Guns For Hands

By peteywentzy

20.8K 487 514

"Whats your name?" The blue haired kid asked. "I'm Tyler, Tyler Joseph. Whats yours?" "I'm Joshua Dun. You ca... More

Team No Sleep
She's Just A Girl
Are You Okay
He's Broken
Do You Like Her
Don't Do It
Jesse Cale
Do We Have To?
Are You Sure?
Late Nights
Late Nights •Joshs POV•
Zack Joseph
Thats Adorable
You're Finally Home
Its Getting Late
The Set Up
First Date.... feat. Josh
One Week
It's Perfect
A Schedule
A Band
Christmas Eve With The Josephs
Leave Me Alone
Push Me Away
Now What?
January 18
The CD
Movin' Out
All You'll Ever Be Is Mean
All Most Done
Night On The Town
Later That Year...
Hotel Rooms
Do You?
A/N 2

Movies and Ice Packs

730 14 38
By peteywentzy

Once we arrive at Josh's apartment, Josh hops out of the car and runs up to the steps that lead to his place. Jenna gets out before me and opens my door for me this time.

"Here you go, sir." She smiled.

"Thanks." I laugh and go to stand but quickly sit back down when a pain shoots through my torso. I put my hand up to my chest and wince a little.

"Hey, Josh!" Jenna yelled.

"Yeah?" He turned before going up the steps.

"I think that Tyler is going to need some help getting in." Josh jogged over to me.

"Sure thing." He bent down to grab my hand and help me up.

"No, I got it." I slowly stand and start limping wincing a little everytime I take a step.

"I think that you will need some help. You look exhausted and my room is on the third level." Josh took my arm around his shoulder and helped me as I slowly walked up the steps.

Once we made it to the apartment, Josh unlocked the door and let us in,
"Oh, I live by myself by the way." He smiled at us.

"Nice," I whisper.

"Make yourselves at home." He gestures towards the couch and I slowly walk over there with his assistants.

"Can I use your restroom?" Jenna asked him.

"Sure," he pointed down a short hallway, "down there, second door on the left."

"Thanks." She smiled.

Josh nodded then turned back to me.
"Would you like some aspirin or something?

"Yeah, about ninety please."

"No, you can have two." Josh glanced as he walked into his kitchen.

"Whatever mom." I rolled my eyes and laughed which was followed by some coughs.

"Here you go, I also brought you some ice packs for your back and legs." He handed me the aspirin and some water. Then set the ice beside me.

"Thanks, man."

"No problem."

"Hey guys," Jenna entered the room, "we should watch a movie or something."

"I don't have any DVDs yet, but I do have Netflix?"

"Awesome!" Jenna responded as she sat on one side of me.

"So, what do you want to watch?" Josh asked as he got the remotes and sat down on the other side of me.

"How about.... Finding Dory?" Jenna suggests.

"Sounds good to me," Josh says, I nod my head in agreement.
Josh finds the movie and we all get settled in to watch it. Soon my eyes start to get heavy, I fight to keep them open, but fail. And before I know it I'm asleep.


Once the movie is over I look over at Tyler who is fast asleep. That's good. I wish that I knew everything that was going on in his head. I just want him to know that me and Josh are here for him now. And we always will be.

"Hey," Josh interrupts my thoughts, "come here."  I slowly creep up and go sit next to Josh.


"I was thinking about letting Tyler spend the night. Just so that I can make sure he eats and sleeps, at least for tonight. Would you like to stay too?"

"I would love to, I'll talk to my mom and make sure that it's okay with her though."

I get up and grab my backpack to look for my phone. Once I find it I step outside to call my mom. 3:30? Already? Time flies when your friends I guess. I shrug and find my moms number, I hit call and put the phone next to my ear.

"Hi, Jenna."

"Hi, mom." I start to pace.

"What did you need?"

"Oh, um, I just wanted to ask if I could spend the night with some friends tonight?" I ask as I start walking down one set of steps then back up them.

"Yeah, that's fine. Stay safe sweetie. Don't do anything stupid."

"I won't mom," I make a third lap up and down the steps, "I will probably pick up some clothes at some point this evening."

"Okay, and stop pacing. It's just me, don't be nervous."

"Okay, sorry." I stop walking confused at how she knew I was doing that.

"I love you, sweetie, I'll see you later."

"I love you too mom, see ya later." I hang up the phone and walk back inside.

"So what did she say?"

"She said that I could stay." I smile.

"Did you go for a run while you were out there?" Josh looked at my concerned.

"No, why?"

"Because you are out of breath." He looks at me confused. I noticed how heavy I was breathing.

"Oh, no. I just pace when I talk on the phone so I was walking up and down the steps."

"Oh, okay." Josh got up off the couch, "I was thinking that we could wake up Tyler in about thirty minutes then head to your alls house and get your stuff?"

"That sounds good."

"Would you like something to drink, Jen?"


"Alright, I have water and Red Bull.... we should probably stop at the store while we are out too." He laughs a little at his last statement.

"Water is good."  I laugh.
He hands me a bottle of water and also gets one for himself. We sit and talk about our lives for awhile then he looks at the clock.

"It's 4:00. Are you ready to go?"

"Yep." I walk into the living room and over to Tyler.
"Ty?" I shake his arm a little. "Tyler?"

"Yeah." He groggily said.

"We are going to go out for a bit. Are you good with that?"

"Yep. Let me get my stuff and you guys can just drop me off at my house if you don't mind?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you would like to stay here tonight?" Josh asked and throws him the taco from earlier.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Tyler smiles and catches the taco.

"Alright, let's go. You can eat in the car." Josh said as he picked up his keys. We all get down to the car and hop in, I sit in the back this time so that Josh and Tyler can sit next to each other. We will always be friends, I can already tell.


*** TYLERS POV ***

"So, where do you all live?" Josh asked.

"I live on 202 Linkin Drive" I stated.

"And I live down the road from him on 232 Linkin Drive."

"So you all don't live too far from each other?" Josh asks as he starts driving down the road.

"Nope, just a few minutes," I respond and look out the window.

"We also need to stop by the store and pick up some drinks and snacks and whatever we want to have for supper."

"I can cook for you guys if you want?" Jenna suggests.

"That sounds great!" Josh glanced back at her with a huge grin.
As we drive down the road I open up the taco and slowly eat it, knowing that Josh won't let me go without eating it. Once I'm about half way done I notice Jenna smiling at me,

"What?" I ask laughing at her cute smile.

"Nothing, I'm just glad that you are eating." She continues to smile.
Eventually, we get to my house so that I can get my stuff.

"You guys can go ahead to Jenna's then pick me up on your way back if you would like."

"Okay, we will be quick." Josh smiled and pulled out of my driveway.

I walk up to my door and open it up.

"I'm home," I yell to see if any one is home yet.

"We are in the kitchen." I hear Maddie yell back.
I go into the kitchen to see Maddie, Jay, Zack, and my mom in there.

"What's up?"

"Why weren't you at school today?" My mom asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," I state as I try to keep my face away from them so they can't see the bruises on my face.

"Please tell me Tyler."

"It doesn't matter."

"Come on man, just tell us," Zack said as he playfully hit my arm.  I winced a little when his fist made contact with my bruised arm.

"Are you okay?" He asked as everyone including him gave me a confused look.

"I'm fine. The reason I wasn't at school is that....well... I kinda got into a fight. And by that I mean I got beat up by the football team. The nurse sent me home with my friends and we actually ended up going to one of their houses and he asked me to stay over tonight if that's okay with you." I explain as I get a glass out of the cabinet and fill it up with orange juice.

"Oh Ty, I'm so sorry." My mom quickly came towards me, "are you okay sweetie?" She gasped when I faced her and she sees the purple and black marks on my skin.

"Like I said, I'm fine mom. Just a little bruised."

"Well, I suppose since it's Friday you can stay with this friend of yours, just don't do anything stupid. Okay?"

"Okay, thanks, mom."

"You're welcome sweetie." She gave me a hug and I stiffened up she quickly let go and whispered a sorry to me.

"I'm going to go get my stuff, he is coming back to get me after he gets Jenna's stuff with her."

"Wait, Jenna is going to be there?" Maddie said with excitement in her eyes.

"Yeah, she's really a dime piece gal."

"Awe! You guys will be such a great couple!"

"Woah woah woah, slow your role match maker," I smirk as I start up the steps.

I get to my room and grab a small duffle bag, I grab a t-shirt and sweatpants to sleep in. Since they already know about my scars, I shouldn't have to hide them from them. I grab my Green Day sweatshirt and black skinny jeans to wear tomorrow, I grab and extra sweatshirt and jeans just incase. I also grab my phone charger, toothbrush, toothpaste, and hair gel. Don't judge me, this hair doesn't happen on it's own.

As soon as I have my things I head out the door, yelling goodbye to my family. I see Josh and Jenna coming around the corner, tonight is going to be awesome.


Hey guys!!! I hope that you guys like this so far. Let me know how I can improve!

             ~ PeteyWentzy

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