Teachers pet (gay fanficntion...

By ziallxlover

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Niall is a 17 year old kid. He enjoyed his music and espicially his art. He is devastated to find out that hi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eight

914 33 17
By ziallxlover

Niall pov:

- now the weekend -
I was watching TV when my mum came in and suggested I go for a walk

"Niall honey you should go for a walk... its a really nice day"

I mean yeah it was but... really? Its to sunny and like... eww

"Mum do I really have to"

"Yes hunny.. the sun is good for you. Just please don't get burnt"

I muttered very quietly under my breath so she wouldn't hear

"For fuck sakes"

I got up and dressed to look at least slightly presentable to go out into the open world and well... I went for a walk


I stopped at the play ground just around the corner of my house and took a seat. I was glad I brought a drink bottle because it was really hot out here... thinking about hot made me think about Zayn. I should have called him to come and meet me and we could have gone on a quick date... actually I'll send him a text now wait? Are we on that level of dating or is it too soon? Oh no what if I ask and he gets weirded out. What if I ask and he like doesn't want to see me. My mind began to play mind games on me and I eventually just started to laugh in my head and I finally made the text

Niall: Hey Zayn. Do you wanna hang out. Im at the Ross Playground

I only waited a few minutes for his reply which brought a smile to my face instantly

Zayn: Hey Niall. I was gonna go out for lunch so maybe I'll pick you up?

I couldn't believe it. We are going on a lunch date oh my god. Like true boyfriends. Wait are we even boyfriends? Maybe I'll ask him. I was feeling really confident

Niall: I'll see you in 5?

Zayn: yeap. See ya soon babe x

Omg there he goes... calling me babe again


Zayn should be here soon I thought but here came Harry and his family. Thankfully they weren't coming anywhere towards me. They were just setting up a family picnic and all of a sudden Harry looked at me. I was slightly scared but Harrys reaction turned from happy to sad. He wasn't really angry that he got caught trying to like rape me? Would that be the right word? He just looked sad. Maybe he was remorseful over what happened but if he was, Harry is a very confrontational person. He would just come up to me and say sorry so maybe it was something else. As I was thinking I heard a car honk. I turned my head and saw Zayn in his car. I started giggling over being happy and got up and ran to his car. Before I got in I looked at Harry who looked devastated. I wondered if I should check on him but I decided not too

"Hey babe"

Zayn said as he went in to give me a peck on my cheek

"Awwww hey Zayn"

"What you saying aww for Niall"

Zayn giggled at me but I could tell he was being serious

"your just adorable and I'm already hooked on your kisses"

We both laughed and then he pecked me on the lips

"Well I'm hooked on you Niall. I was wondering if I should invite you out so I'm glad you texted"

I giggled and remembered that I had a question to ask Zayn

"Hey Zayn?"

As he started up the car and begun to drive he responded

"Yeah babe?"

I giggled

"Are we like... boyfriends?"

Zayn giggled

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend Niall?"

He was so cute as he said it in a cheeky way

"I mean it would be great..."

"Well then we are" he responded

I was so happy... me and Zayn were officially dating and I couldn't be happier.

"So Zayn... where are we going?"

"I thought I would take you out to see a movie if that's okay?"

"Yeah sure"

Zayn gave me a quick smile and then we drove of to the movies.

Zayn pov:

Niall was so adorable in the movies. I purposely choose a horror movie for us to watch so I could hold Niall when he was scared. He got jumpy a lot and would snuggle into me. It was so gorgeous. Through the last 15 minutes of the movie he just stayed there snuggled into me. He is such a cute boy

I drove him home and just before he got out the car I decided to ask him a question I had been thinking off

"Hey Niall... would you like to come stay over tomorrow night. I could take you to school on Monday and yeah?"

Niall giggled and replied back excitedly

"Omg sounds fun. Of course I will. Will you pick me up?"

"Of course" I responded

"Okay... thanks for the date Zaynie"

I giggled

"Thats okay Nially"

We both laughed until I drove off. I already missed him oh my god.

Niall pov:

Today was great I thought. I'm so happy that me and Zayn are officially dating like, we are boyfriends. I was walking up the drive way and when I entered my house my mum came out of the sitting room

"Oh hunny. Someone is here to see you"

All of a sudden out came Harry


Hey guys sorry for the late update. I thought no one was enjoying the book so I just did it when I wanted to release stress but now I noticed some people like it ❤️ thankyou for the nice comments and votes. Keep voting and don't forget to comment and follow 💕

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