Alpha's Forever

By lisa_brown

195K 5.5K 242

In the future, the humans are ruled by the werewolf race. The Werewolves are very strong, very furious and... More

Alpha's Forever
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Writer's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
writer's note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Writer's Note
Writer's Update
Writer's Update

Chapter - 1

9.4K 273 2
By lisa_brown


All I am concentrating right now is on the next ten seconds as soon as the Elevator doors open. Present yourself in a good manner. Talk nicely. Work carefully. Marc put me in contact with Kate Donovan, the Executive Manager and Head Developer. Since it was Marc's dayoff yesterday, he dropped me at the office. The interview went well for a fresher like me. Miss Donovan was very casual and welcoming unlike I'd expected. I didn't want to take advantage of the fact that Marc suggested my name, so I presented my best to her. It seemed to have worked out because Kate looked pleased with my Resume and the awards I'd won back in college for my projects. 

The elevator doors finally opened into my floor and I took a deep breath and entered the office.

"Good morning, Juliette." Kate was the first person I ran into as soon as I entered. She is a tall blonde around 26 or 27, Perfect body, Perfect voice, She looked like perfection. My five feet four inch body with its bumps and curves was nowhere in comparision to her tall, long legged, slim figure.

I nodded and smiled not because I talk less but because I was too nervous to say anything.

"Let me Introduce you to the staff." she took me to my cabin. 

The office could be a definition for assiduous environment. Cabins, computers and classy interior design with diligent workers with their eyes stuck to the laptop screens. For some reason, the place felt strangely silent. People looked at me from their desks and went back to whatever they were doing. I wasn't expecting a welcome ceremony either. I had this urge to go and hide somewhere .

As we reached a set of cubicles, Kate stopped and looking at me, she addressed the crew there.

"Guys, this is Juliette Spencer. Our new developer. "

The second I smiled at my soon to be colleagues, they knew that  it was fake. But they were kind enough to understand. Kate brifed me about my work and showed me around. All the while I was counting numbers inside my head to keep my panic at bay. One mistake and this niceness they show would evaporate. I could spot some of the employees judging me already. The problem is that I can never tell when one is genuinely smiling at me or faking it just like me. There is always that doubt. I was never good with strangers and there is an office full of them here.

As we walked, Kate showed me my cabin and I was relieved to have finally got there. As soon as Kate left, I settled down and started working. 

Slowly I started to drown in work and stopped caring about others. Now I understand why the workers around didn't spare a second glance at others.

"Are you the new girl?" a  voice from behind brought me out of my trance. A tall, skinny, pale looking girl with redhair stood behind me.  I nodded.

"I'm  Amy Weixler. You can call me Amy. We are project partners so you'll have to deal with me." 

Here we go with another supermodel. I started to doubt if long legs and beauty queen looks were one of the criteria to be hired here and that I just got lucky and had Marc to help me secure a job. Looking at Amy made me want to dig a hole and hide myself in there.

"Juliette. Juliette Spencer." I said taking her hand.

Amusement filled her face. "Straight out of college, are you?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Not really. Been working here for three years."

We both talked about how things work there. Being under the rule of werewolves, it shouldn't be a big deal working for one. But again, it's my  first time working for them. All the jobs I've taken up during high school and college were under humans. The few werewolves I've encountered back home were very secretive and kept to themselves. 

Therefore, my knowledge on general werewolf behaviour is very limited let alone them being my employers. So, I'd seeked Amy's help on the topic. Luckily, there wasn't much difference in the work structure since the work would be done by humans. 

Amy and Kate were considerate about the fact that it was my first day of work and tried their best to make me feel a little comfortable.

As soon as I was home, Claire, being the angel that she was, got me a cup of coffee."I love you. I think my head is going to explode."

"Now it won't. Anyway, How was work?" she asked.

"Fine. The people are okay. The work is okay." 

As I took my first sip and the heat and caffeine shot up straight to my head, I closed my eyes and sighed. 

"Marc isn't home yet?" 

"He told me he might be late." Claire said taking a sip.

This was the time to tell her. I  know how Claire would react to what was coming. But I can't stay here forever. Not only was it uncomfortable to the couple having a third person in the house, I also hate feeling like a burden. Claire would first freak out when I tell her I'd been looking around for apartments. But She would understand if I explained better.

"I found a really nice place around the corner." Claire looked up at me and I continued. "It's a two bedroom apartment and the one staying there needs a roommate. She works at my office too. That's how I got know about it."

Claire stared at me as if I'd grown a second head. "I seriously hope you're kidding me."

"Just listen to me once."

"Uh uh. No. You're not talking and I'm not listening." claire said. "Is there something wrong here?  Don't you like it? "

"I love it here. It's not that, Claire. Listen, I love you so much for letting me stay here. But sooner or later I'll have to look for my own place. Why not now?  Besides, you guys need to have your space."

After a moment of silence, Claire let out a deep breath and spoke. "Okay. So you want to stay seperately."

"No. I've been looking at a lot of places this past week and they were all very good. But I didn't take any of them because they're not close to your place. Luckily, I got this apartment just a couple of buildings away."

I really wanted to stay with my sister so badly. But I  didn't want to depend on anyone and Claire would kill me if I paid for staying there. The talk went on and on and finally, Claire and I came to a conclusion.

That I would stay this month here and spend more time with her and then I can move to the new place next month. Once I moved, I would visit her every other day without fail. Lastly, that I'd keep in constant touch with her through phone.

Now,  that was Claire. Always the mama bear.

A week at my new work had made things smoother. So far, I didn't screw up anything. Kate is a good boss and gave me enough time to catch up on things. The strangeness around the colleagues no longer bothered me. Truth be told, I kind of enjoyed having comfortable silences with people.

Despite having the ability to make people feel like shit about their looks, Amy was a cool girl. Working seemed less hectic day by day.

It was evening and Amy and I were sitting together at our cabins finishing up when Kate came to us. Her face was pale and her tone stringent.

"We will need the TSG project files and the other projects for the last six months ready by tomorrow."

Confused and frowning, Amy said, "But the TSG files have been given to Greg."

"Then please run them through with Greg and get them back as soon as possible. Juliette, I want you to go through the project details thoroughly and cross check them. Keep all the project works ready and be in the office tomorrow at 8 AM sharp." Kate rambled.

I knew she was a little nervous for some reason. Amy and I looked at Kate wanting to know what was going on and she answered all our questions with five words.

"George Turner is visiting Tomorrow". 

My mind was all over the place. I set my laptop aside and got out of my bed to clear my head. Maybe a cup of coffee would help. According to Kate's order, I've to be present in the meeting with all the project files. I've only been working on them for a week and don't know what a single mistake would result in. On top of everything, the head of the company is going to be there.

When Kate told us that George Turner was visiting, it was strange to notice that the two women were as nervous as me about it. But there was also a hidden excitement in them, a slight curve of their lips assured that they've been looking forward to this. But the moment Kate noticed that I was watching, her smile vanished and she went back to being rigid. 

As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, the main door opened and Claire stepped in. She paused looking at me.

"You look like a mess. What's going on?"

Pouring my coffee, I stepped out of the kitchen and said, "There's a meeting tomorrow. I've been cross checking all the project files." I crashed onto the couch.

"Well, did you eat anything?"

"I'll eat later. Not very hungry. Where's Marc?"

"He'll be late. Apparently, he too has a meeting tomorrow and he has to be with his boss." Claire replied.

"Oh, Marc's going to be there too? That's a relief..."

"What do you mean Marc's going to be there?" she asked surprised.

"Well. The meeting he was talking about is in our office tomorrow. George Turner is visiting our department. Since Marc is coming, I will have a friendly face."

"Don't worry. Marc told me several times that his boss doesn't spare a second glance at humans."

"Not when he has to visit an office full of them to discuss projects."

"You'll be fine. Don't stress." She assured me and went into the bathroom.

I sighed as I finished my coffee. There's still work to be done. I got up and went to my room. 

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