///On Hiatus\\\ [Stories That...

By strawberrykiller37

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Parts of: Breaking the rules of love Prototype Daemon world: Chaos Fallen Gods The Broken Myth Mirage Sky Ru... More

Ultimate Critter
confused & sad
The Examination
Halia; At War
Daemon World: Chaos
Lanien; Sentenced
Azalea & Axiom; Determined
Switzerland ?
No love
[Redolent] Chapter 1: She was
[Redolent] Chapter 2: Scream My Name
[redolent] Chapter 3: The Pentium
Brewing War
Kixi & Aze; The Cure?!
oh haru~
Leaving this World
Kixi; Runner
Kyori; Fire
Sky Runners
Kyori; Konso
Kyori; Scared
Kyori; Understanding
Kyori and Kaito; Prologue
Rules of Life
Rayne and Lynnie; The Undertaker
PandorE; Spoofs
Luke; Spoofs (Just for Fun e__O)

Azalea & Axiom; Confused

156 7 5
By strawberrykiller37

Damn it. I swore angrily, as I pushed myself off of the ground. With a muffled cry, Axiom landed next to me, face down in the grass.

"I can't believe she would do that, Azalea!" Axiom snatched at the green tufts of foliage in front of him face, ripping the little plant from the ground and starting on the nearest ones around him. He fingered the hilt of his sword, on edge at being outside the Daemon realm. He looked up at me with confused eyes, what do we do now?

"Axiom," I snapped, as he froze in the act of pulling up another innocent weed, "We are not the care-takers of this plot of land, leave the green foliage be and get up,"

I groaned inwardly switching back into the Daemon language. How I loathe speaking human. Everything just comes out so garbled. Axiom's hands withdrew sharply and he jumped to him feet, staring at the dead grass strewn around him. Where his feet passed, the plants around him withered and died until he was standing in a mound of dirt. A small toddler waddled past me on unsteady feet, her eyes widening as she took in my appearance. I smiled, feeling the sharp canines brush against my upper lip. My silver hair blew gently in the wind, the ends curling above my belt. Irises a cold grey, they bored into the baby until it's eyes filled with sudden tears.

"Azalea," muttered Axiom in a bored voice, "Don't scare the little monster." I rolled my eyes, feeling my appearance morph quickly until I looked like a normal human. Dull, mundane black was slithering through my hair, starting at the roots and reaching the ends, leaving the tips a bright silver. The world grew dark in front of my eyes as they clouded the grey irises into blue. The little toddler tilted its head confusedly and the mother came scurrying by, giving me an odd look before whisking the child away swiftly.

"Nice," Axiom smirked slightly as he ogled my appearance. He leapt up onto the plastic playground, swinging around one of the metal poles. He let the Earth wind blow through his newly colored hair. It was shaggy, the tips barely reaching his shoulder. A sheaf of hair obscured one brilliant green eye. He shook his hair wildly, letting the black stream through each strand, leaving the tips silver.

"It wasn't your fault, Azalea," he put on hand on my shoulder as I quivered in anguish.

"It was. I should've known she was going to do that."

"You couldn't have known. It was her decision," he whispered quietly.

"It was our duty to protect her and now look at this. She's dead. The Royal Family is extinct."

Axiom sighed heavily before turning away from me and looking into the Sun's bright rays.

"There's another heir out there. We just need to find her."

"There's over a million humans on this god-forsaken planet. How are we going to locate on tiny bug in a forest?"

He chuckled lightly, "I think you're underestimating our Princess a little."

The Princess' ornate locket swung on the golden chain. Axiom lifted it to the sky and blew into the tiny key hole. He closed his eyes and focused on moving the air through the inner workings, how fortunate the Princess loved human items. If it had been Daemon made... The lock clicked open, and the hinges swung forward, a tiny folded up piece of parchment fluttered slowly to the ground. My hand shot out to reach it before it landed in the grass. Where one corner touched the leafy tip, it had started to burn. I twirled it through the air, the smoke wafting away in the breeze as I unfolded the letter quietly.

Azalea & Axiom,

I don't want to sound clichéd, but time is running out. I can hear your footsteps down the hall as I scribble this. I've heard about the Nakita Clan. They're closing in on us, and it's time for our ownership of the Daemon World to fall, I can feel it. It's been an honor to be the Royal Family, but I fear that our time may be up soon. If I cannot make it out of the fray alive, do not worry, you will still have a leader. Two twins on Earth have the power to Reign. I have seen it. Their location is still blurry, but I know you will figure out the clues.

A small pebble like object fell into my palm. The opaque opal sphere turned slowly as I tilted my palm from side to side, my eyes widened as I realized what it was.

A DreamStone.

Axiom leaned over to peer at it.

"Don't tell me that's...--"

"--All her--"

"Prophecies..." we peered at the tiny stone, the opaque insides swirled slowly and suddenly it vibrated violently. It flew out of my hands and levitated in the air, blinding us with a bright flash. Next thing we knew, we were shrouded in mist.

The toddler looked up with wide eyes, her lollipop rolling in the dirt as her mouth dropped open. The fanged girl, and grass pulling boy had disappeared in a rain cloud. She shook her head wildly and lost her balance, falling in the patch of dirt. She heard her mother crying out to her in the background, she merely turned her head and decided it was all the effect of too much sugar. She stared at her lollipop before grasping it in chubby hands and putting it back in her mouth.

The world inverted, like a rotating lens of a bifocal. I could feel my head spinning upon impact, Axiom beside me. Our feet fell upon some sort of stone, perfectly aligned into a column leading up to an odd looking building.

He let out a small gasp, "Where are we?"

To me, it looked like a prison. There were little, mid-adult humans walking around with oversized bags. They were all carrying some sort of tome, and silver cases that swung out to reveal shiny screens and tiny buttons with characters on them. I thought hard, going back into my memory to "Human Studies" class at the Academy. I snapped my fingers, as the lessons came back to me. They were laptops and textbooks. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, such ancient technology. I strained my eyes to see out through the bubble we were trapped in, but it was getting cloudier by the second. Everything was misty, like I was looking out from a crystal ball. There were humans that looked vaguely like Axiom and I, around 1600 years old.

There will be two,

rulers unprepared

found at morn's first dew

whose powers shared

hidden under

humanity's hand

Gemini showered

will rise and stand

their ancestry slick

muddled with the daemon sky

but time runs quick

the enemy draws sly

The Princess' voice rang through the area, her voice booming with authority. Suddenly, a small porthole opened through the side of the bubble. There in the crystal opening were two students sitting side by side. One female and one male, laughing with each other as they sat outside the school building.

She was petite, sitting on a stone wall outside of the school. Her legs swung back and forth, her short, cropped black hair blowing gently in the wind. She had wide amber eyes, and long thick eyelashes framed with square ebony glasses. Her stretched T-shirt dropped off her shoulder, wearing capri darkwash jeans.

The boy on the side of her had ruffled, black hair with blonde highlighted tips. He was smiling easily, rolling a soccer ball between his feet. He stood up straight, gangly and tall, he must've been at least 6"9, dwarfing his female friend. His oversized T-shirt hung off his lean frame, baggy jeans covering his sneakers and gathering at his heels.

At the same time, they turned to stare at his, their eyes gazing past the flurry of movement.

They had the Sight.

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