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โwelcome to the lives of teenage delinquentsโž ยฉHYUNGNIMS More

FINALE (15.2)
FINALE (15.3)


552 41 166



A secret is revealed at the all girl's


Emira smiles as she watches Yugyeom through the sliding door separating them. The boy was walking through Grace's back patio, looking around rather nervous as he spoke into his walkie talkie.

"I see you." She sing songs, glancing at the pool behind him as she comes up with a quick plan. Emira taps the sliding door glass then, watching as Yugyeom turns in the direction of the sound. Once she's got his attention, she quickly lifts up her shirt, grinning when his eyes widen and in his surprised state, he takes a step back and falls right into the pool.

"Ha!" Emira exclaims as she watches the splash that follows, "I am so good at this."

The Sanchez girl quickly pulls the sliding door open and hurries outside. She picks up Yugyeom's fallen walkie talkie with a small smile.

"Two down, two more to go."


"Who knew the devil was actually a teenage girl wearing Little Mermaid pajamas with pigtails in her hair and the ability to make Shin Hoseok fling himself into the fucking sun with just one look." Hyungwon murmurs as he watches Yugyeom fall into the pool. He was currently hiding behind a bush with Changkyun not too far away, "So, I guess it's just you and me left."

"She's enjoying this a little too much." Changkyun mutters with a frown as they both watch Emira pick up Yugyeom's fallen walkie talkie.

"Hey, in the case that one of us actually dies, you know from when Wonho finds out that we've all seen Emira's tits or if we encounter that wild roach species from Vietnam again, do you think we can get Britney to sing at our funerals?" Hyungwon says making Changkyun give him a look.

"I don't think much singing would get done in that case." Changkyun mutters quietly, thankful when his friend doesn't hear him until he says, "We should call Wonho for Emira."

"No we shouldn't." Hyungwon tells him, fumbling with his walkie talkie as he mimics his best friend, "All he's going to say is 'Oh my God. She's so cute when she's randomly flashing people and traumatizing them in the process' with that same love sick puppy dog look on his face."

"Well, we're the only two left and we're kind of out of options. So it's either we encounter Lisa again or we call Wonho and die a much less painful death." Changkyun says making Hyungwon hesitate, seemingly thinking it over.

"So it's call Wonho or try to survive another wild roach attack?" He muses, already pulling out his phone to dial his best friend, "Wonho it is."


"So..." Lisa trails off in attempt to alleviate the awkwardness surrounding her. Things had a tendency to get awkward when it was just she and Grace. And with Emira off doing who knows what, and them having found Mrs. Jone's passed out in the dining room from too many weed brownies, they were the only two left at the sleep over.

"So" Grace repeats with a small smile before she takes a puff of the cigarette in her hands.

It was clear what they needed to talk about. And Lisa was just about to open her mouth and start a very much needed conversation before the sound of the door bell ringing caught their attention.

A distraction, just what she needed.

"It's probably the pizza man." Grace says, standing from her bean bag chair, but Lisa is quicker.

"I'll go get it!" She volunteers, hurrying out of the room before Grace can protest. Lisa breathes a sigh of relief as she heads down the stairs to the front door, pulling it open only to rolls her eyes at who she sees on the other side.

"Not you too" She mumbles by way of greeting.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a simple pizza man, ma'am. Your total is $16.82."

"Jungkook-" Lisa starts, resisting the urge to laugh at just how ridiculous the boy before her looks, "First of all, how did you even get a pizza man costume?"

Sure enough, standing in front of her was Jungkook in a Pizza Hut Uniform holding a pizza box with a very fake mustache on his lip and a crooked name tag on that read "Bob".

"I don't think I should answer that." Jungkook tells her, only to wince in pain when Lisa reaches up and rips the fake mustache from his lip, "Ow, that hurt-"

"Thanks for the free pizza, Bob." Lisa says with a grin as she snatches the box of pizza from him before promptly slamming the door in his face.

"Dammit" Jungkook mumbles in defeat. The dark haired boy pouts the entire walk back to Wonho's car that's parked further down the street.

"Bad day at work, Bob?" Wonho greets him from where he's leaning against his car, snickering when Jungkook flips him off.

"Not funny" Jungkook grumbles before glancing back at Grace's house with a determined look, "I have to get into that house before Tae does."


"Pizza's here!" Grace hears Lisa call from downstairs. The curly haired girl was currently in one of guest rooms searching for a robe. Her mother kept the house freezing. Grace is in the midst of digging through the closet when knocking sounds at the window. The small girl rolls her eyes before heading over and pulling the window open.

She steps out of the way then, to allow the person struggling to get in, enough room to land.

"Took you long enough." She mumbles, a smile finding it's way to her lips as she stares up at the boy before her.

"It wouldn't have taken me so long if you had helped me get in." Taehyung tells her making Grace grin.

"I enjoyed watching you struggle." She says with a giggle making him roll his eyes. Grace watches Taehyung walk around the room then, checking out the clothes in the closet and toying with the items on the dresser absentmindedly. It makes the curly haired girl pout. Was he really going to make her wait?

"So-" Taehyung starts finally, but Grace has had enough and she makes it known by pulling him down by the front of his shirt and pressing their lips together. When she pulls back, Taehyung raises a brow at her and asks, "What about the others?"

But Grace hears it for what it really means 'what if someone walks in on us'?

"What about them?" She mutters anyway, a small smile on her lips as she pulls him into the closet. Taehyung grins at this, pulling the door closed behind them before pressing his lips to hers once more.


"Where the fuck is everybody?" Lisa complains as she heads back up the stairs. She takes a bite of the pizza in her hand then, only to cringe at the taste, "And who the fuck ordered black olives? I'm so over this shit. Come to the sleep over, they said, it'll be fun bitch, they said. You won't have to deal with shrimp dick and his pack of horny idiots-"

The Vietnamese girl pauses to take another bite of her pizza before continuing.

"But oh no, they show up to the fucking sleep over all shrimp dicky and limp dicky as usual-"

Somewhere in the midst of her rant, Lisa wonders into one of the guest rooms. Because what do you do when you're bored in someone else's house? Be nosy of course.

"Damn Lisa-" She mumbles when she catches sight of herself in a mirror above the dresser. The Vietnamese girl stops to push up her boobs and pucker her lips before adding, "You are one hot bitch."

A hushed snickering sound follows her words making Lisa frown. Was she hearing things? She decides to remain still and quiet, waiting for another sound. But when she's met with silence, she shakes her head. She was definitely hearing things.

The Vietnamese girl takes in the things on the dresser before her with a bored expression until her eyes land on something in particular. It was a yellow cd with the words "fun factory" written in sharpie scribbled on it.

"What's this-" She wonders aloud before shrugging. The only way to find out was to watch it. Lisa picks up the cd, turning on the tv and the DVD player in the room. She slips the cd in before plopping down on the bed.

And it takes a while for the DVD to load, but once it does, Lisa really wished it hadn't.

She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but it wasn't a man tied to what looked like the very bed she was sitting on. The man was very much naked and also very much Grace's next door neighbor, Mr. Vincent. But that wasn't the most shocking part of the video. It was when a lady came into the camera's view in a leather corset with a whip. It looked like a really bad 80's porno, Lisa thought.

"Oh my God-" Lisa mutters in shock when she recognizes the older woman in the video, "Is that-"

"My mother."

Lisa jumps slightly, placing her hand over her chest as her gaze flies towards the direction of the closet. Grace is standing there, a look of disbelief on her face as she watches the video playing on the television. Meanwhile, Taehyung is standing not too far behind her, struggling to fix his disheveled appearance. It was pointless though. Lisa wasn't clueless.

But in that moment, she really wished she was.


"Noodle dick to all dirtbags. The coast is clear." Hyungwon says into his walkie talkie, smiling as he enters Grace's house through the sliding door. He pulls it closed behind him before taking in the kitchen. It was empty. Way too easy, he thought.

"There you are." A familiar feminine voice says and wow, he thought too soon.

"Em no-" He tells Emira when she starts to approach him. He holds out his arms to stop her but she simply backs him against the nearest counter.

"Why not?" She tilts her head, reaching for the zipper to his jeans, "You know you want to."

"Help!" Hyungwon squeaks out, "I'm being violated down here-"

"Shhh" Emira shushes him, placing a gentle finger against his lips.

"What the hell is going on?" A voice asks making the two jump apart.

"Oh thank God." Hyungwon mutters when he looks behind Emira to find Wonho standing in the kitchen with his arms crossed over his chest accompanied by a confused looking Jungkook and a blank faced Changkyun. And then he watches as Emira's eye twitches before she turns to face Wonho.

"Nothing." She says with an innocent expression, "What are you doing here?"

"Hyungwon called me." Wonho informs her, brow raised at her sudden change in behavior.

"Oh, did he now?" Is Emira reply before she turns back to glare at Hyungwon. When he flinches she turns back to Wonho, staring up at innocently as she adds, "How nice of him."

A smile blossoms on her face then as she hurries over to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

"I'm so happy you're here. Come on, you've got to try the brownies we made." Emira rambles as she pulls Wonho along happily.

"What just happened?" Hyungwon wonders aloud as he watches them go.

"The fastest exorcism in history." Changkyun tells him, "Who knew all we needed was a little holy water to splash on her for the hoe spirit to just pop out."

"You guys are weird." Jungkook speaks up frowning, clearly confused with the turn of events before he asks, "Where's Tae?"

"Last I heard he was going in through the second story window." Changkyun informs him, trying to help Hyungwon who's dramatically clutching his chest.

"Shit" Jungkook mumbles as he hurries out of the kitchen. He passes Emira who's returned to get the plate of brownies. Hyungwon and Changkyun watch her closely, just about to breathe a sigh of relief when she winks, smirking at them before leaving.

"Oh fuck no-" Hyungwon blurts out, "She's still possessed by the hoeing spirit."

"What do we do?" Changkyun asks worriedly.

"The only thing you can do we when your best friend's girl has caught the horny ghost." Hyungwon says dramatically, pausing to glance at his friend, "Buy tacos, go home, and spend the rest of your day watching Netflix while you wait it out."

"Sounds like a plan." Changkyun says, both boys tossing their walkie talkies before making move to leave.


Grace watches the first tear fall from Lisa's eyes, then the second, and finally the third before the Vietnamese girl seems to catch herself. She shakes her head, sniffling quietly as she wipes at her eyes before hurrying out of the room. And Taehyung doesn't hesitate in following.

"Lisa wait!" He calls after her, and Grace was already expecting this, but it still hurt to see it.

She thinks she's alone now, thinks she finally has time to fall apart. But then a voice speaks up that makes her swallow thickly.

"You know it's going to be Lisa for him in the end, right? He's in love with her. And this, whatever you two have - it could never compare to that." Grace looks over at the doorway to find Jungkook standing there. He looks a mixture of both sad and pitying, and Grace hated being on the receiving end of such a look. When she doesn't reply, he adds, "I don't understand. Why do you keep watching him break your heart?"

"No one breaks my heart, Jungkook." She tells him quietly, but it doesn't feel like enough so she repeats firmly, "No one."

"You're right." He says making her look up in surprise, "Because you're too busy breaking it yourself."

Grace isn't sure what to say to this. She didn't think Jungkook would understand in the slightest bit of she told him that she needed Taehyung. Because she didn't need him. She wanted him, and she had him. So why should she give him up now? She knew in a way she was torturing herself by staying when he was clearly in love with someone else. But what do you do with things that you love? You hold onto them as long as possible.

And that's exactly what Grace was doing with Taehyung, holding on as long as possible.

"Don't be a fool for him, Grace. You deserve better than that." Jungkook tells her, hesitating in the doorway before leaving altogether.

Once he's gone, Grace allows herself to feel the first waves of anger. She ejects the DVD and breaks it in half before falling to her knees and slamming the broken pieces against the ground. Still, she swallows back the tears threatening to spill.

Grace hated crying.

"Gracie, what's wrong? What are you doing?"

But when she sees her mother standing in the doorway, staring at her in concern, she can't help the first tear that falls.

"Best sleepover ever, right mom?" She says, holding out the broken DVD pieces for her mother to see with shaky hands. And even in the state that it's in, her mother seems to recognize what it is.

"Oh Gracie, I'm so sorry-" Mrs. Jones says, hurrying into the room to pull her daughter into a hug. And Grace wants to ask what exactly is she sorry for: cheating on her father or ruining their family in the process?

But Grace is too tired, too sad to do much of anything but allow her mother to embrace her. It's the first time she's broken down like this. Grace liked to think that she didn't feel anything. But in that moment it felt like she was feeling everything.

"I'm so sorry Gracie." Her mother sobs as she rubs her back.

"Yeah" Grace murmurs, sniffing quietly as she thinks of Taehyung and Lisa and how she's the only thing truly separating them, "Me too."



ahsjsjsnsjxndnsjdndns - me tryna push this love triangle or should i say square (?) along

i really don't think y'all are gonna like who ends up together based on your comments


^ me, giving hints lol

anyway, thank u for reading!!! i appreciate it sooooo much 💖💖💖

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