Welcome To My Hectic life...

By SSBMA1994

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Sakinah- Muslim, random, weird, kind, misfortunate~ Mirza- Jerk, playboy, mean, boy band and let me stress ev... More

Welcome To My Hectic life...
Chapter One..... Allah hates me?
Chapter Two.....First day of school
Chapter Three.....Made friends and enemies
Chapter Four.....Made fun of
Chapter Five.....Heated fight
Chapter Six.....Ghosts?
Chapter Seven.....The new guy
Chapter Eight...Co-relation between nightmare and reality
Chapter Nine.....Carefree
Chapter Ten (Part One).....Broken Promise
Chapter Ten (Part Two).....Broken Promise
Chapter Eleven..... Arts of betrayal (Part One)
Chapter Eleven.....Arts of betrayal (part two)
Chapter Eleven.....Arts of betrayal (Part Three)
Chapter Twelve.....Last day
Chapter Thirteen.....Peer pressure
Chapter Fourteen.....School gone wild (Part One)
Chapter Fourteen.....School gone wild (Part Two)
Chapter Fifteen...Secret out in the open
Chapter Sixteen.....You humiliated me now you humiliate yourself

Chapter Seventeen.....The Psycho, The Kick-Ass Charmer And The Gothic (Part One)

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By SSBMA1994

In this Chap, the is a new P.O.V from Toyyibah. Sakinah's deathly cute sister who is 6 years of age and is soo innocent and sweet... or so everyone thought... :O! :P

I've already posted a picture of Fathimah- Hassan's lil sis- on the last chapter. The picture on the side is Toyyibah. Isn't she freaking cute?? haha XD

Hope you love this chapter.


Chapter Seventeen.....The Psycho, The Kick-Ass Charmer And The Gothic (Part One)

(Sakinah's P.O.V)

I was walking my way home from school when suddenly Jerk rushed beside me. I rolled my eyes. I think I'm getting used to this cycle. Guess it's impossible to get Jerk out of my life for good. I'll just have to deal with the reality of it. I sighed.

"What?" I said exhausted.

"What? WHAT? Is that all you could say? "What"? Seriously? Just that one word?!" He blared walking faster to catch up with my fast pace.

I took a deep breath. "Fine. What is it? There, three words."

"F*** you Sakinah. Because of you, the principal is now thinking of a punishment for me soon. She said she'll call me once she thought about it. And for what? Something I didn't even do!"

I cringe a bit at the cuss word he uttered. I furrowed my brows as my mind process his words. Punishment? "Wait. Are you talking about the Maths homework you made me do?" I asked amused. He gave me a plain pissed-off 'duh' look. I laughed out loud. Oh, revenge is sweeeet! Who'd though he'd get punished so fast?

"Serve you right." I replied, grinning widely. "Aren't you suppose to go home by car? I don't want to have to walk home with you." I added.

He looked pissed, trying to keep calm but probably not working. This was the first prank that I really got him good. Not to mention he embarrassed himself at school, officially making this day his worst day ever.

"Oh yeah. Well, F*** YOU! If it's a war you want, then it's a war you'll get!"

"Oh, it is on! And I'll be more prepared this time. You won't bring me down so easily without a fight!"



And like that, Jerk left to ride his car back home.


After picking my sister Toyyibah from her school, we were heading home. Toyyibah was craving for chocolate ice cream so we stopped by the closest shop. Knowing her, she didn't stop just at ice cream but search around the shop for some sweets. Oh, typical.

As I wait for her to make up her mind, I look around the shop to buy something for my self as well. My eyes landed on something interesting. It was two flat piece of red aluminium in the shape of a small square knitted front and back on the sides. It was only slightly smaller than my hand. It has something hard in between the flat aluminium. The writings was in Chinese so I didn't quite understand. In the back it had a picture of a face with a cross written 'not for children below seven'. Oh, deja vu.

I involuntarily chuckled. I remember this toy. It's a harmless fake bomb I used to play with when I was younger. It cost merely 30 cents. All we had to do was press the hard thing in between the aluminium and throw it. The inside would keep on expanding until it becomes very tight, and within seconds it will explode with a loud 'poof' sound. It's nothing but air inside, so it's really harmless besides the hilarious loud noise which can shock someone who was unprepared for it.

I remembered when I was younger and before I moved houses where my grandparents lived, I used to play block catching with my siblings and my neighbours. It's basically a game, almost like police and thief, but we would run up and down the 12 storey apartment and try to catch each other which makes it more challenging. We would first have to separate into two groups, one for police and one for thieves. The police would have to find and catch the the thieves one by one, and tie their wrist with fake handcuffs. The thieves had to sneak around and hide so they won't get caught. Sometimes the thieves like to cause chaos and when the police caught them, they would throw this toy bombs at the police to make a run for it. Overall, it's an exhilarating and enjoyable game.

Oh, how I missed the good old days! I can't believe they're still selling this today. I remember searching for this toy for more than three years without finding it. I thought they stopped selling it for good. I made up my mind to buy some of these. Another thing caught my eye. It looks almost look like the toy bomb but it was green in colour. I haven't came across it before and I wondered what it was.

"Umm, sorry Sir," I addressed the shop keeper politely, " what are these for? Is it like this red coloured aluminium fake bomb?" I asked.

The guy who looked like in his mid-twenties looked it over. "Oh, that. Yeah, almost sort of, but better. But these green coloured ones cost for 50 cents where as the red ones cost for thirty cents." He replied with a smile.

"Well...how are they better?" I asked, curious.

"Other than making a loud sound, it also gives off a very stinking smell." He said.

Hmm...interesting. Suddenly I thought about something sinister and I smiled evilly. "I would like two of the red ones and three of the green one please!"

Finally Toyyibah made up her mind on what to buy. She came to my side and set her sweets and chocolate ice cream above the cashier table. Typical of her to buy something more expensive than me.

"Pranking someone?" the guy smirked and looked at me knowingly. I smiled cheekily not answering and he chuckled. "Well, that would be $5.20 please." I gave the guy $6 and told him to keep the change. The young well build guy rolled hid eyes as if saying 'yeah sure, thanks for the eighty cents tip' but smiled and thanked me anyways. He waved good bye as me and Toyyibah left the shop with two satisfied grins and two individual small plastic bag.

Toyyibah looks so cute smiling and skipping as she mumbled a cheerful song. Oh Allah, I love my innocent little sis. I shook her hair making it messy and she didn't seem to mind. She's only 6 years old so she's not wearing her hijab (head scarf) yet. She probably will sometime next year.

"Come on sis, let's go home. Ummi is probably waiting." I said and we both made our way home walking. As we walked silently, I can't help myself anticipating to try out the new toy bomb. Being my normal impatient self, I decided to use up one of the green toy bomb. I took out the green aluminium, pressed it in the middle where the hard substance is, then threw it somewhere in front of me. Me and Toyyibah both jumped at the loud puffing noise. Toyyibah was more startled than me since she wasn't paying attention when I threw it and she wasn't born yet when I played with it when we were younger to know what it was.

"Holy shit, this literally smell worse than shit!" I coughed. Me and Toyyibah closed our nose tightly.

"Sis! Don't tell me you farted! How can it be this stinky?" Toyyibah choked and complained.

"What the hell? I can never fart half that loud or anywhere this stinky Toyyibah, that would be inhuman!"

And like that, instead of walking, we ran back home to escape the horrible smell. Impressively, it stretched out quite far. Well at least now I know the extend of that green bomb's capabilities.


I was in my room as I locked the door so I could change my clothes without having anyone barging in. I took out my hijab and my scarf. Then, I took out my hair tie and rub my long brownish black hair as i let it free. I intercepted my fingers between the smooth curls. It's quite soft and smelled like sweet olive oil. I took out my long sleeved cardigan, revealing a t-shirt inside. Before I could further strip myself, I heard a whistle. Startled, I look around to find the source. When I looked out the window, I jumped, screamed and tripped. My heart felt like it leaped out of my chest from shock. I quickly shut the window close.

I quickly redress myself, putting my cardigan back on, my scarf and my hijab messily. I took a deep breath and reopened my window curtains and the window. Jerk was standing by his room's window vertically from mine. He sat there and winked at me.

"Y-You sicko! Creep! Pervert! Gross, I hate people like you!" I was blushing madly. I can't believe this. How could I let this Jerk be the first non-muhrim (non-family) to see my precious aurat?! Only my future to-be-husband can see them, not him. I was angry beyond longman dictionary could describe. I can't help wondering how much did he saw of me?

Jerk was chuckling with his boyish grin as always. His hair was messy and his arms resting at his room's window. He shrugged, "I was looking out my window to see the the beautiful scenery, but instead I saw an ugly duckling. Man, how it burned my eyes! <sigh> My luck, I guess."

"Scenery, my ass! Your windows are directly facing my windows, neither of us can see any scenery you stupid asshole. I'm stuck with seeing your window, your damn room and your ugly looking self!" My chest was constricted, stil not comprehending the shock and embarrasment. I was trying my best to insult Jerk back.

"You know you can't blame me for not closing your own windows." Jerk retorted calmly with a pout as he shrugged innocently.

I gasped. "W-W...B-B-B....I forgot!" I shouted defensively.

"That's no excuse."

"Oh y-yeah? Well, umm..." I was thinking hard for a comeback.

"You got beautiful hair," Jerk interrupted, not looking my way.

I was about to utter a good comeback when his words sank in. I was startled by his sudden uncalled compliment. My breath was taken away for a few seconds. When he finally looked at me, I blushed and looked away. I held my fist tight and bit my lip,"...but??" I asked. Knowing him, he probably had a nasty insult to add after his fake compliment.

"But nothing. Just can't help but wonder why you chose to cover your hair. I mean, it's not even ugly." Jerk sighed and looked my way frowning. I stared at him hard to see if it was just an act but all I saw was his sincere questioning look .

I sighed and looked away, wondering if I should answer him or how I should answer. I sat near a seat by my window, thinking over my words carefully. "Why must everything be shown anyway? What's wrong with me covering myself?"

He didn't seem satisfied."Well why hide it? Don't you wish to show it off? Ever heard the saying 'if you've got it, flaunt it'?"

"I don't need to flaunt anything or proof anything to anyone, Mirza. My dignity and my skin is worth more than the spotlight. Only my family and my husband who cares for me and loves me can see me." I replied calmly.

"Why only your husband? Isn't that discriminating to yourself? Besides, how will a guy want to marry you in the first place without seeing or knowing what you look like behind those cloak you are hiding in? I mean, if he doesn't know whether you look beautiful or not, how would be willing to take the risk of finding out?" He pressed.

I sighed and took a deep breath. For some reason I didn't like that question. My eyes roaming around in no where in particular. "Shouldn't my character and personality enough for him?" I snapped a little feeling bitter." He has to be able to look past my garment and see through my heart. He has to love me for me, not my looks. Beauty fades."

"What I want is a responsible husband...Someone who could man up and ask for my hand in marriage, instead of flirting with me and dating me, use me and dump me when he's bored. I'm not into that kind of relationship and hype, Mirza. I'm not you afterall. I see things differently." I continued.

I and Mirza met eyes one moment before he looked away fidgeting with his fingers, tapping the wall with a random tune. I think I answered enough and thought I should shut the windows now. I stood up when suddenly Mirza stoped playing with his fingers and said, "Thats a whole different perspective to finding true love I never thought about."

Suddenly he looked at me frowning again as he continued, "I kinda understand it a little though I can't fully comprehend the idea. Why are you so different anyways; your looks, your thoughts, your behavior? Everytime I think I know enough about you, you unravel more things. Everything about you is a bit alien to me."

I shrugged. "That's because I am a Muslim, and I role by Islamic principles." I shrugged and smiled thinking how much I love my religion. There was a few seconds of silence. I was waiting to see if he had anymore questions. This was the first real conversation I ever had with Jerk. No arguing, which was nice. Maybe Jerk wasn't so bad after all.

After what seemed like forever, Mirza stood up and stretched his arms. His boyish smirk back to where it was. "Well, good luck with those high hopes and never getting married in the future." He was turning back to leave his room

I was surprise by his sudden change of character and disgusted by his remark. Scratch Mirza or that he has a soul. The Jerk's back! "Oh yeah? Well good luck to you too...with your Stds!" I retorted with a hint of sinister.

Jerk froze. He turned to face me, face contorted. I think I touched a nerve in him. "You know, my Mum once told me how Muslims are all terrorrist." He smirked pointing a finger at me.

I looked at him disgusted. I've never even seen his mum but for some reason I'm not surprised she said that seeming Jerk is the way he is. Instead of denying his statement , I smiled to prove I'm not affected by his insult and fake accusation. "True. I am. You should be terribly afraid of me. I can bomb your room anyday anytime and kill you, so watch your steps." I gave an intimidating look.

Jerk looked puzzled for a second. "Ha! You're lying! A weakling like you? What a fake..." He shake his hand dissmissively in the air and was walking away. "Oh. By the way, close your window next time. Though I don't mind seeing you butt naked, I wouldn't risk damaging my eyes." He winked flirtaciously.

Alright, that is IT! He ask for it. It's not like I didn't warn him beforehand.

I see him drop himself above the bed and lie down.

Here's my chance. I took out the remaining four aluminium toy bombs inside a plastic bag nearby. There was two green ones and two red ones. I pressed all of them one by one and threw them through Jerk's windows ninja style as if they were a bunch of shurikens. I started off with the red ones then followed by the green. They all exploded loudly one by one. It almost sounded like a bunch of loud fireworks exploding one by one by a second interval. Jerk jumped up and down in the most comical manner with every explosion and weird hand movements.

It wasn't long before the room smelled like that when a trash truck past you by...or a deathly polluted sea or...JUST PLAIN HORRIBLE! I mean, if one of those green bomb smelled worse than shit, imagine two of them!

I burst out of uncontrollable laughters. After the bizzare shock on his face comprehending what the hell just happened, he ran out the window once he realise the smell in pursuit of fresh air. He was coughing and chocking horribly pressing his chest and wiping tge smell away inaffectively. He looked..sick? Hahahahahahahaha!!! Tears were running out my eyes from laughters, I laughed so hard my stomoch hurts so bad yet laughing still.

"What....the hell...was that?!?!" Jerk manage to ask with a few coughs.

"I told you I'm a terrorist. But boy, I forgot! You're a cockroach, you can never die can you? I heard Cockroaches can even survive bombs but only now after seeing it for myself that I believe it." I said before laughing a bit more.

Jerk looked murderous. "Why...you...little..." he gritted his teeth.

I shrugged and pouted innocently as I slowly regained my composure and slowed down the laughter. "Hey, not my fault! Who told you not to shut your window close? You should learn to take your own advice for once." I wink and stick my tongue out as i closed my window shut with it's curtains.

I wiped my tears that formed from laughing so hard, chuckling. I turned around and walked a few steps, opening my hijab and letting my hair loose once again. I abruptly stopped at a reflection staring back at me from my mirror.

Is my hair really beautiful?

I shook my head dismissing the thought saying astaghfirullah (God forgive me) then left my room.


*This is an overview on Toyyibah. It is relevant in future chapters*

(Toyyibah's P.O.V) [Two and a half weeks ago]

My name's Toyyibah and I'm six years of age. My house is ALWAYS hectic and chaotic as my siblings likes to fight against each other for no apparent reason. It's always girls versus boys, Sakinah tag-teamed with Aisyah against Hakim tag-teamed with Zaki. They're relentless! They gave Ummi ad Abah (Mom and Dad) headache; there's no stopping them fight.

I always stay out of it, uninterested. So I was loved by everyone, especially my parents who liked to compare me to them as the greater example as I stay out of trouble and brought peace to the house. I was referred as the innocent,cute and sweet little girl. I liked to draw silently or play with toys alone, amusing myself with it. Little did they know, I'm quite the trouble maker myself. Perhaps even more than all my siblings combined!

You see, I'm a silent troublemaker that no one knows. There would be be a random mysterious troublesome occurrence in the house and my parents would have no choice but to pin it down on my siblings as the more reasonable choice as they're always the noisy one. My poor brothers and sisters always got blamed. It would remain an unsolved mystery to them as to who did it.

How am I a silent troublemaker, you ask? Well, I'm only six. So I am very curious about the world around me. But the things that always attracted my attention are always the dangerous stuffs. Often disastrous. I've once been interested to my father's tool box, and soon after it was my mum's kitchen blade. They all have different sizes and shapes. They looked so cool, mysterious and magical.

This time, I have a new attraction and addiction: fire! The way it lights up, the beautiful colour. Magical! I'm deathly curious about fire now, I can't wait to find out more about them.

I silently drew fire on my sketch book then coloured it with red, mixed with orange and yellow with my colour pencils as I sat at the dining table. A added a little blue on the outer layer of the fire I drew. My eyes gleamed. As I was doing this, my elder siblings are all fighting as usual. Pillows were thrown all around the air, banging each other's head with it. It was messing the entire house.

When Ummi got out of the kitchen after cooking and saw all the mess in the house. She screamed, infuriated and called out all my four sibling. She pinched Sakinah's ear with her right hand and Hakim's ear with her left hand as they both were the oldest of the siblings and supposed to set out the "greater example". They both pleaded forgiveness and for Ummi to let them go.

"I want all this clean in half an hour!! And as a punishment, you'll settle all the housework today: the laundry, sweep, mop, vacuum, clean the toilets and wipe the glass mirrors and furniture." Sakinah and Hakim widen their mouths at the impossible punishment. Ummi's screaming echoed through out the whole house. She looked mad and murderous. Sakinah and Hakim begged for forgiveness. I continued colouring as though I was in my own world. My hair was tightened in two tight ponytails.

"What's with all these shouting so early in the morning?" Abah who had just took a shower and got dressed in T-shirt and shorts descended from the stairs with a stressed expression. His hair was damp and he smelled fresh. He doesn't have work today.

"These kids!" Ummi pointed at my four sibling (Sakinah, Hakim, Aisyah and Zaki), "Just look at the mess they make here!! Oh Allah, give me the patience. Wallahi (I swear), I get no peace in this house for even a day with these children!" Ummi pressed her forehead, her left arm resting on her hip. Even though she is a housewife now with five kids, she looked beautiful, young and in shape since she married young in her life. She's an expert in cooking and cleaning.

Abah kissed Ummi's head and shoulders as he rubbed them to calm her down. "That's enough kids, your mum deserve a break from all these chaos." Abah is a cool, collected person. He's also very smart and educated not to mention a pious Muslim.He likes to pray a lot, read the Quran and help the helpless. Many times, he would donate money to the poor. It's became a habit of his.

"Habibi (darling), do something about these kids. Wallahi, it's all to overwhelming for me, my head just wants to explode!" Ummi pleaded to Abah.

"Alright, alright..." Abah raised his hands in surrender. "Kids, I'll make you all a deal. If you can be the good kids that I believe you are and not fight for two weeks, I'll bring all of you to Toys R Us and let each of you pick a toy of your choice, deal?" Hakim, Sakinah,Aisyah and Zaki gasped excitedly and nodded in agreement. They started to clean the house rapidly and enthusiastically. Hmm, a toy? I wonder what I want to buy...

"For two weeks only? Habibi, why not for the rest of their lives living with us?" Ummi frowned and rested her back on Abah.

"Honey, it's all about taking one step at a time. They haven't not fight and be quiet, good kids in even a day! Two weeks would be a great improvement." Abah reasoned and encouraged.

Ummi thought about it one second, "I guess..." She sighed and went back to the kitchen. Abah sat on the sofa reading his newspaper with his hot black coffee on the table as per usual.

Almost two weeks have passed. This house was almost a stranger as it experienced peace and tranquility like never before. It was kinda weird. Ummi was so proud and happy like never before. Her body seems lighter around the house. Abah's just glad that Ummi's in a happier mood. Only a few days left before the two weeks ended and Abah and Ummi will have to bring us to Toys R Us.

For the pass nights, I had been studying fire by observing them closely. After midnight when everyone had fallen asleep, I awoke. Sometimes, I'll go to the kitchen, open the gas and light up a small fire. I found out that fire hurts because when I touched it, my finger hurt. Time healed the pain. But I still didn't stop admiring the beauty of fire.

On other nights, I discovered that fire can lit up fire on other objects like candle. It also melts the candle and the candle would go lower and lower. And when you blow on the fire, it'll disappear just like that. It's so magical, I love it! I got the candles from Ummi's possessions. She used to ask about her candles' mysterious disappearance during the day but no one would have an answer.

One night, I arose as usual. All my siblings were fast asleep in the toy room. The girls slept in the mattress and the guys slept above the carpet. They all had smiles on their faces, anticipating tomorrow to buy their desired toy.A stand fan set at speed 3 blew strong wind left to right to left and continued turning as it produced a comforting wind to my sweaty perspiring siblings.

Tonight, I had a new plan and experiment that I want to carry out. By now, I already found out that fire was quite dangerous. But it's okay if I'm careful, right? Besides, nothing had happened this past two weeks. So I bet nothing will happen tonight. Plus, I know how to diminish a fire so I believe it'll be okay.

When the night came, I lighten up the fire in the kitchen gas, then from that fire, I lighted up my new set of candle. I closed the kitchen gas, diminishing the fire. Then with my candle which had fire in it, I went up to the toy room. The blow of wind from the stand fan kept diminishing my fire. I had to go back to the kitchen to re-light it again then went back to the room. I made sure to turn off the fan this time.

When I entered the dark room where my siblings were sleeping, the fire emits a dim orange light, making the room less dark.I let the fire melt down bits of the candle and let it drop to a plate. Once it did, I quickly placed the candle on top of the melted candle to let it stand. Success! I tore an unused A4 paper to multiple small pieces and let it burn one by one. It turned into black ashes and disappeared as it flew away in the wind. The smell of smoke wasn't very nice though.

After about twenty minutes, I was about to end my observation, diminish the fire and go to sleep when suddenly something horrible goes wrong. A strong wind blew and a couple stacks of A4 paper above a table blew in the direction of the candle, and they all burned! I quickly stood up panicing and blew on the fire, hoping it will diminish. When it didn't, I opened the fan, but it only made the fire spread wider and bigger.

Panic, I took a very big teddy bear that belong to Sis Aisyah- no time for teddy bears, this is a crisis even a Six year-old like me knows better. I banged the teddy bear on the fire hard. The fire almost diminished, but something wrong happened. The huge teddy bear burned in fire!

It's starting to get out of hand and I have no idea how to handle it no more. I know it's time to let the smarter adults deal with the matter. So I went to my sleeping elder brother Zaki who was merely four years older than me but probably more useless than me in handling a problem. But I knew he would scream and wake up Hakim and Sakinah who's probably,hopefully, smarter and know how to handle the matter.

I pinched Zaki hard and he screamed in pain as he awoke. "Ouch!! What's that for?" He grumbled angrily and wiped his sore skin that I pinched. I quickly went back to bed and pretended to sleep beside Sister Aisyah.. He wiped his sleepy eyes and as suspected, he screamed and gave the loudest shriek at the sight of the fire blazing teddy bear. Sakinah and Hakim soon awoke and grumbled sleepily.

Minutes later, the house was chaos again. Hakim was screaming and jumping on the bed like an idiot. Aisyah cried in fear at the corner. Hakim and Sakinah disappeared from the room for thirty seconds. I shut my eyes closed and prayed this was all just a nightmare and would silently go away. Sakinah and Hakim reappeared through the doors, bringing two huge buckets of water. They aimed the water at the fire smartly and the fire diminished. It left a huge mess on the room with the suffocating stinking smell of smoke. Sakinah went to open the windows to let the smoke roam free.

They were all breathing heavily, taking in what the hell had just happened while they had slept. I was awoke by now and I started to tear up, trembling and sobbing. No, it wasn't fake, I was truly scared moments ago. Suddenly Ummi barged in the doors, yawning and wiping her sleepy eyes. She was wearing a sleeping robe. She widen her eyes in horror at the soaking wet floor and the terribly burned teddy bears and papers.

Her deathly murderous eyes first landed on Hakim and Sakinah who was both holding the big buckets. Sakinah and Hakim looked confused and finally realised how bad this will look for them. One look at Ummi's face, they widened their eyes and dropped the buckets simultaneously as they raised both their hands in the air. "It wasn't me. Us! I was asleep when I heard Zaki's ear-piercing scream and saw the fire. We obviously had to diminish the fire with water." They both rushed to explain, completing each other's sentences to save their own lives from the potential danger of Ummi's temper. The blame was thrown at Zaki like sharp arrows.

So water was the most affective way to get rid f fire? I didn't know that.

Ummi's blaring eyes landed at Zaki now, Zaki screamed terrified at the scary look on Ummi's face. He raised both his hands, defensive and rushedhis explanation. "It wasn't me, I'm innocent, I swear! I woke up to a burning teddy bear, it's no wonder I screamed! It was probably Aisyah, it was her teddy bear that was burning after all!" And just like that the blame was thrown at Aisyah.

"What the hell, Zaki! Why would I go burn my own beloved teddy bear?! I am more pissed at the one who did this more than anything! Besides I was way fast asleep when it happened!" She walked three steps back at the look on Ummi.

"Well, one of you four must have surely done it! The teddy won't go burning itself for no apparent reason!" And like that, they all started to blame and point fingers at each other, begging for the guilty to confess.

"Alright, THAT'S IT! No toys for ANY of you, none of you deserve it. And clean this mess. You will all get it from me tomorrow morning!" They all groaned, whimpered and complained. I cried and cried. Ummi hugged me and carried me. "Come on, sweetie. You can come sleep with me."

"I-I-I'm soo sorry, Ummi!" I sniffled my tears. Hugging in her warm comforting shoulders sure made me feel like I was safe.

"Oh what are you talking about, you're innocent! Just don't follow on the naughty footsteps of your elder siblings and you'll be fine!" She patted my back to calmed me down. I started to feel slightly guilty.

She rest me down on the bed and wiped my tears. "Tell you what. You'll be the only exception. I'll let you pick a toy to buy tomorrow."

I calmed down a little and thought about it.

"So any toy you interested in sweetie?" She asked tenderly.

Well, clearly fire was out of option. It's proved more dangerous than I thought. Hmm...a toy that's not fire....what would it be?

"A gun!" I squeaked excitedly.

Ummi smiled naively, "a toy gun it is then! Tomorrow morning....Now sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite." I cuddled on the bed near Ummi. A 'toy' gun? I sighed. Fine, whatever. I guess I'll make do as I'm still just a beginner. I'll practice on mastering it first so this disater don't repeat itself. But I'll upgrade soon...


Look forward to part two! =D

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