My Infamous Bride Is A Mermaid

By Tetrazora

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Title is a little bit misleading but naming this kind of stuff is hard. Anyway I'M BACK AT IT AGAIN with anot... More

Episode 1: Price of a life
Episode 2: An acception to the rule?
Episode 3: My wife is still a mermaid
Episode 4: Secrets in all sizes
Episode 5: Monkey Business
Episode 6: Prime Suspects
Episode 7: The Sun and Moon Collide
Episode 8: The Red Star
Episode 9: Sun and Moon
Episode 10: A Rival Arrives
Episode 12: Study Partners for life!
Episode 13: More than a Soldier
Episode 14: Cat Attack
Episode 15: A trip to Kyoto
Episode 16: True Desires
Episode 17: Popularity Contest
Episode 18: Forgotten Bonds
Episode 19: An Unexpected Wedding Day
Episode 20: Truly Infamous
Episode 20: True Hero

Episode 11: Battle of the gods

1.1K 18 18
By Tetrazora

A normal day, a normal day, all Takashi wanted was a normal day. There would be no new mermaids, especially not ones that had some crazy reason to try and kill him. What was it that made having a normal day so hard to have. It soon became that Takashi wished that things at least wouldn't get weirder but that prayer got put on hold. It was the start to another day at school and Takashi had just woken up to his alarm clock. He rolled over to turn it off and found himself facing his window but his vision was blurry. He couldn't tell exactly but there wasn't as much light coming in from the window so he rubbed his eyes to shake the blurry ness and when it became clear he saw a massively muscular blonde man covering majority of the window with a sign that Takashi read saying "Lunar is my life."

Takashi: DIE!!!!

He had no hesitation in driving his arms forward, charging a neon blast that blew the window away but the man had dodged and disappeared. Akeno, Sun and Lunar rushed up to the attic to check on Takashi.

Akeno: What happened?!

Sun: Are you alright?

Lunar: I still had 5 minutes of beauty sleep left asshole.

The sign that man held stuck in Takashi's mind so the only logical thing to do was to dash over to Lunar with his neon speed and punch her in the face.

Lunar: OWWWWW WHAT THE F***!!!!

Takashi: Something tells me that later that punch will be justified.

Takashi was on his toes for the rest of the day. He examined his breakfast for traps or drugs, as he walked to school he would lock anyone that got to close in a headlock and interrogate them. It made Sun and Lunar scared for their well-being but Akeno felt worried. She knew this wasn't like him and those kind of actions could only mean two things: something big was bothering him or that wasn't Takashi. It was more likely that something was bothering him but that didn't stop Akeno from pulling Takashi behind the gates of the school and attempting to take his face off.


Akeno: I'm getting to the bottom of this mystery!

Takashi: By ripping my face off?!!

Akeno: That's how it works in cartoons!

Takashi: They're wearing masks Akeno!

She finally let go and Takashi could feel his face burning from her hands gripping him so tight.

Takashi: It burns.

Akeno: So what's bothering you?

Takashi: Aside from the soreness in my face muscles?

Akeno: I was just making sure you were you.

Takashi: Why wouldn't I be me?!

Akeno: You're acting weird so I deduced that either there was an issue or you were not you. It seemed more likely that there was just something on your mind but I was being thorough and decided to eliminate the option.

Takashi: So much pain.

Akeno: What's wrong?

Takashi: Ok.....when I woke up there was this massive guy outside of my window.

Akeno: So you blasted him out of fear.

Takashi: More so anger because he held a sign that said Lunar is my life.

Akeno: Wait......was this man in a black skin tight suit with sunglasses. Possibly blonde hair and looks like he belongs in American movie about evil robots?

Takashi: Thats a bit specific but actually yes.

Akeno: Ummm.......lets just say you were right to punch Lunar.

Takashi: Why?

Akeno: That's her father. Probably came here because Lunar forced herself into our home.


Akeno: That's besides the point. Look, he can't do anything to hurt you, especially in a public place like school so just stay calm and don't worry. We can ask the Seto family for any advice they might have to help us.

Takashi: When you say Seto family you mean Ren right?

Akeno: Masa is pretty reliable too.

Takashi: Yeah he is.

The two of them couldn't find an excuse to see Ren during school hours so they took a few extra minutes after math class to talk to Masa.

Masa: So what do you two need.

Akeno: It seems that we might have a small problem.

Masa: How small?

Akeno: Based on his description, Takashi seems to be being stalked by Lunar's father

Masa: President Edomae?

Takashi: He's a president?

Masa: Of the Edomae record label that sponsors Lunar keeping her the most relevant sensation of all time.

Takashi: He does a damn good job at it.

Masa: The power of a father's love. 

Takashi: So anything we should expect?

Masa: Well, for a man of his size his stealth ability is unbelievably good so you're chances of seeing him coming are minimal. On top of that his strength is immense. Only person that could rival him was the boss.

Takashi: Gozaburo?

Masa: Correct but Edomae isn't all about going in head first. He thinks things out and plans his attack. It's the only thing that makes him more dangerous than the boss. You gotta imagine that he's learned your schedule and anticipated all your possible moves knowing the kind of relationships you have with those around you.

Akeno: Could he really know that much information about him?

Masa: It's child's play for Edomae.

Takashi: It's scary is what it is.

Masa: I'll let the boss know about Edomae. I know you two have your issues but Edomae might be the one person he hates more than you. 

Akeno: So in this case he might be our best ally.

Takashi: I guess I'll take all the help I can get.

Masa: Just continue with classes for now and if you see anything just be calm and remember that he can't cause a scene.

Takashi: Got it.

Akeno: Thank you Masa.

Masa: Anytime.

Takashi and Akeno left the class with more worry than security but they decided to just endure until the end of school. The day was hectic and full of scares because Takashi had a visiter in every class. He still couldn't believe that the man could disappear the way he does because on moment he's at the window, then Takashi screams and before a single person can see him he's gone and Takashi is left looking like he's insane. But finally it became time for lunch so the students found their friends to have lunch with and went their separate ways. Takashi was still feeling aggravated at the crazy looks he would give but Akeno and Sun came to comfort him.

Sun: You doing okay Takashi?

Takashi: Does it look like it?

Akeno: I filled Sun in on the situation.

Sun: I knew it wasn't like you to just scream at anything so I thought it must've been something bad. Didn't think it was Lunar's father though, I've actually never seen him before.

Takashi: Seriously?

Sun: It's crazy isn't it?

Akeno: Anyway lets find a place to eat before lunch is up. It won't help if we skip meals.

Sun: Agreed!

Takashi: Alright.

The three of them left the class and wandered the halls looking for a place to enjoy lunch but as they traveled they realized that the hallways were close to empty.

Sun: It's a really nice day, I guess everyone is eating outside.

Akeno: Perhaps we should join them. We'll be safer if we're surrounded by other students.

Takashi: Then lets hurry before we end up getting ju-

Even with the multiple warnings Takashi never thought that Edomae would strike so quickly but he could see that there was reason for people's fear when his massive arm had ripped through the stone wall. Takashi couldn't breathe as Edomae had his hand completely wrapped around Takashi's face. He then simply walked through the wall like it was made of paper. He must've been more than 6 feet tall. He truly was a monster and his grip had tightened around Takashi's face. It felt like he was going to crush his skull.

Edomae: I'll ask you this once boy. What are your intentions toward Lunar.

Akeno: EDOMAE!!!!

In a gust of fury Akeno charged at Edomae with her sword drawn. She swung at the arm that held Takashi but before her blade made contact Edomae released Takashi and grab the sword. It didn't even make a dent against his skin. Takashi new he wasn't human but was he even a merman either? Takashi had no time to think, once he was able to regain his composure he realized that Akeno was still struggling to get her sword free.

Takashi: Let her go you bastard! 

Takashi's body turned to neon as he rushed toward Edomae and rammed into him. Edomae didn't budge or even flinch but Takashi dropped a few neon grenades beneath his feet before jumping back. The grenades lifted Edomae off the ground and in his surprise his grip weakened enough for Akeno to slip free.

Akeno and Takashi: SUN!!!

With a massive shriek, Sun unleashed her most powerful sound blast yet sending Edomae flying down the end of the hall and crashing through the lockers.

Sun: Think that did the trick?

Akeno: No way in hell. We need to run! 

The three of them began to make their escape as they rushed through the halls but Sun got an idea.

Sun: I'll distract him.

Takashi: Are you crazy?!

Sun: He isn't after so I'll hold him back. Don't worry if he gets too close I'll run.

Akeno: It might be a solid strategy.

Takashi: Fine but be careful.

With a smile, Sun stopped and turned ready to face Edomae when he came while Takashi and Akeno kept running. They could see the exit in their sights and went full speed ahead but when they were only a few feet away from the door it was open by Edomae himself.

Takashi: HOW?!!

Edomae: I went around.

Akeno: This way!

Akeno grabbed Takashi's arm and the two of them ran back the way they came. They lost sight of Edomae and Akeno led them into the bathroom, the girls bathroom specifically. She pulled Takashi into one of the stalls. The space was small so they had to stay close. They were trying to catch their breath so they wouldn't make as much noise but it wasn't easy considering that Takashi was getting nervous.

Takashi: Why are we hiding in the women's bathroom?

Akeno: I was hoping he wouldn't have it in him to search a room for women only.

Takashi: That guy is literally a war machine and we are locked in here with our backs against the wall with nowhere to run, no one knows we're here-


Takashi: WHAT?!!

Akeno: Calm down. Yes, the situation is bad and yes, we're cornered but we're still together.

Takashi: Yeah but-

Akeno: We aren't beaten yet. We just have to hold out.

Takashi: A-alright. I'm calm, I'm focused.

Akeno: That's good. You know, this might not be exactly the right time but we are alone.

Takashi: It's dark and smells like blood and urine.

Akeno: Yeah, I don't think it falls that high on the romantic scale.

Takashi: On top of being chased by the terminator, I'd say this would fall pretty low.

Akeno: Well just, if you're scared or nervous.......You can hold onto me.......if you need support.

Takashi: A-Akeno........

Akeno: Don't make it a bigger deal than it is. We're gonna be married after all so I need to be able to support you in these times so I actually did some research on what to do because I haven't seen or been in any-

Takashi could see that the topic was making her anxious so he just hugged her and Akeno  was left speechless. They were silent and just enjoying being locked in each others arms even though the location wasn't the most comfortable. It was the first time that Takashi was able to truly feel Akeno, her soft skin, her long hair, the glimmer in her gray eyes. He couldn't believe that this was the woman that he was going to marry one day. It may have been arranged which he hated but he still never felt happier than he felt in this moment. Then they felt the vibrations as the door to the bathroom slammed open. Takashi and Akeno held their breaths as they heard footsteps, saw the shadow and eventually saw his feet from underneath the stall.  They stayed as quiet as possible and at first the beast had simply walked past them, he turned on the water and from they could tell, it sounded like he was washing his hands. Then he was motionless until Takashi saw his feet turn towards them. Takashi held Akeno tightly willing to do anything to protect her but once the beast had put his hand on the top of the door al the fear that they had felt returned with twice as much effect. It was like out of a nightmare as Edomae lifted himself high enough over the door just so he could see Takashi and Akeno together.

Akeno: I feel like this has been done somewhere.

Takashi: Any more ideas?

Akeno: Was actually hoping you thought of something by now.

Takashi: My options are usually fight or run.

Akeno: Well we don't have a place to run.

Takashi: Fight it is!

Takashi was getting ready to use his powers until he heard a scream from outside the door. It was a girl but it didn't seem like anyone he knew which created an issue. Takashi couldn't let someone see his powers so the neon energy that had already radiated died down and Edomae noticed so he took one step back and drove his knee through the door shattering it. Takashi stood in front of Akeno to protect her from the flying shards of wood. He suffered a few cuts and splinters but nothing that was serious. But then Edomae grabbed him by his shoulders and drove his knee into Takashi's stomach. The force was enough to make him want to cough up breakfast but he held it down.

Akeno: Let him go!

Akeno jumped back and forth against the walls of the stall to get higher so she could plant her feet into Edomae's head, kicking him away and freeing Takashi from his clutches. She then hopped over the stall wall while Takashi slid underneath it with the exit in their sights but a sound made them stop. It sounded like something was being smashed through something else but Edomae was still recovering from the kick so what could it be?  They didn't have time to think because it was getting closer and closer until something smashed through the bathroom wall. It wrapped it's massive arms around Edomae's waist and delivered a german duplex right through the sink screaming.


The impact shattered the sink and water started to spray everywhere but for the first time ever, Edomae appeared to be down while Gozaburo was still standing.

Gozaburo: You're lucky I got here on time. This guy is relentless when he's after something.

Takashi: I can't believe I'm saying this, but thanks.

Gozaburo: No problem, the school was evacuated over an intruder on campus. Masa made the call thinking your powers might come in handy.

Takashi: Somebody didn't get that call. There was a girl screaming here.

Gozaburo: Well she's gone and you two should-

Edomae vaulted off the ground and quickly hit Gozaburo with a duplex of his own but this one sent him crashing through the wall.

Akeno: I feel like we should run.

Takashi: Good idea!

With Edomae behind them, Takashi and Akeno rushed toward the front door of the school but Edomae continued to give chase. As they ran down the halls he was beginning to catch up until Gozaburo smashed through the wall and punched Edomae in his jaw.The force knocked him into the window and it shattered on impact but Edomae didn't fall over. Gozaburo made it clear that Edomae wasn't getting past him without taking him down but Edomae didn't fear the challenge. However, he was also not ready to let his prey escaped so he rushed towards Gozaburo who tried to hit him with an uppercut but Edomae went lower than his fist. He tackled Gozaburo and with all his strength he lifts him up and slammed him into the ceiling. The cracks began to run along the hall and eventually the ceiling caved in right as Akeno and Takashi were about to reach the door. Takashi new they wouldn't make it so he jumped on top of Akeno and shielder her as best as he could until everything came down. Finally when the dust settled Takashi released a neon field that lifted the rubble off of them. He went to check Akeno but her body was trembling with her hands covering her forehead.

Takashi: Akeno, are you okay?

Akeno: I'm fine.....but my head.

Takashi moved Akeno's hands from her face and was horrified to find her bleeding  from her forehead. It was dripping into her right eye and messing with her vision.

Akeno: It was just a stray rock, nothing serious.

Takashi thought it was serious though, very serious. He put his hand on her forehead and created a neon field around her that made her levitate. He then shot a blast that blew the front door. (Edgy music time)

Akeno: Wait....Takashi wait a second.

Akeno couldn't move and as she looked at Takashi she could tell her words were falling on deaf ears. His eyes lacked emotion and the neon energy that surrounded Akeno changed from blue to a sinister crimson red.

Akeno: T-Takashi?

He flicked his wrists and Akeno went flying out of the school and into the crowd of students that was still waiting in the after being evacuated. Everyone saw her flying towards them but as Akeno got close to them she slowed down and was placed gently on the grown where Sun and Lunar rushed to her side.

Akeno: We have to get in there!!

Sun: Wait, what happened? Where is Takashi?

Akeno: He's still inside, we have to help him!

Lunar: Takashi can handle himself.

Akeno: That isn't what I'm afraid of!

Lunar: Akeno, you need to calm down ok? You clearly took a blow to your head, maybe you're losing more blood than normal.

Lunar pulled out a handkerchief and began to wipe the blood from Akeno's face but when her vision was clear Akeno forced Lunar down to the floor with her sword drawn. Mawari and Sun grabbed Akeno by her arms and we're trying to hold her back but the lower half of her body still had Lunar pinned.

Akeno: Why did you have to come here?!

Sun: Akeno calm down!!

Mawari:  What has gotten into you?!!

Akeno: LET ME GO!!

Lunar: How is this my fault?!


It was then that Lunar's eyes widened and she realized maybe she was responsible for this but it wasn't time to worry especially when a massive blast of energy sent a wave of dust flying towards them. Then they watched as the school crumbled to nothing but massive piles of rubble and scattered across them were glimmers of crimson neon.

Sun: Is that-

Akeno: He went back to that place.

Lunar: When he told us about his class.

Back at the center of the chaos was Takashi, Gozaburo and Edomae. Before the school had fallen Edomae and Gozaburo had ripped through the rubble that had buried them and charged at each other with their fists ready to clash but Takashi rushed in between them, he crossed his arms and with open palms he had blocked both of them.

Takashi: You hurt her.......she bled.......and now.....YOU DIE!!!!

Takashi took hold of both of their hands and pulled with an immense amount of force so that their heads would drive into each other. Then Takashi placed his hands on both of their chests and fired neon rockets at point blank range but these were charged with way more power than normal. They sent Edomae and Gozaburo flying in opposite directions and once Takashi thought they were far enough away the rockets exploded which led to the fall of the school. Takashi used his neon speed to avoid being buried but Edomae and Gozaburo didn't have that luxury. When the school crumbled away it seem like Takashi was the only one left standing but off in the distance Gozaburo and Edomae emerged from their burial grounds.

Gozaburo: If I didn't know any better I'd say you actually tried to kill us.

Takashi didn't respond, he just glared at both of them with his heartless eyes.

Gozaburo: I know those eyes, they're the eyes of a killer.

Edomae: A fight to the death was not the plan but now it seems inevitable.

Gozaburo: Why the hell not?! I can kill two pains in my ass at the same time!

Gozaburo charged at Takashi in a fury of raged an as he ran he picked up a steel beam and swung it at Takashi's head. Takashi caught the beam and used Gozaburo's momentum against him as he swung Gozaburo and sent him flying towards Edomae who easily caught him by his face with one hand and slammed him into the ground. While Edomae had his focus on Gozaburo, Takashi ran circles around him like a neon blur, firing blasts from every direction. They were coming to quickly for Edomae to dodge so all he could do was endure but Takashi made the circle tighter and shots were being fired at a faster rate. It seemed like Edomae was at his mercy but Takashi go to close to where Edomae held his hand out and Takashi ran face first into it.

Edomae: You're rage has made you blind.

Edomae threw Takashi like a rag doll and sent him crashing through piles of stone and metal until he hit one that could actually hold him. Edomae started to walk over with plans to finish the job but from beneath him Gozaburo tripped him with a sweep of his arm to his leg. He quickly had Edomae pinned and grabbed a massive ball of concrete, glass and whatever else was around that he could use. He was ready to smash it against Edomae's head which would, without a doubt, be his end but Takashi wouldn't be satisfied unless both of their lives ended by his hands. He put all his power into his legs and blasted forward like a rocket driving his feet into Gozaburo's stomach. Gozaburo dropped the ball of rubble as he was sent tumbling along the ground but Takashi tapped it, creating a neon field around it that made it levitate. He wanted to use it to end Edomae but he was given too much time to recover. Edomae vaulted to his feet while Takashi's attention wasn't on him and with a single punch he shattered the ball. The rubble flying toward Takashi made him disoriented long enough for Edomae to wrap his hand around his neck. His grip tightened like a constrictor snapping the neck of it's prey, Takashi knew that in a few seconds he would black out and it would be over so he took hold of Edomae's arm and focus his neon to his hands to the point where it began to burn Edomae's skin. Reluctantly Edomae released him because further damage would likely lead to the loss of his arm. Takashi was left on his hands and knees trying to regain his focus but he could barely catch his breath. The last thing he could see was Edomae's boot hanging over his head. Meanwhile the students were still watching from afar. They couldn't see who was causing the chaos but they could feel the vibrations of every clash and the crimson neon could be spotted from a mile away.

Mawari: I've notified the police, they should be arriving shortly.

Sun: Are you sure the police can stop this?

Mawari: I don't know but what other options do we have?

Chimp: You let them fight!

Chimp stood above everyone on the outer wall that connected to the front gate. Strangely though he was wearing a brown cloak with a staff and a long white beard.

Chimp: This struggle that we see is not being fought by ordinary men and it cannot be resolved by men. What we are witnessing here is a battle of gods to test who truly rules this world.

Chimp was talking nonsense but he was providing a decent distraction so Akeno pulled Sun and Lunar away from the crowd.

Akeno: We have to stop this!

Lunar: How exactly?

Akeno: Seriously? What do you think those three titans care about the most?

Sun: Killing?

Akeno: We might actually be doomed here. 

Akeno took a deep breath and explained the situation so that they could understand.

Akeno: You're fathers love you more than anything. No matter what reason they have to fight they will stop if there was a chance that you'd get caught in the crossfire.

Lunar: So if we stand in the crossfire.....

Sun: They'll stop fighting so that we won't get hurt.

Lunar: What about Takashi?

Akeno: He's my responsibility.

Sun: You think you'll be ok with your head?

Akeno: Im bandaged up and I can see out of both my eyes. I'll be fine.

Lunar: Guess we better get in there before Chimp runs out of shit to say.

Akeno: Lets move.

They were able to break away from the pack quietly and once they did they rushed to the battlefield where the three titans were charging at each other for one more final contest. Their clothes were shredded to pieces, they were covered in scrapes and bruises and bleeding from all over but the pure adrenaline they felt kept them going.

Akeno: Sun!

Akeno stood in front of Sun and Lunar and cupped her hands together. Sun got the message and stepped on her hands so Akeno could launch her into the air where she screamed, firing a sound blast in between Takashi, Gozaburo and Edomae which knocked them all onto their backs. Before they could get back to their feet the girls had blocked their paths, Lunar blocking Edomae, Sun blocking Gozaburo and Akeno blocking Takashi.

Gozaburo: Sun? You should be with the others.

Sun: Couldn't let you three run rampant forever.

Takashi: Let me through! I'm ending this!

Akeno: No, We are ending this.

Edomae: Leave, this isn't a fight you should concern yourself with.

Lunar: Dad, shut up and explain to me what the hell you're doing here in the first place!

Edomae: I only want to protect you and make sure you're in safe hands.....that boy is not worthy.

Akeno: Worthy of what?

Edomae: My daughter's hand.

Suddenly Akeno looked like she was gonna fight as she had her hand on her katana trying extremely hard to resist drawing the blade.

Akeno: Lunar, what did you tell him?

Lunar: AKENO I SAID NOTHING!!! Dad there is nothing going on between me and Takashi. All you did was cause a ruckus, destroy the school and hurt my friends!

Edomae: But I heard you say-


Edomae: I-I see. Clearly I was mistaken.

It seemed that things were over but when Akeno looked back at Takashi he was still radiating that crimson neon so she kneeled in front of him and gently put her hands on his face making him stare directly at her.

Akeno: Takashi, look at me and only me. The fighting is over, it is just you and me.

Takashi was still red but he began to focus more on his breathing and he kept looking at Akeno.

Akeno: Hey Takashi, what color are my eyes?

Takashi: They're gray.

Akeno: I hear gray isn't the prettiest of colors. So does that mean my eyes look bad?

Takashi: way. You're eyes are perfect.

His breathing went slow and his neon wasn't showing anymore. He had calmed down.

Akeno: I know you remember our time alone in the bathroom.

Takashi: Holy hell that doesn't sound right.

Akeno: I see that now, but that was the happiest moment I've ever had in maybe my whole life.

Takashi: It wasn't all that great.

Akeno: But it was, I'll remember it forever, especially whenever I feel upset and I need something to lift my spirits.

Takashi: Maybe I should too.

Akeno: I think so too, at least you can use that moment for now until we make better ones.

Takashi: Together?

Akeno: Together.

Takashi's neon didn't return to its original purple color. Instead it went to blue but Akeno still took it as a good sign so she was happy with it. Everyone was back on their feet, alive and well for the most part.

Edomae: I will alert the corporation to fund a repair project immediately. Your school will be as good as new within days.

Takashi: First a new gym and now a whole new school.

Akeno: That also means we have a few days off. Maybe we aren't as much bad luck as you thought.

Takashi: Oh hell yes you are.

Edomae: It is time that I leave.

Everyone watched as Edomae walked away but things got strange when he found the incinerator. He had opened the door, stepped inside and turned it on so from the looks of it it seemed like he was being incinerated as his body went down. He looked back at everyone with a smile and a thumbs up.

Takashi: If he lives through this I'm calling so much bullshit!

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