The Storm Empire (Completed)

By SoulSkye

183 11 3

The age of humans have passed, and the only survivors still lure around Arian, searching for a chance of life... More

Guide to Arian
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
About the Authors

Chapter 13

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By SoulSkye

"Lark's always been a coward. He's up in the mountains somewhere, trying to escape the destruction he's caused," Lila explained, "I've always loved him.. But that doesn't mean I approve of some of the things he's done. And please.. Put that knife down. It's not very respectful to the person who's trying to HELP you."

"I think the person with the weapon should decide that," Crystal muttered feasibly, "And what does Lark even have to do everything that's been going on?"

Lila rolled her eyes, then laughed idly to herself. Gray raised her eyebrows then stared at Crystal who reflected the same expression.

"He's a mono; someone who can shapeshift into any person he wants. Monos are extremely rare, and they are also known of their ability to change people's memories. However, there are certain side effects to this power. Every time a mono changes someone's memory, that person's brain becomes unbalanced in a way where all of their thinking and reasoning skills vanish due to loss of energy from the power."

"So what does that mean?" Gray asked.

Lila sighed, "It means they lose their train of thought and become psychos. Sound familiar?"

"Too familiar," muttered Crystal. Gray dug into the back pocket of her jeans, and pulled out an old photo. Her mother's dull face stared back at her, as she viewed the photo. Standing in the back corner of the photograph was a ghastly, familiar face that belonged to Pebble.

"I still don't understand. Our mother never came into contact with Lark," commented Gray, "How could he have changed our mother's memory?"

"Every mono has a stage to test out their powers. They choose a family and alter their memories to get in."

Crystal shook her head, "Are you saying Lark is part of our family?"

"No, not now. But he was, many years ago. One day, long ago, Larkin was looking for a family. He needed a family that would be small and no one would notice if they went insane. But, one day, he met a little girl in a field. She was happy and bright, things that he had never encountered. They became friends, and forgetting that he would ruin their family, he altered memories and became a part of it, until he 'died' and went home to the Shadow empire."

"But that's impossible! This was our family at the time," Gray showed her a picture of their family. It was a perfect picture of them in their natural habitat. Pebble was reading, Crystal peeking over his shoulder and asking him to turn the page, shoulder length hair falling over her face. Gray was marveling over her new pair of weapons, the silver knives glinting. The sheaths were simple leather, hanging at a belt by her waist.

Lila pointed to Pebble, "I think that's Lark. He told me he played your little brother"

"Pebble?!" Gray and Crystal exclaimed at once. It was a hard thought to process. No one could've ever guessed that the menacing phantom was actually their little brother.

"Let me get this straight.." Gray recapped, "So Lark altered our mother's mind in order to make her think he was her youngest son. That's why she's mentally ill?"

"But if that happened, then why are we sane? Why didn't he change our memories? Well, kinda. I don't know about Gray." Crystal didn't relinquish her snide demeanor. Gray frowned then shoved her sister slightly to the side.

"I'm not sure. Lark always has his way of doing things," Lila shrugged, "Anyway, there's more to the story. So, remember those two innocent apprentices Strikepaw and Thunderpaw?"

Gray perked her ears at the mention of their names. Horrible memories began to replay in her head.

"When Pluto went to kill them, he didn't exactly do it in private. Eclipse, Frost, and Silent ended up seeing him commit the murders but Lark changed their minds so that they forgot. That's why they betrayed your clan.. Because their brains were all messed up as a side effect and they had no idea what they were doing."

Gray muttered, "And what is your plan for fixing all of this?"

"There is one thing that can cure it, but since it's a legend and no one has actually seen it, I don't intend to help you people. I'm the type who works alone."

"Quiet in the cell!" yapped Sky in a hole through the closing. He was a slender male okami, hair that was gray at the roots, but faded to white at the tips and glowing blue eyes. Like Crystal, he had a couple piercings on both ears, though not as much.

"Oh, shut up, Sky! Do this later," snarled Crystal. "We're learning stuff that changes my past right now. Beat it, you overgrown puppy!"

"Malnourished tiger..!" Sky shot back, "I thought you would've at least matured from the old days." Crystal gave him a spiked glare. Gray sighed, putting her hand on her forehead. She was tired of all of the drama and didn't need to be burdened by Lila's tale. Her mind wandered with different types of possibilities and questions. Why didn't Lark tell her earlier? If Lark was Pebble, then how come we saw our mother push him off of a cliff? Did he fake his death?

"For now, we need to find a way to get outta here." Lila peered around, and got ahold of a rock that didn't seem sturdy enough to escape. She threw the rock against the wall, and yelled in frustration. Crystal rolled her eyes, then buried her hands in her face trying so very hard not to lose it.

"Yes, they're in here!" Sky's voice came from the outside. The giant stone rolled aside, and standing by the entrance was Night. He looked smug, but also annoyed.

"This is Gray and Crystal, the nekos you wanted." Sky beckoned them over harshly, and they approached. Gray kept a steady glare at the two okamis as she walked forward.

Night yapped, "I know who they are. Now close up the stone!" Sky nodded and with all his might, he propelled the giant mass forward.

"Walk faster, you slow kitties!" Night grabbed Gray's arm and tugged her away. They entered a fairly large hut. It looked as if it was made of bamboo, but inside it was covered with carved, dirt walls. Gray's eyes filled with wonder as she scanned around the pictures, each probably a part of a storyline. The only thing that could've ruined the moment was Crystal's voice saying something stupid, like pointing out a rock that was shaped like manure or something.

As they started to head down stairs with Night, Gray realized that the wall they were facing had a sudden difference. It was made of stone, as were all of the walls around her. It seemed that the beautiful hut was an entrance to an underground cave. The terrain became more and more rough, the walls not just stone, but lined with many gems and minerals. Gray's mouth opened for she was appalled by the beauty of such a place. Everything was dull in color, except for the pop of orange in the corner of her eye, which happened to be Dawn. She was sitting behind a desk, wearing a pair of bronze spectacles.

"Gray," Dawn greeted casually, "Please, take a seat. Also Night, would you be so kind to take their handcuffs off?"

Gray squirmed, a bit surprised. After the cuffs were off, she flexed out her wrists and claws, ready to use them incase the orange leader attempted to do anything unexpected. But the complete opposite expression was plastered on Dawn's face. She wore a vague smile, not too obvious, but noticeable to the most observant eyes. She didn't seem like she would attack, but Gray kept her claws ready just in case.

"I have come up with a solution to our problem ," Dawn exclaimed slowly, catching the attention of both Crystal and Gray, "After thinking long and hard about this, I've decided to declare war with your clan as well as with the Shadow kingdom."

Gray flinched at the mention of war. There had been multiple ambushes in the past couple of months, and all of them quickly replayed in her head. The gruesome fighting, the blood shed from slain kits, all of the horrible memories shifted her focus away.

Dawn sighed as if she discerned the hesitation in Gray's eyes, "Why not have one giant war to solve all of our problems instead of countless mini- battles? That way less animas will die, and justice will be granted to those who deserve it."

"Is this really necessary, Dawn?" Gray spat, unsure about the offer.

"Gray, it may seem like a bit to process but you'll understand sooner or later that this war will benefit everyone."

"Yeah, I don't see unreasonable bloodshed, conflict, and dead kits as benefitting," Crystal spoke up.

Gray thought a while before nodding in agreement, "I agree. I will have to reject your offer.. I can't risk more dead warriors."

"Then we'll just have to attack you anyway," Dawn took her glasses off and placed them on her desk, "Like it or not, we'll meet by the grassy plains just right outside your territory in three days. If you're not there, we'll attack your camp, invade your territory, and kill everyone there.. Including you."

Gray shot up from her seat, "This is ridiculous!"

Dawn laughed, "I'm making it easy for you. I have already messaged Pluto and he agreed to fight alongside his empire. Just to let you know, it's every clan for themselves.. "

"I don't think that you know just how powerful we are," commented Gray, her eyes glaring. "Crystal beat your deputy-"

"Fine, whatever you call it. But Crystalfur beat him. But by no means is she the best warrior out of all of us. In our mock battles, her opponents can't last a second. Plus, the storm family's abilities have always dwarfed the abilities of other families. In no way are we inferior in battle to you okami. After all, all you have is your brute force!"

"We'll see about that," Dawn stood up, a frown spreading across her face, "Escort them out!"

"Do what you preach," commented Gray, knowing that okami definitely did brag before they won. Dawn pretended not to hear, but Gray saw her ears twitch as her frown deepened.

Night lead them out into the camp. Crystal peered at her watch, and narrowed her eyes as she saw that a day had past ever since they had been throw into that scrawny cave. At the thought of a cave, she wondered if Lila had ever made it out at all. Either way, she had better things to worry about. Now that a war was on her shoulders, she would have to train hard alongside her clan, and fight till the end. The sky now glowed like fire, reflecting in her eyes. The red-orange and blue of her pupil combined into a strange color, a shade of amethyst that was a strange pale purplish blue. Gray looked at her sister who seemed exhausted.

"Come on, let's go home."

Crystal then tripped on a rock, but she got up and kept going into the beautiful sunset which outlined the stormclan camp, miles, miles away.


Gray jogged into camp, the knapsack on her belt rocking back and forth as her body glided with the wind. Crystal ran right next to her sister, eager to return back to camp. Once they had arrived, they noticed a large crowd of confused nekos. They carried anxious expressions as Red leaped onto the rock.

"Quiet down everyone!" He yowled, as the crowd sealed their lips. A faint murmur spread as Gray and Crystal made their way past the wave of nekos. They drew back, forming an empty path for the leader and the sister to walk through. Gray slowly ambled to the top of the rock, looking every warrior in the eye as she walked past. The hazel eyes of Acorn stared back at her. They seemed assuring, yet full of worry. The green eyes of Fawn seemed to shoot daggers at her. The worrisome, innocent eyes of many apprentices seemed tense.

Red broadened his eyes at the sight of Gray. Giving him a confident nod, he stepped back as Gray perfunctorily took his place on the rock and faced the crowd. Crystal leaned back and gazed at her sister as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Cats of Stormclan," She declared, "I have been captured while on a visit to the Ashclan Camp. I have been thrown in a cell with my sister Crystal for at least a full night.
" ...the longest night of her life... "The following day, Dawn took us out to discuss matters about our clans. She has declared war."

Gasps circulated around the highrock.

"I'd like you all to stay calm, please. Dawn has given us three days to prepare. If we refuse to battle, she will attack our clan anyway and snatch our territory right out of our paws. Crystal and I have thought long and hard about this. We've decided that the Storm Empire will participate in the war because we are not cowards!"

"This is ridiculous," Fawn yelled, a blunt sharpness to his tone. Soft murmurs sprang in agreement, as warriors nodded their heads thoroughly. Red shifted his paws and shot a sharp look at the crowd, signaling them to be quiet. Gray, despite her uneasiness, continued in an assertive tone,

"Stormclan has always been known as the weak empire! Do you really want to add to that reputation? Do you want to live your life constantly hiding behind the borders of this camp? I don't, for sure! We are not only fighting against our opponents, but also against injustice, against oppression, against enemies of the heavens! That truly is an honor, and I assure you that I'd rather die fighting than die running away."

Crystal nodded at her sister's words, "I have something to say as well. When I first left my tribe to rejoin Stormclan, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But lucky as I was, many of the nekos here welcomed me back with open arms and warm smiles. Some of these nekos included, Eclipse, Silent, along with Frost. To see them betray the clan hurt me more than anyone else, and I'm sure of that. So when I fight this war, I will ask all of you. Will you stay with the clan? Do you have any doubt in your heart? Do you have even a 1% chance of leaving? How loyal are you? Do you truly think that the clan will last forever or do you think that this small mistake break? What are your true thoughts?"
"Pretty words don't mean anything!" said a voice in the crowd. Crystal's ears twitched as she made her way off the rock, eye to eye with a ginger haired, emerald eyed tom, maybe a year or 2 older than her.

"What pretty words?" Crystal's eyes glared straight at the tom, who gulped, feeling the gaze like a sword to his throat.

"Yours. Are YOU truly this clan? You left once, how do we know you won't run away? Pretty words don't mean anything. They are just dolled up to make the moment to motivate us. However, they never mean the words!"

"If I wanted to doll up my words, I would. But my words were sincere. And everyone except you can see this. Any pretty words would just make everyone rebel against us. I have no benefit from lying than you!"

"But what if you are? WHy should I trust you? WHat makes you different than the other lying clan leaders and their junkies and mindless slave followers?"
"I am not mindless," Crystal's eyes started to change color. It started from the dark middle of the blue and slowly spread, like a fire, "I am like no one else here. Gray and I aren't in a special club. We are a part of you. Every one of you here can talk directly to Gray. She isn't holed up in some desolate cave, she lives with us in our dens. We cry with her, smile with her, and we know everything. Her favorite color, the weird habits she had, and we know she is not completely sane, " Gray shot Crystal a glare, "The Storm family has always made it a point to make friends with you animas. Not to treat you as less than us. When have we ever treated you as anything except equals? We keep secrets, we make mistakes and we aren't perfect. We have never claimed, though. We never pretend to be anything. We are just ourselves."
The neko backed down. He was staring at Crystal, whose eyes had totally changed to a bright amethyst. It made her look strangely, different. The blue eyes had made her look like an arctic fox, but the strangely colored amethyst, with an almost pale gray glow to it. It made her look elegant, with a different aura to her. She still seemed strange, with her piercings showing and her long hair, tied back with a bandage, but something made them think that maybe, Crystal was right after all. Maybe they were wrong for once. Maybe they didn't always know best. Maybe, they put their trust in the wrong person.

"I hope you all understand. We will start training," Gray held her head up, "I expect all of you to work hard. We have a long two days ahead of us. This war will definitely cost the lives of some of our clan members, but just remember that we're fighting for the right reason, unlike some of our other opponents. Bad things will happen but we'll face them together as a team. We are Stormclan, the cats of this torn generation, and we will fight proudly. Now, let's get started!"

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