Under The Cherry Moon {A Prin...

By MakeThatChange96

24.3K 1.1K 911

What does a beautiful talented artist plus Prince equal? Trouble. When Prince discovers Allison Richards and... More

The Purple Bug
Prince Charming
The Art Of Seduction
Full Of Surprises
Reality? Check. Allison? Undecided.
The Girl With The Cold But Broken Heart
The Tonight Show Starring Prince & Jerome
Forgive & Forget?
Pick Up Where We Left Off
Horny Pony - Part One
Horny Pony - Part Two
Allison Vs Morris
Prince's Anxiety
Seeing Double
Prince & The New Power Generation
The Next Step
Separation Anxiety
Prince Gets His Way
Two Different Worlds
A/N: Break...
Tell All Interview
Work Shenanigans
A/N: Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
This Isn't Pretend - Part One
This Isn't Pretend - Part Two
Love 2 The 9's
The Purple One Vs. A Winchester
Putting Down The Knives And Picking Up The Microphone
Winchesters To The Rescue
Don't Go Into The Light
Reinforcements - Part One
Reinforcements - Part Two
Rough Night
Is It All Just An Act?
Can You Turn Off The Purple Light?
Off The Reservation
Living Nightmare
Allison Out Of The Picture...Or Is She?
What Doesn't Kill Me Better Run
Oh, Awkward...
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Tell Him He's Dreamin'
Under The Influence

Too Good To Be True

637 31 5
By MakeThatChange96

*Allison's POV*

A Week Later...

I just finished a meeting with the producer of the Tv show I'm shooting and my manager, I'm frustrated. They are expecting me to be filming in Vancouver all year then go on tour for another year following that, I only just started things up with Prince. What am I supposed to tell him? He's going to be so mad, he won't be so forgiving. I have dinner with him soon too, this day just gets better.

I roll my eyes as I start getting ready, doing my make up and my hair. I've always been asked by paparazzi why I never got into relationships, this exact reason is why...because my career gets in the way. It's not like Prince would be able to come on tour with me next year, I'm fairly certain he's going on tour himself in six months so he'll already be on tour. He doesn't look like the long distance type and I know I'm not. I've been there and it doesn't work.

I go downstairs and my security guard comes up to me.

"Mr Nelson is outside in the courtyard." He informs me.

I nod, making my way out there. The nerves are setting in.

I approach Prince, he turns around and smiles at me.

"Hey you, wow. Stunning." He whistles while looking me up and down.

I blush at his compliment, he smiles at me while presenting me with a box.

"What's this?" I ask, taking the box from him.

He chuckles.

"Open it and find out." He says.

I open the box to find a special backstage pass with my name and photo on it for his Parade Tour. I sigh, staring at it.

"Okay...not the reaction I was expecting." He furrows his brows.

I look up at him while closing the box.

"We need to talk." I say, taking his hand, leading him inside to the study.

I don't know what it is with him, he always has to eat when we have a serious talk. He sits on the couch with a bowl of fruit, looking at me.

"What's on your mind, Mama?" He asks, popping a grape in his mouth.

I lean against my desk, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Come on Allison, you need to come out with it. I reopen my eyes and look directly at him.

"I had a meeting with my producer of my tv show today and my manager today." I say.

"Oh?" He says.

"Before I tell you, please just know I tried to negotiate with them different terms. Because of...us." I plead.

He raises an eyebrow and stands up to go sit at my piano in the room. Playing a soft tune, whilst staring in a space.

"Does this have something to do with why you didn't say something about the pass I gave you for my tour?" He asks.

"Yes." I say, my heart trying to jump out of my chest.

He stops playing and turns his head to look at me out of the corner out of his eye.

"What do they want you to do?" He asks.

"The producer wants me to film at Vancouver for a whole year...then my manager is expecting me to go on tour for a year or longer after filming finishes to promote the album I finished recently." I reveal.

He looks away, looking ahead of him so his back is turned to me. I knew he'd be angry, but like I said...I tried to negotiate. They wouldn't budge.

"How many breaks do you get during filming?" He asks.

"Only the holidays." I sigh.

He sighs and slams down the cover on the piano, making me jump. He stands to his feet, turning to look at me.

"So what...that's just it then? You want us to wait two years until you finish filming and come back from tour? I'm supposed to wait for you?" He asks in an angry tone.

"No. I don't expect you to wait for me..." I say, tears filling my eyes.

His expression gets even more angrier, his fists clench by his side.

"So...you're ending this just as it's getting started. That's what this is." He says.

"Prince...I don't want to, but I don't want you to waste two years of your life waiting around for me. You shouldn't have to stop living your life for me, you have a career as well." I argue.

He scoffs.

"Yes, but did it occur to you what I wanted?" He asks.

I couldn't get a word out, no matter what I say he just gets angrier.

"What do you want, Prince?" I ask.

"You. I want you, I would have been willing to try and make this work. But I guess you made up your mind." He gives me a glare.

He takes out a seed from a fruit he had been chewing on and tosses it in the trash, looking up at me before yelling.

He turns his heel and leaves, slamming the door on his way out making me jump.

Leaving me to stand there speechless, for the first time in a really long time I was finally going to be happy and with Prince...out of all people...but now that's never going to happen.

That was the last time I ever saw him too.

Four Years Later...

It's been four years since I've seen Prince, I haven't heard from him or anything since that night at my house since I then sold. It took me two of those years to get used to living without him, plus it was hard hearing about him everywhere. That Parade Tour he wanted me there with him on...

Then there was the Sign O' The Times Tour...

Then the last tour he's done was the Lovesexy Tour...

Then I think there was a rumour he was doing a movie? I don't know if that's true, that's just what I heard around.

I just finished another album, and another season of the show I'm on. I was at Comic Con showing sneak peaks of my character.

Yeah I know how to play with knives, don't fuck with me.

I'm just leaving the back entrance of the entertainment centre now and getting into my car, I'm exhausted and can't wait to get home and throw myself onto my bed and sleep. Just as I open my car door, I hear a clapping. I look at where it's coming from.

"Your character is pretty impressive, if you are as impressive as her with those knives...I'm actually a little scared." Prince chuckles, walking a little closer to me.

I blink a few times, is this real? Prince smirks.

"Hi." He then says.

I big smile spreads across my lips.

"Hi." I whisper.

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