Chapter 24

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Kaden's POV

The guys were ecstatic the whole ride to the beach, raving on and about how fun it would be and how amazing Miss Wilkes is for inviting us. All I could do was roll my eyes at their childish antics and suppress a chuckle at Logan as he put Claire's beach pail on his head. I was glad that Miss Wilkes had taken Lanie in the car with her, these bozos were not a good influence.

"Prepare yourselves, men, we must go into battle!" A laugh escaped me as Logan used a shovel in place of a sword.

"This is why we should not have volunteered to bring the sand toys, guys! We should have known did Blondie over here would do something stupid and annoying," Aiden jabbed a thumb in Logan's direction, obviously annoyed that he did not get to ride with Avianna and pester her.

"I'm sorry you did not know how to have fun!"

"Well, I'm sorry, you're a complete and utter dipstick that will not grow up!"

"Guys, guys, let's not fight in the car"


I winced as Aiden's shrill voice joined with Logan's mocking one.

"Can you guys just chill out?" Do not give Luke a reason to crash the car, "I rolled my eyes and groaned at the whiny duo.

They are always very close to each other.

After a certain calm car ride, we finally made it to the western coast. As soon as we were parked, Logan opened the door and flopped on the gravel parking lot-he was pushed by Aiden. Jacob laughed as he was released from his prison. He had been trapped between the two bickering children and what so glad to be free. Aiden pushed Jacob as he got out of the car, and Luke finally let out a chuckle.

"Oh, so you have a sick sense of humor don't you Luke?" Jacob grumbled at the stoic driver, annoyance and gravel were plastered on his face. He struggled to stand up, and I began laughing at his misfortune.

"Really Kaden, I thought we were friends?" Jacob was complaining to me in that whiny tone of his.

"And I thought you would get a clue. Looks like we were both wrong."

"Don't hate me cuz you ain't me!" Jacob snapped his fingers in a 'Z', and the rest of the face palmed at the ginger's actions.

"Doofus," Logan muttered underneath his breath, causing Jacob to once again feign offense.

"You guys are so rude!" Jacob stomped his foot before marching in the search for the girls, leaving the rest of us behind.

Once we finally stopped laughing, the guys and I decided to go and find Jacob and the girls. Avianna still hides her scars and I'm a bit sick of it. A little part of me hoped that everyone would find out because that would make it easy to help her but I have to respect her wishes. What kind of friend am I? Do I snitch on her?

When we finally find the rest of our group, we are met with the sight of Jacob whining to Avianna, with her simply rolling her eyes at his antics. All of the girls were looking pretty appealing, but Avianna was the most attractive to me, and I stared at her completely unashamed.

What can I say, I am not ashamed of a woman's beauty. She has not shown me her burns since that day. I can not explain why, but I have an unexplainable urge to protect her and take care of her.

I sound so cliche right now, but I guess it can't be helped. I have a rep for being bad, and she is like a frightened little lamb; so vulnerable to a wolf like me. "Hey Finch, how are you doing?"

We walk up to them and she looks at me, relief showing in her eyes, she was probably relieved to have an excuse to ignore Jacob. She grabbed a whiteboard out of her bag and grinned,

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