Chapter 14

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Avianna's POV

The water hits my back in satisfying chorus, while the flow is somewhat weaker, I can still feel more relaxed. I think back to everything that has happened today, and remember Kaden's apology. I have always wanted to be a forgiving person, but there has never really been a reason for me to trust anyone, not since I was maybe ten years old. 

He seemed so sincere, and I think that he was angry with himself, which is good for me, that means less snarky comments. 

While I wash away all of the tears and control the shivers and chattering teeth, I think back to my first impression of him. He seemed so cliche, a jerk that wore leather, nothing else to it, but then I found the drawing room. The room represents someone so tortured and trapped, somebody that shares my views and knows similar suffering, so I was hopeful that maybe we could be friends.

When he found my scars, then didn't tell, I thought that the chance had increased, but then he shattered all of my hope and yelled at me in front of the guys, telling me to scram, so why did he save me? I don't see the logic behind saving someone that you supposedly loathe. He rescued me from the storm, and now I am in his shower, with the adorable little girl he calls his sister.

She reminds me of my little sister before she died that is. I was only eight when Ellie left the earth, but the whole in my heart remains agape and empty. My life would have been so different if she had survived, so many things wouldn't have happened or at least executed to a lesser degree. 

I still remember her bouncy brown hair, and the mischievous twinkle she would get in her blue eyes while planning a little prank. She was five when she died, and the circumstances permanently damaged my mom, which probably led to our family's ultimate demise.

She holds the brown suitcase with both hands, lugging the baggage to the door, pausing occasionally to wipe the hair out of her face. The child watches from behind the plant, paranoid about this 'business trip'. Her mom never really left the house anymore, her evenings were best spent with Jack Daniels and some pizza, and the child had never seen much deviation.

As soon as the mother reaches the door, the doorbell sounds, indicating that someone else arrived. The ten-year-old watched anxiously, unease pooling in her stomach as soon as the wood creaks open, revealing a man wearing a polo and some jeans. He took the mother's luggage, and kissed her right on the lips, making the ten-year-old stifle a gasp. What about her father?

The man took her mother away from the house, and the girl could not hide her existence anymore. "Mommy? Where are you going?" The little girl's normally melodic voice sounded shaky, and her mother seemed to get whiplash from snapping her head around.

"Avianna, I am leaving you and your father. I can't live under the same roof as a coward and a murderer. You are a pathetic excuse for a daughter, and you know that this is all your fault." The mother had such venom and contempt for the girl, and the man seemed rather surprised.

"It wasn't my fault Mama. I told her not to, I swear I tried so-" "Shut up! Don't bother looking for me. I have found a new home, and want nothing to do with you anymore you little twit." With that last blow, the mother disappeared from the girl's life entirely, never contacting the girl again, just like she had promised.

"Avianna are you okay?" The flashback ends abruptly as Kaden's voice floats through the door. Maybe he needed to shower now, and I am in the way. I flip the water off, feeling a little warmer now, but my stomach felt like it was about to implode from the built up stress.

Stepping out of the shower, I quickly wring out the water from my hair and wrap a towel around the essentials. Cracking the door open, I meet the eyes of a worried Kaden and nod slightly, holding up one finger to indicate that he needs to wait. 

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