Chapter 5

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I clutched the paper that held the neighbor's address so tightly, I almost thought that it would suddenly turn into dust, being in public by myself felt so foreign, so maybe I thought spontaneous combustion would make things normal? No, I'm just crazy. Icee was getting restless on the leash, probably wishing for me to speed up, but I don't trust my legs anymore. Walking is difficult enough, but running in public? Nope, never ever. 

Sooner or later we reached the house. I lost track of time, but I think we made it. The whole neighborhood must be rich or something because the house that stood in front of me was gorgeous. Manicured lawns and power-washed driveways were normal here, but this house seemed to take cleanliness to a different level, well minus the open garage. 

Tools littered the small space outside of the bay, and I could almost see somebody working on the Corvette. The build looked like a normal Stingray, but if it was, the car had to have been made in 1968, since there was no insignia. Icee whimpered beside me, shaking me back into the world of the living. I really need to stop zoning out. Following the dog's orders, we begin walking up the steps to the red-bricked palace.

I hate knocking on doors, I hate it so much, mainly because I can't say why I am here. Will she be expecting me? Will she flip out at the strange girl gracing her front porch? I didn't have much time to dwell on my options since Icee let out a bark. Groaning, I knock three times, hopefully, they sounded polite enough. Standing back a little, I crouch down in an attempt to calm down the husky, though I have no clue what could have provoked him. Maybe he could smell his little human waiting inside and was voicing his wish to be reunited. Stroking his soft ears, I flinched as I heard the light click of the doors locking mechanism. Showtime!

"Oh hello! What can I help you with?" The woman was a lithe blonde, she looked around 40, and she had no clue who I was. Well fudge-muffin. I had to think fast, so I let go of Icee, and let him bark, praying for Chris to hear him. "Do you need something, or is your dog going to disturb the peace for a longer period of time?" She looked a little annoyed now, just my luck, thankfully something went right, and I heard my new little brother's voice cheering in the background. "Icee!" Chris came running down the stairs, barreling towards the now satisfied dog. 

"Hi, Avi! I'm glad you made it here okay!" I only smiled.

"How was Icee? Did he give you a rough time?" I shook my head. The lady looked at us and looked at Chris as if expecting the five-year-old to explain. Somehow, Chris complied with the unspoken request, "Sorry Mrs.Stock! This is me and Claire's new big sister! Her name is Avianna, but I get to call her Avi cuz we are best friends! Right, Avi?" I couldn't help but smile and nod at the boy, internally laughing at his flawed grammar.

"Avi's here already?!" Claire flew down the stairs next, launching herself into my arms. I winced at the painful contact. My poor bruises. "Hi, Avi!" I waved at the girl, not noticing the other two children walking down the stairs holding an infant, and the five high school guys coming in from the garage. "How was your day? You need to write all about it so I can read it! Mommy said that you are very good at writing stories." I simply nodded before realizing that the woman didn't get the entire explanation. Nudging Claire I motioned to my throat, hopefully, she understands. I could've sworn that there were gears in her head clicking.

Swiveling around, she faced the audience we had gathered, the audience I didn't realize existed. Before she could open her mouth, however, Mrs.Stock started speaking, "Your new older sister is rather snooty isn't she Claire, I can't believe she won't even respond to her siblings, how blatantly rude!" I think my cringing was visible, and Claire's fists tightening was a definite bad sign.

"I apologize if my sister's condition is an inconvenience to you Mrs.Stock. I didn't realize that my Mom hadn't explained it already. Avianna is mute. Her lack of speaking isn't out of a sense of superiority, rather a disability. If she could speak, I am sure that she would be delighted to make small talk with you, but she can't! Have some respect for the daughter of your dead friend!" Well then. I didn't know that a ten-year-old could get so angry on someone else's behalf, but clearly, it can happen. Mrs.Stock stood there for a moment, as did her entourage, so I took some time to try and observe them.

 The two children that Chris and Claire had been playing with were a boy and a girl, both with blonde hair and blue eyes. The high school boys didn't look like siblings, but it was fairly simple to find Mrs.Stock's son. He had blonde hair and blue eyes too, and all of the high school guys had expressions that mingled amusement and surprise, well one of them had no expression at all. He was a brunette with almost black eyes, his tense posture made him seem a bit more annoyed than surprised, though you couldn't tell from looking at his face. 

Eventually, they escaped their stupor and Mrs.Snooty-a name that I find is more suitable to her personality- retaliated, trying to redeem herself, "My apologies, I suppose I judged your sister's character to quickly. Do you know if she is Kara's girl?" The woman looked at me with a new perspective. I still don't like her, she was now acting like I didn't exist at all, though I suppose that is preferable to be treated like trash. Claire turned to me and treated me as a human, thankfully, repeating Mrs.Snooty's question, "Was your Mommy's name Kara?" Smiling, I nodded. Claire turned back to Snooty with some type of attitude that said, 'well there's your answer!'

"Oh, your mother and I were such lovely friends! The accident was such a tragedy, though with a husband like that, it was to be expected. I was thrilled that they finally took him away, he ruined her you know. Your father wasn't a very pleasant man." Mrs. Snooty was off on a tangent about my life. My life, something that I am not very proud of, and I am sure that the kids behind her were not aware of my backstory before she opened her big mouth. While I dislike my father too, and for more justified reasons, I didn't like how much she knew, or moreover, how much she thought she knew.

People continued to see my mother as a victim when she was at fault as well, and even caused some of my problems. Maybe my father contributed, but she started most of his troubles.

"How are you, dearie? The entire bridge group heard all of the rumors going around in the investigation about the extent of his crimes since Victoria decided to adopt you. Which of those rumors are true? Did he really-?" I flinched. I knew what she was about to say, so I shook my head rapidly, grabbed Icee's leash and motioned for the kids that it was time to leave. They said their goodbyes and followed me out the door, thanking Mrs.Snooty, though I think Claire was a tad peeved, and happily following me down the street. I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me, though I shook that off and focused on the chattering children who were now beside me, successfully taking my mind off of the prior events.

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