Chapter 12

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Avianna's POV

What was I thinking? I sit at my Computer, working on another strand of java (She's coding), and resist the urge to slap myself. I told them that I would get out of class and meet up with them, not only that, but they are going to be smoking! I look down to see my finger pressing down the 'z' key, and groan. I have to fix at least 20 lines now, but I am positive that the Idiots will find some way to get back at me if I don't follow through. I raise my hand and gulp.


I hate walking around school. The guys said that they would meet me by the bathrooms, but I am starting to think they ditched. I would've ditched too if Kaden hadn't frightened me earlier. I am not as conditioned to physical abuse as I was a couple of weeks ago, so the close call rattled me more than usual.

I am still wandering aimlessly when I feel a hand over my mouth, and somebody pulling me. How am I supposed to scream? The only thing that would be coming out of my throat is probably breathy gasps. The person pulls me into one of the LGI rooms, which was conveniently empty.

"Surprise!!! Hi, Mutie!" The lights flicked on, and Blondie stood in front of me with a childish grin on his face. I so want to smash his perfect teeth in, but then I remember how weak and scrawny I am.

"Were you surprised?!" Ginger looks at me expectantly. Apparently, I was supposed to be delighted with the sudden snatch.

'More like mortified. Take your heads out of your butts next time, and maybe you will have some common sense' I had grabbed my whiteboard as soon as the lights were on, and was hoping that I could make them realize what dipsticks they are.

"Awww, did we scare our little Mutie?" Logan slings his arm around me once again; I should really just bite his hand off.

I see Cactus brooding in the corner, at least somebody is as upset as me. Aiden walks up next, grinning like Chucky, "Hey Mutie! I have decided to forgive you!" The smile seems twisted and sadistic, but I don't flinch when he goes to my unoccupied shoulder and rests his arm opposite of Logan's.

Stoic Brownie sits in one of the chairs, watching us impassively, and Ginger whines to Logan and Aiden for taking his spot. If they are attempting to push my buttons, they have succeeded, but I stand still. I stand as stiff as a rod, and they bicker on without a care, while Luke seems interested in some gum on the ceiling. Kaden stares at me for the first part, but I think he was getting annoyed because he just pulled out his phone.

Their arms move to my head, using my scalp as an armrest. Bi-Polar and Blondie are both giants compared to me. I almost wish that Ginger was there instead of one of them since he is the shortest at 5'10", ish. My back tires and I fade in and out of the conversation.

"He was all like, 'no not the nice Taco Bell, like the really ghetto one', so I called him a-"

"What do you mean she doesn't like Parcheesi?!"

"Why is it, that our school will finance Smart Boards and Chromebooks, but they won't fix the bathroom stall doors?!"

"Is there any love greater, than that of mine for my fridge?"

"Yeah man, my love for my freezer, that is where you keep the chocolate pies and ice cream!"

"Shut up Logan!"

"Make me Jacob!"

"Can't we all just be friends?"


"You guys are giving me a headache", Kaden finally interrupts their philosophical debate, and they finally lift their weight off of my head. Sweet freedom, it feels so good.

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