Under The Spotlight

By envy277

6.8K 130 2

20 year old Alex (short for alexandra) has been in the WWE for the last three months. She likes to stay to he... More

Chapter 1: Weirdo
Chapter 2: No Sleep
Chapter 3: Inside Joke
Chapter 4: Rise and Shine cupcake
Chapter 5: What the hell!
Chapter 6: You don't trust me?
Chapter 7: Leave Me Alone!!!!
Chapter 8: I am so proud of you
Chapter 9: Woooohoo Friday!
Chaper 10: Get that little bitch
Chapter 11: I got an idea
Chapter 12: We have video games and pizza
Chapter 13: WERE Here
Chapter 14: I don't do heights
Chapter 15: What is wrong with you!
Chapter 16: Back already?
Chapter 17: Muh Sista!!!!
Chapter 18: Out Now
Chapter 19: I don't know Steph
Chapter 20: I want one!
Chapter 21: The fuck is your problem?
Chapter 22: New roommate
Chapter 23: Meet and Greet
Chapter 24: That match starts now
Chapter 26: Holy Hell
Chapter 27: Cold?

Chapter 25: Were going out

130 2 0
By envy277

I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed, mainly due to the amazingly comfortable bed. I went to get out of bed but failed. I looked down and saw that Deans arms were tightly wrapped around me as he slept. Now I know I should have woke him up and demanded for him to take his hands off me, but I couldn't okay!. Sue me for wanting to be cuddled and I think I deserve it with everything going on lately okay. 

 I laid there for another 15minutes with my back pressed against his chest until he began to stir and rolled over. I got out of bed quietly as possible trying not to disturb him. I grabbed my phone and the room key and silently snuck out. 

I stepped outside the hotel letting the light hit my face waking me up a little more. Walking next door to the barista I noticed I had a text from Beth last night.

Beth: hey muh sista! Have u and Dean killed each other yet?

Beth: Hello?

Beth: Oh I know what your doing!!!!!

Beth: Ignore that, Seth stole my phone lol. Message me tomorrow lol.

I laughed to myself as I sent her a reply.

Me: lol no we didn't kill each other yet, although tell Seth I may kill him tho. Text me when ur up loves you! :)

I grabbed coffee for myself and Dean hoping that if he has coffee soon as he wakes up he won't be as crabby as usual. 

I've made it back to our hotel room and as I walk in I notice Dean isn't in bed any longer and I hear the shower going on. I sat his coffee on the table and then I got to hear the most glorious and hilarious thing of my life....

Yup, my "Fake Boyfriend" is singing about Catherine Zeta Jones in the shower. I sit listening for a few minutes before I decided to head out to the gym.


"Catherine Zeta Jones! she dips beneath the lasers" I sung in the shower. I woke up early this morning to a shaking Alex, I don't know if I did this because I felt bad I had made the room so cold or if it's because I just wanted to hold someone. Face it is been a bit since I've had ANY attention from a female. Her hair smelled like strawberries and her skin was so soft. Even though her make up was all over the place where she hadn't washed it off before going to bed and her hair was a mess she was still beautiful. I fell back asleep holding her tight in my arms as I continued to think about the kiss from last night. I don't know if she wanted to kiss me or if she was trying to play mind games with Bray and the truth is I don't care what her reason was because it felt so right. The way her lips and mine moved together in unison as if we knew exactly how each other liked to be kissed was amazing and yes I'll admit I popped a boner at the time I mean damn it's Alex and she is the hottest female superstar we have. Sure I kissed her one time before this and that was great too, but this one was different.

I gotta get all of that pushed aside in my head though. I still feel like she may change her mind about Sheamus and go running back to him and I don't think I can take being let down by someone as beautiful and funny and smart as her. I have to keep my guard up and not get hopes up. I do feel bad for the way I've been treating her, but that's the only way I know to keep from getting close to her.

"Catherine Zeta Jone...." I continued to sing until my phone began ringing. I hopped out and dried off. "Fuck, annoying bitch" I said out loud when I saw that it was Summer Rae's number popping up on my caller id. "Fuck a few times and she gets obsessed, better answer before she reaches stalker level" I said groaning in annoyance.

Me: Yeah

Summer: Hey baby, what are you doing?

Me: Just got out of the shower and I've told you I'm not your baby so knock it off.

Summer: Would have loved to join you

Me: You and every girl in the world. Now what do you want?

Summer: Oh come on you know you want to. I bet your hard right now thinking of me

Me: If I am it isn't because I'm thinking of you

Summer: Play hard to get all you want. Anyway a bunch of us are going out tonight to this club down the street. It's called "The Spot" or something stupid like that. You coming out?

Me: I don't know, I thought maybe I'd stay in.

Summer: Oh well I can come stay in with you then, if your girlfriend doesn't mind.

Me: First she isn't my girlfriend it's a story line, damn you really are a dumb blonde. Second if I don't go are you seriously just gonna come down here like a creeper?

Summer: Hmmm yea

Me: Fine

I hang up and start getting dressed. I notice my coffee sitting on a table with a note on it.


Brought you your favorite, hope its still hot. Gone to the gym for awhile and then hitting the tanning bed be back soon, call if you need me or if you head out before I get back.


I smile to myself after reading her note. I'm actually very shocked she brought me a coffee. Probably put a bunch of laxatives in it for payback on me. That or she know's I'm a dick in the morning until I get my first cup.

I grab my coffee and a cigarette and walk out on my balcony and called my boys up to see what their plans were for the day and to tell them about Summer calling me.

"Beth went out with Alex for the day to work out and tan and do whatever else they do together, so I plan on being lazy today" Seth said. 

"Shit dude your probably recovering you dumbass" Roman said in a cocky tone.

"What can I say, we have a lot of fun you know what I mean. I'm kidding, nah I'm just tired since we have been going non stop with work. Besides I'm not the man whore here, Dean is" Seth added.

"Nope" I respond "Not lately anyhow".

"You've been up Alex's ass non stop dude, chick friends are instant cock block man" Roman says. "Lets all go out to this get together and let you tap Summer and you'll be back to yourself"

"What about Alex"? I ask.

"Look who's thinking about someone other than himself" Seth teased. "Just bring her with you".

"I guess I could. She has been stressed beyond belief lately, maybe this will help take her mind off the whole Wyatt shit. Alright boys I'll talk to you later on when we head out" I say.

"Sounds good man" both Seth and Roman say.

I hang up and head back inside and lay around on the bed watching some TV and being bored to death. I flip through the channels for a bit and finally found something worth watching. Silent Hill. I have seen it a million times, but I still enjoy it. I select the rental on the TV and turn off all the lights and close the curtains making myself comfortable. 

I'm halfway through the movie and dressed in my favorite black Tshirt, jeans, and my black boots for the big night out. The only thing missing is Alex's slow ass. I never said I was a patient man. I'm right at the end where basically the little demon makes everyone there her bitch when Alex walks into the dark room. Before I could warn her of the scary movie she walks in and well you know that part of a horror movie when the music will slowly get louder and louder and louder signaling shit is about to go down? Yep that's what is about to happen here.

I quietly slid off of the bed squatting down waiting for my chance. "Dean..hello"?? she shouted and I had to grit my teeth to keep from laughing. "Like really dude, turn off the lights and leave this of all movies on" I heard her say over the music picking up. She rounded the corner and "HEYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, then it happened.... "FUCK"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then pow I'm on the ground holding my bloody nose. "Oh shit Dean I'm sorry" she said as she grabbed a towel and sat on the floor in front of me dabbing the blood on my nose. Normally I wouldn't be sitting here laughing my ass off I'd be full of rage, but I was taken back by how good her right hook was and how she felt so bad about it..Plus she looked so beautiful in the glow of the tv. It took everything in me to not just take her then and there.

"Are you okay omg what were you thinking you goofball"? she asked. I laughed and stood up turning the light on. "Alex I'm fine really" I say wiping the blood that was left on my face. "I'm so sorry" she said. "No I'm sorry I scared you, guess I didn't think that through" I smiled looking at her. We stood there close looking at each other in silence and I had to break it I just couldn't stand it anymore *Don't put yourself out there to get hurt again, she's too good for you anyhow* I said in my head.

"What are you so dressed up for"? she asked me. "Oh a bunch of us are going out to a club so get dressed and meet me and the boys and Beth in the lobby when your done" I told her as I was walking to the door. "I think I'm just gonna stay in and chill, I'm not really too liked on the roster and I'd just be a downer all night anyhow" she said and I cut her off. "Were going out" I said and winked at her before I walked out and took a sec to see her blushing when I winked at her. *The fuck did you wink at her for dumbfuck* I scolded myself as I made my way down to the lobby to meet Roman and Seth while Alex and Beth were getting ready.

(Next chapter will be the club scene and will start off as Deans pov continued, got a lot in my head for that chapter and will try and get it up tomorrow, thank you guys for reading and feel free to give me some feedback because you the readers input is very important to me and i wanna make sure i'm keeping you interested)

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