The bet (jack Avery story )

By lovetoread817

170K 2.8K 734

Being Logan and Jake Paul's sister has disadvantages and advantages. Like meeting team 10 and becoming rlly g... More



2.4K 49 3
By lovetoread817

" that was so much fun " jack said. " right I'm just glad I got to spend my day with people I care about " I said. We were walking back to the cars and it was the same thing. " hey guys so u saw that we did go on some rides. It's now 7 at night and we are leaving bc we want to go get pizza " I said to the camera. " so boys did u have fun " I asked pointing the camera at the boys in the back. " YUP " Christina yelled. " yea we had a lot of Fun y'all should check it Out" Zach said. " babe did u have fun " I said pointing the camera at jack. " yes I did especially cuz I spent the day with u " he said kissing my cheek. " aww ur so cute " I said. " so we will see u guys when we get home " I said turning off the camera. We talked and laughed all the way home. Once we finally got home we all got out the cars and walked in to the house. " hey what's wrong with Myles " my mom asked me. " idk why did he say something to u " I said. " no he was quite the whole car ride " she said. " oh ok well lets go eat and let him sleep on it so that there is no drama tomorrow since it's our last day here" I said. " yea ok " she said. We walked back outside and sat down. " what's wrong " jack asked me. " nothing just Myles " I said. " oh " he said. We all ate then went to bed.

Next day
I woke up to a bare chest. I looked up and saw jack on his phone. " good morning princess " he said looking down at me. " good morning prince " I said. I got up when jack pulled me back down. " jaaack " I said. " u didn't give me a kiss " he said getting on top of me. " oh i'm sorry " i said. I kissed him and he got off. I walked out my room and into my moms room. " hey Mia " she said. " hi Mom" I said. " so tell everyone that we are having a pool day" she said. " ok " I said. " u and jack go get dressed we are going to the store " she said. " ok mom " I said. I walked out her room and into mine. I got on my phone went into messages and made a group chat.

Mia: we are having a pool day be ready

Zach: ok

Jonah: ok  

 I put my phone down and sat on jack. " we need to get ready so we can go to the store with my mom " i said. " ok babe " he said. He tried getting up but I didn't let him. " princeeeess" he said. " u didn't give me a kiss " I said. He sat up and kissed me then I got off so he could get up. We put on our slides grabbed our phones and went into my moms room. " mom u ready " I said walking into her room. " yea lets go " she said. We walked out of the house and got in the car and she decided to drive and jack and I were sitting in the back. " jack " she said. " yes " he said. " treat my baby right ok " she said. " he will mom he has " I said. " no I want to hear him say it " she said. " don't worry pam I will " he said. " she is my youngest and I don't want to see her hurt again jack she was so bad when she found out she wouldn't stop crying she stopped eating she never came out of her room she was a mess " she said. After she said that jack looked at me and I looked down. " I didn't know that " he said. " jack I need u to promise me something " she said. " what is it " he said. " promise me that u will protect her from harm and danger. That u will be there for her even if u guys break up plz " she said. " I promise " he said. We got to the store and bought so much food and drinks. When we got back in the car I had to sit in jacks lap. " we should go to the store more often and buy a lot of thinks" jack whispered in my ear. " BABBE " I yelled laughing. " what's going on back there " my mom said. " nothing jack just made a joke " I said. " ok " she said. " btw I can feel u under me " I whispered. " duh ur sitting on me" he said. " no I mean I can feel ur boner " I said. After I said that his eyes got big. " oh um " he said. " it's ok I like it " I whispered in his ear. We pulled up to the house and everyone was outside. " mom jack and I are going to get ready " I said. " ok " she said. I grabbed jacks hand and ran upstairs. He closed the door and I pushed him against the door kissing him. " woah what was that all about " he said surprised. " nothing just really needed to taste your lips " I said. " oh ok lets get ready " he said. I walked into my closet and picked out a blue bikini, shorts, and a kimono. I put my hair in a messy bun then put my flip flops on.

I walked out my closet and saw  jack sitting on my bed on his phone. I walked up to him and grabbed his phone sitting on his lap. " hey baby " he said. " hi babe " I said. " u ready " he asked. " yea " I said. We looked in each other's eyes for a couple of minutes. I love this kid. I got off his lap and grabbed my phone and his hand. We walked downstairs and saw everyone in the backyard. When we walked out Myles got in a mood. " is Myles still acting like that " jack asked. " I guess " i said. There were chairs all around our table. Jack sat down and I sat in his lap. We were all laughing and talking when all the boys went to go grill . " babe get up " he said. " ok " I said I got up and he stood up following the boys to the grill. I sat back down in the chair and everyone was looking at me. " what " I said. " he makes u happy Huh " Christina said. " of course he does I'm so lucky to have him in my life " I said. " we know " my mom said. " u guys are going to make it far" Christina said. " yea I hope so " I said looking a jack laughing with the boys.

A/n: sorry I didn't update the last days. I've just been really busy and school is starting real soon but don't worry I'm still going to post everyday or on Certain days I still don't know yet. OMG thank u guys so much for 6k reads I appreciate it. Love u guys 💕💕💕

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