The change up (Sequel to the...

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

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If packing up and going off to college isn't hard enough, Kat has lot to deal with when she arrives at colleg... More

New beginnings
Moving on
What happened tonight?
Case closed
Beach Day
I can't be that girl
You'll regret it
Hooking up with Byrce?
It's all good
Chocolate frosted donut
You're my everything
Feeling the same way
Toy Story and Dates with siblings
We aren't dating
I'm sorry
Breaking it off
Copy Kat
Perfect or Psyco?
Seeing other guys?
Meeting his family
The view
Triple date
Mood change
I'm sorry
Let's go
I trust you
Did you enjoy the game?
The girl known as....
What if?
Smiling through the sadness
I'm in love with you 2x
But it's my dream
Mutual breakup
I just want to talk
Happy for you
Spaghetti and Meatballs
The day my life turned upside down

Goodbye for now

65 4 0
By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

"Cmon Kat all we need is a single", my coach explained as she gave me a signal to hit away. I nodded and turned back into the box as I was getting ready for the next pitch.

The game was tied at 1 a piece and we were down to our last out. The bases were loaded and it was time for me to step up to the plate and do what I was meant to do.

"Ball", the umpire said as the ball flew by me.

I took a deep breath and loaded into my stance again.

"Strike", he yelled putting his hand up.

"Let's go Kat", my coach yelled clapping her hands.


I loaded once more and when the ball was pitched it came up high and went past the catcher. The runner from 3rd base quickly ran as I moved out of the way for her to slide.

"Safe", the umpire yelled as the team and crowd  started celebrating.

"Good eye Kat", the coach said patting me on the back as everyone else yelled.
"You were pretty impressive miss 3 for 3", Cameron said kissing my cheek.

"You came", I said running into his arms.

"I made up an excuse to get out of practice to watch you".

"You're so sweet".

"And you were so good".

"Eh I was okay. But I guess that double did help us score one of our runs", I shrugged.

"I'm gonna miss you so much when I leave", he said sounding not as upset as I was.

"Me too. But like you said, you'll call me every night and it'll be fine. We both know that we can make this work.", I said trying to sound convincing.

"Yeah but-".

"Sweetie you did amazing", my mom said coming up to me and interrupting.

"Thanks Mom and Dakota for coming up to watch me", I gave them a group hug.

"You came in clutch with that double though.", Dakota said high fiving me.


"Well we're gonna get going since it's getting late. Cameron take care.", she said patting his back as her and Dakota left.

"Call me when you get home.", I yelled at her.

"So what was that you were saying?", I asked bring my attention back to Cameron.

"Never mind, it wasn't important.", he said trying to brush whatever it was off. "I'm starving, how about you go to your dorm and freshen up while I make us some dinner?", he suggested.

"That sounds great. Give me an hour".

"Take all the time you need", he said placing a kiss on my forehead. 

When I walked into my dorm I saw Luna and Isaiah cuddling on the couch watching some movie.

"Hiya love birds", I said passing by.

"Yo Kat what's up? I heard you played some ball today.", Isaiah nodded.

"Yup I guess you could say I'm a baller", I joked. I saw Luna's reaction to when I said that and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Luna thinks I'm a baller too", I laughed.

"Yeah Kat, you are a baller. Ball is life", she laughed as she joked around with me.

"Well gotta go, catch ya on the flip side.", I laughed sounding stupid as they both laughed at me.

After a long shower I put on a gray sweater with black leggings. I took my hair out of my French braids and left it with the natural waves.

When I got back to Cameron's dorm I could smell an aroma of food cooking. I let myself in since he stupidly left the door open.

"Hey it smells good in here", I said placing a small kiss on his cheek.

"Who let you in?", he asked confused.

"You left the door open, anyone could've come in", I explained.

"I was busy making your favorite foods. I made steak with Mac and cheese, and Broccoli. All for you."

"Mmm sounds good. I wish I would've made dessert".

"You didn't have to. There are fudge brownies in the oven right as we speak".

"You're the best".

"But you're better", Cameron said pecking my lips.

We walked over to a table and to my surprise there were roses and candles placed on it.

"Cameron you didn't have to go through all of this trouble. I really can't believe you did all this".

"Happy 4 months", he said giving me a small hug.

I started to feel bad because I had forgotten that today was our 4 months. The whole distance thing distracted me from what actually matters.

"Happy 4 months", I said sitting down as he served me dinner.

Once he finished serving me he sat down and joined me.

"So, are you excited for the season to start?", he asked.

"Yeah and I'm really hopeful that only good things will come out of it. I love the game and I'm hoping that it's a positive season."

"I'm kinda nervous to be honest."

"You're nervous? I've never heard that one before".

"Yeah me neither", he laughed. "I'm just kidding, I get nervous everytime I'm with you", he said.

"Me too. It's a good feeling because it means that we haven't let our relationship hang".

"Yeah, we're steady". I could see his reaction die down as I looked at him.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"Oh, what, nothing", he said looking down at his plate. The mood of the date suddenly shifted as I tried to figure out the problem.

It got silent as we both tried to ignore what was going on. After 10 minutes of silence he finally cleared his throat and stood up.

"I'm gonna go check on those brownies", he said as he quickly got up.

I let out a sigh of relief as he left. I could tell things are definitely changing and that they won't be the same when we come back. He's hiding something and we promised that we wouldn't have secrets.

He came back fairly quickly with a plate of brownies. He had a smile on his face as he walked in but it was fake. He waved over at me to sit down on the couch and I followed him.

"Cameron I'm really tired and I know you're leaving tomorrow so I should just head out.", I suggested.

"No, please just stay with me. I just want you to know that I'm doing what's best for me and our relationship."

"What are you talking about? Is it me?, what did I do?".

"You didn't do anything. I'm just feeling unsettled about leaving you. I don't wanna lose you again and as cliche as this might sound it's the truth".

"I don't wanna lose you either". I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck.

He wanted more then a peck and pulled me in for more. I placed small kisses on his neck as he played with my hair.

"I love you Cameron".

"I love you too", he said as he layed himself down beside me.

He wrapped his hands around my waist as we sat in silence. I could feel his heart beating fast as my head was against his chest.



"Don't ever change", he simply asked.

"I won't", I said as I grabbed his hand.
The next day
I woke up on the couch with Cameron's arm still around my body. How did I sleep? And how did he sleep so comfortably?

"Good Morning", I whispered pushing his hair out of his face.

"Hey you", he said in his morning voice.

"It's almost time for you to leave".

"Yeah I know, it sucks."

"Why don't you get ready and I'll make you some pancakes", I suggested.

"Sounds great", he said pecking my lips as we got up.

As he got up I noticed the hickey I left on his neck the night before.

"Um Cam", I stopped him.


"Take this", I said handing him concealer and foundation.

"What's this for?", he questioned.

"Well I kinda left my territory on your neck", I laughed.

"Yeah I kinda figured that was coming. It's karma since I always do that to you.", he winked as he walked away.

After I finished making breakfast, Cameron came out of his room with his practice jersey on and his baseball bag around his shoulders.

"This looks good", he said digging into his pancakes.

"Thanks.", I said watching him eat.

"You're gonna be an amazing wife one day".

"Awe thanks. I'm just glad to make you happy".

After he finished eating we both walked out of his dorm and outside.

"I already miss you", I said.

"You too. I'll call you when I get into Nevada".

"Okay. So I guess this is goodbye for now".

"Goodbye kiss?", he asked.

He kissed me firmly and softly as we said goodbye.

I don't know when I'm gonna see him again and it hurts me that it's unknown.

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