Picture This (Niall Horan Tri...

By thesamemistakes

14.3M 95K 21.8K

[ (BK 1) -COMPLETED -BK 3 IN PROGRESS- (CURRENTLY EDITING) ] Ashley Dawson has spent her life living in the s... More

-Sun, sea & interuptions [Chapter 1]
-Niall's a babe? [Chapter 2]
-Stay with me [Chapter 3]
-Dreaming about her already? [Chapter 4]
-We know you like her... [Chapter 5]
-What happens when you wake up next to a stranger? [Chapter 6]
-Let the fun begin? [Chapter 7]
-Murder under moonlight [Chapter 8]
-Waking up to reality [Chapter 9]
-Mixing blood and tears [Chapter 10]
-Happiness is the best revenge [Chapter 11]
-He would never like me [Chapter 12]
-I'm not into him, I'm into you... [Chapter 13]
-Making and breaking each other's heart's [Chapter 14]
-Teaching lessons to the un-wanted [Chapter 15]
-I'd rather stay in with you [Chapter 16]
-I could out-bitch you any day [Chapter 17]
-You've been where?! [Chapter 18]
-She better be an angel... [Chapter 19]
-Doubting the truth [Chapter 20]
-You'll be perfect, you are perfect [Chapter 21]
-NYC, these streets will make you feel brand new [Chapter 22]
-Rainy friday nights with hot chocolate and you [Chapter 23]
-Lying's the easy way out [Chapter 24]
-I want to be happy with what I see, genuinely happy [Chapter 25]
-You're right, I don't understand [Chapter 26]
-The pretty ones are always the best [Chapter 27]
-Whatever that thing is, I'll make it happen [Chapter 28]
-Caught in the act [Chapter 29]
-She won't be able to handle it [Chapter 30]
-He has a motive, a big one [Chapter 31]
-Old movies,Nandos&the sunset [Chapter 33]
-Let's play truth [Chapter 34]
-You were jealous [Chapter 35]
-How to brave the water [Chapter 37]
-Nothing's going on, I promise [Chatper 38]
-He never shuts up about you [Chapter 39]
-I'm just really happy that I have you [Chapter 40]
-I'm not 'normal'... [Chapter 41]
-Kiss me like you mean it [Chapter 42]
-Trouble, rivers&rain [Chapter 43]
-I won't see you until forever...[Chapter 44]
-You seem like a rich girl [Chapter 45]
-When everything just disappears [Chapter 46]
-Wake up and realise reality [Chapter 47]
-Accuse me, fight me and leave me [Chapter 48]
-Come on an adventure with me [Chapter 49]
-Polaroid pictures, prom night and parties [Chapter 50]
-Just be happy [Chapter 51]
-Come to Paris and tell me you love me [Chapter 52]
-Visits from the forgotten [Chapter 53]
-It's my life now [Chapter 54]
-Colour my heart [Chapter 55]
-Un willingly visit the past [Chapter 56]
-Let's hit a home run [Chapter 57]
-Burning the past [Chapter 58]
-Force yourself at the fun fair [Chapter 59]
-Slipping back into old habits [Chapter 60]
-Tell me goodbye and that you love me [Chapter 61]
-Out playing Mr Spectacular [Chapter 62]
-I miss you [Chapter 63]
-Rules, regulations&interviews [Chapter 64]
-It's called Rebellion, my dear Dawson [Chapter 65]
-Insercurities & Fears Confirmed [Chapter 66 pt1]
-Anonymous Revenge [Chapter 66 pt2]
-Surprise visits and plans [Chapter 67]
-Interference central [Chapter 68]
-Stolen Relationships [Chapter 69]
-Fake dates, NYC&Parties [Chapter 70]
-Stress is a burden, you're not [Chapter 71]
-Remarking the truth about forever [Chapter 72]
-Intaking Realization [Chapter 73]
-Cry me a river, maybe you can drown your broken heart [Chapter 74]
-Broken promises [Chapter 75]
-Pack your life away but leave your heart behind [Chapter 76]
-Dream me up a fantasy [Chapter 77]
-Falling out of love isn't easy [Chapter 78]
-Un-productive preperation and greetings [Chapter 79]
-Words linger, but memories stay forever [Chapter 80]
-We died a paper death, not an emotional one [Chapter 81]
-Sabotage and bitches with relations [Chapter 82]
-Conclusions aren't always fairytales [Chapter 83]
-Sequel Information.

-I'm your's and only your's [Chapter 36]

163K 1K 200
By thesamemistakes

Ashley's POV:

Much to my surprise we were left to watch the firework display together and the guys stayed away, I had a feeling I had Louis to thank but I didn’t know for sure. The display was pretty good and it was even better watching it with Niall’s arm around me, my head rested on his shoulder with him occasionally kissing my forehead or cheek, it was perfect.

“Well, that was good”

Louis said throwing an arm around me as we walked back to the hotel after the display, I’d ended up with Louis again Niall up ahead with the other guys, which was fair enough, I had 2 days with him in Ireland soon and that was pretty special to me.

“Yeah, it was”

I agreed pulling my blazer tighter against my body as the air began to cool.


“I don’t want your jacket”

I replied and he chuckled.

“Okay, just checking babe”

“I’m looking forward to seeing you drunk tonight”

He announced and I rolled my eyes.

“I doubt I’m gonna get completely hammered”

I replied and he pouted.

“Why not? We are!”

“Louis I do stupid things when I’m drunk”

“Don’t we all? It’s not like Liam’s gonna let you do anything completely stupid”

“No, you don’t understand, last time I got hammered I woke up in Owen’s flat, that’s how I met him at a club, stupid”

“Wait…you got drunk in the middle of the day?! Ashley I’m-“

“No! This was before I moved in with you guys, I met him before then”


Was all he said as he kicked some sand as we walked back to the hotel.

“I will drink, I’d just like to have some clue what happened in the morning, okay?”

“Okay, sure thing babe”

Louis chuckled as we entered the hotel.


I cocked my head to one side as I looked at myself in the full length mirror of the bathroom. I didn’t think I liked this dress. It was too tight and a bit on the short side and showed more cleavage then I was used to, I didn’t like to show cleavage a lot and maybe for me this was pushing the boundaries.

I smoothed my hands out over my body getting out any creases that may have appeared. I had wanted to look nice for tonight because this was the first time I was going out drinking with the guys and if Niall commented on how I looked I wanted to be able to believe him by feeling the slightest bit pretty. I felt pretty, I actually did. My face and my hair were pretty, I liked them it was just this dress that seemed too well slag like. I had a big fear of looking like a slag, it was something I never wanted to be seen as but this dress, I can’t even tell if it’s too much or not.

I sighed knowing it was too late to change now. I could hear the laughter from the boys spilling out from mine and Niall’s hotel room; they were waiting there for me. They were ready about 20 minutes ago, Zayn 10.

I placed my make-up and phone into my clutch and with one last dis-approving look in the mirror I opened the bathroom door announcing I was ready.

Niall had his back to me and was sipping a can of Dr Pepper, when he heard the door open he turned around and choked on his drink when his eyes fell upon me. Was it really that bad? The other boys snickered at this.

“Smooth Nialler, smooth like a boss”

Louis commented patting Niall on the shoulder as he recovered from his choking and set his can down on the coffee table biting his lip as he looked me up and down.

“I told you Niall!”

I whined and he gave me a confused look.

“Told me what?”

“That I look like a slag in this dress!”

I said crossing my arms over my chest trying my best to hide the over-exposed cleavage. His eyes widened hearing this and it just made me feel even more self-conscious that all the boys were looking me up and down too.

“What? No you don’t!”

He protested and I sighed letting my arms fall to my sides to reveal how low this dress really was for me.

“Look though, I really don’t think I like it, it’s too tight and short and it’s way too freaking low! You have to admit that”

“Believe me Ash, I’ve seen way worse than that, it’s hardly showing anything if you ask me”

Zayn chipped in and the others agreed. I sighed still not convinced.

“I don’t know, I’ve never shown this much before and I don’t like going out half-dressed if you don’t mind…I feel like a sket”

“Well you’re defiantly not one, nor do you look like one. Right here ask Liam, he’ll tell you if it’s too slagish or what. Liam?”

Niall said but never moving his gaze from me. All eyes turned to Liam as he studied my dress again.

“It’s a bit-“

Everyone raised their eye-brows at him, his hesitation worried me.

“You look fine babe, you look good, I mean really good, you don’t look like a slag, trust me”

For this comment he got a round of satisfied nods and I bit my lip as Niall made his way over to me sliding his arms around my waist and kissing my forehead gently.

“See, you look beautiful, trust us, you really do”

He said quietly.


Liam began.

“We’ll leave you two to get down to business or whatever…can’t believe this is the sober business”

He muttered as everyone filed out, Zayn informing us we had 5 minutes.

“5 minutes so make it a quickie Niall!”

Harry teased and this time I think I did blush. Louis smiled at me winking as he left, the last one. Niall smiled at me resting his forehead against mine.

“You really do look beautiful”

He tucked my hair behind my ear and I smiled remembering our previous conversation.

“And not at all like a sket, I promise”

“Thank you”

I replied simply as I truly did feel pretty for once and it felt nice, really nice. He smiled realising that I hadn’t argued this time. His lips brushed mine teasing me before descending on them properly.

“I have a feeling I’m gonna struggle to keep my girl tonight”

He murmured as soon as we pulled apart slightly.


I said draping my arms around his neck.

“I’m utterly and completely yours and you’re mine so don’t go thinking you can go near any sluts who like you tonight, okay? Because I get jealous, deal with it”

He chuckled.

“I’m not being funny Niall, I do”

I told the truth, something I need to practice more often and I had no problem with telling it to Niall.

“No worries love, I’m all yours too”

He replied placing his lips back onto mine kissing me again, I kissed him back the addicting feeling already rushing through me.

“We’re going now!”

Louis shouted pounding on the door, I could hear the chatter of them outside but they didn’t come in. I like this new approach boys. We broke the kiss and I dropped my arms from around Niall’s neck and he laced our fingers together kissing me once more.

“Stay with me tonight, yeah?”

He said quietly looking into my eyes lovingly.

“Wouldn’t want it any other way”

I replied pecking his lips quickly before we began smiling at each other like idiots again, something we’d got good at lately.

“Come on!”

Harry’s voice came and Niall rolled his eyes putting his arm around my waist guiding me to the door.


The club we chose to go to was pretty full. Louis was already drunk falling about everywhere and Harry was almost as bad as Louis, Niall had only had a few drinks so was still pretty stable and I was tipsy but not too bad either. I didn’t know where Zayn or Liam were but it didn’t matter because I had Niall.

“Heeeey…you’re hot”

Some girl wearing a crop top that didn’t really cover anything and a short skirt slurred as she groped at Niall’s arm. I narrowed my eyes and a smile tugged at Niall’s lips as he sensed my jealousy already, I tightened my grip around his neck pushing myself closer to him as I eyed up the girl.

“Yeah, he is, too bad he’s mine”

I said my tone bitchy and protective. This was a tone I wasn’t aware I had until meeting these boys, it was one I guess I never really needed in high school but now it came in particularly useful and Niall found it pretty amusing. He smiled watching me, I could see him looking at me but I refused to look at him as I stared down at the girl who was now looking at me with the same bitchy look.

“Really, we’ll see about that”

She replied slightly clearer as she grabbed at Niall again who just simply pushed her away, defeated she narrowed her eyes at Niall then stumbled off to her next victim, yeah hands off my man bitch.

“I love you”

Niall said into my ear as the music was really loud.

“I love you too”

I replied as he smashed his lips to mine.


The next morning when I woke up my headache wasn’t too bad, I had drunk enough to say some stupid things but I had drunk little enough to still be able to remember the majority of last night. Niall was pretty pissed and it was quite funny what with him stumbling all over the place on the way back throwing his arm around me lazily attempting to kiss me but I didn’t like PDA when drunk so I pushed him away laughing at it all. He would say “You’re really hot” or “You’re so sexy” or something to me every 2 minutes, I would laugh it off throwing in a “Thanks Niall, you too babe, you too” in every so often. I was able to manage myself kind of, Liam had to stop me from falling over in my heels a few times but otherwise I was fine and drifted off to sleep almost straight away when Liam put me and Niall to bed, cringe.

I rolled over to face Niall smiling at his adorable face. The sun filled up the room and I could hear him breathing as I watched his bare chest slowly rising and falling with each breath.  I moved closer to him taking his hand underneath the covers and lacing our fingers today, I kissed his nose softly hoping that maybe it would wake him up, I didn’t want to wake him up rudely since he seemed peaceful sleeping and he had been pretty out of it last night.

The thing was, the guilty reason I wanted him to wake up just briefly was because I wanted to see his eyes…that’s cheesy, I know but it’s so true.

“What was that?”

He asked his voice husky and drunk but with sleep now, not alcohol.

“Me waking you up”

I replied the smile clear in my voice, he opened his eyes and they met with mine as I tried not to get lost in them again.

“Well that’s not how we wake up; you should know that by now”

He announced as he moved his hand to my jaw tilting it up as he pressed his lips to mine kissing me slowly the tiredness still clear in his voice. I kissed him back slowly as I was too somewhat tired after just waking up. I pulled away snuggling further into him.

“Doesn’t your head hurt? You were out of it last night Nialler”

I teased and he smiled putting his arm around my body pulling me into him.

“Yeah but I’m Irish, I’m well hard blud”

He chuckled.


“Yeah for sure, what did I do?”

“Nothing much”

I giggled.

“You’re laughing, seriously what did I do? Nothing too bad I hope”

He said kissing my forehead gently.

“Nothing, I don’t know you’ll have to ask Liam, it wasn’t as if I didn’t drink too you know”

“You know what I do remember though?”

He continued running his fingers through the tangles in my hair slowly smoothing them out.

“What’s that?”

“How beautiful you looked, and how sexy you were when you told that girl where to go when she said I was hot, I do admire her taste though”


I said biting my lip.


He concluded and I smiled leaning up to kiss him.

“What you wanna do today?”

He asked continuing to run his fingers through my hair. I shrugged.

“Don’t mind, what are you guys wanting to do?”

“Zayn was on about going to the beach or something since we’re leaving early tomorrow, do you mind?”

He was talking about going to the beach. It wasn’t as if we were still in London was it? We’re miles away from London, we’re in NYC we have to enjoy the beaches.

“No, I don’t mind at all, it’ll be fun”

He smiled.

“Okay, guess we’re going to the beach then…and you’re wearing your bikini?”

He tried smiling cheekily and I rolled my eyes.

“Niall you don’t understand, when you get pushed off the edge of a Cobb, you tend to get scars”

I sighed fiddling with the covers. He looked at me the cheeky grin now replaced with a look of concern as he stared into my eyes.

“It doesn’t matter, I don’t care if you have scars, you’re still beautiful”

He replied pulling me closer to him my body moulding to fit his.

“I don’t know Niall, we’ll see”

“Okay, whenever you’re ready love”

He said kissing my forehead. I did want to wear a bikini because I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life covering up and you know yolo, but I just didn’t know if I could muster up the confidence too. Niall wouldn’t judge me, I knew he wouldn’t but it was everyone else who worried me, people can be harsh sometimes.

“HEY! You guys better be coming to the beach with us today since you’re ditching us for the next two days to go and do goodness knows what!”

Harry burst through the door wearing…nothing. Before I had time to react Niall had placed his hands in front of my eyes preventing me from seeing.

“Harold go and put some clothes on this instance!”

Niall scolded and I laughed even though I couldn’t see. Niall removed his hand pulling me into his chest, so really I still couldn’t see, not that I wanted to.

“What? Afraid your girlfriends gonna want some of this?”

Harry joked but I don’t think Niall took it that way, uh-oh.

“Harry that’s not funny”

Niall said bluntly.

“Yeah Harry”

Louis chipped in.

“Go and get some clothes on you sick bastard”

“Some people just don’t appreciate this!”

Harry complained but I heard him walking off to terrorise everyone else and I was just waiting for the shouting to come from Zayn when Harry woke him up.

“Harry’s such a douche, anyway are you coming to the beach today love birds?”

Louis asked stretching lazily as he ruffled his bed hair.

“Yeah, but later though, I’m not ready”

I replied.

“You’re not ready? I didn’t know you really had to get ready to go the beach, I thought you just went?”

Louis asked confused and I rolled my eyes.

“Yes you do, I do”

I retorted and he nodded still confused.

“Okay, so you getting ready any time soon or…?”

He asked doing hand gestures that didn’t really mean anything.

“If it’ll make you happy, I’ll start now”

I sighed throwing back the covers and sliding out of bed, Louis nodded satisfied.

“Knew I’d get my way!”

“Shut up and get out I’m getting changed”

I whined throwing a cushion at him which he caught and chucked it back onto the bed.

“Oh so Niall’s aloud to stay and I’m not?”


Louis narrowed his eyes at Niall who grinned cheekily.

“If that’s how it is then”

He muttered shaking his head as he left.

“Niall that’s yours, why is it with my stuff?”

I asked throwing one of his polo tops at him. He shrugged.

“Well I seem to remember just chucking it anywhere when we got back last night”

“You remember more than I thought you would”

“Which one?”

I asked taking out two bikinis and holding them up. His face lit up as he bit his lip. One was a leopard print and one was a sky blue with sequins on it.

“I like your swimwear Ashley…”

He commented flirtatiously and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, I bet you do, now which one?”

“That one”

He replied pointing to the leopard print one.

“So you’re gonna wear it?”

He asked excitedly as I picked out a floaty top and some shorts. I sat with my legs crossed on the floor folding up the clothes that weren’t folded from last night.


I said simply and he nodded.

“You know you don’t have to if you don’t want to”

“I know”

I replied smiling as I placed the bikini I wasn’t going to wear back with the rest of my clothes and standing up.

“Come here”

He said encouraging me to come over to him; I smiled as he pulled me onto his lap.

“Tomorrow and the day after are gonna be amazing you know”

He stated leaning his forehead on my own as he twisted a piece of my hair around his finger smiling.

“I know”

I replied looking into his eyes.

“If you ask my brother about things I’ve done as a kid I will go off one you know…”

“Awh, thanks for reminding me Nialler I forgot about that!”

I giggled patting his shoulder.

“Whatever then, come at me bro, I ain’t scared”

I laughed.

“Are you not? I think you should be…”

“I think I shouldn’t be…I’m Irish, hard to the core buddie! And you’re just a Londoner, boring…”

“Now who’s discriminating?”

“Joking babes”



“You called me babes”

“Sorry babes”

“Stop it!”

I whined hitting his arm and he chuckled.

“I’m sorry love”


I giggled as he pressed his lips to mine.

“You know I was joking right? Babes is so last year”

He muttered and I giggled.

“I’m getting ready now, you know before Louis throws a fit or Harold returns…”

“Harry’s a douche”

“I know, but you love him”


Niall chuckled as he threw back the covers and debated which polo top to wear today, since he has about 10 million different colours.

“I think I should get to choose your clothes”

I stated as I watched him turfing through his un-organised pile of clothes.

“And why’s that?”

“Because you chose my bikini”

“You asked me to though”

“I don’t care”

I said as I chucked random items of clothing across the room.

“You see if I done that at home, you’d have a go at me, but you can do it!”

He whined.

“Do as I say, not as I do”

I retorted picking out a white polo top with some blue shorts and smiling as I held them out for him.

“Well then”

He replied sliding his around my waist.


I said popping the p as I moved away from him.

“Not until I’m ready, you’re distracting me”

“With what? My sexiness?”

“That’s it”

I said ruffling his hair and taking my clothes and shutting the bathroom door behind me as I began my process of getting ready.



oooh and keep on commenting and all, when I left it on that cliffhanger about Harry asking Ashley the kissing question you all commented loads haha, keep that up?;p


AND. I'm still fanning back if you ask me too:D

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