Friends are the family you ch...

By Galfort

1.2K 44 117

Scott had tried out for lots of talent shows before and it never end up well, but The Sing-Off was different... More

Meeting Scott
The start of something new
School's out for summer(almost)
Meeting Kirstin
Dragons and Texas
Back to California
Of arrangements and hot tubs
Rhythm of love


67 3 2
By Galfort

-Kevin, are you ready? -Avi shouted entering the room.
His annoying roommate had gone back to Canada so he didn't have to be careful to wake anybody else.
-No need to scream, bro! I can hear you-the beatboxer replied, burying his head under the pillow.
-Then why are you still in bed? I woke you more than half an hour ago! -
-Because I fell asleep again, but I'll be up in a minute so we can go downstairs, have breakfast and then go to the train station-
-We don't have time to go downstairs and have breakfast. The bus is leaving in half an hour and we can't miss it-
-Are you telling me that I should skip the most important meal of the day? -
-No, I'm not. I knew that you were going to be late so I went to the canteen and stole some donuts that we can eat on the way-
Kevin jumped out of the bed to hug the bass.
-Man, where have you been the rest of my life? -
Avi laughed.
Being with the dark-skinned boy was so easy, like if they had known each other for forever, and sometimes he forgot that they had met just two days before.
-Always in Visalia. Where have YOU been? -
-Oh, you know, a bit here, a bit there-Kevin replied with a wide smile.
The two boys had spent the previous couple of days talking about everything, so Avi knew how much Kevin had travelled.
-Are you going to get ready Mr. China? Just so you know, if we lose the bus you are not getting any donuts-
-I'll be ready in a minute. Wait for me downstairs-
The bass nodded, heading downstairs.
Once he was outside the building, he took his phone out of his jeans.
"Waiting for Kevin to get ready. If we don't lose the train we'll be at the station in a couple of hours" he typed. Before he could lock the screen, the phone rang.
"I'll tell Scott so we can pick you up"
"I thought you have to collect Mitch at the airport"
"We are already here. His flight is supposed to be here any second now. I can't wait"
"I bet you have missed him. Scott definitely has, he can't stop talking about him"
"I have missed him, but Scott and Mitch have something special. You'll see when you'll meet him"
"Looking forward to"
"Me too"
He was about to reply when he felt someone over his shoulder.
-Who are you texting, bro? -
-Just Kirstie-
-Just Kirstie, right. I see-
-What do you see? Are you going to be like Scott? -
-What? No, I just think that you should not put a "just" before Kirstie-
-Why not? -
-Because she is not a "just" for you-
-What do you mean?-asked Avi, blushing.
-Look man, I don't know what is going on between you two and I won't push you into telling me, but I've seen how you look at her and how she looks at you, how the both of you talk about the other and I've seen your face when you think about her. I may have known you for 2 days, but it's clear that something is going on, so don't put a "just" before Kirstie because it's clear that she is not a "just" to you-
Avi sighed.
-You can't push me into telling anything even if you wanted because the truth is I don't know what is going on. I just know that she is the first girl I've felt comfortable with in a very long time, but you are right: she is no "just".
Now, if you don't mind we have a train to catch-he added, starting to walk toward the bus stop.
-And some donuts to eat-the dark-skinned boy replied, making him laugh.
-Lots of donuts-Avi said with a smile.

-Scott, you should stop pacing the floor, it's driving mad-
-His flight had already landed so why is he not here? -
-We are talking about the Queen, he his surely taking his sweet time to drag is suitcase around the airport with style-
The blond laughed a little, then looked straight into his friend eyes.
-You are right. Why did I suppose that he would hurry? -
-Because you would have done it-
-How are you so calm Kirstie? -
-The right question Scooter is why are you so nervous? It's just Mitch-
-And I haven't seen him since Easter! -
-But you had skyped almost on daily basis! -
-But it's not the same!!-
She was about to say something, but a voice called her from behind.
-Scotty!!! Kirstie!!!!-
She didn't move, letting her younger friend run inti the open-wide arms of the older one.
Watching Scott and Mitch see each other again after months apart was a sight that she loved and didn't want to miss.
She had always loved the relationship the two of them had. They were the only people she had ever met that had managed to be friends even after breaking up.
They weren't even mad with each other when it had happened and she was grateful for that.
When they had told her, they were together she had been happy for them but terrified that, if they would had broken up, she would had had to take sides.
Thank God it didn't happen.
After the beak-up their friendship seemed even stronger than before, so strong that, sometimes, she felt left out.
-Princess! Come here! Let me hug you too! -Mitch shouted, gesturing her to come closer.
She smiled and took Scott's place in her friend's arms.
-How was the trip? -she asked.
-Fine. I don't really like flying alone, but I managed-the boy replied. Then he started looking around.
-Are we not missing someone? -
-Avi and Kevin just took the train so they will be at the station in a couple of hours-
-Just the time to get some Starbucks! - he exclaimed, making the other two laugh.
They jumped in the car and drove to their usual café, singing to every song that came up on the radio.
This was the way in which they used to spend every afternoon back in Arlington and this simple thing brought them back to their high school days, when they were so happy to be the loser they were.
Mitch forced his friends to tell him everything about college and told them everything about life back at home with a wide smile.
They chitchatted until the barista called their name and they were able to sit at a little table next to a big window that showed the busy life of the street next to them.
-Soooooo........How are Kevin and Avi?-the brunette finally said, saying the question he was dying to ask.
-Well, Kevin is super iper smart, but he's super funny as well and his laugh is probably the best thing ever-Scott started to say. -While Avi is super focused and he seems to never get tired. Well, that's not entirely true, but he never allows himself to rest if he's not satisfied with is work-
-And let me guess, he never is-
-Not often. He is satisfied only with perfection but perfection does not exist-
-You make it sounds worse than it is-protested Kirstie.
-These are his words, not mine-
-Well, it sounds like Avi..... -she admitted.
-And you of all people should know-the blond whispered in her ear with a smirk.
-What was that about? -Mitch asked, but Scott didn't reply.
-Are you two keeping secrets from me? -
-No. You'll see-the blond reassured him, putting his arm on his friend's shoulder.
Kirstie saw Mitch relaxing and smiling again.
-You are avoiding the most important element: are they cute? -
Kirstie shook her head, burying her face in her hands.
Typical Mitch.
-I think Kevin is handsome but it's not your type, while Avi.....Well, I think you should ask Kirstie about him-Scott said, shooting her a mischievous look.
-Is there something I should know? -the brunette asked he, mirroring Scott's glance.
-No, nothing-she said coldly.
-By the way, you will make your own mind very soon. They are few stops away so we should go and collect them-
-How do you know? -
-Kirstie texts Avi a lot-Scott answered in her place.
-I text all of you a lot, Scooter-
-Whatever. Just go already. There's no point in making them wait-
-Ok, ok. What about we buy them coffee so, if we come late they would forgive us? -Mitch proposed.
Another typical Mitch: thinking that everything could be forgiven with the offer of a cup of coffee.
Since he was allowed to drink coffee, he had always thought that coffee could make everything better.
-Good idea, I'll buy them, you wait for me in the car-Scott answered, throwing his car keys to Mitch.
-I could buy them and you can start the car, you are the one driving-Kirstie proposed, knowing that her two friends would like a bit of time alone together.
-No, I know Avi's order like my own, while I bet you don't. and by the way, you can drive so I think you can drive, at least until the station, so I can focus on Mitch through the entire rides-
-Like you wouldn't have done it anyway-she laughed.
-That's why is better if I don't drive-
-You are right. Ok, we'll go but be fast-
-As fast as the barista Kirst-
She smiled again and walked out of the door with Mitch, who had stayed behind her during the entire conversation.
The ride to the station looked a lot like the one from the airport.
Every now and then she would glance at her friends both seated in the back, like they could be physically apart from each other. She was happy they were so happy to be back together, she was too, but she couldn't wait to meet the others so she would stop to feel like a third wheel.
Lucky her, the station was close and Avi and Kevin were already waiting on the sidewalk.
They smiled widely when they saw the car approaching and quickly jumped in: Kevin in the front, since he was the tallest of the two, and Avi in the back.
-You must be Mitch. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Kevin! -the dark-skinned boy politely introduced himself, shaking the young boy's hand.
-I couldn't wait to meet you. Scott had told me a great deal about you-Avi said, shaking his hand as well.
-You have a strong grip to be so....small-he immediately added.
-What do you mean? -Mitch's tone of voice was a bit sharp and Avi quickly withdrew.
-I'm sorry, it's just....My father has always said that you can understand a lot from someone's handshake and.....I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you-
-Don't worry, you didn't. I know I'm tiny-
-You are young as well. Are you not a senior? -Kevin asked, trying to save his friend from an awkward conversation.
-Just done with high school-the boy replied with a genuine smile.
-When is your graduation day? -
-Should be tomorrow, but tomorrow is audition day so I'll just skip it-
-I'm sorry, I mean it must be kinda of hard. I would be sad if I were not able to be at my graduation ceremony- Avi said, turning to the brunette.
-Well, then thank God we are not all like you. I don't really care about graduation. I've seen Scott and Kirstie's one and I can say that I didn't find it so fundamental to someone's life-
Kirstie sighed, seeing how uncomfortable Avi was.
Mitch was a lot to handle if you knew him well, but for Avi didn't know him at all and couldn't even completely handle Scott.
But Mitch must had noticed as well because she heard his voice soften.
-Look. I didn't want to sound mean. I'm just used to talk to people this way, so it's not about you. I'm not angry at you or anything, all right? -
Avi nodded.
-Then let's try to start everything in the right way.
Hi, I'm Mitch and you must be Avi. Scott and Kirstie have told me a lot about you! - the brunette introduced himself, shaking the other's hand.
-Nice handshake! -Avi replied with the widest smile of the day.


I'm sorry it took me ages to post this chapter, that is even a very short one.
I promise that, after this chapter things will get a bit more interesting.
Thanks for reading until here and let me know what you think about the story.
If there are any mistake or you have any suggestion let me know!

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