Under The Cherry Moon {A Prin...

By MakeThatChange96

24.3K 1.1K 911

What does a beautiful talented artist plus Prince equal? Trouble. When Prince discovers Allison Richards and... More

Prince Charming
The Art Of Seduction
Full Of Surprises
Reality? Check. Allison? Undecided.
The Girl With The Cold But Broken Heart
The Tonight Show Starring Prince & Jerome
Too Good To Be True
Forgive & Forget?
Pick Up Where We Left Off
Horny Pony - Part One
Horny Pony - Part Two
Allison Vs Morris
Prince's Anxiety
Seeing Double
Prince & The New Power Generation
The Next Step
Separation Anxiety
Prince Gets His Way
Two Different Worlds
A/N: Break...
Tell All Interview
Work Shenanigans
A/N: Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
This Isn't Pretend - Part One
This Isn't Pretend - Part Two
Love 2 The 9's
The Purple One Vs. A Winchester
Putting Down The Knives And Picking Up The Microphone
Winchesters To The Rescue
Don't Go Into The Light
Reinforcements - Part One
Reinforcements - Part Two
Rough Night
Is It All Just An Act?
Can You Turn Off The Purple Light?
Off The Reservation
Living Nightmare
Allison Out Of The Picture...Or Is She?
What Doesn't Kill Me Better Run
Oh, Awkward...
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Tell Him He's Dreamin'
Under The Influence

The Purple Bug

1.9K 45 14
By MakeThatChange96

*Allison's POV*

I'm sitting in my recording studio, with a satisfied smile on my lips as a blissful sigh of relief escapes my lips. I just finished recording my new album, just on time too. I am the most popular female artist around, everyone wanted me, wants to be me and the most entertaining of all? Artist after artist wants to record with me, but I decline their offer as I see a hidden agenda behind it. Sure some may actually want to simply record with me but I also think it's my status that's really the reason, to make that artist more popular.

Usually when I decline someone's request to work with me, I'm polite and they leave it at that. But one particular musician is persistent, and it's starting to get irritating for me. I don't wanna have to be rude to him but he calls every week to ask, my patience is running very thin.

"Awesome job, Ali. The album is finished, how do you feel?" My manager, Don, asks.

"Incredible, all the weight on my shoulders about finishing this has been completely lifted." I sigh.

I decide to play back the last track I recorded just to make sure it's perfect, as I was listening my assistant, Seline, walks in.

"Allison, he's on the phone again." Seline sighs.

I roll my eyes and internally groan, him again? I stop the track and March down to my office, taking a deep breath before sitting down and picking up the phone.

"Mr Nelson, I believe this is the seventh call this month. You might break last months record." I greet with sarcasm.

I hear a deep chuckle on the other end, I frown. He obviously doesn't care.

"Really? Counting were you?" Prince asks.

I tap my freshly manicured nails on my desk. I can't understand why Prince Rogers Nelson...of all people are obsessed with working with me.

"Yes, my assistant and I have a bet going...if you break your record she owes me fifty bucks." I say back with an amused smile on my face that I hope he feels on the other end.

"Ooh, that's a fun bet. We could end it now and you just work with me? Think about it, we'd make a hell of a record but sadly you'd be fifty bucks down." He says confidently.

I scoff at his response, yeah like that'll happen.

"Nelson, what hasn't answer been for three months straight now?" I ask with a little too much attitude.

"I believe it goes like this, Hmm...Nope." He answers mocking my voice.

I bite my bottom lip to suppress making fun of him as a response, I'm trying to be the bigger person. But this is Prince we're talking about, he gets off on being a smart ass to people.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He asks after a moment of silence.

"No I do, making sure I don't say anything I'll regret." I sigh.

"Come to my show tomorrow." He blurts out.

I raise an eyebrow.

"I beg your pardon?" I ask.

"I didn't stutter, come to my show. See it, then decide if you wanna work with me or not. You can judge your decision on what you see at the show." He offers.

"I'll pass, plus I'll miss watching the news on tv." I say.

Another chuckle rings through the phone, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Baby I am news, just come." He states.

I can feel his smug smirk on the other end, I smirk myself.

"Alright, I'll go. It's been awhile since I've been to the theatre." I scoff.

"Great, see you there." He says then hangs up.

The Following Night...

I arrive to the stadium that Prince is performing at, I look up at a poster on the wall in front of me.

I turn around to see the man himself standing there in front of me, with a smirk on his face.

"Poster is nice huh?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders.

"Ehh, you need to wear a longer shirt." I say.

Prince gives me a smile, I can't tell if he's amused or unamused by my response.

"Like you could talk, the girl who wears basically lingerie on stage." He scoffs.

I chuckle at his comeback, I cross my arms and glare at him.

"If this is apart of your plan to get me then you're doing terribly." I say.

He smirks as he takes a step closer to me, so close that I can feel his hot breath against my lips, making me tremble.

"Oh baby, I'll have you don't you worry about that. I'll stop at nothing to have you, mark my words." He whispers.

I step back, looking at him.

"Are you performing or what?" I ask.

He chuckles and holds out his hand to me.

"Yes, this way." He says.

I walk straight passed him to backstage, he follows me closely behind me. Practically feeling his eyes on my behind the whole time, I stop when I get close to the stage. I peek out at the crowd.

"Wow, the whole stadium is full." I comment.

"Yes, and you'll see why in a few moments." Prince pipes up.

I lean against the frame of the door way, I watch Prince and his band, The Revolution, walk out on stage. Listening to the cheers, screams and cries of fans showering him with love as he makes his presence known.

The little thing starts up the music and singing, I haven't really given his music a listen. I've heard a few songs here and there, so tonight should be interesting. As I watch the concert I also watch him...

I roll your eyes at how many times he takes off his shirt and starts parading around the stage completely shirtless.

I raise my eyebrows and nod, okay maybe he's not that bad. He can play all the instruments and likes to interact with the fans by getting them to sing along, he does what you wouldn't normally see other artists do at their shows.

I did notice a lot of, if you will...mischievous behaviour from him throughout the night. Especially when he was catching roses from girls in the front row, he gave the girl tossing them a cheeky grin when one landed on his crotch instead of his mouth.

The band come offstage and to their dressing rooms, Prince retreats to his dressing room. I wait a good fifteen minutes, though he only had pants on I still knew someone like him would need quite some time to change just out of that and make himself look pretty.

After that fifteen minutes of complete boredom I walked to his dressing room, not even bothering to knock. He looks up at me fixing his jacket, I scoff. He does wear shirts, sometimes, and this one covers him completely.

"There's this communication thing that people use when someone is occupied in a room that you're not in, it's called knocking." Prince says.

"Oh please, you only had pants on. If that takes you more than fifteen minutes to change out of you are just plain lazy." I scoff.

He walks up to me and smiles amusingly.

"What did you think of the show?" He asks.

"I've seen better." I shrug.

He chuckles as he steps closer to me, closing the gap between the two of us.

"Don't lie to me, you enjoyed it." He smirks.

"I didn't say it was the worst I've ever seen, did I?" I smirk back.

"No you didn't, I'll take that. So what's your decision?" He asks.

I look at him as he licks his plump lips, placing his slippery hands on my waist. I gasp at the sudden human contact.

"Well I'll be honest, you impressed me tonight. You don't see artists perform real music these days, actually sing into their microphone or interact with the fans more than you do. I think you're the only artist that actually plays multiple instruments in concerts let alone one." I admit.

Prince stares at me as I give him his feedback, nodding and smiling to what I'm explaining.

"That's true, I like to be real with my fam." He says.

I furrow my brows.

"Fam?" I ask.

"I don't like to think of everyone out in the crowd as fans, whenever I hear the word fan I don't like it. Fan is a fanatic, to me they're all my friends, family." He explains.

I smile, I never expected to hear something like that before. It warms my heart to hear how much he loves and appreciates his...fam.

"That's a beautiful way to describe them." I smile.

He smiles back at me, tapping his skilful fingers on my hips.

"Thank you. Now that you've seen what you seen, what do you think?" He changes the subject.

"After what I've seen tonight, no." I reply.

He frowns.

"What? Why?" He asks.

"Because, I work alone. Everyone knows this by now but I think it's not quite getting through to that big head of yours." I admit.

He chuckles at my response.

"But you just said..." He begins explaining.

"I know what I said, my answer remains the same. I've done brilliantly solo, I plan to keep it that way. Plus I know what you're like from when I spoke to your band members, you like to control everything. You're so picky, if I stupidly said yes and put up with that shit with you...I would slap you into another dimension." I say.

He grins mischievously, I glare it him in return.

"Oh come on." He whispers.

His hand coming up to my face, he traces his finger over my bottom lip. I shudder at the feeling.

"I'll show you the song choices and you pick the one you want. We work the days you want, maybe hang out if you want to. You call the shots." He smirks.

I snap out of the trance and push him away, glaring at him. I watch him as he slips the finger he had on my bottom lip into his mouth.

I shake my head, crossing my arms across my chest.

"No. That's my final answer, so you and your big head with hero hair can stop calling me." I stand my ground.

"I'm afraid that's not the correct answer." He says.

I raise an eyebrow, is this purple dwarf serious?

"Excuse me? I'm the one who needs to give consent here, there's no right or wrong answer." I scoff.

"You say no to me now, but you wait. I have my ways of persuading people, even the most stubborn like your little wonderful ass." He chuckles.

"Stop calling me, you know where the conversation will go. Enjoy your life fat head." I say.

He just grins at me wickedly.

"I'll be seeing you real soon, Allison." He says a little too confidently.

"Highly unlikely." I chuckle.

I turn my heel and walk out of the dressing room, walking to my limo and going home. As I sit back in the seat I sigh.

"Thank god that's over." I let out of a sigh in relief.

Or at least that's what I thought.

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