monsters | riverdale

By slushei

462K 10.9K 3.5K

"We're all on the edge of madness; deep down, darkness is within all of us and we're on guard constantly tryi... More

The River's Edge
A Touch of Evil
Body Double
The Last Picture Show
Heart of Darkness
Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
In a Lonely Place
The Outsiders
La Grande Illusion
To Riverdale and Back Again
Anatomy of a Murderer
The Anatomy of a Murderer ii.
The Sweet Hereafter
A Kiss Before Dying
The Watcher in the Woods
The Town That Dreaded Sundown
When a Stranger Calls
Death Proof
Tales from the Darkside
House of the Devil
Silent Night, Deadly Night
The Blackboard Jungle
The Wrestler
The Wicked and the Divine
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Hills Have Eyes
There Will Be Blood
Primary Colors
The Noose Tightens
A Night to Remember
Shadow of a Doubt
Judgement Night
Brave New World
Labor Day
Fortune and Men's Eyes
As Above, So Below
The Midnight Club
The Great Escape
The Man in Black
No Exit
The Stranger
The Red Dahlia
Requiem For A Welterweight
Fire Walk With Me
American Dreams
Big Fun
The Raid
Fear the Reaper
Prom Night
The Dark Secret of the Harvest House
Survive the Night
In Memoriam
Fast Times at Riverdale High
Dog Day Afternoon
Witness for Prosecution
The Ice Storm
In Treatment
Varsity Blues
Quiz Show
Men of Honor
The Ides of March
How to Get Away With Murder
To Die For
The Locked Room
Wicked Little Town
Killing Mr. Honey
The Preppy Murders
The Homecoming
Back to School
Fire in the Sky
Lock & Key
The Pincushion Man
Strange Bedfellows
Citizen Lodge
Reservoir Dogs
The Night Gallery
The Pussycats
Band of Brothers
Dance of Death
Next to Normal
Riverdale: RIP (?)
Death at a Funeral
The Town
The Serpent Queen's Gambit
Folk Heroes
Angels in America
The Fog
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Blue Collar
American Psychos
The Witches of Riverdale
Return to Riverdale
The Stand
Night of the Comet

The Lost Weekend

8.8K 250 54
By slushei

"Why does it feel like you're breaking up with me?"

"I can't believe she's kicking your ass," an amused Archie comments from his bed.

Mickey rolls her eyes, "Because a girl can't possibly be better at video games."

Fred knocks on the door, cutting the banter. "I'm, uh, I'm headed out. Sorry to be missing your birthday this weekend, Jug."

Jughead pauses the game to look at him, "Oh, you will not be missing anything, Mr. Andrews. I barely acknowledge my own birthday."

Fred looks at her next. "Hi, Mickey. You staying while I'm gone?"

"If that's okay with you?" she tests. Mickey has been continuing her visits to the Andrews' home even after Fred and her mother ended their relationship. It's a little weird, but Mickey knows Fred wasn't only nice to her because he was interested in her Mom. He's a genuine guy.

He nods in approval. Next, he looks at his son. "Arch, can you give me a hand downstairs?" He must have something to say that needs to be said in private.

Mickey puts her game controller down. "You going to tell Betty or anyone else about it being your birthday?"

He shakes his head, "No. Neither will you, right?"

"Whatever you say, Juggy."

"You want to play again?"

"No, I want to ask you about your murder investigation."

That's not one of their usual topics of discussion. "What about it?"

"Anything new come up?"

A couple of days ago, Mickey went to pick up Jughead from the newspaper room at school so they could walk to lunch together. Instead, she found an empty room and a murder board with her father's name on it.

"What are you guys talking about?" Archie walks back into the room.

Jughead suggests, "Maybe we should tell her about our new suspect."

"Oh," Archie's brown eyes fall to the ground instantly.

"Someone tell me," she pushes.

"When I was Cheryl's escort, when the board was in town," Archie begins, "I overheard Clifford Blossom say he had your Dad arrested and put into jail."

Mickey knew her father was a suspect, but actually hearing it from her friends and how they perceive him makes her feel downright awful—and anxious. She already worried about her Dad and putting murder suspect on top of that is nerve wracking.

She stands up once they're done explaining. "We should get to school."

Veronica gives Mickey her cup of hot chocolate. "Pop's is just as good as New York, right?"

Mickey takes a sip of the warm beverage. "Close." It's just what she needed.

Veronica's staring off at nothing, and when she does that, it usually means something is bothering her.

Mickey digs, "What's wrong?"

"There was a lawyer over this morning. Paul something."

"Why was he there?"

"Mom and Dad want us to give statements to make him sound like a good man and father."

It frustrates Mickey further. Her and her sister are supposed to play a role their parents—mostly their Dad—gives them without questioning it. They're supposed to forget everything else he's done. "So the lawyer was there to prep us to lie."

Veronica sighs, "Mickey—"

"Really, Veronica? Dad's not in there because people are questioning his abilities to be a decent father. He made his bed. I'm not going to lie, especially since he could've possibly had Jason Blossom killed."

Veronica draws her eyebrows together. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Betty, Archie, and Jughead think that Dad had a motive to kill Jason." She pushes herself out of her chair, no longer wanting to talk about this. "I have class. Thanks for the hot chocolate."

Weirdly, Mickey finds her friends in the cafeteria. They've barely spent any time in there since her and Veronica got to Riverdale High.

Kevin is delighted when she sits next to him, giving her an apple he saved just for her with the sweetest smile.

"Betty was just talking about Jughead's birthday," Veronica fills Mickey in.

Betty leans forward, "Just that Mr. Jones told me Jughead's never had a birthday party."

Archie nods to confirm.

"Let's have one for him. Like, a lowkey surprise party." Betty's excitement is controlling how fast she's speaking—and how loud. She is wearing this determined, but gleeful look on her face.

Archie disagrees, "Uh, no. No."

"That's a fantastic idea," Veronica beams.

"Jughead doesn't like his birthday," Mickey tries to tell them.

Kevin grabs her arm excitedly, "Everybody says that, nobody means it."

"Jughead means it."

"Jughead is a lone wolf," Archie deadpans.

Archie's words go in one of Veronica's ear and goes out the other. "Ignoring the negativity. Betty, you know me—any excuse to wear a cute party dress." She ponders on an idea for a few seconds before saying, "Okay, so I'm thinking a quaint gathering, inner-circle only."

"Oh, my God," Kevin's mouth forms an 'O' and Mickey follows his gaze to see Chuck Clayton. Chuck, who was suspended because of Veronica and Betty. Kevin warns the two, "Don't turn around."

They do anyway and then they're all watching as Chuck makes his way over to them. He doesn't stop at their table, but he joins Ethel at hers.

"Holy Chuck, I think his lats got bigger," Kevin comments. "Not that I care, because he's evil incarnate."

Archie asks, "What's Chuck Clayton doing back?"

"He got suspended, not expelled," Mickey reminds them all.

"Even though he should have been drawn and quartered for what he did," Veronica states.

Betty gets up and goes over to Chuck. The two exchange words that are inaudible from the group's table.

Then Betty smacks the table and shouts, "I'm not going—" She looks around and then lowers her voice again. She wraps her fingers around the top of her ponytail and drags them to the tip of her blonde hair.

Veronica asks her, "What was he doing? Accosting her?"

Then Betty returns to the table. "No, he was apologizing." Her eyes are still on Chuck and Ethel.

"Oh, I'm so sure. Chuck Clayton doesn't have a contrite bone in his muscle-bound body."

"You know what, can we talk about something else?" Betty smiles. It's like she flipped a switch and is suddenly bubbly Betty again. "Like Jughead's surprise party." She looks down into her lap with an off expression.

"Betty?" Mickey is concerned.

She clears her throat, "Look, there's a lot I can't do, a lot I can't control, but I can damn well make sure my boyfriend has the best birthday of his life."

"Screw it," Archie blurts.

"Archie, I thought we agreed this is a bad idea," Mickey frowns.

He ignores her, "I'm with Betty. My Dad's away. We can do it at my house." He's glancing at Val every few seconds.

Suddenly, Mickey understands why he changed his mind so quickly about the party.

"We could all use a good time," Archie continues.

"Now you're talking my language," Veronica smirks.

"It's gonna be epic."

That night, Mickey ends up at the Andrews' home again. She dropped by her own home to grab a few things to get through the weekend. Luckily, she didn't run into her mother.

Jughead walks over to Archie and Mickey with fresh-out-the-oven pizza and sits down.

Archie touches the hot metal pan that the pizza is on and winces. "Ow!"

Mickey laughs. "You just had to touch it."

"So..." Jughead carefully takes a slice. "A John Landis double feature at the Bijou. American Werewolf in London and Animal House."

"That's awesome," Archie cuts a slice and puts it on Mickey's plate.

Jughead looks at her, "You can come too. You're with us most of the time anyway."

"That's not how you invite someone somewhere. It sounds like you're only asking because I know about it." She takes a bite of her pizza.

He grins. "Seriously? Okay, fine. I really would like for you to come. Please? Please, please, please."

She snorts.

"Except," Archie clears his throat. "You're going with Betty instead."

Jughead sighs, "You told her about my birthday? Or did you?" He looks at Mickey accusingly.

Mickey holds her hands up, "I had no part in it."

"Dude, come on," Jughead sighs. "That's a primal betrayal."

Archie stops cutting the pizza and looks at his friend. "Why do you hate your birthday so much, Jug?"

"PTSD from when I was a kid." He takes a deep breath. "I don't know. Things were always messed up at home. Usually because of my Dad. And then there was this arbitrary day, that we would just get together and pretend things were great, we were normal." He squints his eyes as he remembers and looks out as if he can see the memories like a movie. "And it just made me feel really lonely."

Mickey glances to see Archie's reaction before grabbing Jughead's hand. "You're not alone anymore."

Mickey paces in the Andrews' upstairs hallways as she listens to her sister over the phone. "Veronica, your last name isn't Mars. Stop digging for answers. It'll just lead to disappointment."

Veronica just found out about a financial agreement their family has had with the Blossoms. The Blossoms have been sending their family consistently for years up until their father's arrest.

"When I told Mom about the deal the Blossoms had with our family, she said if it was brought up in court, Dad might become—"

"A suspect in Jason Blossom's murder," Mickey pieces it together. "Mom's not the only one thinking that. Jughead and Betty have his name scribbled on their murder board. I told you they think he could've done it."

Veronica becomes deathly silent. Then she asks, "What the hell is a murder board?"

"Listen to me," Mickey deadpans. "Dad's in there and we know one hundred percent he did what they said. But there's no reason to get him involved in a murder investigation."

"So what am I suppose to do now?"

"Let it go. I have to help Archie set up. I'll see you tonight." She hangs up and goes downstairs

Betty had picked up a 'Happy Birthday' banner and balloons, and Mickey's on cake duty. A little part of Mickey is excited because she likes to bake and now, the house smells like dessert.

"I wanted no part in this disaster," Mickey says to Archie as she ties a bouquet of balloons to the back of a chair. "Jughead's going to freak."

Archie shrugs, "He'll love it. Hey, can you bring the rest of the balloons in here?"

"Do we really need more?" It's a rhetorical question. When she comes back with the rest of the balloons, she finds Archie on the phone.

"Yeah, well, you kind of shut me down, Dad." He sighs, "You seen Mom yet? But what?" Archie's face drops. "Right. 'Cause things are so bad, you can't talk without a mediator." Archie turns to see Mickey standing there. "Dad, I gotta go. Bye."

"What's going on with your parents?"

He huffs, "I don't understand why they can't just fix things. He's not seeing your Mom anymore and—"

"My Mom wasn't just a rebound," she says defensively. "They had feelings for each other."

"Of course. I'm not saying they didn't like each other, but he has history with my Mom."

"You said she left two years ago."

Archie rakes his fingers through his hair. Then he moves to a cabinet.

Mickey is surprised when he pulls out a bottle of alcohol.

"Come on, drink a little with me. My Dad's not here to tell your Mom."

She takes the bottle from him. "Talk to me."

"My Mom wanted to leave Riverdale and I chose my Dad over her. Now, they're about to finalize their divorce." He takes the bottle back from her, "I need this."

Jughead's party was supposed to be inner circle only, but Veronica also invited Ethel, and Kevin took it upon himself to invite Joaquin.

Mickey approaches the two boys. "Joaquin, nice to see you."

Kevin kisses her cheek before excusing himself to get some punch.

Joaquin is wearing this knowing smirk on his face. He leans in closer, "Nice to see you too. Under the influence of something else tonight, huh?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He grabs her purse.


He pulls out a bottle of pills. "I wouldn't take these while you're drinking. It could cause some...complications." He puts the pills back and holds out her purse.

Mickey snatches it from him and goes sit on the couch. Her mood is instantly switched from bored to agitated. Part of that is because she's tired of waiting for Betty and Jughead to show up. "This blows. Jughead won't even like it. How long is this double feature anyway?"

"He's with Betty," Kevin smirks. "She could be making their alone time a little longer."

Mickey makes a disgusted face. "Don't make me throw up. She wouldn't know what to do even if an instructions manual fell into her lap."

"If it's a double feature, does that mean I have time to go to the bathroom?" Ethel asks.

"I'd hold it, Ethel," Kevin tells her.

Archie stands between Joaquin and Kevin and wraps his arms over both of their shoulders. He's giddy and still, his cup is refilled. He has decided to lose all control of himself, even when Mickey tried to slow him down. He even convinced her to have a cup.

The door opens and they all unenthusiastically yell out, "Surprise!"

But it's just Veronica. "Do I look like Jughead to you?" Her face gives off this mean attitude.

"Betty just texted me," Kevin looks up from his phone. "They're almost here."

Mickey doesn't bother to stick around. She goes into the kitchen to get some ice to chew on while she waits.

"Guys, they're really coming this time," she overhears Ethel announce. "Everybody hide."

"Ugh, I'm so over this," Mickey mumbles to herself. She returns to the living room, where all the lights are off and everyone's hiding. She remains in plain sight with her arms crossed

Betty and Jughead walk in.

The lights switch back on. "Surprise!" At least this time it sounds more lively.

"Happy birthday, bro," Archie hugs his best friend.

Jughead whispers to him, "You really shouldn't have." He gives Mickey a look too.

"Happy birthday," she mutters, raising her plastic cup.

"Ugh, you reek," Jughead frowns as he pulls away from Archie. "Are you drunk?"

"No," Mickey and Archie answer at the same time.

Jughead furrows his brows as he looks at her again. "You too?"

Mickey pulls a giggling Archie away to get away from a scolding Jughead.

Betty comes out with the cake Mickey made with the candles lit. She wears a smile as she sings happy birthday to Jughead.

"That was haunting, Betty," Jughead comments.

Mickey notices Veronica and Archie slip away. As Jughead blows out the candles, she follows the two. She leans on the wall just outside the kitchen to listen in on their conversation.

Archie spills about his parents' problems, like he did with Mickey earlier.

Then Veronica goes on about their father. "He threatened me, Archie," she tells him. "Said he would destroy my Mom if I didn't make a statement on his behalf. Said she was just as guilty as he was. And maybe he's lying or maybe he isn't. And maybe he killed Jason Blossom over some stupid monetary deal, and—"

Mickey makes herself visible. "This is a party, isn't it?"

Veronica's cheeks are tear-stained. "Mickey, he gave me this letter and if he threatened me, I bet he did the same to you." She holds out a piece of paper, "This is your letter."


"Oh, sorry," Jughead walks in.

Mickey takes the letter from her quickly and folds it up, pushing it into her skirt's back pocket.

Betty strolls in, "Just coming to get ice cream, so...—is everything okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm just not in a party mood like I usually am," Veronica shrugs it off.

"That makes two of us," Jughead says under his breath.

Betty swivels around to look at him. "Whoa. Wait. You're not actually upset that I threw you a party, are you?"

Jughead treads lightly. "It is nice, Betty. I appreciate it. It's just I would be happier if it was just the five of us in a booth at Pop's."

"But we always do that. I wanted to do something special."

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Mickey laughs, but stops when they all look at her.

"Why is everything so doom and gloom with you, Jug?" Betty's upset. "Why can't it just be normal for once?"

"I'm not normal. I'm not wired to be normal."

The doorbell rings.

"How many more people did you invite to this thing?" he asks angrily.

"No one. Inner-circle only."

They all make their way to the front door and it opens before any of them can reach it.

Cheryl stands there with a crowd of people behind her. "Did you really think you could have a party without inviting moi?"

Chuck appears. "Or me?"

Moose stands there with a big keg on his shoulders, "Archie, where do you want the kegs?"

"Screw it! One in the kitchen, one in the backyard!" Archie laughs.

The crowd cheers and starts to pile inside of the Andrews' home. Every room begins to fill with too many people.

After a few minutes, the entire house is filled up. Mickey has to squeeze through a lot of people to get to the garage, which is where she finds Jughead too, petting Archie's dog.

Jughead's sporting the biggest frown. "Why arent you out there? I know you haven't been to a wild party since you moved here."

Vegas moves over to Mickey happily. The two have created a bond with how much time Mickey spends at the house.

"It's your birthday. I wanted to spend some time with you. That's the only reason I went along with this stupid party."

"I'm okay with that," he smiles. "See, if it was just the four of us—you, me, Archie, Betty—I'd be content. You guys are my friends. Everyone else,including your sister and Kevin, I wouldn't have talked to unless I knew you guys."

Archie comes in. "Guys, Valerie just got here. You think she wants me back?"

"Archie, as my blood-brother, it was your sole responsibility to ensure that something like this," he gestures to the loud music outside of the garage, "never happened on my birthday. And now we're here. In the middle of a Seth Rogen movie."

"This was Betty's idea, okay? I just went along with it," Archie tells him.

"It's so not me."

"It doesn't matter, Jughead. You're her boyfriend now." Archie chuckles.

"What does that mean?"

"It means you're getting your birthday party whether you want one or not."

The word 'boyfriend' rubs Mickey the wrong way and Jughead notices because he reaches for her, saying her name.

"I should get back to the party," she voices. FP walking in creates the perfect opportunity for her to slip out.

The party is booming and that's exactly what Mickey needs to push Jughead to the furthest part of her mind. She dances with Kevin, until he leaves her to makeout Joaquin. Then she has a couple of drinks and starts dancing with Moose, who can really dance impressively.

After a few songs, Mickey sees Val humiliate Archie when she splashes beer on him. She's paying so much attention that that scene, she doesn't even notice Jughead come out of nowhere.

Jughead grabs her hand, "Let's get out of here. Get some burgers or something. I want to be anywhere, but here."

Apart of her wants to pull away from him, but a bigger part follows him through the crowded house to get to the front door. She notices Joaquin and FP talking on the way.

Cheryl and Chick block them from the front door.

"Hey. Whoa. Where you going, guest of honor?" Chuck has that cocky grin on his face and blocks Jughead when he tries to push his way through.

"Get out of our way, Chuck."

Cheryl fake pouts, "Oh, but you can't leave now. We haven't even played our game yet. Listen up, party people!" she proclaims.

Everyone moves around to focus on Cheryl.

Mickey lets go of Jughead's hand when she sees Veronica, Betty, and Archie appear.

The redhead continues. "Everyone has their secrets. And we've all done our fair share of sinning. That's one thing my dear brother's death has revealed. So let's play a little game to get those secrets out in the open."

"What the hell is Secrets and Sins?" Jughead asks in an aggravated tone.

"Why are we even entertaining this?" Mickey shoots the bitchiest look she can at Chuck and Cheryl.

Everyone gathers into the living room. Jughead and Mickey sit by the window and Veronica, Betty, and Archie sit in chairs in front of Cheryl and Chuck.

Cheryl says, "It's a variation on Truth or Dare. In which we own our truths. By telling it like it is. I'll start the game with Veronica Lodge."

"Naturally," Veronica isn't surprised.

"Let's begin with the day you, your sister, and your mob wife of a mother came to town for a so-called fresh start. Tell us, Veronica, what's so fresh about defiling Archie Andrews in a closet?"

Cheryl and Chuck walk back and forth in the middle of room.

"That was your doing," Veronica points out.

Cheryl doesn't stop. "Moving on to dear Daddy Lodge. Isn't it true that your father, from prison, illegally purchased the drive-in land? Which makes me wonder. What else is he doing from behind bars?" Cheryl looks at the other Lodge, "Mickey, chime in anytime."

Mickey feels Jughead's eyes burning into the side of her face, but she keeps her eyes trained on Cheryl. "Well, I can't speak for my father." She knows she should've told Jughead the truth about her father being the anonymous buyer. Now, it's even worse because Cheryl is the one to drop the truth.

Veronica says, "But I can think of someone with a very dirty secret. Specifically, Cheryl killing her very own brother."

Cheryl looks taken back. "Everyone knows how much I loved my brother."

"Exactly," Veronica smirks. "But did you love him maybe in ways that a sister shouldn't love a brother? And as you got older, Jason started to think it was strange, unnatural. So he chose Polly over you. So you shot him between the eyes with one of your father's many hunting rifles."

Kevin comments, "This is riveting. I can't breathe."

Dilton stands up and says, "This game is sick. I wanna go next."

Chuck pats him on the shoulder, "That's the spirit, Doiley. What secrets do you have to reveal to us?"

"I saw Ms. Grundy's car by Sweetwater River, the day Jason went missing. I told Betty and Jughead, and then, Ms. Grundy quit her job and left Riverdale, like, two days later. And let's not forget that Archie was also at Sweetwater that morning."

Cheryl presses her hand to her chest, "Oh, my God, color me shocked, Archie Andrews. Is that why you became a mediocre musician overnight? Because you and Ms. Four-Eyes were pulling a Mary Kay Letourneau?"

Veronica advises, "Don't say anything, Archie. Don't get in the gutter with them."

Chuck looks impressed. "Wait, what? Andrews was banging a teacher? Well, damn, I wish I would have known. I would've added you and Ms. Grundy to the board of conquests."

"Wait a second, that also explains why Archie can't seem to keep a girlfriend to save his life. He's got serious Mommy issues." Cheryl steps closer to Archie, "Anything to say for yourself, Arch? Were you victim or perpetrator?"

"Dilton Doiley plays with guns," Betty blurts out to get the attention off of Archie.

"Big whoop, Betty," Cheryl rolls her eyes, "So Doiley's a psychopath, everyone knows that."

"You guys have nothing better to do than this?" Mickey speaks up. "It's pathetic."

Cheryl turns and looks at her with an unsettling smile. "Pathetic? I guess you got everything you wanted when you lived in New York, but it's different here. Boys—specifically Jughead—aren't falling at your feet. He turns you down and you go crawling into Archie's bed. That's pathetic."

Mickey narrows her eyes, "You have no idea what the hell you're talking about."

"So you didn't fool around with Archie? You don't have feelings for Jughead? I'm curious to know who's the better kisser."

Chuck chuckles, "Well, I guess it's my turn now. Boy, do I have a twisted secret to reveal. Starring Betty Cooper."

"Leave her the hell alone, Chuck," Archie warns.

"Shut up, Andrews!" Chuck shouts. "Look, you may get a free peepshow every night, but you do not know her. Hell, Betty doesn't even know herself."

Mickey notices Jughead on the verge of tears as he watches Betty about to cry. It's hurting him to see her hurt. It stabs Mickey in the heart.

Chuck continues, "Everybody knows why I got suspended. But what you don't know is that she dressed up like a hooker, in a God-awful black wig, drugged me, handcuffed me in the Jacuzzi, and I almost drowned until she got me to say what she wanted to hear. And then she really lost it. She actually thought she was Polly. But, hey, you knew all about this, right, Jughead? Or were you too busy with Miss New York?"

As Chuck turns around to face him, Jughead punches him in the jaw. Chuck blocks another hit from Jughead and gets hit instead.

Jughead falls on a table with the snacks and it collapses under his weight.

FP snatches Chuck by his shirt. "Enough! That's enough!"

"Get your hands off me, Snake," Chuck tries to resist, but FP is much stronger.

Most of the party follows FP outside of the house as he drags Chuck. "Get out! Go on!" He turns to look at everyone else, "What are you looking at? The party's done. It's over! Go home!"

Mickey wakes up in Fred's bed. She remembers going in there after the party to avoid Jughead and Archie. She sees Vegas next to her and smiles at the dog.

The party last night was one of the most dramatic parties she's ever been to and she's gone to a lot of parties. Now, she feels gross and all she wants is a shower.

As she stands underneath the hot water, she collects her thoughts about all the events that has transpired. Mostly, her Dad's problems are eating her up on the inside. She used to think the world of him and now, his true colors are brighter than ever. She didn't need to read the letter Veronica gave her from him. She knew it consisted of the same crap Veronica's letter had—threats. She has no choice but to give a statement to help him possibly get released sooner.

After getting dry and dressed, Mickey hears the front door close from downstairs. She makes her way to the kitchen to find Jughead drinking a cup of coffee. "Who just left?"

"Veronica," he tells her. "She spent the night with Archie."

Another reason Mickey is glad nothing really happened between her and Archie.

She sits across from him and watches as he keeps his eyes on the inside of his cup just to avoid looking at her.

"We should talk," he finally says.

Those three simple words makes her heart sink into her stomach. "That's never good to hear." She sighs deeply. "We don't need to talk, Jughead. At least not about us. Betty needs you. She loves you...and you love her. You're good for each other. She's good for you."

"And you're not?"

It hurts her to admit that Betty and Jughead love each other, but it's the truth.

"I'm going through my own issues that need to be focused on without any distractions. You're a distraction."

Jughead places his hand on top of hers. "Why does it feel like you're breaking up with me?"

She tries to force a laugh, but tears shed still.

He moves over to her side of the table and swipes her tears with his thumb. "Mickey, talk to me. Please."

She pulls away from him, wiping the rest of her from her face. "I have a family thing, so I should go. I'll see you, Jug." She has to be the one to walk away. It's only right for both of them and his relationship with Betty. On the inside, it rips her apart, but she needs to present a stoic front.

This is how things have to be.

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