
By superswift_fan

22.6K 435 78

We've all fantasized about being celebrities at one time or another, only to be told that it's just a headach... More

The first one
The one with Christmas
The one with Harry Potter World
The one with the hospital visit
The one with the New Year's Eve party
The one with the songwriting session
The one with the birthday
The one with the homecoming
The one with the audition
The one with the callback
The one with Melissa Benoist
The one with Glee!
The One With the Shenanigans
The one with the date
The one with the boyfriend
The one with the soccer game
The one after a week
The one with the Ellen show
The one with Halloween
The one with the special day
The one with Harry Styles
The one with the Jingle Ball
The one with Saint Nick
The one with the truth
The one with cute sister moments
The one with the breakup
The one with the Oscars
The one where they're on tour
The one with the fans
The one with the performance
The one with the hot guy
The one with the rehearsal
The one where they get ice cream
The one after the fight
The one with the awkwardness
The one with the concert
The one with the fluff
The one with, not 'goodbye,' but 'see you later'
The one with all the tears
The one with the happiness
The one at the bar
The one with the friends
The one with the sickness
The one with the sweetness
The one with the distance
The one with the chocolate
The one with the Austins
The one with the fighting
The one with the phone call
The one with the loneliness
The one with the return
The one with the fears
The one with the uncontrollable crying
The one with the make up

The one with the morning after

653 15 4
By superswift_fan

-January 1, 2012-

I woke up around noon and a few people were still asleep, but most of the girls were awake and on their phones. I took my head out of Hailee's comfy lap and got up from the couch. I went into the kitchen and got together a glass of water and some aspirin for Taylor. I brought them to her room and saw that she was still asleep. I decided to wake her up and I sat down on the side of her bed, next to her.

"Taylor," I whispered, moving a piece of hair out of her face.

"Ah, not so loud," Taylor said, covering her ears.

"Sorry," I said, "here." I handed her the water and aspirins.

"Thanks," she took them gladly and downed the aspiring and chugged the water. "So what stupid things did I do last night while I was super drunk?"

"I don't know, I wasn't near you, but you can ask the rest of the girls who were with you," I laughed. "They slept over and Ed passed out so he's in the guest room."

"Great," Taylor said, sliding her covers off and sitting up. "Whoa."

"Easy," I said, helping her stand up without getting too dizzy.

"Did you get some aspirin for Ed?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, don't worry Tay this ain't my first rodeo," I smiled.

"That worries me," she laughed, but immediately stopped due to a pain in her head.

"We're probably going to go out for breakfast, but you and Ed might want to stay here," I laughed when I saw Ed, looking almost as bad as Taylor, sitting on the couch taking his aspirins.

"Where are we going?" Cara asked in her cute British accent.

"There's a breakfast place down the street," I replied.

"Alright, well I should probably head home," Ed said.

"Okay, well I can't drive and Hailee's a terrible driver so that leaves Karlie, Cara, and Selena," I said.

"I can take him home," Karlie offered.

"Thanks, Karlie," Ed said.

"I'll come too," I said.

"Okay," Karlie laughed.

"Okay, we'll meet the rest of you at the place, Selena knows where it is," I said.

"Okay," everyone agreed.

I went to my room and decided to skip my shower and just change. I threw on some jeans and my black and white "Hogwarts alumni" sweatshirt. I brushed my hair and left it down before taking out my contacts which were dry from sleeping with them in. I grabbed my black and red pair of glasses and threw them on my face. I grabbed my black Uggs and pulled one of them on my foot before going back out to find the rest of the girls changing. Once we were all dressed and ready, Karlie and I left with Ed and drove back to his place in Karlie's car. Ed sat in the front next to Karlie and gave her directions until we reached his house. We said our goodbyes as he got out of the car and I moved to sit in the front.

"Can we run to my house really quick so I can change?" Karlie asked.

"Yeah," I said when I noticed that she was actually still wearing pajamas.

We drove the short way to Karlie's and she unlocked her apartment when we got there.

"Hey," Karlie said to her sister who was sitting at the counter.

"Hey girls, how was last night?" Karlie's older sister Kristine asked.

"Good," Karlie said, walking to her room.

I leaned against the counter while waiting for Karlie to get ready.

"How's college?" Kristine asked.

"Good," I said.

"That's good, when do you go back?" She asked.

"We start again tomorrow and I go to NYU so I just live with Taylor during school," I explained.

"Oh nice," Kristine said.

"Alright I'm ready, we can go now," Karlie announced, coming into the room.

"Well it was nice seeing you," I said, trying to be polite.

"You too," Kristine said.

"I'll be home later," Karlie said before we left.

We turned the music up as we drove to the breakfast place. Karlie and I jammed out the whole way there. We walked in and a waitress led us back to where the other girls were waiting.

"Can I get a latte please," I smiled at the waitress.

"Right away," she smiled back.


"Remember when someone asked if Karlie was our babysitter?" I laughed at the old memory.

"Oh my god yeah and Karlie was like 'I'm only one year older than them!' and the person was so scared because Karlie Kloss was yelling at them," Selena added.

"That was not funny!" Karlie pouted.

"Yes, it was," Hailee chuckled.

"Remember when Taylor took us to the recording studio and we played with the soundboard and pressed the fart noise button so much she actually made us walk home," Cara laughed along with us.

"Yeah, she was so pissed," I said.

"Or when we were all at your house baking and Taylor and Karlie had to go all mom on us when we started putting frosting on each other and we made a mess," Hailee said. Taylor and Karlie are the oldest in our little squad so they go all mom-mode on us a lot. Technically Selena is older than Karlie but she doesn't act like it.

"Remember when we pulled that awesome prank on them in the pool," I said to Hailee.

"Yes! Karlie and Taylor had each pushed us off a raft in the pool so when they asked for some sunscreen, Hailee and I used ketchup and mustard instead and we rubbed it all over them," I laughed as I told Selena the story.

"Where was I?" Selena asked.

"You were gone filming Monte Carlo," I said.

"Ah man, I wish I'd seen that," Selena said.

We left the restaurant soon after the conversation faded after paying and tipping the waitress generously because we were a handful.

"Y'all can come back to my place if you want since I have nothing to do while Taylor is in hangover mode," I said.

"I have to go back to my place and do something with my sister," Karlie said.

"Okay, bye," we said as she left.

"I have a meeting in an hour and I have to get ready," Selena sighed.

"I'll see you soon," I hugged her.

"I have to pick my sisters up from the airport," Cara said.

"Welp that leaves just you and me," I smiled deviously at Hailee. We are the two youngest of the mainstream group so when we are together it typically means trouble for anyone with us or "watching us" as everyone likes to call it. We're kind of like five-year-olds when we're together. People call us the dynamic duo. *cues closed mouth smile and nodding head*

"Shoot we don't have a driver," I said once I realized everyone was gone.

"Looks like we're going to walk," Hailee said.

"Let's stop at Starbucks, Taylor is going to need some coffee and I need some more," I said.

"Same," Hailee agreed.

"When do you have to go back to school?" I asked her.

"Well since I'm homeschooled, I'm flying home tonight and starting again tomorrow," Hailee replied.

"Nice, I start again tomorrow too," I sighed.

When we got home, Taylor was in the family room watching Law and Order SVU.

"We brought Starbucks," I said bringing her coffee to where she was sprawled out on the couch with Meredith.

"Thanks," Taylor said, taking the coffee cup out of my hands.

"So Hailee what stupid stuff did I do last night?" Taylor asked.

Hailee laughed as she remembered last night's events, "Y-You first insisted on rapping for karaoke and you tried to rap Super Bass-"

"But I can do that," Taylor interrupted.

"But you tried to do it with the song sped up like crazy so it was all just a mush of words and it was actually the funniest thing because when the song finished, you turn to me and Karlie and you say, into the microphone, 'GUYS I DID IT!' and we're like 'no Tay you didn't do it,'" Hailee is cracking up and so am I at this point. "Then you're like 'YES I DID' like super loud and we just let you have your moment because I mean everyone else was already drunk if they were of age and all of us who are too young are looking at you and just straight out hysterically laughing."

"Wait I was actually there for this," I said between fits of laughter.

"Well, where were you when you weren't out there?" Taylor questioned, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Ethan and I sang a song together," I said quickly. "I actually posted a video of your failed karaoke."

"What! Let me see!" She yelled, forgetting about my first statement.

"It's on my Instagram," I said.

I pulled up the video on my phone and played it for Taylor. When the video was over, she had her head in her hands and her face was red. Hailee and I, on the other hand, were cracking up.

"This is so bad," Taylor said.

"It already has like a million likes," I laughed.

"This cannot be happening, I'm supposed to be a good role model for kids. This does not say good role model," Taylor panicked.

"Tay calm down, it shows a 22-year-old having fun on New Years. You are a great role model and this just shows that life is also about having fun and just dancing like you're 22," I said seriously.

"Yeah you're right, this is fine," she said to herself.

"I love this video," Hailee laughed.


Quick Author's note: Just so y'all don't get confused, Hailee is 17 too for the sake of the story

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