A Heart After All

By Just_Jae_fr

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Huey, Riley, and their younger sister Jada have all encountered some type of crisis in their lives. But never... More

New Kid
Wannabe Black Girl
Guide to Creating a Gangster
Mall Day
Products of Jealousy
Pity Party
How will I know?
Held Prisoner
Operation: Get Me the Hell Outta Here
Murphy's Law part 1
Murphy's Law Part 2
Times of unrest
Never Alone
A heart after all
You said yall what!?
Story Update
Twin Freemans
House of lies
Party Animals
Begging and Pleading
Hearing the Truth
Starting Slow
Just To Brighten Your Day
Bitch we Ballin
Walk down Memory Lane
As We've All Grown
Never Knew I Needed
The Return of The Devil
One by One
F is for Family
Not an update, just a question...
A Fight Worth Dying For
A Sad yet Happy Ending
Bitch We Not Done Yet
Caught in the Moment
Side Story Idea
More than One can Handle
Like Nothing's Going On
Bed Rest
Finding Your Inner Voice
I'm Telling You
Semi Final
New Story
Story Vote Story
Sneak Preview
Good to Bad to Worse Cover


787 27 4
By Just_Jae_fr

After the performance, Jada changed and met up with the girls. She wore a short black and pink dress, the breast plate being pink and the skirt part being black. With that, she wore black sparkly heels and her hair was still in a pony tail. She was about to go and talk to Caesar when Angelo grabbed her hand, pulling her away.

"John wants us to talk to some people," He whispers in her ear, sending chills down her spine. He slips his arm around her waist and begins walking to a couple of people.

"Jada! There's my star!" John smiles. "And I see you're with Angelo!"

"Y-yea?" Jada didn't really know what to say.

"Are you guys a thing?" A lady asks.

"No," Angelo answers. "But we will be soon."

"She's gotta boyfriend," Cindy quickly says with an annoyed smile. She wore a baby blue dress with silver heals. Her hair was in a cute but messy bun.

The lady gave a non-satisfied look, as if she wanted the two to be together.

"Girls, this is Jeanette London. She owns a popular club in California," John explains.

"Just for Kicks," Jeanette says. "I haven't heard all of your voices in person, but with the videos I've seen you're quite talented. It would be amazing if you performed at my club sometime."

"That would be great!" John says. "Gives my club more publicity."

Jeanette rolls her eyes.

Huey walks up to the girls, hands in his pockets. He wore a grey suit with black dress shoes and a Rolex watch. A scowl was plastered on his face.

"And who is this?" Jeanette asks.

"Miss London, this is Huey Freeman. Jada's brother and my boyfriend," Jazmine introduces with a bright smile. Huey only nods. Jazmine wore a long baby pink dress with white heels. Her hair was straight, but still a bit wavy due to her natural curls.

"Why, aren't you a handsome young man. Very amazing taste," Jeanette stops, not knowing Jazmine's name.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. Jazmine Dubois. This is Cynthia McPhearson," Jazmine looks towards Cindy who gives her most elegant smile. "And you already know Jada Freeman."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all. You really have some well mannered girls, John. Speaking of which, where is your little girl. It's been ages since I've seen Jessica."

Everyone looked around and saw Jessica talking to Donte, giggling girlishly at something he was saying. 

"Jess!" Jada calls. Jessica looks up and Jada motions for her to come over. Jessica waves goodbye to Donte and greets everyone.

"Hi!" She smiles.

"My, oh my, Jessica Evans, you've grown so much!" Jeanette says.

"Miss London! It's so good to see you again!" 

"My you've grown. What do you do now?"

"I'm their manager," Jessica says. Jada smiles, hugging the girl.

"Really? My, you really are a big girl! Well, I've got more people to meet so I'll leave you. Keep in touch, John, I want to get those girls in California soon."

John nods, excusing the girls. Jessica and Jada walk away, Jada smiling at her.

"So, you and Donte?" She asks. Jessica blushes,

"No! We're just friends. He's really cool. A lot different from the other two."

Jada giggled,

"You guys would be so cute together!"

"You think so? I dunno, Jada. He's a singer, I'm a manager. He's probably got a lot of girls lined up."

Jada looked over at Donte who was sitting alone.

"Not sure," Jada says, "He doesn't seem like he really likes being around people."

Jessica follow's Jada's glance and sighs. 

"Well, maybe I can give it a shot," She says nervously.

"Do it! Don't be afraid! Don't hold back!" Jada says, pushing Jessica towards the alone singer. Jessica stumbles but manages to catch herself. Jada smiles as she watches the two.

"Look at you bein a match maker," Someone says behind her. She looks over and sees Caesar. Jada smiles,

"Hey babe," she pecks him on the lips.

"Been trynna find you all day, but you're a really tough girl to reach," Caesar says.

Jada chuckles.

They go and sit, eating for a bit. From across the room, Jada saw Angelo staring at her while he was talking to Calvin. Caesar didn't notice and continued eating. Angelo blew a kiss at the girl and she instantly blushed. Jada forced herself to look away.

"You okay, Jay?" Caesar asks. Jada nods.

Huey and Riley had seen the whole things and looked at each other.

"Ain't really nun we can do," Riley says. "If she don't wanna be wit Ceez then she don't."

Huey nods. There really wasn't much they could do. But one question remained: Why didn't Jada say anything it?

The girls were called to their rooms an hour later to go to sleep. They had a long day the next morning and they couldn't stay up all night


The next morning, the girls practiced their last song they were singing for the night. It was a love song and they had to make sure they were all in sync and all on pitch.

Jada was currently out with John doing a few interviews, Jazmine and Cindy were practicing their parts.

"And who wrote dis again?" Cindy questions.

"Angelo. Dad said he liked it and thought it was a perfect song for you all to sing," Jessica says. She was sitting in a chair in front of the stage as the girls practiced.

"You don't think this was on purpose do you?" Jazmine asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it. Jada sings the beginning of the song, we join in, Angelo comes in, then they start singing together. The way the song is set up, Angelo planned on making Jada look as if they were an actual couple."

"How's it goin, ladies?" Donte asks, walking in.

"Hi Donte!" They all greet. The girls were all cool with Donte.

"Question," Jessica says as Donte sits next to her.

"What's up?"

"This song. Why did Angelo write it?"

"Oh, Cal says he's trynna get with Jada. This song is supposed to make her fall for him or somethin."

"So that was his intention," Jazmine says. Everyone looks at her. "I've been observing those two since he walked in. I think Jada already has a thing for him.

"Come on, Jazz," Cindy gives Jazmine a look, "You know Jada only love Caesar."

"She never said Jada loved Angelo," Jessica adds. "Maybe she-"

Jada walks through the door. Everyone stares at her awkwardly.

"Um.. Hey guys? Everything alright?" She asks.

"Yup! Just practicing!" Jazmine says, with more enthusiasm than intended. Jada raised a brow.


Later that day, Jessica went to find Huey and Riley to tell them what's going on.

"Jessica?" Huey asks. The boys were at their hotel, by a pool.

"Hi Huey. I don't mean to bother you but I really need to talk to you and Riley."

Riley walks over with two water bottles in his hand. He handed one to Huey as he sat in a lounge chair.

"What's good, Jess?"

"Hi Reezy. I think we need to talk to Caesar."

"About what?" Huey asks.

"Jada. Um, the song their singing tonight is a song Angelo wrote and he plans on making Jada fall for him," Jessica explains. Huey and Riley exchange looks. "I think we need to talk to Caesar so he isn't caught off guard."

"That's true," Riley says. "If C was into someone else I would wanna know up front."

"Exactly. Where is Caesar? I really wanna talk to him about this."

"He's in his room sleep," Huey says.

"Sleep? Why the hell is he sleep? It's almost 3."

"He stayed at that party till like 5," Riley says, "Ceez a party animal and he can party all night."

Jessica sighs,

"Well can you two talk to him? Maybe lead him away from the performance tonight?"

Huey nods.

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