Chapter 18

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Have you ever had one of those moments where the only thing that you truly care for in life is your bed? That is basically the mood that I am in. I don't want to go through my makeup routine, and I don't want to suffer through eight hours of lectures and stares. You would think that after two weeks, the novelty of a mute girl would wear off, but everyone in my classes still seem to marvel at my condition. 

Why do they all try to get me to talk? I can't even laugh without sounding like a deflating jumpy house, like the ones that people rent out for those carnivals or birthday parties.

Another thing that I am not ready to deal with is the tension. Ever since Kaylee mentioned Yvonne, they have made more and more references to the girl. I almost want to ask what happened, but I feel like I would regret it, and I am not ready for more emotional crap like that. 

After a long struggle against my mind, I roll out of my bed, quite literally. As soon as my face connected with the unforgiving floor, I regretted it. Nausea overtook me and I sprung to my feet, running to the bathroom so that I could remember what I ate for dinner last night; what a wonderful start to the day.

After brushing my teeth about 23 times, I get dressed for school, not bothering to look presentable and just throwing on jeans and a light blue t-shirt that said 'I'm a ninja'. What an utter lie, I am about as sneaky as Tom from "Tom and Jerry", and I feel that I can use that as an accurate comparison since he doesn't talk either. You would think that after getting bamboozled by Jerry for the 100th time, Tom would become a little bit smarter, but the cat gets caught every time.

I run down the stairs, nearly falling flat on my face as I raced to get some of the precious food. Stairs are a menace to society. After finally reaching the kitchen I make quick work of pulling the bread out of the cupboard and throwing the pieces into the toaster. 

"You took longer to get out of bed than usual Avi, I was beginning to think that you died or something," Claire stopped eating her cereal for a moment to look at me, and I grinned at the child shaking my head as I grabbed my whiteboard.

'Nah, I am too stubborn for death, no reaper could handle this sass,' after writing the words I snapped my fingers in a Z pattern, trying to convey how sassy I could be. I probably looked very cringey since Claire wrinkled her nose up before laughing at me, oh no she didn't! I huffed before paying attention to my toast that had just popped and was in the process of buttering it when Victoria emerged from her room.

"Hey girls, good morning!" She looked pristine as always with her chocolate hair curled to perfection, and mascara to emphasize her doe eyes. As always, she was rocking a dress, and the outfit of the day was a white dress with pink roses, she really made a subtle statement with her outfits.

"Oh Avianna, the boys are going to be picking you up today, so make sure to thank them," her words made me choke on my toast. I was almost killed by food. Hey, that would be a great youtube story time!

'Oh joy, riding with them is always so pleasant,' I rolled my eyes while Victoria just laughed at my misery. I had ridden with them for the past three days, and their conversations were quite taxing for my poor soul. I could only take so much of their ridiculous comments on first world problems and why they were important. Logan was on the pro side while Kaden opposed him, and all that their debates made me realize was that I was really craving a McDouble.

We sat at the table for a little while longer before I got up to pack my backpack, just barely finishing the task before hearing a horn coming from the street. Apparently, the guys believe that everyone wants to wake up at 6:30 in the morning, and I can't help but feel sorry for our poor neighbors. Sighing, I sling my bag over my shoulder before running out the door to my imminent doom.

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