All Alone

By Experiment51

1.7K 129 165

Avianna's life was in a constant downward spiral, each obstacle surpassing the last. As a girl who lost the a... More

All Alone
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 25

36 3 1
By Experiment51


I don't understand volleyball.

I have never been athletically inclined to anything but running. Any sport that includes a ball is out of the question for my awful hand-eye coordination, I think soccer is the only exception, but that is because I have really good balance, except for when I don't. Volleyball seems so pointless and I don't understand how Kaylee is able to beat all of us into the ground. She serves so effortlessly and we can never seem to get past her. I am a runner, but her speed is unbelievable.

I looked around the court for a moment and stifled laughter at Logan's awestruck expression. Apparently, Kaylee has an admirer, and I know that Kaden has caught on by the way he is silently taunting his best friend. While I was distracted by the wordless interaction, Kaylee managed to serve a ball to me. Naturally, I deflected it...

with my face.

I could hear the crack and felt pain spread through my face, followed by several gasps and a wave of nausea. Running to one of the trash cans, I heaved up my breakfast and tried to fight the static that was threatening to overtake my mind. I noticed red liquid dripping into the bin, and realized that my nose must be bleeding. My shock at the pain was enough for the static to take over and for the world to start bleeding into odd shapes and colors until everything disappeared. So I waited.


"Hey Finch, it is time to get up," I cracked my eyes open and the first thing that I noticed was the sand coating my body, oh, a shirtless Kaden was hovering over me too, but the sand was ruthless.

I gave him a weak smile and heard people rushing over, but what stood out the most was a blur of pink.

"Oh my gosh Avi, I am so sorry!" Kaylee's face was filled with panic and remorse, and I attempted to laugh it off, but nothing came out save it were a few strangled gasps; I forgot that I couldn't speak. After that revelation, I attempted to wave away her sorrow, I wasn't hurt that badly.

"I was actually aiming for it to go right past your head, but you moved at the last moment. I didn't mean for you to get hit!" Her voice was high pitched and sounded a little delirious, causing my head to become a pin cushion. Each sentiment dug another needle into my tender scalp, and I wanted the words to stop.

"Hey Kaylee, give her some room, she probably has a concussion," Logan to the rescue. He gently grabbed Kaylee's arm, leading her off to the side a little bit, taking some of our other friends with. Soon it was only Aiden, Kaden, Luke and I. Aiden excused himself so that he could go and find Ms. Victoria, leaving me in the care of Brownie and Cactus.

"You ready to sit up? We have some water, but we want your body to start circulating the fluids properly again," Kaden held a bottle in his hand and I struggle to slowly sit up, relieved to feel Kaden's hand on my back as he supports my weight.

The haze in my head was still prominent, though I was starting to think a little more, and the prick of the needles lessened when I began to sip the water. I couldn't gulp it down because my body would probably reject the sudden fluids. I knew that I must pace myself so that I don't start spilling my stomach acid on the sand.

"You feel any better?" Luke spoke up, which was still unusual to all of us, and I looked at him making sure to keep my eyes open as I nod. Kaden looked a little bit unconvinced, but he had no time for further questions as a dog barreled right past him.

I felt something warm and wet slide up and down my face, and I scrunched my nose at the dog's behavior. He was not yipping like normal, but instead, Icee seemed very intent on taking care of the side of my face from temple to chin.

"Icee! Don't run off without us, we need to find- Mommy Icee found Avi!" Chris was a little behind the dog, and I could see Miss Victoria in the background walking with Aiden. Apparently, Chris was very anxious to reach me, that, or Icee was very quick to run to my aid.

"Avianna, how are you feeling?" Victoria's voice was soft and soothing, and it was obvious that she had dealt with similar situations before, though I was probably the first she had seen that had been injured while spiking a volleyball with their face. I nodded at her, holding up a single thumb, but I couldn't keep it up as another wave of nausea overtook me and I leaped up to empty the bile into the trash can.

I had a nervous stomach, so what may cause most to grow uneasy or faint just makes me nauseous and feel the urge to vomit. I felt someone holding my hair back, and wondered who it was until I felt a strong warm hand stroking my back in circles. It was Kaden. After I finished spilling my guts, I was handed a towel and turned to look back at the group, noticing that Claire must have arrived with Lanie while I was hurling.

At some point during all of this, Kaden's arm had snaked around my shoulders and he continued to soothingly run his hand up and down my arm. My body responded on its own, leaning into his warmth and comfort. I stayed there for a while as he told everyone to calm down and that I was fine. They all agreed however that I needed to be taken to the hospital to check for internal bleeding, apparently, I had a potential grade 3 concussion.

We were still standing in a group when I saw Libby running over with Kaylee and Logan in tow. I hadn't noticed their absence, and the look on Libby's face was worrisome. She looked heartbroken, and the other two were oozing pity. Tears streamed down her face and my frown deepened at her sadness.

"Can I borrow Avi for a second before we take her to the hospital or something?" The group merely nodded as she tugged at my arm. I followed her lead as she guided me away from the cluster of people. As we got out to a more secluded area, she officially broke down.

"Avi, I found David here at the beach," she looked devastated, and I cocked my head to the side, confused about what the issue was. Maybe he was just with some swim buddies and she was sad he didn't invite her.

"He was here with Whitney, they were on a date and I caught them making out. He didn't even try to defend himself, Avi, in fact, he told me that he was cheating on me and had been for eight months!" She collapsed into my arms and I was struggling to support the tall girl, trying to take away her pain.

"I don't know what to do Avianna! We were together for two whole years. He was my absolute everything, and all of that went down the drain. Do you think it is because I never had sex with him? Maybe I was too boring since I didn't put out, maybe that is why. Oh gosh, he cheated on me because I was a prude didn't he?!"

My face was coated in horror and alarm. She shouldn't be feeling ashamed for staying true to herself and only doing what felt comfortable. If only I had my whiteboard or phone, then I could tell her that she should never feel bad about that. Some girls just don't want to lose their virginity in high school.

I looked her with sadness and wished that I could take away her pain and sorrow. I didn't notice when Kaylee came up to us, slinging an arm around Libby's shoulder, finally getting her to detach from me. My coverup was probably coated in tears, but I didn't mind.

"Don't worry Libby. He didn't deserve you, that scum will regret his decision one day, and you will have moved on to something bigger and better," Kaylee had a strained smile plastered onto her face, and I was grateful that she was trying to cheer up Libby, especially since I could offer no words of encouragement.

"But I loved him, Kaylee, I really did," I watched as Libby slowly collapsed onto the sand, burying her face in her hands.

We helped her back to the group, and I noticed that both Jacob and Aiden were absent. Kaden explained that they were going to teach David a lesson, and I was perfectly satisfied with that. Scum like David didn't deserve pity or sympathy, he needed to know that this type of thing was not okay, and he needed to learn it quickly.

I helped Libby into the car, and we decided that it was best if Kaylee drove her car home. They said goodbye to me since I needed to go and see a doctor, and when they mentioned that, I noticed that I felt dizzier than usual. I wandered back to the group, thinking back to what could have been an awesome carefree beach day as Kaylee pulled out of the parking lot.


I hate cheaters. They are the absolute scum of the earth. I hope that you guys liked this chapter, as I am trying to start adding some twists and drama. I am struggling a little bit more, as this story is a total free-write, and I am as clueless to the ending as you. Thank you for reading this chapter, as I appreciate all of the support that I am getting.





Love Y'all!


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