Konohomaru's sister (Naruto f...

By Sprinklez888

408K 15.9K 5.2K

Different's good right? Well. If different is so good. . . Why can't I show my face?whats so wrong with me? More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part title

Part 14

10.2K 414 112
By Sprinklez888

*Third person pov* 

Naruto and Sasuke were back at the trees trying to make it to the top while Haru was watching them. 

"UGH! I CAN'T DO THIS!" Naruto yelled throwing a mini fit. He stomped over to Haru who was training alone by the rock. He sat down with a hard thud and crossed his arms childishly. Haru peered back over at her friend. 

"Naruto, are you alright?" She asked softly still standing. 

"This is hard Aya," he muttered. Haru rose her eyebrow and walked over to Naruto, she bent down kneeling before him. 

"Naruto, are you giving up?" She asked bewildered. 

"No. I'm just taking a break." He muttered. After a second he looked up at Haru, and looked her straight in the eyes with determination blazing in them. "Can you give me some tips?"  Haru smiled and nodded. 

"Naruto, to get up the tree you need to clear your mind. You need to relax and not be to stiff. From there you need to focus chakra to your feet, you can't focus to much or you will be pushed off. But if you focus to little, you will fall down. Once you find the perfect amount of chakra for you, you need to focus on being able to make it constant as you climb." Haru explained, Naruto had gears turning and steam coming out of his ears. Haru sweat dropped. "Change the amount of chakra you use until you stick. Then keep it even." She explained so a 5 year old could understand. He nodded. 

"Thanks Aya!" He shot up and ran back to the tree. 


"I think we should get back." Haruka spoke up. Sasuke nodded and back flipped off his tree, he then made his way over to Haru. Naruto panted lightly under his tree, he glanced up with his kunai in his hand. He was still below Sasuke. 

"You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up later." Naruto said, he ran back up the tree with a yell. He put to much chakra and ended up being pushed off. 

"Alright, just be careful." Haru replied. Her and Sasuke walked off through the forest. 

"Sasuke, is it just me. . . Or is Sakura. I don't know. Spoiled?" Haruka asked looking at him. Sasuke rose an eyebrow. She sweatdropped. 

"She has a whole room to herself while me, you and Naruto have to share. Not that I'm complaining. . . God knows I wouldn't last a night with her." She muttered. 

"Just throw Naruto in there with her." Sasuke said. Haru froze and looked at Sasuke. Sasuke glanced back. Haruka started laughing. 

"Hahahahaha. Actually, imagine what Sakura would do to him. She'll probably throw a pillow at him and tell him to stay on the other side of the room in the corner. And he'll wine 'awe Sakuraaaa.' " She giggled. Sasuke lightly chuckled under his breath. Haru paled just then. "If it was you. . . She'd rape you in your sleep." He paled too; Haru looked at his face and giggled. 

The two walked inside and went up to their room because it was late, Haruka opened the door. Only to see a certain pink scavenging through a bag. 

"Sakura?" Haru questioned. Sasuke was right behind her, glaring at Sakura. Sakura squeaked and turned around. 

"I, I was just looking for something." She blushed.  Haru walked in, and looked and saw her bag. 

"In my bag?" She questioned. A light bulb appeared over Sakura's head. 

"Yeah, one of my dresses went missing. I thought you might of taken it." She cleverly said. Haruka sweat dropped. 

"Did you check outside on the line?" She asked. 

"No. I didn't, sorry." She smiled. She started to head for the door quickly. Sasuke reached out and grabbed her hand making her stumble back a bit. Because she stumbled an item was let loose. A book fell to the ground, Haru recognized it instantly. Her eyes widen. 

"My book," she whispered. Sasuke let go of Sakura. Sakura ran towards the door, she stopped right before she exited. Haru grabbed her book off the floor. 

"It's not even a good diary. Nothing interesting." She said, with that she walked out. 

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