The Special Friends- Year 1 (...

By Lena_G_Scamander

1.5K 53 4

Two best friends. But not like the normal ones. You see, one's a time lady, Doctor Who's daughter, in fact... More

Chapter 1: Kasey Who
Chapter 2- Earth...and a bit more.....
Introduction (a bit late but whatever)
Chapter 3: Lily Potter
Chapter 4: The Zoo
Chapter 5- The Secret
Author's Note
Chapter 6- The Letter
Author's Note
Chapter 7- Shopping for Hogwarts
Chapter 8- Heading to Diagon Alley
Chapter 9- A Dream Come True
Chapter 10: Diagon Alley
100 reads!
Chapter 11: Platform 9 and 3/4
Chapter 12- The Train Station
Chapter 13: On the Train
Chapter 14: Hogwarts at Last
Author's Note
Chapter 15- The Sorting
Credit where credit's due
Chapter 16- Friday of the First Week- Part 1
Chapter 17- Friday of the First Week- Part 2
Chapter 19: Flying Lessons
Chapter 20- Letters and Three- Headed Dogs
Chapter 21- Quidditch Training
Chapter 22- First Quidditch Game
Chapter 23- Suspicions about Snape and Advanced Potions
Chapter 24- Christmas
Chapter 25- The Mirror of Erised and Norbert
Chapter 26- Nicholas Flamel and Quirrell
Chapter 27- Exams and Norbert Again
Chapter 28- Going After Quirrell, the Obstacles and the Final Confrontation
Chapter 29- Explanations and the House Cup
Chapter 30- Going Home
1k reads!

Chapter 18: The Time Lessons

21 0 0
By Lena_G_Scamander

Kasey's POV:
The first week of school's over.  I still can't believe that I'm actually at Hogwarts!

Another thing I can't believe is Tom.  Saving me....I didn't think he had it in him.  He's become so much more brave and mature since we came here, have I.

I shake the thought off as I check my watch.   7:05. Breakfast's at 8 today, so I still have an hour to get ready.

Then I remember what's happening today. Tom and I have our first lesson with Professor McGongagall!
A huge smile spreads onto my face; I can already tell that this will be my favourite subject here.

I need to go to the lesson straight after breakfast, so Tom and I will need to make up some excuse as to why we won't be there...but I'm sure we can think of something.

Yawning comes from behind me and I turn to see Hermione and Lily awake.
'Hey guys!' I say, grinning.  'I see the sleepyheads have finally decided to join us in the waking world.'
'Oh, shut up, Kasey,' says Lily sleepily, yawning again.
'Yeah, I'm sure you haven't been awake much longer than us,' agrees Hermione.
'I....' I say in my defence, then stop.  'Yeah, that's true.'
As the two of them laugh together, a sound comes from downstairs.

'Hermione! Lily!  Kasey!  Come downstairs quickly!'
I recognised my brother's voice and rolled my eyes.
'It's 7:05!' I yell back at them.  'We've just got up!'
'7:05?' Tom yelled back.  'It's 7:50, guys!  Breakfast starts in ten minutes!'
'WHAT!?!?' I yell back at him.  'WHAT!?!?'
'Ok,' Tom yells, sounding scared,  'I think when a girl sounds like that in the morning, it's time to go.  We'll see you at breakfast!'
I hear the sounds of three pairs of footsteps quickly leaving the common room, and I narrow my eyes with anger.

'They've left us!!!  How dare they!!!'
Lily and Hermione look warily at me, glancing nervously at each other.

'Ok Kasey, calm down....' says Hermione, 'Let's just put our clothes on quickly and we'll get to the Great Hall in time, if we hurry.'
At this I calm down and we all rush around for five minutes until we're ready, and get to the Great Hall in record time.

Harry, Ron and Tom are there, eating breakfast.  As they see us they glance at each other then try to hide their faces, but it's too late.

We storm over to them in anger, but before we get a chance to speak, they do.

'What a capital day it is...Larry boy,' says Tom loudly to Harry.
Harry glares at Tom at the choice of name but continues.
'I say, I say, you are quite right for once, Snickerdoodles!'
Tom glares at him with a glare to match the devil's.
'Oh, how lovely it will be when you get married to the horse with the pig's head next week, Larry Ketchup-Noodles,' he says in return.
'I can hardly wait for you to be my wife's bridesmaid, Mrs. Snickerdoodles!  She says she chose you because you look just like her!'
Tom opens his mouth to speak, then just shakes Harry's hand.
'Good game, Larry Ketchup-Noodles.'
'You were a fair opponent, Mrs. Snickerdoodles,' says Harry.
Ron just stares at them, open-mouthed.
'Ok,' I say, breaking the silence, 'we were planning to embarrass you...'
'But it looks like...' says Lily, smirking,
'You already did!' Finishes Hermione, grinning.

The two boys slowly turn to see the whole of the Great Hall looking at them like Ron just did and turn red until they look away and continue their conversations.

We laugh and sit next to the boys, talking all breakfast, and we walk out of the Great Hall after we've finished.

'Our first weekend!' Says Lily, smiling brightly at all of us. 'What do all of you say to enjoying this beautiful day outdoors?'
Harry, Ron and Hermione quickly agree, and I'm about to as well until Tom nudges me and points at his watch.
Oh. The lesson with Professor McGongagall, I almost forgot.
'Tom and I need,' I say. 'Don't worry, we'll be down soon.'
'Oh,' says Lily, looking disappointed. 'Well, we can always come with you, you know.'
'Thanks,' I reply, 'but you don't need to. Like I said, we'll be down soon.'
Lily nods.
'Well, see you guys soon!'

They all run off outside together, and I turn to Tom.
'Let's get going,' I say. 'Professor McGongagall expects us at her office in ten minutes!'
We tear through the castle, but halfway there we bump into a certain Professor with very greasy hair.
'Snape..' I sigh, as he stops us in our tracks.
'I believe I am your Professor, insolent child,' he says in his silkiest voice. 'Ten points from Gryffindor, and twenty more for you two running in the corridors.'
I bit my lip to stop myself from replying, and instead speed walked toward McGonagall's office the whole way.

When we got to her office, Tom cleared his throat.
'Houses United,' he said, and the door opened.
'She told me the password,' Tom said quickly when he saw the questioning look on my face, and we both walked inside.

Professor McGongagall was already there, and at the sight of us she smiled.

'Time for your first lesson,' she said. 'There will be no books in this, just your wand. The first thing you will learn is how to make time pass more slowly. The spell will affect everyone apart from Time Lords and Ladies, so we will be immune to the spell. ' She paused for breath, looking each of us in the eye. 'Since you are only in first year, you will only make time slow down by a few seconds with this spell. I myself used it in classes to help better understand what the teacher was saying,' she said, smiling again, 'and you may as well. Just make sure you don't get caught.'
'Can we use it in awkward social situations in order to get away?' Asked Tom, glancing at me slyly.
'Anything you may need it for,' said Professor McGongagall, but then frowned at us, saying, 'except for situations when you are breaking the rules and you need to get away from teachers. Be warned that I know whenever you use the spell, just as you know when I use mine, and I will use my Time Vision, another thing that I will teach you, to see what you are doing. Any questions before you learn the spell?' She said crisply.
'Yes, Professor, I have one,' I say. 'How is it that I've never felt you stopping time before?'
'That is because the spell only works in this area of time and space. You have never been here before, nor have any other Time Lords or Ladies, so nobody has felt this spell or even knows about it except for us.' She explained. 'Now, the spell is Lozoid. Flick your hands upwards while you're doing this, then put them back down again. Concentrate on what you want in your mind, to make time go slower. When you gain more power, you'll be able to make time go slower and slower, until you're ready to make time stop. But for now, take out your wands and practise the spell.'

Tom and I both take out our wands and look at each other, unsure of who should try first. Eventually Tom rolls up his sleeves and closes his eye, obviously trying to concentrate like Professor McGongagall told him to do.
'Focus,' the Professor whispers, and Tom raises his arms.
I feel time move more slowly for a second, feel it, but only for a second.

Professor McGongagall claps.

'Well done Tom!' She says, looking impressed. 'Not many people get that on their first try.'
Tom smirks at me and I smirk back as I roll up my sleeves and close my eyes like Tom did.
'Concentrate on your purpose,' whispers the Professor, and I do. I think of what I felt when Tom slowed down time, the feeling that you are the only human within a sloth.
My wand sparkles with energy and I can hear Professor McGongagall gasp. I raise my arms.

The single word rips through my throat and the world stops around me. I can hear people talking, but very slowly.

I've done it.

Time is under my control at this very moment.
And for a second, I feel powerful. Strong, like I can do anything.
But then time crackles around me and the world returns to normal.

I open my eyes to see the Professor staring at me in awe.

'Kasey...what you have done is something that nobody in this universe, alive or dead has ever accomplished.'
'I just held the spell for a bit longer than Tom did...' I say, confused, but she stops me.
'No, you didn't just do that.  You actually made us, a Time Lord and a Time Lady, move slower as well.'
'But...we're immune..' I say, throughly discombobulated.
'Well, I thought we were,' says the Professor softly.  'But it seems that you controlled..everyone.  However, Tom and I knew we were being controlled because we can control time as well, unlike other people.  But...what you just did...on your first try...'
Her voice fades away as she just stares at me.

I realise Tom hasn't talked in a while, and I turn to look at him.
He's just staring in wonder, and with something else.  The same look that Professor McGongagall has as well.

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