Beach Babe

Od EmilyWhisnant

1.1K 43 0

It was the summer before college that Cheyenne King decided to ditch Kansas for California. Cheyenne was dete... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

52 3 0
Od EmilyWhisnant

Campus Tour

This morning felt different. A good different.

Today was the day I finally let go. I was tired of everything being so controlled in my life.. But that's all I've ever known. Everything has always been so planned and strict. It was never my parents that were strict with me, it was myself. I always liked being in charge of everything that goes on around me.

Starting today, that was going to change. People are meant to have fun, go on dates, take chances, fall in love, get their hearts broken, fall on their asses, and prosper. That's what life was about and until now.. I was never really living.

Before I went to bed last night, I realized just how adventurous my newfound friends are. They were like a breath of fresh air and I wanted to change some things around. How I feel about relationships still stands but I'm not going to shove any and every guy away that comes my direction.

I completely forgot about it with everything going on but I was finally going to tour the UCLA campus and get the key to my dorm room and finally meet my roommate in person. So I got up and decided to look nice. My dad always told me 'dress to impress' and that's what I was shooting for. It's not very often a small town Kansas girl gets accepted into UCLA.

I curled my hair for a soft waved look and simple makeup. I tried to be out the door early in hopes of getting there before the wave of eager students do.

My dad agreed to drive me there but he'd go explore while I did my thing. I was okay with that, I'm going to be all over the place and I'd feel bad for dragging him everywhere.

The drive from Malibu to UCLA was only about 30 minutes. My dad told me to pay extra attention considering this was a drive I'd be taking often. I'll be living in the dorms but to be honest I'll probably spend more time at my grandma's house.


"Alright alright, I got it dad. I know which way to go. Is your phone all charged up?" I had to constantly remind him to charge his phone. He hated that thing but lord knows we'd never find him if he didn't have one.

"Yes, Cheyenne. My phone is charged. I won't be far so if you need anything call me. Let me know when you want me to come back and look around with you." He replied putting the car into drive. That was his way of saying 'go already' in the nicest way possible. I gave him a grin, shut the door, and waved as he pulled off.

There it was. The beautiful school of UCLA, standing tall and proud. The grass was green and be bricks were light. Even though I was early, the campus was slowly becoming swamped with freshman. I started walking because if I stayed there staring all day nothing would get done.

Normally I would shy away and look at the ground as I walked but I remembered my little pep talk this morning.

New me.

I kept my head high and even smiled or waved at people. I got the same response in return and that helped my confidence a ton. After a while I tuned people out to take in the scenery around me. I was so focused on a sign that I bumped into someone resulting in my falling on my ass.

Just when I thought I was doing so good..

I brushed my hair out of my face and grabbed the hand that was being offered to me. I stood up coming face to face with.. Aidan?

"We have got to stop meeting like this" he laughed. He began to pick up my purse and some of the things that fell out.

"Yikes I'm so sorry. I really need to start paying attention to what's in front of me." I could barely look him in the eyes. I was red with embarrassment.

"What you need to do is stop apologizing to me so much, it's alright. I'm the one who should be apologizing. That was a pretty hard fall. Are you alright?" He smiled handing me my stuff.

"Thanks. Yeah, I'm alright. I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow though" I giggled brushing off the skirt of my dress. "I didn't know you were attending UCLA?" I said almost asking.

"Yeah, we didn't have much time for conversation last time haha. I'm playing football here actually." Hearing him say that made me think of Dylan and Luke for the first time today.

"Oh, so you'll be playing with Luke and Dylan?" I said before thinking.


His face got serious. "Dylan Banks and Luke Parker?" He asked.

I must've looked like a deer in headlights. I also couldn't just drop the conversation and run away

Although that sounded like a better option right now...


"Oh yeah, I'm excited to play with them." His face gave off vibes of mischief. "Are you living on campus?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I am." I smiled without showing teeth.

"Awesome, we could maybe hangout sometime then?"

I debated for a couple seconds. It felt like an eternity but I had to respond quickly. I thought back to what Dylan said.. I promised I wouldn't go out of my way to talk to anyone from the rival school. In this moment, I'm not going out of my way and Aidan seems like a great guy. Whatever problems the boys have with each other I wanted to stay out of.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I answered.

"Cool, what're you doing tonight? There's this really cool place in LA where all the college kids go to party. I'd have to go home but I could pick you up on my way into LA?" For a second there I noticed a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

"I'm down for whatever" I said smirking.

"So I should probably get your number then?" He winked handing me his phone. I entered my number and name adding a little hospital emoji next to it.

"What's up with the emoji? Is it because you're going into nursing?" He asked after looking at his phone.

"No, it's because the next time we see each other I'll probably need to go to the hospital. Our run ins continue to get more and more hazardous"

Apparently that one really got to him because he broke out into a big laughing fit.

After composing himself he said "alright, fair enough." He said throwing his hands up in defeat. "I'll text you. See you later?" He questioned to make sure I hadn't already bailed on him.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." I replied tucking my hair behind my ear. My face was probably as red as a tomato. I decided to walk away before I somehow embarrassed myself even more.

I continued to walk around the gorgeous campus, paying a little more attention to what or who was in front of me, exploring what I was going to be seeing daily for the next couple years. With every step I became more and more excited. I even went to explore the dorms I'd be living in.

I found the building that housed my room for the next 10 months. I'm on the second floor but luckily there is an elevator. I fumbled around until I came across my room with the door already open. Inside was standing a red-headed girl that was absolutely gorgeous.

"Knock knock" I said tapping on the door.

I must've scared her because she let out a little help and grabbed her chest. When she noticed it was just me, she smiled and let out a breath.

"I'm sorry, I was just in the zone! Hi, I'm Chelsea." She had a big smile and cute style. Good thing.. because I have awful taste and could use some help in the clothing department.

"Cheyenne King, nice to meet you. Chelsea you say? Were you at that big house party the other night?" She looked oddly familiar and the name Chelsea rings a bell.

"Jacobs? Yeah! I recognize you now.. you were with Dylan! That kids a dream, isn't he?" She said with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, he's pretty cool" I laughed.

"You're lucky you know.. those boys are so cool but they're definitely reclusive. I'm surprised they let you in so quickly." She obviously didn't mean this in any offense towards me but she was right. I was just as shocked as everyone else who has apparently noticed.

"I can thank Brooke for that. They probably wouldn't have given me the time of day had she not been the one to befriend me first."

"Oh I'm not so sure about that.. you should see the way Dylan gawks at you. I also noticed Luke does the same thing. Don't worry, I won't say anything to anyone." She waves turning back around to start sorting her things out again.

"Say anything about what?" I didn't think this was some secret.

"Cheyenne, LA may be huge but we're in a community where word travels fast. If I went and blabbed about how two heart throbs were fighting over you.. things would be an absolute mad house. I think I'm the only one who's noticed their battle for your heart though. I'm just like that... always analyzing." This girl was undeniably smart. I was also grateful because she had a point.

"Well thanks.. I guess?" My laugh came out a little more awkward than I had originally intended.

"Of course. I'm excited to be roomies! We're going to have so much fun this year! Plus you're pretty smart so we can study together."

"How do you know I'm smart?" I questioned.

"Dylan was talking about you while you were in the bathroom."

"Oh, alright. Well I'm moving in here in a couple weeks! I'm excited."

"Girl me too!" She was getting louder. I loved that. All my friends were super loud. Most people get irritated by it but I loved it. "We can coordinate our room and totally dec it out!"

I let out a little laugh. "I'll pitch in but I don't have the best taste. How about we go shopping together after I move in and I'll let you do the designing."

"Perfect! Can't wait!" She clapped her hands together and even did a few little jumps.

"Well, my poor dad has been alone for a while so I better go find him. Give me your number and I'll text you!" She proceeded to put her contact in my phone and hug me.

We said our goodbyes and I left. I walked around for a tad bit longer just trying to memorize routes. After so long I called my dad and he came to check the place out himself. He approved of the place and even got a little emotional. He puts up this tough guy act but I know he's heart broken about me leaving.

He was the king of finding amazing restaurants. He refuses to eat at chain restaurants if he can. So we stopped at this steak place and talked about my plans for college. He started to get emotional and used a smoke break as an excuse to get away. (He smokes like a chimney).

After so long we got back on the road to head back to Malibu. I sat in the living room and talked to my grandma all about my visit, leaving out Aidan of course. Then I went to go get ready for this.. date? I should probably ask him what to wear.

I pulled out my phone for the first time in hours and saw a "Hey, it's Aidan" text. I texted him my address and asked for the time and what's appropriate to wear.

He let me know he was on his way and he'd help me pick out an outfit when he got here. I'm new to the area and have no idea how people dress for these things out here.

I got another text not long after saying "here". So I went outside to greet him. While I was waiting I touched up my curls and added a little more makeup to my face.

"Hi" I greeted sweetly.

He was grabbing something out of the backseat when he began to say hello back but his words stopped when his eyes came into contact with mine.

"Hey" he said breathlessly.

"Well don't just stand there, you have outfits to pick out!" I said grabbing his hand and guiding him into my room.

"Very clean" Aidan said gawking at my room.

"Thanks, I try. So how exactly do people even dress to this place? Which I assume is a bar?" I asked walking to my closet. My clothes ranged from Sunday church girl to.. girl who needs to go to church.

"I'd call it more of a club, but let me see." He started shuffling through my stuff and picked a few dresses out. They were all body shaping dresses and we settled on a simple grey bodycon dress and black heels.

"You look awesome , Cheyenne." He said looking at what he called his "masterpiece".

"Same to you Mr. Thomas" I smiled. I was being honest, he was wearing nice dark pants that fit perfectly and a button up with 3/4 sleeves that flaunted his muscles. His hair was styled to perfection too.

"Are you ready?" He asked straightening out his clothes and touching up his hair in my mirror.

"Ready as I'll ever be." And with that we walked to his car.


"So do you know anyone at this club?" I asked.

"Well probably. I've been signed with the football team since last season so I've spent a lot of time getting to know them. I'm sure I'll run into a few people there" he brushed off.

That was a complete understatement.

We pulled up to the lively club and immediately people started staring. I could hear whispers of his name and there wasn't a shortage of dirty looks from girls.

Aidan grabbed my hand and said "I don't trust everyone here and I wouldn't want you getting lost." To be honest it just seemed like a lame excuse to hold my hand but I didn't mind. It was kinda cute to see he cared even if it was a little phony.

We entered the club, without having to show any form of I.D. He just sort of shook the ushers hand and pulled me through. It was only after a couple steps that a guy came up and greeted Aidan. Another one following him.. and another.. and another.

I tried to shake my hand loose of his but every time I did he only squeezed tighter and shot me a quick look out of the corner of his eye. I let out a loud huff and continued to introduce myself to everyone who came up. Girls only came up until they saw our hands interlocked and then walked off with a disgusted look. It was pretty funny to see them all worked up over this. He seemed to have his own little fan club here.

"I'm going to know everyone and their aunt before the nights over" I whispered into Aidan's ear.

"I'm sorry, you're probably overwhelmed." He started to pull me over to the side where it was a little more secluded.

"No it's fine.. you just said you'll probably run into a few people. I wasn't expecting the whole student body of UCLA" I joked.

"How about we go get a drink and find a corner to sit in. I promise I'll shoo away anyone who bothers us." He offered.

"Aidan. It's fine, relax. I'm really okay! But that drink does sound good." It did. I didn't want to get drunk by any means but a nice warm buzz doesn't sound bad either.

"What're we waiting for then?" He asked gripping my hand again and leading me to the bar.

I needed this. I needed Aidan.

Not like "I'm in love with him" kind of need. Like I need some fun. Everything has always been under my control but with Aidan it's different. He's the rush I've been missing out on. His plan was to show me the wild side of life and I was ready.

"Alright, don't judge this drink by its name. It's super sweet and goes down easy." He said offering his pinky.

"A pinky promise? Really?" I hadn't used that in years.

"It's more serious than scouts honor, in my opinion." He said waving his pinky in my face.

I reluctantly pinky promised with him.. feeling 9 years old again.

"Two wet pussies please" he waved to the bartender who nodded his head and got to work.

"Wet pussies?" I asked with a face filled with distaste.

"Hey, if you like that pinky of yours I'd suggest shutting up and putting a smile on your face." His threat seeming serious.

The bartender handed us the shots.

"What would you like to toast to?" He asked raising his shot glass.

"New beginnings." I answered.

"Vague. I can't wait to hear about it but until then. Here we go." He raised his glass even higher and I followed his gesture. "To new beginnings.. in every aspect. Whatever that means." He then clinked my glass and we both swallowed our shots.

"Alright, you were right. That was amazing and I'm sorry I tried judging it" I never thought I'd be admitting to my wronging but here I am.

"HA! Knew you'd like it. I'm gonna grab us some
Jack and coke then we'll go dance. Sound good?" He wasn't even really asking.. more telling but he wanted me to make sure I knew the plan.

"Sounds great." I said turning around on the bar stool to look at the crowd.

I saw people grinding, kissing, drinking, fighting, and some just standing.

I got locked in on this guy staring at me from the middle of the crowd. As soon as I caught his gaze I turned around to Aidan.

"You good Cheyenne?" He asked looking anxious.

"Yeah, just caught some weirdo staring." I tried to act like it wasn't bothering me but that guy looked real creepy.

"Just stay close to me. We probably shouldn't take our drinks out there. People are notorious for slipping things in drinks here. All the losers that somehow end up in this college." He grabbed my waist and pulled me up next to him. It made me feel a lot better and by the time we got out to the dance floor and started dancing I forgot about it all. I was lost in the moment with Aidan. I was high off this moment and it was like something I've never felt before. With everyone else I'm always planning the next minute ahead. Or living in the past. I felt.. free?

"I have to use the little girls room." I had to talk into his ear because 1.) It was louder than hell in there and 2.) I didn't need everyone around me knowing my bodily functions.

"Need me to take you?" He asked looking in my eyes.

"No, I think I'll be okay" I smiled and walked away before he could argue. The bathroom wasn't that far away.

I went and did my thing but as I was walking out I felt hands grab me and pull me into a closet area.

I couldn't see anything and I was scared.

What the hell was going on?

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