Black Rose

By Melrozay

18.6K 1.4K 135

Suri Melrose Willoughby is a young girl with the weight of the world on her back. Being the only child and gr... More

Thirty One
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
New Story Alert!!
Removing Book


399 28 0
By Melrozay

I slept all of six hours before my body lightly shook, disturbing my sleep. I opened one eye to see Raine hovering over me shirtless with a plate of breakfast. Rolling over on my back, I shielded my face from the sun's beam of light. He sat the plate at the foot of the bed. "You have a spa appointment at ten-thirty, so I need you to get up, eat and shower."

I tried to fight off the smile threatening to tattoo my face. "That's thoughtful of you, but I figured we'd do something together."

"And we will, but today is all about pampering you." Even though I'm super sleepy, I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom to freshen my breath and face. Eating before brushing your teeth disgusts me. After using the toilet, I washed my hands and quickly fixed my hygiene if I wanted a hot breakfast. Going back into the room, I sat in my previous spot and Raine placed the tray in my lap. Picking up the omelet he prepared, I bit into a piece of heaven. The cheese was dripping down my chin onto my hands and the plate.

"Mmm." I moaned in satisfaction. "This is savory Raine. Did you make it?"

"I sure did." He boasted, beating his chest.

"Show off." I bit into it again and again until there was nothing left. He gave me a glass of fresh orange juice to wash it down. "Thank you. You really know how to get down in a kitchen."

"Well, you know I do what I can." He checked his phone and shooed me away. "Now go on and get in the shower. You have less than an hour to get to the Ritz Hotel and it's gonna take us a solid thirty minutes to get there. "

Jumping up, I dashed towards the bathroom and began stripping out of my clothes. Walking inside of the shower, I turned the knobs until my water was at a tolerable temperature.

"Crap." I mumbled once I realized, I didn't have a towel or wash rag. Now, I have to risk Raine seeing my nude body. "Raine, can you bring me a towel and wash rag please?"

He didn't answer, so I assumed he didn't hear me. Growing frustrated, I opened the shower door to step out at the same time Raine entered the bathroom. Stumbling back inside, I was lucky the hot water steamed the glass. "Look up." I hear him say. Grabbing the rag out of his hand, I thanked him and waited until I was alone to continue my shower.

Once I felt clean enough, I stepped out and wrapped the towel around me. There was a cute burgundy dress laid on the bed with a pair of black and gold sandals. It wasn't mine, leaving me to believe Raine went out and purchased it. When did he have time to go anywhere? I thought. Drying off, I quickly slipped the dress on before searching through my bags for a pair of panties. Since I was going to a spa, I opted out on lotion and makeup, settling with deodorant. Pinning my hair up, I grabbed my clutch and went to find Raine. He had gotten dressed as well and was in the living room on his phone. Noticing my presence, he stood to his feet and outstretched his hand for me. I went along with it and we walked hand in hand out the door and to our awaiting ride.

"Good morning, Lee." I greeted him since Raine was in his own conversation.

"Good morning, Ms. Melrose. How are you today?" He queried.

"I'm great and I told you Melrose or simply Mel will suffice." He laughed and continued to drive in silence. I knew he was just doing his job, but I'm not Raine. They didn't need to be formal with me. Speaking of, he had ended his call, but his phone still held his attention and it annoyed me. Snatching it out of his hand, I looked down to see that he was conducting business.

"You're not supposed to have any dealings with work while we're here." I reminded him, exiting out of his emails.

"It's really important, Mel. That's a ten million dollar deal you just closed out of." He stared at me as if I'm supposed to care and give his phone back.

"Do you know the meaning of vacation?" He sighed, nodding his head. "I figured you did, so no phone, no work."

"No phone, no work." He repeated, throwing his hands up in defeat. Smiling in victory, I placed his phone in my clutch and stared out of the window at the gorgeous scenery we passed. Seattle was nothing compared to this. Back home around this time, everyone is frustrated due to heavy rain and the delay of getting to work on time have us on our toes. Down here, people are moving at their own pace, there in good spirit and they have the pleasure of waking up to the sun's beaming sunshine. Caught in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed the car came to a halt and we were parked in front of a massive building. Lee opened my door, giving me a helping hand out of the car. 

"Thank you." 

"My pleasure. Enjoy your spa trip, Ms. Melrose." He smirked, intentionally being formal with me. I waved him off playfully and linked arms with Raine as we walked inside of the hotel. The cool air smacked me right in the face as soon as I stepped a foot in the door, making my nipples stand at attention. 

"No bra today." Raine motioned at my erect nipples, causing me to blush and fold my arms over my chest. "Don't hide them. It doesn't bother me."

Rolling my eyes, I kept my arms folded. Reaching the front desk, a nerdy looking receptionist greeted us. "Welcome to the Ritz-Carlton, Mr. Mercier. It's nice to see you again. What can I help you with today?" She asked flirtatiously. Looking back and forth between the two of them, I lifted a brow suspiciously. 

"I made an appointment for this beautiful lady right here to get pampered the next four hours." 

My mouth fell open. "Seriously?" 

He nodded and looked forward. "Ok, we'll take great care of her. I'll have Ana show her to her destination." She said with a hint of attitude.

"Thank you, Marie. I'll be back around three-thirty, no later than four." He adverted his attention to me. 

"Four hours is a long time Raine. You didn't have to do this for me." 

"I wanted to do this Mel, so let me be great." He joked, poking my nose. 

"What are you going to do for the time being?" 

Twisting his mouth to the side, he shrugged. "Don't worry about me. Just enjoy yourself and you'll find out when the time comes." 

"Um, they're ready for you, Mal." Marie purposely got my name wrong. Two can definitely play that game.

"Just a second, Mary." I retorted, tilting my head to the side, waiting for a comeback, but I didn't get one. She attempted to roll her eyes, but I saw her. "Can you walk away please?"

Raine stepped in to diffuse the argument we were about to engage in. "Behave yourself Mel. You cant be going to jail down here. It's not a good look for you."

"She's the one being rude to me and I'm the customer. I'll whip her ass and get her fired afterwards if she keeps testing my patience." I spoke, looking directly at her.

"Stay out of trouble, alright? I'll see you later beautiful." He placed a sweet kiss on my forehead before leaving me standing there in my feelings. I followed close behind the woman I'm assuming is Ana and she took me to the very back of the building until we reached what seems to be a private garden. 

"Wow, the vibe here is so alluring and peaceful." I gazed the entire room in awe, not speaking directly to Ana.

"Ok, you can take off everything, put your clothes over here and jump on the bed. There's a blanket for you to cover your bottom half as well and someone will be right with you." She left the room, giving me privacy. After I rid my body of clothing, I laid on my stomach and covered my exposed body, waiting to be sent into ecstasy.


I was currently getting my last massage of the day and I'd never think someone would be over being pampered, but I was starving and the fruits and wine they provided didn't fill me up. The hot stones burned through my skin as my masseuse caressed my body. The tip of her fingers sunk in my shoulders, around my neck causing me to groan. She worked her way from my neck down to my feet. My body has endured so much positive attention today, I felt limp. I probably won't be able to stand up without falling. Her gentle touch felt beyond soothing, I drifted off to sleep.

"Ok Ms. Melrose, you're all done for the day." My masseuse, Jennifer announce softly, causing me to open my heavy eyes. "I'll step out while you get dressed."

"Thank you so much. Today was very much needed and you guys were amazing."

"It was my pleasure. I hoped to have you back soon."

"Most definitely." I assured her. Once she was out of the room, I stood up on wobbly legs and put my clothes on. If Raine didn't know any better, he'd believe I just had the best sex of my life with the way I'm moving. Leaving the room, I met Ana in the hall. "Were you looking for me?"

She nodded. "Yes, I'm supposed to walk you out. This place is huge and if you aren't familiar with it, you'll get lost quickly."

"Yeah, it is enormous, but there's so many parts to it. Working here will keep me in shape." I joked, making Ana laugh.

"Do I look like I had four children all within three years?" She queried, causing me to gasp. "Exactly. This job kept me fitted before, during and after my pregnancies."

"Wow. Three pregnancies and you look like that!" I pointed at her body in amazement. "I was a fat whale during my pregnancy and it took a year for my body to snap back into shape. You're lucky."

"And thankful." She added. "Well here we are. If you need to use the desk phone to call Mr. Mercier, you're more than welcome to."

"Oh, no thank you. I'll just have a seat in the lobby and wait around, if you don't mind."

She waved me off. "Not at all. Make yourself comfortable. I would keep you company, but I'm on the clock."

"I totally understand. Thanks again, Ana." I waved before taking a seat in one of the chairs. I watched silently as cheery visitors passed me with their significant others and families. It had me feeling envious for not having the opportunity to experience family trips with Arabella and Raine. She would've loved it here.

"Mel!" Someone yelled my name, giving me a scare. I lifted my head to see Raine, coming up to me. "Did you not hear me calling for you?"

"Nope." I stood up, walking towards the doors with him close behind.

"How was the appointment?"

"I really enjoyed myself today and the scenery was out of this world. They had me in a private pineapple garden in a freaking tree house. I must visit again before we leave here."

He opened the door for me go get in the car first. "I'm glad to hear that you loved it."

"I did all thanks to you." I nudge his arm. "Now, I'm starving terribly. Those fruit platters they served were unacceptable."

He chuckled. "I figured you'd say that, so I have another surprise for you when we get back to the house."

My brows rose as I stared at him impressively. I don't know what his motives are, but the way he's going about them are gaining him cool points with me. "You're just full of surprises on this trip, huh?"

"You said you wanted to go all out and soak up every moment we're here. I'm just fulfilling those words you spewed out because if it was left up to you, you'd be stuck in the hotel room ordering food service all day."

Gazing at him through slit eyes, I fell into a pit of laughter because he knew me better than I knew myself. "You are absolutely correct."

"I know." He agreed, throwing his arm over my shoulders. Goodness, what is this man doing to me?

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