Taming My Player

By confusedwithdreams71

33.6K 417 150

Jaiden just started at a new boarding school. She decided at this new school she would live in the present an... More

Welcome to Hollows
Where are these boys coming from?
Internal Battles
Amami Per Sempre
Party Time?
Room 3212
New Friends
Chinese Food
Lies Revealed
Movie Date

Big Kid Party

1.5K 20 4
By confusedwithdreams71


Once we were back at school, the rest of my plan folded out perfectly. She eagerly agreed to go to the party with me. I knew Ashton would be there, and I couldn't wait until I saw his face when he realized Jaiden and I were there together. I was going to have sex with Jaiden tomorrow whether she liked it or not because that's what Ashton deserved. I smiled to myself, this was way to easy.


Jaiden's POV

Opening my dorm room door, I sigh with relief at finally being home after such a long day. I swept my blond hair into a ponytail, so that it would fall at the base of my neck. I looked at the time realizing it was only 7:00, and I was shocked by how tired I was. My thoughts went to soaking in the large bathtub I saw in my bathroom, but when my stomach growled I remembered I hadn't eaten today. I could take a small nap then make it to dinner in the main cafeteria at Hollows at 7:30, I thought pleased with my idea.

Pattering to my room, I quickly crawl on my bed and under the soft sheets. My eyes felt heavy, but I reminded myself I could only sleep for twenty minutes. With that thought I dozed into a comfortable sleep.


Ashton's POV

I started making my way back to Hollows. I had been driving around aimlessly for the past hour, but I knew I had to start heading back if I wanted to make it for dinner. Not that I was hungry, I was just hoping I would see Jaiden to make sure she was okay. I didn't trust Riley at all. I let my thoughts roam as I made the short trip back to the school. Pulling into my parking spot, I saw, much to my annoyance and relief, Riley walking on the sidewalk with Reed and Tye. I was relieved that he wasn't still with Jaiden, but I still needed to make sure she was okay. Without thinking about it twice I jumped out of my car and jogged up to Riley.

"Where's Jaiden?" I ask in a hard demanding tone.

Riley chuckled seeming to think my question was amusing while shaking his head. My anger started going out of control. Never had I lost this much control of my anger over a girl or anything for that matter. I was literally shaking with anger, and my hands were clenched tight into fist.

"I swear Riley, if you don't tell me where my fucking girl is right now, I will make you regret it," I said while threatening him with my eyes as well.

Reed and Tye looked surprised maybe with my tone or calling Jaiden my girl. I didn't care either way. Something about Riley didn't seem right, and it was making me nervous to not know where Jaiden was. I knew she wouldn't talk to me even if I found her which was probably best, but I still wanted to make sure she was alright.

 "Well Ashton, I would think that she's most likely in her dorm room. That's where she was heading after our little date that you so conveniently made possible," he said smiling.

"Stay the hell away from her," I said through my teeth before turning on my heel and walking toward the cafeteria hoping she'd be there.

I tried to calm myself down. She's safe I thought repeatedly. You will see her at dinner. Don't let her see you so angry she will be scared of you. That thought hurt me. I didn't want her to ever be scared of me. I wanted her to feel safe around me. I realized then that there was no way I could pretend anymore I didn't have feelings for her. Jaiden was the first girl I really liked. I wanted her, and more often then not I got what I wanted. I smiled at the thought of calling her my girl officially. Shit, I thought, this girl has you whipped already.  I didn't want anyone else, and that's what I was thinking as a fake blond waved to me. I didn't even wave back. A day ago I would have been grinning thinking I found my entertainment for the night. However, the blond with makeup caked on her face no longer looked appealing.

I continued to walk towards the dining room slightly shocked at myself. If Jaiden could change me that much in a few hours, I didn't know what would could happen with more time with her. Sighing I remembered she still thought of me as a player, which I assumed I still was because I couldn't change my player status after not paying attention to just one girl. I would have to prove myself to her. I had to gain her trust, and I just hoped that I could do that fast. The thought of her with some other guy, especially Riley, made my blood run cold with anger. I wouldn't allow it, but right now I had no place to make such calls. Damn, I need her to start liking me again I though frustrated.

Opening the door to the cafeteria I began to get nervous. I hoped she wouldn't ignore me, because that would be worse then glares. I took a deep breath and walked in trying to look confident. My gaze swept across the crowded cafeteria, but I didn't even get a glimpse of her. I sighed and made my way to the line to get food. I picked things out of the line and put them on my tray, not really caring what I got. I made my way to the jock and popular girl table where I always sit. I continued to look around the cafeteria almost desperate to see her. I didn't find her, so I sat down defeated. Maybe she wasn't coming to dinner. That thought didn't sit well with me because she hadn't eaten anything with me, and Riley was in the corner with some of his friends eating. I guessed that he hadn't gotten her anything to eat if he was here. She had been really hungry earlier, so by now she was probably starved.

"Ashton, are you even listening to me man?" asked my friend Dylan.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something," I responded trying to remember what he had just said.

"I asked if you wanted to go work out with me after dinner then throw the ball with the other guys," he repeated.

All of my friends were on the football team with me, and they were obsessed with it. In their free time they were either lifting weights or throwing the football. I usually practiced with them, but today I didn't feel up to it.

"Sorry man, I'm not feeling good. I'm going to get going actually. I'll see you guys later," I said while getting up.

My friends looked at me confused but nodded anyway. The girls that usually sit with us pretended to be worried about me. They made pouting faces and were wishing me to get better. Some asked if I wanted them to come with me, and I just shook my head no then walked back to the lunch line. Everyone from my table looked at me like I had gone crazy. I didn't care at all, I realized, while grabbing random foods. I didn't know what foods Jaiden liked, so I grabbed everything. I walked out of the cafeteria with the huge pile of food, and began to walk towards Jaiden's dorm room. Hopefully she would take it from me. I know she didn't like me, but I knew she had to be hungry. I prayed that she would at least open the door for me to give her the food.


Jaiden's POV

I woke to an insistent banging. I gasped, and I quickly looked at my alarm clock to see the time. I whimpered when I realized it was now 7:45, and I wouldn't be getting dinner. I got out of bed, and walked toward my door which was the source of the banging noise. Someone knocked again, and I sighed at their impatience.

I opened the door and smiled saying, "Someone has patience problems."

My smile disappeared when I realized Ash was standing in front of me. I couldn't think. He looked so good, and he was smiling looking satisfied that I had opened the door for him. I hadn't realized it was him. I wouldn't have opened the door if I had known. I couldn't see him right now. I needed to be strong and stay angry with him, but when he was around me, I had a way of losing my anger.

"What do you want," I said coldly.

I proudly realized my voice sounded strong.

"I brought you some food. I realized you weren't at dinner, and I thought you might be hungry," he replied lifting the tray full of food.

It was then that I realized he had been holding the tray the whole time, but I hadn't noticed it. I melted slightly inside when I though of him getting me food. I was really hungry, but I didn't want to back down so easily.

"I don't want your food," I replied while making a move to close the door.

"Wait Jaiden, please! I know you're angry at me right now. You have a right to be. I didn't stick up for you when the other girl was saying those horrible things to you. I made you mad at me the entire day. I've always been sort of a player, and I know you think you can't trust me especially after hearing the lies I told the girl. But, I want you to know I'm really sorry. I should have been nicer to you the whole day, and I really screwed up not sticking up for you. Also, I promise I'm trying to change. I don't want to be a player anymore. I understand that you might not be ready to forgive me, but will you at least eat the food," he said his eyes full of sorrow.

My insides became liquid. That was the sweetest thing I had ever heard, if only I could believe it I thought. If he had been willing to say he went away to aid his dying grandma, then he would have no problem telling me he wanted to change. It had really hurt when he hadn't stuck up for me as well. Those thoughts sobered me up.

"I don't trust you Ashton. I don't think you are a very good person, and I know that sounds harsh. However, I've only known you for a few hours, and you have made me feel like complete crap. I don't want to feel this way, so I want you to stay away from me," I said upset.

He nodded looking defeated. He placed the tray down on the floor and walked away. I watched his back retreating from me, and I began to feel broken inside. I took in a shuddering breath while grabbing the food off the floor. I walked into my dorm room and made my way to the kitchen feeling numb. I wish I believed him I thought. I liked spending time with him, but I just ruined any kind of  kindling to a relationship. I started to eat not really tasting the food. I quickly ate then climbed into my bed again hoping that sleep would make forget what had just happened. A few tears escaped the corner of my eyes when I thought of how sad Ash had looked.

I tossed and turned all night thinking of his sad green eyes. I finally fell asleep only to be awaken what seemed like minutes later to sun seeping through the windows. I sat up in my bed feeling like my head was weighed down, which was always an after effect of crying for me. I walked slowly to my bathroom to wash my face and take a shower. I tried hard not to think of Ash, but I had little luck with that. I remembered the party was tonight, so I focused on getting ready. I knew that it was really early to begin getting ready, but I had never really been to a party before. On top of it being my first party, I had a feeling Ash would be there, and I wanted to look good.

I took a shower and blow dried my long hair which took a long time. I began the tedious task of curling my hair. I worked diligently on it, so that the end product, two hours later, was flawless. I was proud of my work. I had never spent so much time on my hair, but I liked the outcome. Even being curled, my hair fell to about halfway down my back. I then began to put makeup on. However, I had to keep taking it off because I wasn't happy with the heavy look. I finally put on just the right amount of makeup, and I looked at my mirror with satisfaction at my work. I had put a little blush on my cheeks and nose to give me a bright look. My eyelids had different shades of brown and gold making my eyes pop. My eyelashes were elongated with mascara, and I had finished off the look with a pink gloss for my lips.

I sighed realizing the hard part was still to come. I had to pick out an outfit. Walking over to my suitcase which still held my clothes my phone beeped. I picked up my cell phone to see a text from Riley. 

Hey baby. Hope your making yourself sexy. I'll meet you outside your dorm in a hour.

I rolled my eyes at the sexy part. What was he implying, that I wasn't good looking before? I decided to send a sweet reply because even though he was annoying me, he was still bringing me to the party.

Okay see you in a bit(:

I replied quickly putting my phone away. I couldn't believe he was picking me up in a hour. I had spent all day getting ready. I didn't even eat all day, but I didn't want to eat right now because I was nervous. Bending down to look through my suitcase I smiled when I finally found the perfect dress. I pulled it out while looking at it. The dress was black and sparkly. It had a tank top straps and fell about mid thigh. It was sort of small, so I felt kind of slutty. However, I knew all the other girls would be wearing even less, so I slid the dress on. I put on a pair of high black high heels. Finishing the outfit, I put on a heart diamond necklace which fell right above my cleavage that peeked out under the dress.

I was satisfied with the outcome, and I sprayed on a little perfume. Grabbing a little purse to keep my phone and lip gloss in, I walked out of my dorm. I had about five minutes until I had to meet Riley, and I decided to get there a little early. I rode the elevator downstairs and stepped into the living room area. I gazed around and found an empty chair to sit in. There was barely anyone in the room most of the people were probably out at parties. I let my thoughts wonder for a few minutes before a hand touching my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Jaiden. You look freaking sexy," he said looking me up and down making me somewhat uncomfortable.

"Thanks," I said uncomfortably.

He grabbed my hand that was on my knee and pulled me to stand up. Even though Riley was rude, I would have to be blind to say he didn't look hot right now. He wore a tight white t-shirt with a black leather jacket. Riley looked at me smirking which made me feel like he knew what I was thinking.

"Riley, where is this party?" I asked when it occurred to me I didn't know where a party could go on undiscovered.

"I have a friend that's in college that lives about ten minutes away in a house his parents bought for him. He's really cool, and he always throws parties. He invites most of the seniors and all of his friends," he responded.

I felt slightly worried about going to some college guy's party, but I remembered Ash would be there. For some reason, that made me feel better. I knew I told him off yesterday, but I knew if I needed him he would help me out. However, I didn't want to seem like a little kid scared of going to a big kid party, so I just smiled and nodded. He led me to his car and walked over to the drivers side. The ride was relatively quiet on the way there. We finally arrived and I sighed relieved that the awkward silence was over.

We both got out of the car, and I started to get nervous. Riley put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I began to walk toward the house with him. I heard the loud music coming out of the house. People were all over the front yard, and I felt intimidated. Great, I thought, let the party begin.


    Hey everyone!(: I just wanted to thank you guys for continuing to show your support by voting, commenting, and reading! How do you guys feel about Ash during this chapter?(: Please vote! This means so much to me. I should be uploading soon, but because of my schedule I'm not sure when exactly. Sorry about the grammar....I'm still in high school! Love you all!(: Xx

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