I love you( Exo sehun and oc...

By xoxosweetdreams16

149K 3.2K 234

When the popular guy in school start to court you and u start to fall in love with him due to his cuteness. Y... More

I love you( A sehun and oc fanfic)
Kim Jieun
SM High
The argument
Dance class + Jealousy
Injured and Yooin and kai's breakup
Chapter 7: Sehun's love
Sehun and Jieun helping kai
The date
Holiday part 1
Happy Birthday Sehunnie!
Holiday part 3
With you
Dance practice
Dara's back
Sehun's sweetness
Happy with you.
Too sweet.
Birthday Party.
Bullied? Not that easy.
don't scare me

Holiday Part 2

4.6K 118 8
By xoxosweetdreams16

Jieun's pov

Yooin looked sad..on the way to the villa,she didn't talk. I'm sure she misses Kai huh? We decided to put our things in the villa and then go to the nearest shopping mall.Kai would be hiding in a place and the surprise would only start at 6pm."Yooin,are you okay?" I asked her."Huh? Oh..I'm fine..I'm just a little tired." She said. "Okay." I said. when we reached,EXO helped us to move our baggages."OMO! It's so big!" I said,excited. Yooin giggled at my silliness. Thankfully she smiled."I'm going in to check on my room."Yooin!" I held her by the wrist. "Oh?Wae?" "I think we should wait for them here.We're going shopping,that's more convenient." "Oh..okay." She smiled.I heaved a sigh of relief."Let's go!" Sehun said to us. The rest of exo was behind him.As the shopping mall was near,we walked there."I'm hungry." Chanyeol oppa said. "Me too!" Baekhyun oppa said. We entered the shopping mall and Baekyeol rushed to the nearest food court.There are many stalls and Baekyeol were rushing to see what food they have. "Aigoo,they are so cute." I said. Sehun pouted and looked at me.Opps.Haha."I'm not cute?" Sehun asked. "You're the cutest guy I ever met."He smiled and ran to the rest of EXO who were buying food. "You're lucky Jieun." Kris oppa said."Wae?" "Sehun hates people calling him cute,he likes people calling him handsome. You're the only one who can call him cute without getting scolded by him.He really likes you." I smiled and my cheeks became red and hot."What are you waiting for Jieun? "Let's go and buy our food!" Yooin said. I smiled at her and followed her. Does Sehun really like me? Or is it just Kris oppa's thinking? Aish Kim Jieun,get your mind straight,we'rr just best friends. After shopping,it was 5.50pm. We need 10 minutes to walk to the villa,if not,we would need to take 20 minutes if we are slow.

Sehun's pov

We are reaching the villa soon. I took out my phone and message kai.


From: Sehun

Hey bro,we are reaching soon.Are you ready?


To: Sehun

Yes. Hurry up!

"Hyungs! Palli(hurry)! The two girls are faster than you." I gave them a hint that Kai was ready and they smiled and walked quickly.

-Fast forward/Reached the villa

Yooin's POV

EXO was weird,as well as Jieun.I wonder what are they up to. I was sad that Kai was not here.How I wish he was here.When we entered the villa,the curtains were closed and the lights were off. I turned to see wheyher Jieun or EXO was there.But it was too dark to see anything. "Jieun? Oppas?" I called out.Nobody replied,so I walked forward while touching   the wall. Something caught my eyes,there was light and to my surprise,i saw "I love you." There were words that has light. While I was staring at the words,a man walled to me and hand me a bunch of flowers.I took it and saw the guy's face."Kai?I..I thought you.." He kissed me so sudden that I didn't managed to complete my sentences.I pushed him away and pretended to be still  angry with him. "I'm sorry, forgive me?" He said while pulling me closer to him."Okay,I love you too." I said and i kissed him." "Mission accomplished!" Someone said. We broke the kiss and saw Sehun and Jieun high-fiving each other. Me and Kai giggled at them."Okay! Enough of all of this."I'm hungry." Chanyeol oppa said."Yah! You are still hungry after you ate a whole playe of rice. Watch your diet Chanyeol,you'll get fat and nobody would like you." Kris oppa said to him."Urgh..whatever. I'm not as handsome as you." "Yah! You come here!" Chanyeol oppa ran away and Kris oppa chased him."Ge Ge! I'll help you!" Tao said.The rest of exo ,Jieun and me went to prepare for the barbecue." While I was setting up the barbecue,Kai hugged me from behind. "I think the both of them need time together.Sehun,let's go to the beach." Jieun said. The rest of Exo was at the living room,watching TV."Okay!" Sehun said.

Jieun's POV

"Yehet!Yooin and kai are finally back together!" Sehun said.I giggled at his foolishness.  We were walking together."Do..you..actually..have anything to say to me?" I asked."Huh?" "Urgh...never mind." I expected a yes from him..but he just.. urgh..i don't care. While we were walking,our hands touched and i walked to the side.Sehun also move nearer to the sea.I pushed him and he pushed me.I ran away."Yah!Kim Jieun!" Sehun shouted."Catch me if you can!" I stick out my tongue and he chased me. He caught me by hugging me and both of us fell to the ground. Our faces were only 1cm away."Yah!Both of you!Come in for dinner." Oppa shouted at us. I pushed Sehun away and both of us were embarrassed. My heart was pumping very fast .Do I like him? Do I like you,Oh Sehun?

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