Riverdale: What no one saw co...

By xiomara_xox

19.3K 356 24

Betty couldn't believe it! The loner boy from the south side of town just kissed her in a fit of passion and... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty- Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty -Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Forty-Five

224 5 0
By xiomara_xox

That night Betty didn't get much sleep. She received an explanatory text message from Jughead , scrambling up an excuse that another "family night" kept him held hostage within the four walls of his foster home. She tossed and turn, thousands of thought ran through her messy mind that night. She found herself waiting for either baby to scream out for her, giving her mind some form of blissful release from the agonising pity and self doubt that proclaimed her.

The next day she awoke to a crib immaculately set up in the far corner of her room. Inside was none other than baby Evelyn, the smaller child. The baby who was a harder handful. She slept soundly, a cotton rabbit firmly pressed against her chest.

That night prior , Betty had decided enough was enough. Polly needed help, and her mother judging her was not going to provide it. She knew two babies would be far to extreme for Polly to handle at first, so she took Evelyn in. Moving her residence into Bettys room, leaving Mason with Polly- the baby who almost slept soundly through the night. Polly had survived the night, with little panic. It was a good start. 

It was originally an excuse to calm Bettys nerves after arriving home frenzied and delirious after finding out her boyfriend was a member of the infamous gang of Serpents who lurked the streets late at night.

The thought still puzzled her. How could he have kept this from her? How long had he been a member? Why did he join? Considering all the negativity he implied surrounded it..

The following days she convinced her mother to comply to Jughead that she was sick, unsafe for visitors. She knew that wouldn't keep him away long, but it was long enough for her to wrap her mind around the situation.

She couldn't bring herself to look at him without picturing that green snake sliding up his back and around his neck. She would have no way to address him, she couldn't act like things are normal, could she? Not when she sees him as sweet and supporting by day, crime infested mischief on wheels by night.

Her heart ached at the fact the only secure and wholesome part of her life was swept up from under her feet.

It had been three days since she last spoke to him. Since she realised that she didn't know who he was. Polly was coping, on the brink of an early mid life crisis. The smallest thing would set her off .One including the lack of formula circulating the Cooper home.

"Where is all the formula?" Polly cried out , her head under the kitchen sink.

" In the pantry , I bought some fresh the other day.." Betty shouted back, her attention surrounding baby Mason.

"Well there is none. We're out!" Polly exclaimed, her voice full of emotion.

Betty knew she couldn't tip Polly over the edge, not when she was doing so well.

"I will go to the store and get some. Do you think you will be okay? Evelyn will be asleep for at least another three hours." Betty called walking to meet her sister.

She looked indecisive. Like she might regret the decision she was about to make. She half heartedly nodded. Giving Betty permission to walk straight out the door, back to civilisation. Somewhere she hadn't been in three days.  

The quaint corner store a few turns from Pops was quiet, deserted even. The only assurance that the world had not been divulged into an unknowing apocalyptic state was the trusting old man by the counter. Sat minding his own business, newspaper in hand. Only shifting his gaze the slightest when Betty walked through the two transparent, glass doors.

Not allowing herself to get distracted by the multiple magazines with only the finest gossip, or the colourful range of delicious chocolate treats on a huge stand by the entrance, Betty headed straight for the formulae. Not wanting to leave Polly in a state of constant distress longer than she needed to.

Second shelf from the bottom- nought to three month formulae. Perfect, but there were only two cartons left. It would have to do. She bent down, her back ached from the sudden motion, the lack of sleep finally taking its toll on her body.

Her arm stretched out, hands gripping the first carton. She plopped in on her wiry basket and outstretched for the second. She picked it up, her hand feeling something peculiar. The sharp corner of a piece of paper cutting her skin. Betty almost dropped the carton in pain.

Stuck to the back of the formulae carton was a scrap note, written in the same hand writing as the first note. Betty glanced around her. She was alone. No one knew she was here, no one besides Polly. She unfolded the note and began to read.


            Go to the old drive- in. There is something important you need to know...


Betty spun around her, doubling her vision at one point. How did her anonymous benefactor know she was going to be here? Were they watching? Betty suddenly became furthermore self conscious. 

She walked to the counter , cartons in hand . She placed them in front of the old man who in turn scanned them .

"Umm, did anyone else come into the store today?" She asked awkwardly.

"No one but you little lady." The old man remarked, handing her the bag.

Betty thanked the man and started home. Polly needed her, she couldn't possibly consider... Could she? Could her missing sibling be waiting for her, ready to make up for lost time? Or was it a trap, some obnoxious fool playing her for their own amusement?

Her thoughts brought her to the end of her path. Her house stood tall in front of her. Polly sat upon its steps and her mothers car in the drive way. Oh no...

"What happened?" Betty asked. Handing the bag over to her sister.

" Her!" She said coldly. " She comes home, shouts as usual. I came out to calm down, I didn't want to wake the babies." She continued no addressing their mother by name.

"So both babies are asleep?" A crazy plan unfolding in Bettys head, an unreasonable one at that.

"Yes. So go. Enjoy what is left of your Tuesday night. I wont ask any questions.." She laughed , tapping her nose. Assuming her sister was sneaking away to see her boyfriend. Betty played along.

"Thanks Polls , I owe you one." 

Before Polly could answer, Betty was already half way down the drive way. Heading down town, to where the North side meets the South side.

That night was like any other. The sun set early, submerging Riverdale in to an ever present darkness. Bettys legs began to ache, as the old drive in came to vision. 

The building still looked the same, old and unstable, as the day herself and Jughead hid there. The day she found out he lived there. She shook Jughead from her mind, that was the last thing she needed to worry about.

 The flood lights that lit up after the movie was over, were shining. Someone was there. Betty walked up to the building, looking for a way in. To her surprise the door was wide open. Another scrap of paper stuck loosely to the glass window.

I'm sorry.. You deserved to know.

Betty felt confused. Was this it? The only reason she needed to track down to the drive in? What was she supposed to know?

A loud grumble of an old engine roared out . A loud murmur emerging from the car park.

Betty walked around the old ticket tolling building. Stood at the corner facing the old "Movie theatre". Her mind paraded back to the time herself , Veronica and Kevin sat on the trunk of his old Jeep watching a cheesy nineties movie, having the time of their lives. What she would do to have that back again...

Her attention was drawn to ever so familiar motorcycles stacked up, leaning against one another. A group of burly , muscular men grouped together, a beer in hand. A black, leather jacket sewn metaphorically to their backs, they had no escape. The unwitting snake sat watching their every move, every thought.

A tall gang member stood fist clenched in front of another member. Before Betty knew it a fight had broke out. Not like the ones on TV, where every one comes out fine- picture perfect. This fight resulted thick blood spraying from mouths and noses, red lumps forming on foreheads and bruised knuckles. All while other jacket wearing snakes stood around cheering it on.

All but two gang members. Stood far back was none other than her boyfriend, his unruly black hair free. No longer held captive by his crowned beanie. It was almost like anther personality, the one he shared with her was masked by the grey hat. But that wasn't all.. he wasn't alone. Stood beside him was a tall brunette. Vibrant pink streaks running through her long hair. Dressed in black, her long combat boots matched with her own serpent jacket. Her lips were a dark plum, her eyes smokety - full of mystery. She was stood uncomfortably close to him, Betty wasn't the jealous type. But the breathing space between them was even concerning to her.

It was at this point , she realised what the note was referring to. Either the fact that Jughead was a Serpent or that he was leading a double life with another pretty woman on the side. Or was she the woman on the side?

Betty sighed in defeat, finally realising she lost him. Spinning on her heels and starting home. She saw all she needed to. Unaware of the bright, wide blue eyes staring at her as she turned the corner.

The walk home was filled with self pity. How could she be so foolish? It was always too good too be true. He could never be satisfied with her, no one thought it would last. And they were right... he must have gotten bored. What with Betty having to take in the responsibility of the babies and her family problems.. he was sick of being put in second place. She understood, but that didn't heal the crack in her heart.

When she arrived home , she didn't wait for her mother sassy comments about where she had been or Polly's nosey questioning. She walked the stairs , her head hung though. She knew she was better than this mopey state, but her emotions took the better of her.

Her bedroom was filled with the hushed sound of an old lullaby. A mobile spinning above the crib. Inside a sleeping Evelyn, the sight brought a smile to Betty face. Only to be washed away as she sat back on her pink, cotton sheets taking in everything. And how it will affect her, him and life in general.

She ran her cold hand over her forehead, the heat radiating from her body becoming a discomfort. Her eyes felt heavy , her heart felt empty. Her legs were parallel to one another as she sat staring into space. Her hands shook ever so slightly, her palms sore . Her nails had pierced her skin during the walk home, her mind so cluttered she hadn't even realised it.

Tap.. Tap.

Her eyes bolted to the window. Just like a few months ago he was sat by her window sill. Quietly observing, eyes pleading.

Her body froze, her hear began to race. She had to be careful, she didn't know who the man in front of her was, he wasn't the Jughead she fell in love with. Or was he?

With a heavy heart she lifted the window from its ledge. Not taking her gaze from is. The cool wind blew into her face as she looked down upon the broken boy. He stared back , her eyes were sad, broken, betrayed.

He let out a sigh..


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