeed loaded with cash.

My father’s this sort of doctor slash C.S.I  dude who cuts people up for a living and all, and to answer your question, yes, it pays quite a lot.

I’m not your typical boy-next-door though, if you’re like observing me from a distance especially if I’m with my friends, you might even say I’m gay.

Oh, and speaking of the routine that I do every mornings, I’m somewhat obligated to pick up all of my seven girl-friends. Not girl friends as in romantically involved or anything (even though sometimes I wished that was the case), but they’re more like my best friends or sisters without the trace of gayness in it. We all live near each other hence making it easy for me to pick everyone up.

My first stop for the morning was the two-storey old antique ancestral house about 5 houses away from mine.

The girl waiting for me there was Mia Lizowski. She’s the typical music fanatic but does not really excel in instruments and has the average human voice.

Basically she’s normal, except for the fact that she’s a complete airhead and would tend to say things that doesn’t make sense.

I stopped in front of the Museum or as what we call Mia’s house, and waited for her to come in the car.

Today she was dressed in what she calls as her uniform, a plain black collared shirt, some jeans and her matching black high-tops.

Obviously captivated to some tune she’s listening, she barely noticed I was there.

I sighed and rolled the windows.


This made her snap quite a bit but then smiled as she went inside.

“Hey Jace!” She greeted ears still preoccupied with music.

I just nodded as I then moved on to our next passenger Margaux Orly.

Margaux this time has a house that was really eye-catchy.

Okay, I’m down casting things here, her house actually is a head turner. It’s another two-storey building but this time emblazoned with neon pinks and oranges making it look like you’ve just stepped out into some sort of Comedy flick for kids.

Margaux as you might’ve thought since she lives in practically a Barbie doll house is not blonde. But apparently she acts like one.She’s a hardcore brunette and has a pair of amber-colored eyes that are quite dreamy.

As I pulled over to the Doll House, Margaux was practically on hysterics by now and looked quite angry. Mia opens up the door for her and she barrels down the seats, garbed in her pink mini dress in matching high laced Jimmy Choo’s.

“I just can’t believe the news Ashley gave me a while ago!” Margaux chirped happily while she reapplied her eye shadow or whatever you call that thing you use to curl your eyelashes.

I’m not the makeup expert or anything despite the fact that I do have seven girl-best friends.

“What?” Mia and I exclaimed in unison.

“There’s a Sale going on at Le Atelier varying from 50% and up….” droned Margaux.

I can’t help but sigh with exasperation. I don’t really have a thing for fashion and so does Mia, we shot each other these knowing looks and pretended not to hear whatever Margaux was talking about.

“So those Angora sweaters I saw at Vix were really to die for, you know what, we should really…”

Blah, blah, blah, man this girl could really talk into a belly goat’s ear or something.

Next on the list is Ashley Hoffman. Now this girl is somewhat like Margaux, but more tamed with regards to fashion. Yet the special thing about her is that she’s Evergreen’s most sneaky gossip vine and knows a lot of issues and secrets may it be from teachers or unto students.

Oh, and her house is this modernized Townhouse painted in white, basically everything in their house is white. White lights, white carpets and even white toilets! Isn’t that surprising? I mean who has them? 

As we pulled on her driveway, Ashley was donned in this oversized angora sweater and a matching cerulean beret, mini-skirt and suede boots.

Unlike the other girls, Ashley was anticipating this moment and ran quickly to the car.

“Hey guys, “ She said breathlessly as she tried composing herself.

“Uhh.. What’s the rush Ash?” I asked curiously.

Ashley was that person who chooses to walk when you’re supposed to be running, the one who sits when you’re supposed to be standing, or for short she’s damn lazy.

“Drive Now! My Mom will kill me if she sees me wearing her boots, Go! Go! Go!”

“Oh my gosh, is that what I think you’re wearing,” Margaux asked with ferocity.

“Angora sweater from Vix? Yep Babe, “Ashley replied with a smug look.

“Guys Anastasia texted me to not pick her up and the others, they’re already at school rehearsing for their Humanities presentation,” Mia announced.

Pumping my fist up, “Hooray for short miracles,” I exclaimed.

With everyone chuckling and smiling, we rode smoothly until we reached the gates of our Beloved Evergreen High School.

So Evergreen is quite the generic school in almost any story of anyone in this world, you might’ve even heard it before. Oh, and if you search Google for it, there might be even thousands of results.

Well this one in my case has been popular across the states for having produced Presidents, Doctors, Record-Breaking Artists and such.

No one leaves Evergreen without being successful. Not everyone is smart, yet still everyone inside has a certain talent.

It’s prestige and really high tuition fees and other miscellaneous fees are top notched, and you can’t get in without you having to be at least a millionaire or so.

As we parked near the Library, our typical parking place. We were all quite flabbergasted when the doors of the hummer were sprung open by four other girls in various shapes and sizes.

“Bitches! We missed you guys! Tackle and hug!” Anastasia Nichol squealed as we were all jumping up and down giggling and laughing at one another.

Pretty much gay if you say so. I mean, what kind of guy would ever jump and squeal around with girls.

“Okay everyone, calm your selves down,” remarked Justine Novak, our Mother Goose as well as the ever virgin in our group. I mean not implying that the others are not, but she’s the typical catholic-school girl and goody-two-shoes.

“Yes Mom!” We all grunted with matching salutes. Snorts and boisterous laughter then came next.

We paved our way to the usual tide of students struggling to reach their first periods on time. I checked my wrist watch and saw that it was just 7:10 in the morning; they still have a lot of time to catch up since the classes start at 8.

Why are they so nervous and somewhat frightened? Everyone was like panicky, and distraught, it was like they were running away from us or something.

Oh, yes, it’s indeed us.

We were walking down the hallway in our usual Voltes Five formation.There’s actually no connection between that Robotic Anime and this formation, it’s more of like this Pyramid style and looks V-shaped with me on the peak flanked with Anastasia on my right and Violet on the left, then next with three people namely: Margaux, Ashley and Chartreuse and lastly two on the outer edges or perhaps our martial artists slash bouncers: Justine and Mia.

Don’t ask on how on earth I became the center or perhaps the leader if you’d want to call it that way.

We don’t have any leader, though when it comes to decision making and all, I do have the final say.


“I-I ‘ a-m s-so so-r-ry A-an-..” squeaked a frightened Chloe Sanchez as she tried wiping the brownish liquid (which I think is instant coffee basing on the smell, scholarship kids never drink brewed for some reason) which is now dripping down to the ground coming from Anastasia’s wet designer jacket.

“SHUT UP AND DON’T EVER TOUCH ME! Don’t you know how expensive this is? I bet it won’t even sum up to a year of your family’s income combined!” shouted Anastasia.

We all froze a bit for the theatrics but eventually we left Anastasia behind to settle her own accounts. 

These types of scenes are way too common in Evergreen, especially when it comes to Anastasia. She’s by far the bitchiest of all the girls I’ve ever known, the bravest too. When there is a fight, expect a chubby girl clad in designers to join you without much explanations.

We reached our lockers and grabbed our books for our classes. Oh and to clarify things, our group’s not really that typical mean girl type of clique that is composed of girls with bikini-ready bodies who could really seduce you yet have nothing for a brain.

I’m currently the top one in class with Justine as the second. Violet’s fourth and seat’s on the Council, Chartreuse is the Vice-President of the Math Club, Anastasia has this reputation of being the Science Queen while Mia’s just Mia, still though everyone’s on the honors list. Because we all agree that who are we to act so mighty, when we don’t even deserve it.

“I’m glad it was over,” came the exhausted voice of Anastasia.

“Did you hit on her too bad?” asked Chartreuse with her innocent face going to this concerned one.

“Not really, I just slapped her face real hard, have you heard the echo or what?” Anastasia replied with a matching evil glint and smug smile.

“No! What the hell were you thinking Ana?” I reprimanded.

“Didn’t we all agree to at least to leave some respect?” shot Violet.

And just like a volcano erupting, we all sprang forth different opinions and profanities. Another typical situation, don’t be surprised.

“Guys, just SHUT UP OKAY!?” Justine scolded.

We all went to our military positions.“Ma’am yes ma’am” we chorused.

And yes, laughter then came next.


“Gosh! I’m so glad the end of the day’s finally approaching!” exclaimed Violet.

“Dude, we still have lunch,” I replied.

“Jace, there’s actually no need for you think of any possible logical whatevs, we all know you love school,” cooed Mia.

“I do not love school!”

“Yes you do,” the two of them teased.

We met the others lining up at the counter. With a few of their boyfriends clinging up with them. Yes, most of my friends are in relationships. And I’m sure you do get the idea of what happens during group dates or whatever you call that activity which leads to those single ones getting jealous or what.

Despite of me being the only guy in our group, I am not actually being bullied. Everyone sort of respects me and never asks me about my sexuality. But that was before “Draco Collins” the son of the Mixed-Divas CEO came.

He’s your typical male, full of confidence and almost bursting with testosterone yet has nothing inside his skull.  He somewhat managed to turn almost every guy upon me except those who’re happily involved with my friends. So it made me 0 in terms of the male population.

“So is this mystery meat still alive or what?” I joked pointing at the unidentifiable meat skewered on sticks.

“It would be unless I shove it up your ass,” came the booming voice of Macho man along with his troops.

Right this moment my butt-landing incident would then be happening any moment soon, so stay tuned and grip those arm chairs tightly since I would be witty enough to reply.

“Oh really? Since when do fresh chunks of meat go alive after shoving it up inside someone’s ass? Oops! Sorry I’ve forgotten that children ages 5 and below have very wild imaginations,” I sneered with matching cuckoo signs flashed at him.

The whole cafeteria erupted with laughter. By this time almost everyone was eavesdropping or better yet was on full-scale attention to the scene we were creating.

Oh, and yet another typical event here at Evergreen. Macho guy bullying the straight female-friendly guy.

But the thing is, Draco hates it when he’s being rebutted by snappy comments and leaves him nothing for a comeback. So he strikes you physically, which is where he is good at.

For someone supposedly smart, my reflexes were too slow against the National Football player who was used to tackling guys weighing heavier than hundred sacks of rice. He pushed me and there was I flat on the cement landing on my bum.

By this time, there was nothing but a pin drop of silence. But it quickly ended when a deep evil laugh echoed through the Cafeteria. And I bet we all know who’s laughing now right?

“So, who do you think you are now huh? Why don’t you tell your daddy so he could bust me up?” snarled Draco.

And that’s where Anastasia kicked in and threw her own rampage.

I felt the supportive hands of Mia and Justine behind my back and I grabbed their arms as I dutifully got myself hoisted up.

Chartreuse being the girlfriend of the captain of the basketball team whispered something to her boyfriend Michael and without further ado, boys from the basketball team was helping Anastasia take down the big bad wolf.

The horrifying scene before me unfolded with such violence and ferocity that I didn’t ever wanted Anastasia to be my enemy.

She was the first one who scratched Draco’s face with her manicured fingernails and was the only one who bravely attempted to kick his crotch.

The whole cafeteria by this time was practically on hysterics and was chanting on their own personal bets. I could even see money being handed down from one person to another betting on whom they think will win, the Football troops or the Basketball team featuring Anastasia?

I looked at Mia and Justine for some help. They nodded at me and went in to get Anastasia.

But that was what I thought. Instead of taking Anastasia out of the ring, the two of them gladly helped the fight and I saw these evil glints starting to make out in their eyes.

Mia started karate chopping random guys, while Justine on the other hand despite being the usual God-fearing girl she is, still didn’t waste opportunities and began kicking different crotches while yelling “YES FOR FEMINISM!” or perhaps “SAY NO TO WOMEN’S BODY OBJECTIFICATION!”.

I was actually beginning to like the moment and just enjoy it.


“SILENCE! EVERYBODY PLEASE, DO NOT PANIC!” roared our very charming and totally unlikeable Director, Rose Wurtzbach.


You know those moments in horror movies in which there were totally no sound effects and the Character’s waving around with their camera appearing to be looking or finding for their way. That was the exact feeling right now.

And just like in movies the character predictably dies.

“And to the rest of you who are standing,” she said with an even stare to me, my friends, the football troops and the basketball team.

“Follow me,”



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The official start of their plan will come in the next chapters don’t let go yet!

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