By Darraneica

4.3M 88.1K 221K

After Kohen "Kain" Valdez decides that he wants to quit the game and start being a family man, something trag... More

Copyright 2016


212K 4K 11.3K
By Darraneica

I'm back. 🙋🏾 Chapter doesn't make any sense.

Almost to 15k, I love you guys. 💕

"Why is Rosie calling your phone?" She asked him while looking back at it. "You got this ho number saved and everything-I don't want you talking to her at all-period." Moonie fussed.

Kain looked down at his phone and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know why she calling me." He said with calmness in his voice. He wasn't even trying to argue with Moonie because she was already in labor. He didn't want her blood pressure to go up.

Moonie chuckled a little and bit down on her bottom lip. She looked at the phone and back at Kain. "Let me answer it."

"Naw, I'mma let it ring." He looked up at her

"Why? Y'all must be fucking around or something?" Moonie bluntly asked. There was no doctors or nurses around. It was just Kain, Moonie, and Kirsten.

Kain sucked his teeth while shifting his head to the side a little. "Yo, you need to calm down before your blood pressure go up." He warned her with a menace expression.

Moonie just stood there looking crazy. She was having mixed emotions right now.

"I'm not messing with that nut and you know that." Kain looked down at his phone and noticed that it had stopped ringing.

"I can't believe you have her number saved in your phone-I can't believe that you're talking to this girl and she killed our first child...she jumped me and caused me to have fertility problems." Moonie ranted.

Kain didn't even say nothing. He just sat there, she was doing way too much in his opinion but he wasn't going to tell her that.

"But you know what?" Moonie stated calmly while raising her hands up. "I'm not gonna get mad about it...I'll just handle it after I have my baby and heal up."

Kain only stared at her because he could sense the attitude in her voice. Moonie was mad. "And what you plan on doing?"

Moonie sighed while leaning over on the bed. She was having another contraction. She was taking them like a champ. They were actually way better than the ones she had with Kirsten. These contractions felt like mild period cramps-the ones with Kirsten felt like a knife was piercing though her uterus or something like that.

"Don't worry about it...just know that I'm going to handle it." She said confidently.

"Look." Kain started. He was okay with Moonie trying to handle shit but Rosie was a dirty conniving bitch. He didn't want her near the girl. Rosie wanted Moonie's spot, she was thirsty for it and she didn't mind getting rid of Moonie.

"Just stay out of it. Let me handle this shit." Kain told her.

Moonie sucked her teeth, "Please...you should've been put that ho in her place. Tell her to get the fuck because you don't have no business communicating with her after she made me lose our baby. Fuck her, fuck that bitch." Moonie fussed with a frown. "Stop being all soft with her."

"Alright." Kain replied back sluggishly while looking over at Kirsten.

She didn't seem to be bothered by her parent's foul language. She was busy tapping away on her iPad mini-she had no idea what she was doing.

"I'mma hit her up and tell her. It's not like I talk to her anyway. I don't fuck with Rosie."

"Then why is her number saved in your phone?" Moonie quizzed her husband while staring directly at him. "You got her number saved in your phone but not Ava's-unbelievable." She waved him off.

Kain was looking stupid. For the first time ever, Moonie had his ass looking stupid. She was saying what was on her mind and she didn't give a fuck. She had his ass quiet.

"You planned on helping her." Moonie nodded her head with a small smirk.

"I was gonna talk to you first." He remarked.

She waved him off again, "Whatever Kain. Just stop talking to me because you sound stupid."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Yo, I'm trying my best not to go off on you because you in labor. You better watch how you fucking talk me. I'm not playing with you."

Moonie eyed him with a serious look and he did the same to her. They both needed to cool the fuck off. So instead of going back and forth, they just stopped talking to one another.

Ava walked in by herself. She noticed Moonie pacing back and forth. She was taking deep breathes while making those low moans-that was something her old midwife had taught her. Instead of screaming, just moan. Screaming prolongs the labor. She would tell her.

"Look at you..." Ava cooed while walking over to Moonie. She wrapped her arms around her. "Well, he's on his way I see." She touched Moonie's swollen stomach.

"Yeah he is." Moonie gave Ava a small smile. A fake one. The heated argument had her upset.

Ava looked over at Kain who was trying to keep Kirsten calm. She wanted to get down and run around but she couldn't. He kept telling her no and she would try to fall out and hit his face and hands. Kirsten knew that she could do that with him since he didn't hit her.

"Kain, you're about to have your first son-are you ready?" Ava asked him.

"Yeah..." he answered back. He wouldn't be the only male in the house anymore. Now their household would be even. Two females and two males.

Ava only laughed. She didn't know what Kain was going to do with his kids in the near future. Kirsten was spoiled rotten and she did what she wanted with him.

"Juicy, you wanna go home with me?" Ava asked. "You over there giving your daddy a hard time." She laughed a little.

"She's acting like that because she wants to walk around and get into stuff." Moonie explained. "I don't know why she won't sit still and play on her iPad."

Ava laughed while looking at Kirsten who was now on the floor. She paraded around in her graphic shirt and some jogger pants. Her thick curly hair was in a puffy bun. Moonie didn't have time to dress her up so she had to put something simple on.

"That damn Kirsten." Ava cursed while shaking her head. "She's something else."

Kain agreed while looking over at his twin. He could deal with everybody else but her. She held a special place in his heart so that's why he let her have her way with everything.

"I wish I could stay up here longer but I have kids myself."Ava stated.

"Oh I understand girl, Kain will be here with me." Moonie replied back.

"I'll definitely be up here when you have him. Just give me a call-did Juicy eat yet or what?"

"She did but you know her fat self likes to eat-just feed her again." Moonie told Ava. "Grab that bag over there...that's her stuff. She has extra clothes in there and some pull-ups."

"Alright." Ava replied back while grabbing the bag. "Come on Kirsten, you can play with Carliah and CJ when we get to my house..."

"Let me kiss my baby first."

Kain grabbed Kirsten and placed her on the bed. Moonie was still still standing up, she just leaned over and kissed her daughter's round chubby face.

"Be good for cousin Ava okay? I love you."

"Luh yuh." Kirsten repeated, Moonie smiled. She couldn't believe that her baby was talking. Shit felt so unreal.

Soon, Ava left with Kirsten and it was just Moonie and Kain. They stayed quiet. Not speaking to one another. Moonie was still pacing around because she was hurting a little bit. Kain was sitting in the chair strolling through Kirsten's iPad.

A couple of minutes later he looked over at Moonie and watched her. She felt his eyes on her and she turned to look at him.

"What?" She asked him while touching her round belly. The poor girl looked stuffed. Her stomach was so low. It had dropped.

"I don't want Rosie..." Kain stated while shaking his head. "Remember when I first met you and I told you that I really wasn't fucking with her like that. My moms had hooked us up?"

Moonie rolled her eyes towards the ceiling. "Mmhm." She replied back stubbornly.


"I know what niggas like you want and you want one thing, and you're not getting it from me..." Moonie said as she rolled her eyes once again.

"You and that damn eyeroll, and who said I wanted to fuck?"

"Please, what do I have that you personally want Kain?" Moonie asked Kain while shifting her head to the side.

"Damn a nigga can't just want you?" He asked her with a small frown.

"I don't know, I mean you got a girl and all."

"What girl?"

"Don't play stupid , I saw you with that girl earlier today."

"Oh her." Kain sucked his teeth, "Thats just some girl my moms tried hooking me up with."

"Ha... Like I believe that." Moonie said with her arms folded.

"I'm dead serious, I'm not interested in her.. For one she annoying, clingy and so damn rude.. I tried several times to avoid her ass but she keep stalking me and shit."


"Then why do you have her number Kain?" Moonie stressed out. She watched as he got of the chair and made his way over towards her.

"I don't know what the fuck I was thinking when I got her number." He told her while grabbing her hands. She allowed him to pull her closer. He gave her a warm embrace and suddenly her contractions weren't so bad on her anymore. She buried her face in his shirt that smelled just like cologne and laundry detergent. He always smelled good to her.

"You think I'mma leave you for her or something?" He asked Moonie. She only shrugged her shoulders while pulling back from him.

"I don't know what to think."

"Don't worry about me cheating with that broad because that shit will never happen. I'm happy where I'm at. Feel me?"

Moonie only nodded her head. She just got so upset because Rosie was trying to get back in the picture. She moved back to New York and went straight to Kain for money and now she was calling his phone and sending him text messages as if she was still his girlfriend.

Rosie needed to wake her ass up.

"Kain what the hell are you doing?" Moonie asked him as he pulled her gown up. She loved sex but right now wasn't a good time.

"Relax, damn." Kain cursed while leaning down to kiss her stomach. He stood back up and rubbed on it.

"I thought you was about to go down on me." Moonie said with a smirk.

"That's all you think about is sex." He shook his head and pulled her closer.

"I do not." Moonie replied back while closing her eyes. She was having another contraction. "Whew." She called out while opening her eyes.

Kain grabbed her face with his hands and kissed her on her forehead, her nose, and then her lips. Moonie smiled while holding on to him. He put his hands back on her stomach and rubbed on it.

"Kain, you need to delete Rosie's number." Moonie stated, her smile ceased. She looked up at the ceiling and back at her husband. "On second thought, keep it. I want to talk to her before you erase it."


"He looks just like me." Moonie beamed with the biggest smile on her face. She stared down at her brand new son with such confidence. He was all that she was hoping for.

"He does..." Kain agreed while holding his son in his arms. He did look exactly like Moonie but he did have some of Kain's features. He marked his kids for sure-the big ears were one. "I was expecting him to come out looking like me."

"You know what they say. The girls always look like the dad and the boys always look like the mom." She replied back.

Kain nodded his head. "Yeah I know. What you naming him?"

"Do I have to name him? Why can't you do it?" Moonie said while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Because I named Kirsten."

"Let me think about it..." Moonie replied back while touching her son's hand. "You want him in a junior?"

"Naw." Kain answered while shaking his head. "I don't want him in no junior, just give him my middle name and I'll be fine with that."

Moonie sighed while nodding her head. "Well, okay...just give me a chance to think of some names."

Kain only nodded his head. He was way too busy examining his only son. He was like a kid on Christmas. God was blessing him.

"First I wanna thank God for this blessing..." Kain started while looking over at Moonie. "Then I wanna thank you for going through all that pain just to bring my son here-I love you."

Moonie smiled while closing her eyes, she was tired as hell. She was in labor for nine hours and she pushed for an hour and a half. Her body was exhausted from doing all of that bearing.

She opened her eyes and looked over at Kain who was in the bed with her. "I love you too."

She grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips. The baby made a faint noise which caused them to look down at him. They stared at him for a good minute because he was moving his head around and sucking on his little fingers.

"He's hungry..." Moonie stated. "But the doctors told me to wait."

"My lil nigga ain't tryna hear that...he wanna eat now." Kain said while smirking.

Moonie laughed at Kain who was being silly as usual.


Moonie only had to stay in the hospital for two days. She was in perfect health and she didn't have any complications with her vaginal delivery. The baby was all healthy.

"He came out with a whole wig." Ava said sarcastically while watching the baby who was being breastfed by Moonie.

"Yeah, he has a head full of hair." Moonie smirked while looking at her son's hair. It was cold black-just like Kirsten's. "He's hairy everywhere-his face, his arms..."

Kirsten was beside Moonie watching her brother like a hawk. Moonie was expecting for her to be jealous but she was actually in love with her little brother. She was very protective of him-all she wanted to do was kiss and hold him.

"I know you glad that's over...now you have your own body back."

"Girl am I?" Moonie said dramatically while tilting her head to the side. "I mean-I do miss him moving around in my belly but I felt like I was stuffed...that is not a good feeling when your baby is pushing up on your bladder."

"That's how it be too." Ava agreed. "But it's all over and he's here now." She cooed while rubbing the baby's soft hand. He didn't move it surprisingly.

"I'm not having another baby no time soon...I got that implant in my arm...it'll protect me for the next four years." She boasted with a smirk. She was here for the birth control-Kain didn't have to worry about pulling out and she didn't have to worry about getting pregnant at all.

"The implant, now where did they put it?" Ava asked while squinting her eyes.

"Its right here...my doctor had to numb my skin and make a small incision on my arm and then she inserted the small rod inside and stitched me up." Moonie held her arm up and showed Ava. "Touch it."

"I feel it...it feels gross." Ava cringed while quickly moving her hand back. "Is it sore?"

"A little..." Moonie replied back. "But I don't care-I need this or I'll be pregnant again."

"I need to get on it because I've tried the pills and the shot and I still ended up getting pregnant." Ava stressed while shaking her head. "I'm super fertile."

Moonie laughed, "You should try the implant-I think it will be good for me because Kain hates condoms and he's gonna look at me like I'm stupid if I ask him to wear one."

"Does he know about the birth control?" Ava asked.

"Girl he was with me when I got it." She answered her. "I'll be pregnant again in four years I just know it."

Ava laughed, "I'm surprised he wasn't tripping about it. What happened to that nigga wanting ten kids?"

Moonie shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe I'll give him ten kids but they won't be back to back. I'm only nineteen. I have enough time to give him ten kids but not right now. I wanna focus on these two and I want to enjoy my life while I'm young."

"I heard that. I'm done...two kids is enough for me. I should've gotten my tubes tied."

*ding dong*

"Please answer that for me." Moonie told Ava while pulling her nursing bra up. She put the burping cloth on her shoulder and gently placed her baby on her shoulder so she could burp him.

Kirsten just sat there and watched. She was observing everything with those big cartoon eyes of hers.

"Heyyy." Nia serenaded while walking inside of the house with a big gift bag. Audrey was right behind her with some bags as well.

Moonie was a little upset at her mom for letting Elise keep Kirsten but she eventually got over it. She couldn't stay mad at her mommy for long.

"Hey." Moonie greeted her while softly patting her son on his back. It took him a little minute to burp but he did it.

"Hey pretty girl." Nia picked Kirsten up and kissed her on the cheek. "What are you doing? Huh? Ma-ma bought you something."

Kirsten smiled at her grandma while wrapping her arms around her neck. She was crazy about her. Nia put Kirsten down and walked over towards the couch. She placed the bag in front of Kirsten.

"See what Ma-ma got you."

Moonie furrowed her eyebrows. Yes Nia did buy something for the baby but she thought the gift bag was for him-not Kirsten.

Kirsten reached her chubby hand in the gift bag and pulled out some decorative red paper. She looked at it and then back at her grandma with a confused look.

"Look again, that's just the paper to go on top." Nia told her.

Kirsten looked down at the bag and tried pulling out the gift. She had a hard time so Nia helped her. Kirsten smiled big when she realized it was a doll in a tall box.

"Mama, why you buying that girl dolls? She has enough in her room." Moonie fussed.

"Look, I promised my grand baby a doll." Nia replied back.

Kirsten had her first American Girl doll with the accessories and she was happy too. Her doll had similar features to her. The American Girl was brown skinned with curly hair.

Moonie felt like her mom was going overboard with the doll. Nia went and bought a whole lot of accessories for it and no, it was not cheap. In Moonie's opinion, Kirsten was a little too young for the doll. She would've been good with just a baby alive.

"Let me go and wash my hands because I want to hold the baby." Audrey claimed while making her way inside of the kitchen.

After washing her hands, she walked right back inside and took the baby out of Moonie's arms-along with his blanket.

"Look at you." She cooed to the baby while sitting down. "You looking just like your mama." The baby had his eyes closed since he was trying to go back to sleep. When Audrey picked him up, he started frowning. She then joked about how mean he was.

"He has some big hands and feet-lord have mercy." Audrey continued while examining her great grandson. Moonie figured she was going to do that. She did Kirsten the same way.

"His daddy is tall with big hands and feet." Moonie reasoned with her grandmother.

"And look at those ears." Audrey taunted while laughing.

"Nana leave my baby alone." Moonie told her while frowning a little. She didn't like all of that.

"Oh girl, I'm just teasing him..." Audrey waved her granddaughter off.

Nia quickly walked inside the kitchen so she could wash her hands. She wanted to hold her grandson as well.

"What do y'all call him again?" Audrey asked Moonie.

"We call him Kai-he's named after Kain." Moonie smirked while looking at her son. Audrey had him sitting up in the crook of her arms, he had his eyes closed but still he managed to turn his lips up. He inherited that from Moonie-she stayed turning her lips up at people.

(People, Kai is only his nickname. I don't even know what to name him. I was thinking about Maison, Maddox, and then Mordecai but I'm confused right now. I'm sick of K's.)

"I like that name, it fits him." Audrey complimented.

"Thank you, I named him." Moonie informed her grandmother. Kai was a beautiful name to Moonie and she was surprised that Kain had agreed to name him that.

"So, where's Carliah and CJ?" Nia asked Ava as she sat down beside her mom. Carefully, she got her grandson.

"With their daddy..." Ava replied back. "I need a break."

"I heard that...baby Ron is with his father as well."

*ring, ring*

"Hello?" Moonie answered her ringing iPhone.

"You got company?" Kain asked.

Moonie sighed while rolling her eyes, "Yeah, where you at? I'm still waiting on my food."

"I'm on my way to get it now. I had to stop by Floyd's house. Melissa called me crying and shit-that nigga was over there tripping."

"What he do?"

"She found out that he was cheating with this young ass girl-a seventeen-year-old. She told him that she was leaving his ass and he started going crazy. That nigga fucked up their house and he jumped on her. I had to go over there with Kareem. We had to hold that nigga down just so she could get her stuff and leave."

"Oh my God." Moonie said in disbelief. She felt so sorry for Melissa. She just didn't understand Floyd. He was always jumping on her for stupid shit. He was dumb for cheating on the girl in Moonie's opinion. Melissa was beautiful and she kept to herself.

"Yeah, he fucked her up too..." Kain informed his wife as he stopped at a red light. Kareem was on the passenger side. He didn't understand why Kain was telling Moonie that shit. He didn't like gossiping with his women.

The three women looked over at Moonie and notice that she had got up. She made her way inside of the kitchen. Kirsten was right behind her.

"I'm glad she left his ass." Moonie commented while looking down at Kirsten who following her closely. "Now she can divorce him and move on."

"Yeah I think she's done with him for good now...she tossed some divorce papers in his face before leaving and shit."

"Humph." Moonie smirked. That's what his ass gets. I hope she take him to the cleaners. That lady had to deal with all of those mistresses and babies.

Moonie talked to Kain for a few more minutes and then she ended the call. She grabbed a bag of chips from the cabinet and passed them to Kirsten-they quickly made their way back to the living room.

Finally, everybody had left and went home. Moonie was alone with her kids.


"Moon." Kain called out as he made his way inside of the bedroom. He noticed that Moonie was busy putting a fresh new diaper on Kai. She had just gave him a nice warm bath.

"Yeah?" She answered while turning around to look at him.

"My moms wants to see Ka-"

"Nope." Moonie objected before Kain could finish. "Hell no, she's not allowed to be around my kids."

Kain just stood there in the doorway. He couldn't get upset with her because his mom was the one who started this shit. She was constantly saying slick shit to Moonie and doing her wrong. She just fucked up when she called herself trying to get Moonie to sign a prenup.

"She don't like me then she can't be around my kids. I tried my best to cooperate with that bitter old woman but she messed up when she came at me with that prenup talk and then she called me a bitch-I'm done with her. NO, she can not come to my house and see my baby."

"Alright...what about Samaria?" Kain replied back.

Hell, he couldn't argue with her about that shit. He was going to take his wife's side regardless. He had to sleep with her at night, not his moms.

"Samaria can come but your mom can't...I don't want her around my kids until she goes and get some help. Y'all need to have her committed."

Kain shook his head and smirked a little. Moonie had changed a lot. She was no longer that pushover, his wife was taking charge of shit and he liked that. That turned him on.

Kirsten was beside Moonie taking a nap, Bruno was under her and Kai was staring at his momma with his mouth partially open. He knew her voice-which is why he was staring.

He was a good baby-way better than Kirsten. He stayed quiet and calm whenever Moonie would give him a warm bath and put his clothes on.

Kain walked up to Moonie and leaned down to kiss his wife on her cheek. "Stop being so mean...damn."

"Your mom started it..." Moonie replied back to him. She buttoned Kai's t-shirt and passed him to his daddy.

"Here, get your son...I need to get ready-are you still going with me?"

"So he can take pictures? Yeah..."

"Alright, I need to take a quick shower and get Kirsten ready. She took a bath earlier."

Kain grabbed him with no hesitation. He eyed his son with a smirk and kissed him on his forehead. "What's up man, you need to be taking a nap."

Baby Kai only looked at his dad with his fists balled up. He was a juicy baby. He came out the womb with rolls. He had lost some of his weight but still he was big.


"What's the matter?" Patrice asked her daughter.

"I'm cramping..." Samaria informed her mom as she sat in her truck. "The bottom of my stomach hurts a little but I'll be okay."

Patrice eyed Samaria with a surprised look. "You think he's coming?"

"I don't know." Samaria shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, were going to the hospital...if you want to go."

"No, I'll be fine. I'm supposed to go to Moonie's house so I can see the baby."

Patrice scoffed while rolling her eyes. "That little bitch won't even let me see my own grandson and Kain is allowing it." She fussed. "See, that's what I'm talking about."

Samaria gave her mom a look. "Well ma you did give that girl a hard time."

"I don't care. Our relationship has nothing to do with my grandkids."

"You can't tell her what to do with her kids. She gave birth to them-not you. And you know that Kain is in love with Moonie, he's gonna do everything she says because for one-they're married." Samaria reasoned.

"I don't care." Patrice said slowly with her lip doubled up. "Those are Kain's kids too! I should be able to see my grand babies!" She fussed. "I should just go over there-she don't run shit."

Samaria sighed while rolling her eyes. She could never get her point through with her mom. Patrice was so damn difficult.

Instead of arguing with her mom, she just sat back and started going through her phone. Her cramps were now settling down so she was able to relax.

She sent Moonie a text to see if she was home but no, she was in town running errands with Kain.

Patrice and Samaria were on their way home. They had just finished doing a little shopping.

"What the hell?" Patrice cursed while parking in her driveway. She noticed a big truck that was parked near her house. It was a moving truck. A Penske moving truck.

Samaria drew her bottom lip inside of her mouth. She noticed the menacing look on her moms face and eased on out of the car.

"What is this? What are you doing with my things!" Patrice shouted at the two white men who were carrying some boxes out of the house.

"Go ahead, put it on the truck." Adonis urged the movers as he made his way out of the house. Samaria stood there, trying to be nosy.

"Adonis, what are you doing with my stuff?" Patrice asked her husband as she stood there with a puzzled look on her face.

Adonis gave her a small smirk. "That's my stuff."

"Your stuff? Are you leaving? Why are you leaving?" She asked him while walking closer towards him.

Instead of answering her, Adonis turned around and made his way back inside of the house. Samaria followed behind her parents.

"Adonis answer me, are you leaving?" Patrice asked wih a hurt expression. Adonis had threatened to leave her once before but she didn't think that he was being serious.

"Yes I am." He answered.

"Why are you doing this?" She looked around and noticed that her furniture was still in place but the movers were removing Adonis' personal things.

"You know why. This marriage is toxic and it's been over for quite a while. We don't get alone, we can't have a decent conversation with each other without arguing, and you've gone mad. You need to get some help before you hurt yourself or somebody."

Patrice just stood there and watched as Adonis gathered his things. She was trying her best to come up with something to make him stay but she couldn't think of one thing.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I can do better-I swear I can." Patrice pleaded with him. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to her but Adonis just pushed her away softly. "I can do better." Patrice sniffed as tears cascaded down her face.

"Naw, it's not happening. I'm done."

Patrice's hurt expression turned into a frown. "You got some nerves-I should be the one leaving! You cheated on me numerous of times and you expected me to get over it but as soon as our marriage start going downhill, you want to leave and put all of the blame on me!" She yelled at him. "You can't do that because it's your fault too!" She screamed at him. "Don't forget that you cheated on me and got that bitch pregnant!" She yelled, Patrice was upset when she found out about Diesel.

"You're right, it is my fault too and I apologize for putting you through that shit." Adonis agreed. "But that love chemistry that we used to have-it's not there anymore. I've tried to work it out with you but I can't."

"So you don't love me anymore?" She asked him while sniffling. She couldn't lie and say that she didn't love him because she did.

"I don't." He answered her.

Patrice gave him a heartbroken expression. She couldn't believe that her partner of twenty-something years was leaving her-she couldn't believe that he didn't love her anymore. That was a hard pill to swallow.

"It's because of her right?" Patrice screamed at him.

"Because of who Patrice?" He asked while holding his hands out.

"Moonie! You've been acting different towards me ever since she's been around. You act like you want to be with her. I'm not stupid-every time she's around you're always staring at her with lust in your eyes. You want that young ass girl."

Adonis sighed while looking down at the floor. He did wanted Moonie at one point-especially the first time he laid eyes on her at Mrs. McGrim's bakery. He just loved how beautiful she was and how she carried herself. He was a little disappointed when he found out that she was the girl that Kain had been seeing. He had a hard time seeing her as a daughter-in-law instead of a potential lover-which is why he gave her lustful looks from time to time.

He had plans for the young girl. He was going to break Moonie's hard shell down and make her his lil side chick. Adonis was going to give her money and a place to stay but Kain had messed that up.

"I have to admit, I did want her at one point but not anymore. She's my daughter-in-law."

Patrice tried hitting him but he blocked her hits.

"You sick some of a bitch!" She lashed out. "I saw you looking at her the other day! You still want her!"

"No I don't!" Adonis yelled while pushing her back. "Keep you fucking hands off of me." He warned her. He had no intentions of trying to get at Moonie anymore but he just couldn't help himself at times. She was beautiful and she looked real good pregnant so yes, he stole peeks. That was it.

Samaria stood right by the stairs. She was actually shocked to hear her father admit to wanting Moonie. She had no idea at all. This family had some serious ass secrets.

"You better not go to Kain with this bullshit because I don't want his fucking wife." He gave her a menace look while pulling out a folded envelope. Adonis handed it to her.

"What is that? I'm not taking that?" Patrice wiped her face and took a seat on the couch. She watched as the movers moved in and out of the house.

"Divorce papers."

"I'm not signing that shit." She shook her head.

"Okay, well I'll still be able to get a divorce-with or without your signature." Adonis replied back while tossing the papers on the coffee table.

Patrice was shaking like crazy. Tears ran down her face and so did snot. She grabbed a couple of tissues from the coffee table and wiped her face.

"I can be a better wife. I can-really." She spluttered. "Adonis I love you so much and I don't want to lose you over this nonsense. We can work out everything and go to counseling."

Adonis grabbed his backpack off of the floor and looked over at his pregnant daughter. Samaria gave him a look and slowly walked over towards her daddy. She wrapped her arms around him.

"If you want to go with me, you can." He told her.

"No, I'm staying with mama. I want to make sure she's okay. I don't want her to do anything to herself." She replied back to her father in a low tone.

"I think you and Kain should have her ass committed." Adonis reasoned while kissing his daughter on her forehead.

"I'll have to see about that." Samaria told her dad. He kissed her on the cheek and she watched him walk out of the house.

Patrice started crying hard when he left. She quickly snatched her wedding band off and tossed it across the room. The ring landed near Samaria's pedicured toes. She struggled to bend down but she did it anyway and picked up her moms wedding band.

Samaria walked over and sat beside her mom. She knew how Patrice was but she couldn't turn her back on her mom. Yes, Patrice was conniving and mean but still. Patrice held a soft spot in Samaria's heart. That was her mom. She couldn't just leave with her dad like that. Patrice didn't have anybody really. The majority of her people were down south.

Kado was dead and Kain had stopped dealing with her. She was starting to pry into his personal business so he had to cut her off-simple as that. He didn't have time for it.


*knock, knock*

Moonie rolled her eyes while looking over at the door. She was busy trying to do so late school work but she couldn't seem to finish because her phone would ring every minute and this time it was the door.

"Hold on!" She yelled while crossing over Kai who was up and looking around in his mamaroo swing. He was clean and stuffed with breastmilk so he wasn't whining. Moonie noticed something about her baby, he did not like sleeping and he was a newborn. He was very alert.

She opened the door and noticed this thin looking woman on the other side. She stood there for a minute because she wanted to know who she was.

"Can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Tiffany. I'm your new neighbor." Tiffany greeted Moonie.

Moonie looked around before placing her eyes back on the lady. "I'm Moonie. It's nice to meet you. I was wondering if somebody had moved in because I did see a moving truck out there some weeks ago."

"It's nice to meet you Moonie. My you are beautiful." Tiffany said as she stared at Moonie and grabbed her hands. After touching on her hands, she let them go.

Moonie looked at her as if she was crazy because she didn't know the broad. Tiffany was touching all on her and Moonie didn't know if she had a disease or not.

"Thank you..." She didn't know how to feel about the girl. The way Tiffany was staring at Moonie had her thinking she was trying to come on to her.

"I was looking forward to meeting you when we first moved in but you wasn't around. I met your husband already."

Moonie tilted her head to the side. Kain didn't tell her nothing about meeting the new neighbor. "Did you? And when did you meet him?"

"Oh, several days ago. We talked for a minute-your mail ended up in my mailbox so I came over here to give it to him." She laughed a little but Moonie didn't find anything funny.

"Okay, well. I'm glad you got that sorted out. I'm sorry but I have to cut this conversation short. I'm in the middle of doing some last minute school work."

"Okay, okay-I understand. I just wanted to invite you to my party. My husband and I are throwing this little house party tonight and he wanted me to invite you and your husband."

"I'm sorry, I have to take a rain check. I'm kind of busy and besides, my husband Isn't here."

Tiffany looked inside of the house and noticed the chubby little baby inside of the swing. "Okay, well I understand. Maybe next time."

"Yeah." Moonie said, half interested while closing her door and locking it. She was not about to go to her neighbor's party. That bitch was making her uncomfortable. She kept eyeing Moonie's swollen breast and shit.

"That's why it's so noisy." Moonie complained while grabbing her throw blanket and placing it on Kirsten who was sprawled out on the couch asleep. "They're always having loud parties."

She went back to finishing up her schoolwork. She would look up to steal glances at Greenleaf and then she would steal glances at Kai's handsome face.


Kain tossed back the rest of the vodka as he looked around his club. He had a promo party going on and everybody was there. The club was packed as hell.

"Every time I do parties at your club, it always packed in here." Danni told Kain with a smirk. She was the girl who he had went to school with. She was now a Instagram model and she did promo parties on the side.

"It's packed regardless." Kain let her know while licking those juicy pink lips of his. She couldn't help but to blush at him. Yes, Kain was a little thick now but the nigga was still paid and fine. He was thick and so was his dick. She knew that for a fact.

"Okay, my bad." Danni smiled. "You're doing a good job with your club. I really like how you handle shit in here."

"I'm trying my best to manage it." Kain replied back. "It's not easy but I got my boy Kareem to help out-he owns half of the club as well. I can't take all of the credit."

"Where is he anyway?"

"Probably upstairs..." he informed her.

They stood there for a minute talking. The DJ played one of Danni's favorite songs and she started dancing and twerking her ass. Showing off her body was nothing to her since she stayed doing that shit all over Instagram. She managed to bounce her ass on Kain's pelvic area and she could've sworn she felt his dick through his jeans.

"Watch out." Kain told her while touching the side of his neck. He had a lil smirk on his face which meant that he liked it.

"Oh c'mon Kain. I'm just dancing on you. There's nothing wrong with that. I can't shake my ass on you like this?" Danni bent over and started twerking on his pelvic area again. She managed to shake her ass while holding on to the glass that she was drinking from.

Kain couldn't lie and say that he didn't like it because he was loving it. Hell, he was a man and he loved pussy. Temptation was a motherfucker and he had promised himself that he wasn't going to cheat on Moonie. He didn't want their marriage to crumble.

Danni was wearing a velvet dress that showed off her silicon boobs and ass. She was looking fine as hell and no one could tell her different.

She was twerking so hard on Kain that her dress was rising over her ass and he got a glimpse of her black thong and the little tattoo on her ass. Kain found it very appealing.

He backed up a little and shook his head. He looked around to see if anybody had caught a glimpse of that but everybody was busy throwing dollar bills at the strippers.

Danni stood up and pulled her dress down. She looked over at Kain and gave him a flirtatious smile. He didn't know how to feel.

His dick wanted to take her up to his office but his mind was telling him no.

She got closer to him and leaned over to talk since the music was real loud. "I don't know why you tripping like that Kain. It was just a little dance. I mean-it's not like I'm tryna take you from your wife."


"Yo Jessie, let me get a bottle of champagne."

Jessie turned around and noticed that it was just Kareem. She knew his voice since it was rare and kind of deep-he had a little roughness in his voice also.

"What kind?" She asked while wiping the counter off. She was busy working at Kain's club-she was a bartender there.

Kareem licked his lips while eyeing her for a minute. "Moët."

Jessie smirked a little before speaking. "Shouldn't you be watching over the club instead of drinking? I know that this is partially your business too."

"I'm doing that, don't worry about me." He retorted back smartly while rubbing his tatted hands through his neatly braided hair.

Jessie rolled her eyes and quickly walked off, she came back with a cold bottle of Moët. Kareem grabbed the bottle from her while biting his bottom lip.

"Come have a drink with me." He urged her.

"Oh no." She shook her head. "I can't do that, not while I'm working."

"Don't worry about that. Audrey is working the bar." Kareem informed her while grabbing her small hand. "Now come on."

"I'm not sure." Jessie told him as she pulled her hand from his. "You know that I'm dating someone else."

"You think I'm worried about that?" Kareem asked her as he furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't even want to think about her moving on. That shit made him upset because he wanted Jessie all to himself. "I just wanna have a drink with you. It's not like I'm tryna fuck you."

"What's that nigga name? Bernard or some shit like that?" He taunted her with a serious expression on his face.

Jessie rolled her eyes at Kareem. "His name is Blair, stop being so petty."

"Who's being petty?" Kareem asked her as he held the bottle in his hand. "You brought that nigga up, not me. All I want to do is have a drink with you-you think I'm worried about him. Talking about you dating someone else.." he fussed.

Jessie sighed while touching her forehead. "Like I said, I'm working right now. I don't need to be drinking."

"Just one drink...c'mon. I'm the boss. You can take a little break and meet me in the back over there." Kareem pointed at the mysterious VIP spot where he was chilling at.

He gave her one look and then walked off like the boss he was. Jessie watched as he walked off. She sighed while looking around. She noticed Kain and Danni-they were busy talking or whatever. She didn't like how the broad was all up on Kain because he had a wife. The bitch was just way too friendly for her liking.

"Audrey, I'm going on break." Jessie announced while untying her customized apron that had her name on it. Kain and Kareem's club was organized well and super clean. They didn't neglect their workers at all. Even the strippers had nice changing rooms and lockers.

Audrey sucked her teeth, "Yeah right, Kareem is waiting on your ass."

Jessie broke into a smile as she glanced over at the light skinned girl. "I mean-I'm just gonna have a drink with him and that's it. Nothing more."

"Humph..." Audrey scoffed while grabbing a shot glass from the shelf. She didn't understand why Kareem was still trying to get Jessie back. It was obvious that she had moved on with her new dude but Kareem wasn't trying to hear that. He was always fucking with Jessie and that made Audrey feel some type of way since she liked him.

Jessie ignored Audrey's scoffs and made her way over to where Kareem was sitting. She had to carefully make her way through the thick crowd since a lot of people were in the building tonight.

Kareem noticed that Jessie was making her way over, he smirked at her and invited her over with a head motion. She slowly walked closer and sat down with ease.

It was just them. Nobody else. They had the perfect view of the strippers and the audience of people. Jessie however, didn't like the way the music was blaring from the loud speakers.

"Come here, I'm not gone hurt you man." Kareem pulled Jessie closer to him with his muscular arm. Her breathing tensed up when she smelled his cologne.

He was looking good tonight to her. She kind of felt out of place since she was just wearing a black shirt with some jeans. She didn't like dressing up like the other bartenders. They would walk around there almost naked just for money. Jessie made good tips without showing her assets.

"Pass me that glass." Kareem told Jessie. She passed the champagne glass to him and watched as he poured her some Moët. After pouring it, he passed it back and she took some sips from it.

He did the same and placed his down once he was quenched.

"Check your boy out." Jessie told Kareem with a little laugh. "So I guess Kain is doing him now?"

Kareem looked over and noticed that Danni was twerking her fat ass all over Kain. She was looking back at him and giving him those sexy seductive bedroom looks and shit. Kain just stood there with a puzzled look because he didn't know what to do. He wanted to grab a hold of her waist but then again-he didn't because he was married.

"I don't know what that nigga doing." Kareem replied back while grabbing his glass from the table. He gulped down the remainder of the Moët and placed it back down. "He looking all lost and shit."

"He better hope his wife don't find out." Jessie instigated with a smirk.

"I don't want to talk about Kain and his issues...aight?" Kareem told Jessie while pouring more champagne inside of his glass. "Let's talk about us."

Jessie tensed up, she looked over at Kareem and said, "Us? What's to talk about?"

"I wanna work it out with you." Kareem told her. He was just trying his luck and if it didn't work then he would move on and let her ass be.

Jessie sucked her teeth and moved away from Kareem. "You had your chance and you blew it. You wanted to run up behind Jasmine and that other girl. It's a little too late-I'm dating another guy now."

Kareem licked his lips before speaking, "You gave your goofy looking ex another chance though."

Jessie sat her glass down on the table and moved over towards the end of the booth. "You know what, I'm about to go. I can't do this with you Kareem. I just can't."

"Why you tripping?" Kareem asked her while holding his hands up. "We're talking and you wanna leave because I'm telling the truth."

Jessie was upset and it showed all over her face. "Get your shit together Kareem because we won't be working nothing out. Yes I did give my ex another change-that's none of your business though. I'm gone." She slid out of the booth.

"Go then, fuck you-I don't need you anyway." He argued back while downing his beverage. "Skinny bitch." He cursed.

Kareem was just a confused motherfucker. He didn't know who wanted. His mind was just all fucked up and he was about to give up on love and focus on himself. He was no longer known as Kain's friend or whatever. He was the connect now and he needed to focus on getting his money instead of chasing those mindless broads.

"I figured you would be here."

Kareem looked up and noticed that Jasmine was standing there. She had arrived five minutes later. He looked her over and noticed how good she looked.

Her curves filled the olive colored dress nicely and she had her hair colored again-it was back blonde. It matched her fair colored skin. Her face was also beat to perfection.

"The fuck are you doing here?" Kareem asked Jasmine as he watched her with a frown. She sat down beside him.

"I came to see you. I texted and called your phone but you didn't reply back."

Kareem just stared at Jasmine. She had some nerves to pop up at the club like that. He didn't even know why she wanted to see him. Last time he checked, she was seeing some nigga.

"On my way over I bumped into Jessie-literally bumped into her. Judging by the two champagne glasses I guess you two were drinking together."

"Yeah." Kareem answered honestly. "But that's none of your business."

Jasmine rolled her eyes, "I'm not here to argue with you Reem... I just want to chill and have a nice conversation."

Kareem didn't have any intentions on being with Jasmine-not after all of that shit they had been through.


"Who is it?" India yelled as she crawled out of bed. She didn't feel like being bothered so she was hoping it wasn't Moonie or Kareem at the door.

Her bare feet padded against the carpet floor as she made her way towards the door. She unlocked it and was surprised.

"What are you doing here?" India asked, she was a little puzzled.

"We need to talk. Can I come in?" The lady asked. Her nose was red from crying and so were her eyes.

India backed up slowly and invited her in. The woman walked inside while looking around the spacious apartment.

"Nice apartment...did Diesel help you get it?" She asked while running her fingers through her silky brown hair.

India sucked her teeth, "Look, I don't have time to argue with you. Why are you here Lindsey?"

(I keep spelling her name Lindsay instead of Lindsey.🤦🏾‍♀️)

"We need to talk about you messing with my husband." Lindsey stated. "You're ruining my family."

India smirked a little. "I ruined your family. You're the one who cheated first. You was fucking your accountant so don't come at me with that bullshit-alright?"

Lindsey frowned at India. "I apologized to my husband over and over again for cheating. We were back on the right path until you came in the picture. I'm warning you India, you need to leave Diesel alone. He's my husband-not yours."

"So you think that your relationship is back on the right path? Well he's telling me a different story." India spilled. "He doesn't want you anymore, you need to wake up and realize it."

"I don't want to be alone. I don't want our kids to see us divorce. I can't let him go, we have children together. I can't co-parent." Lindsey rambled on. "I'm not gonna let you ruin my marriage."

"I didn't ruin your marriage, you did!" India snapped back.

"He's always walking out the room when he gets a call now and he keeps a password on his phone. He wasn't doing this until he met you. Now he comes homes late at night."

India only shrugged her shoulders.

"You need to stop fucking him, he's not single-he's married. He's a married man with kids and you need to get your priorities straight."

"Diesel and I haven't even slept together." India said honestly while folded her arms. "Get your facts straight."

"I don't believe you. Girls like you can't keep your legs closed. Especially if you see a businessman like Diesel."

"Whatever, get out of my apartment. I'm done talking." India stated. She was trying her best not to put her hands on Lindsey. She didn't want to send her home with a purple eye and busted lip.

"I'm gonna warn you again...leave my husband alone. I'm not leaving him and he's not leaving me. He's feeding you bullshit because he knows that you're young and dumb." Lindsey stated. "Very young."

"He's at home right now with the kids." She added. Trying to make India upset.

"So-that doesn't bother me, he has to spend time with his kids." India told her.

"Oh yeah and one other thing, I want you out of this apartment by the end of this week. My husband's name is on this lease and I have the right to kick you out."

India frowned, "Bitch you just can't kick me out of my apartment. Your name is not even on the lease."

"I can do that, I know my rights. I'm a lawyer. I want you out of here. If you don't follow my request then I'll have you thrown out." Lindsey stated while looking her up and down. "Since he's legally married to me and the lease is in his name, this is a marital residence and I have the right to put you out."

India doubled her lip at the woman and watched as she waltzed out the door. Quickly she ran towards the back to get her phone. She was going to call Diesel and tell him that he needed to put his wife in her place.


"So, you're opening your shop back up?" Ava asked Moonie as they examined the place. Moonie wanted to check on it but she didn't want to go by herself so she invited Ava.

Kai laid on her chest asleep, she had him in his baby carrier so she would be able to move around. Kirsten was on the couch in the back playing with her baby doll.

"Girl yes, I've been seeing a lot of pregnant women on Instagram complaining to me about how I need to open back up because they want me to do their cakes and shit. I'm missing out on money."

"Hell yeah." Ava concurred with a smirk. "It's a whole lot of pregnant women in this area, you're missing out on that. When do you plan on opening back up?"

"I don't know. I'm trying to do an event but I want to wait until I get back in shape because right now I look a hot mess."

"You do not." Ava disagreed while eyeing Moonie over. She was dressed in a grey shirt with some skinny jeans and a pair of clear slides that she had purchased from Forever 21. Her hair was in this big natural puff.

"Girl yes I do...I don't feel good about myself and Kain hasn't been looking at me lately." Moonie claimed, she was in denial. The jeans she was wearing had her hips looking mighty wide. She just had a little tummy or whatever but it wasn't hanging.

"What you mean, looking at you?" Ava asked.

"You know, wanting to have sex or whatever." Moonie over exaggerated.

Ava sucked her teeth, "Cool your pussy off, damn." She said explicitly. "Kai is not even a month old yet Moon. Kain is waiting until you heal up and you should be glad because niggas these days will go and fuck another girl-they don't know how to wait. Kain is just a real nigga."

"I mean I know that but..." Moonie looked at her son and up at Ava. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just being insecure but I'll be straight. I'm just used to him pushing up on me or whatever."

"Like I said, he's tryna let you heal up. Kain is doing the right thing. He's controlling his dick." Ava joked which made Moonie laugh. "But for real, I don't think he's seeing another bitch or anything like that. He's just giving you some space."

"He better be..." Moonie remarked. "Now about the event I was think-"

*tap, tap*

Both Moonie and Ava turned their attention to the glass door. They looked at each other and furrowed their eyebrows. Rosie was standing outside tapping on the glass and shit.

"She knows where my shop is located? Who the fuck-" Moonie cursed while looking over at Ava.

"I don't even talk to her." Ava claimed while shrugging.

"I know you don't but why is this bitch at my shop, she been following me." Moonie stated while unbuttoning the baby carrier from around her waist.

"Moonie, calm down..." Ava told her.

"I am calm...get the baby, I need to talk to her anyway." Moonie took the baby out of the carrier and placed him in Ava's arms.

"Moon are you sure? I mean-what if she has a weapon?"

"Girl I'm not stupid, I'm packing too." Moonie looked over at her purse. Kain had purchased a nice handgun for her so she wasn't worried about nothing.

"Alright, I'll be in the back if you need me. Just know that I'm close by." Ava told her while making her way towards the room Kirsten was in.

Moonie wiped her hands on her jeans and unlocked the door. Rosie walked in and eyed Moonie.

"Damn, you look different. I remember when you was real skinny but now you're all thick." Rosie said as she eyed Moonie a little too hard.

"How did you find out about my shop?" Moonie asked her, completely ignoring Rosie's statement.

"People talk..." Rosie stated. "Everybody knows about this bakery."

"What do you want? Why are you even here?"

"It's about Kain." Rosie replied back.

"What about him?" Moonie retorted with a shrug.

"You sent me a message from his phone telling me not to call or text him."

"I sure did and I meant what I said too." Moonie folded her arms as if she wasn't scared. She had been waiting for this moment ever since she found out that the bitch wasn't dead. She wanted to confront Rosie and show her that she wasn't that scared little girl anymore. She was a grown ass woman now.

She texted Rosie instead because Rosie failed to answer her calls.

Rosie smirked, she followed that smirk with a small chuckle. "Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah, I know who you are."

"But do you really know who I am? I'm the cartel's daughter and I told you that once before. You can't stop me from doing shit."

Moonie eyed the girl, she squinted her eyes a little bit because that one little statement made her feel some type of way. She remembered when Rosie told her the same exact thing after she jumped her.

"You're always saying that but you had to come to my husband for money to pay off your debt." Moonie retorted. "Apparently, the cartel doesn't have your back like you think."

Rosie's smirk disappeared. She thought that Moonie had no clue about her asking Kain for money. Yes, Kain had already informed Rosie that he was going to talk to his wife first about it but she didn't think he was serious. She just didn't expect Kain to tell Moonie that, the Kain she knew never gossiped with a bitch. He didn't do too much talking with broads but Moonie-shorty was different from the rest. He could tell her every damn thing.

"And." Rosie retorted. "Kain and I are family and we'll always be that. I asked him because I can trust him, I didn't want to put my father in my mess." She lied while touching her forearm.

"And what makes you think that I want Kain in your mess? He has enough on his hands already." Moonie remarked. "Go to your people with that. Kain has a family now, he can't be risking his life for you."

Rosie sucked her teeth while looking around the bakery, she leaned on the counter and looked over at Moonie while running her fingers through her cold black hair.

"Kain will always have my back. Remember that, he'll always have a soft spot for me. He still has feelings for Rosalyn Diaz."

Moonie scoffed, "Yeah right. He don't care about you. If he cared so much about you then why didn't he stay with you? Why he didn't marry you? Huh?"

Rosie raised up from the glass counter and made her way over towards Moonie. She wanted so badly to choke the life out of her-she figured she could since she was slightly taller than her but she decided not to.

"It's because of you. You came in the picture and you broke us up. We were still together when you started fucking Kain." Rosie stated. Moonie frowned at the girl while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah that's right. He was fucking both of us in that same bed. Don't feel special. What? You thought you was special to him because he had a little panty drawer for you and shit." Rosie taunted.

Moonie was a little upset since she just found out that Kain was still fucking Rosie in the beginning of their relationship but that was the past and she couldn't hold on to it.

"No, I didn't break you two up. You ruined the relationship because you wouldn't leave the drugs alone. Don't blame me because you missed out on a good man-you shouldn't have been acting so crazy."

Rosie stayed quiet because she was busy eyeing Moonie with disgust. "Yeah, you got him for right now. Just know that I'm taking him back. He belongs to me. His mama loves me and so does the rest of his family."

Moonie snickered because that was lie. Yes, Patrice probably loved her because they were so much alike but the rest of his family didn't like her. Moonie didn't have a bit of Dominican in her but still they loved her because her race didn't matter. Patrice on the other hand, was a self-hating racist bitch.

"Actually I have him till death do us part..." Moonie replied back smartly while dangling her left hand at Rosie. The girl noticed the diamond ring and rolled her eyes.

"And you're probably right on Patrice because I can sense some compatible qualities that you two have but his family-no." Moonie added.

"You better watch your back, little ass girl." Rosie commented while walking closer.

"Get the fuck out of my shop-now." Moonie demanded while pointing at the door. "You're not welcomed here." She eyed Rosie back.

"I'm not going anywhere until I get ready..." She folded her arms and looked Moonie up and down.

"Bitch you really think you're running something." Moonie said in a unbelievable tone.

"Are you okay Moonie?" Ava asked as she made her way up to the front. "I need that bottle, girl your son know he can eat."

Rosie looked over and notice that Ava had a baby boy in her arms. She really couldn't see his face since Ava had him laying on her chest but she assumed that he was Moonie and Kain's son since Ava said "your son."

She even noticed Kirsten walking behind Ava with her chubby self-she had her black doll in her hand while eating on a cookie.

They have kids. Two kids. I didn't even know she was pregnant again. Rosie said to herself. She wanted to cry because Moonie was right. She did miss out on a good man and she could tell that Kain had changed.

"Watch your back." Rosie repeated as jealously ran through her. She walked out of the shop and quickly left. Moonie witnessed her hopping into a black Audi-she made a note of that.

"That broad really think that Kain wants her." Ava commented while shaking her head. She grabbed Kai's bottle and sat down at the table so she could feed him.

"I don't know why." Moonie shrugged. "She need to leave me alone though. She came all the way to my shop just to talk about my husband...that ho is nutty."

"Please tell Kain."

"Oh I will, I'm about to call him now." Moonie went inside of her purse and grabbed her iPhone. She dialed Kain's number and he answered on the fourth ring.

"What's up?"

"Baby, that girl came to my shop. She all in her feelings about you."

"Who?" Kain asked.

"Rosie...or should I say. Rosalyn."


Kain held his son his arms, he watched as the little boy chewed on his fingers-he had came out of the womb doing that. Whether he was hungry or not.

Kai was growing rapidly and Moonie wasn't quite ready for that just yet. She didn't want a baby right now but she wanted him to stay little forever. She wouldn't be able to conceive until four years but she wasn't tripping. Her body needed a break from baring-hell she was tired of pushing out babies.

Kirsten was laying on her mama's lap. She held Kai's hand in hers but he was becoming irritated since she wouldn't let go. He started frowning up.

"Let his hand go Juicy." Kain told his daughter while sitting the baby up in the crook of his arm. Juicy let go and watched her baby brother. He looked over at Moonie with those big cartoon eyes of his and she cooed to him. He started smiling as if he knew what she was saying.

"So Rosie was really at your shop?" Kain asked.

"Baby yes." Moonie answered. "I think I had her shook. You should've seen her face when I was setting her straight. I was not about to let her run over me."

"Man I'mma talk to her myself because that was mad disrespectful. She coming to your shop and talking shit...I don't like that. I told her not go near you."

"You think I'm worried about Rosie. I was packing so I wasn't worried about her trying anything."

"I don't want you using it though..." Kain reasoned. "She just tryna pick at you. My moms probably sent her over there."

"I'm not even worried about it. All I know is that I have to watch my back now. She threatened me and I'm not taking hers lightly. She jumped me before."

"That's why I hired those bodyguards..."

Moonie agreed with him while kissing Kirsten on her cheek. Her baby was becoming a big girl now, she was trying to use the potty and everything. Moonie remembered when her baby was a short and fat little butterball but now she was slightly taller and thick.

"You know my pops left my moms."

Moonie looked over at her husband with a puzzled expression because she really didn't know. She hadn't heard from Samaria because she was ignoring her calls for some reason.

"No, when did this happen?" Moonie asked.

"Like some days ago..." he replied back. "He already told me that he was divorcing her-she just didn't know it. But yeah, he left some days ago and took his shit. She went berserk-the usual."

"Damn, I didn't know." Moonie claimed while bucking her eyes. She was just surprised that Adonis wanted a divorce from Patrice. Kain told Moonie that Adonis didn't even believe in divorces. Now it was a different story.

"So-is she alright?"

"I don't know. I haven't reached out."

"I've been trying to call Samaria but she's not picking up. You might need to go over there and check on them." Moonie urged him.

"Yeah, I'll go over there later."

"Samaria probably done had the baby too, I want to see him. She didn't even come over to see Kai yet. Your mom probably stopped her from coming over."

Kain shook his head. "I'm sick of her doing that shit, I'mma have her committed."

"You should." Moonie concurred. "Your mom needs some help-professional help."

"Here." Kain handed the baby over to Moonie and she accepted him while kissing him on his little pouty lips.


Kain did go to his mom house and Moonie was right. Samaria did give birth to a healthy baby boy. The thing is, she didn't reach out to none of her family members.

Kain did see the baby and he figured why she was snubbing people. The baby looked exactly like Toni and that caused her to fall into a deep depression. She still wasn't over him and looking at her son only made it worse. He looked just like his dad.

"What's up lil man?" Kain said to his first nephew. "You got two little cousins...they waiting to meet you." He told him, referring to Kirsten and Kai.

"Why didn't you bring the baby over here?" Patrice asked Kain as she stood in the doorway.

"You already know why I didn't." Kain retorted back. He placed the baby back in Samaria's arms.

Patrice scoffed. "I guess your wife runs you huh? She wears the pants in the relationship?"

Kain turned around and eyed his mom for a quick second. Moonie didn't wear shit and she definitely didn't run him. He was a grown ass man, yes he took some orders from her and that was fine.

"Don't nobody run me." Kain retorted back. "You want me to disagree with Moonie on everything. I'm not about to do that because she be right sometimes."

"So was she right for not letting me see my grandson?" Patrice asked with a frown.

"If you don't like the mama then why are trying to see the baby?" Kain asked his mom with a shrug. He didn't know why she was so upset about it. She hated Moonie's guts but she was trying to see her kids.

"That baby is yours..." Patrice retorted back. "I have to have a relationship with my grandkids because they're yours."

"Whatever ma, I'm about to go." Kain brushed his moms off. "Y'all need anything before I leave?"

"No." Both women replied back to him.

"Just give me a hug before you leave." Samaria told her big brother while laying the baby on her chest.

Kain walked over and gave his sister a big hug. He kissed her on her forehead and then he kissed the back of the baby's head.

"You stay cool and if you need a break from moms you can always come to my house. I'm sure Moonie won't mind."


"Be strong Samaria...don't let this get to you."

"I'm trying to stay strong...it just hurts." Samaria replied back, thinking about Toni.

Before Patrice walked in, Kain and Samaria were talking about having her committed. Samaria was all for it because she felt like her mom did need some mental help. She was going bananas.

Samaria informed Kain that Rosie was coming in and out of the house. Both Patrice and Rosie had plans to end Kain's marriage and shit. They even talked about Moonie and that made Kain upset but he wasn't going to blow his top. He was going to let everything play out because he had something for both his mom and Rosie.

Kain asked Samaria if Patrice had anything to do with Rosie popping up at Moonie's bakery but she said no. She didn't even remember them talking about doing that.

Rosie just popped up all by herself. He figured that she was stalking Moonie but she couldn't do too much. Moonie had bodyguards following her everywhere.

But then again... Rosie was sneaky and clever.


"Come on baby." Mooonie urged Kirsten as she opened her front door. Kirsten walked inside and screamed out.

"Kirsten why are you screaming?" Moonie asked her daughter while closing the door behind her. She had the car seat in one hand and her purse in the other one. Carrying her heavy son was hard-real hard.

"Oh my God!" Moonie screamed while placing the car seat down. She pushed Kirsten back and slowly walked over to Bruno was laying down in a puddle of blood.

"Bruno..." Moonie called out while picking her small dog up in her arms. "W-what happened?" She asked him as if he could really speak.

Luckily, he was alive but he didn't look too good. He was whining out in pain. Moonie was crying out because Bruno was her first dog and she loved him like he was her child. She didn't expect for something like this to happen to him.

She sat there for another minute and cried. Her shirt was covered with blood and it was also all on her floor. Quickly, she got up and placed him down.

She tried multitasking. She grabbed an old towel from the closet downstairs and wrapped Bruno inside of it. Next, she placed him in her truck. After putting Bruno in the truck, she gathered up her kids. They quickly made their way to the animal hospital. She was not about to let her dog die.

Moonie just wanted to know how in the world did he get injured like that? He wasn't moving and he was bleeding rapidly.

Maybe he hurt himself from jumping off of those couches. I told him about doing that. Moonie said to herself while grabbing her phone out of her purse. She notice that Bruno had his eyes closed.

She dialed Kain's number.

"Baby." Moonie started in a sad tone.

"What's the matter?" Kain asked, he was concerned.

"I'm on my way to take Bruno to the hospital. I made it home with the kids and found him on the floor with blood everywhere." She continued.

"For real? What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know." Moonie replied back with a shrug as if he could see her. "But I'm on my way to the hospital now. I hope I make it in time because he's not looking too good."

"Just call me back once you get him checked in."


Luckily, Bruno was okay but he wasn't looking too good. His veterinarian informed Moonie that he suffered two punctured wounds on the left side of his stomach and his front left leg was broken. He didn't need any stitches but the vet made sure to clean and patch up his wounds. He had to get a cast on his left leg-which took some time. Moonie was confused because she just didn't understand why he was injured like that.

"Somebody must've broke into our house." Moonie said to herself while pulling her phone out. She texted Kain and told him to check around the house and make sure that everything was okay because she felt like somebody had broke inside and injured Bruno.

He had already been up there to see about the dog but he left shortly with the kids. Kai was getting irritated and Kirsten was whining because she was ready to eat again so he took them home.

Soon Moonie was able to take Bruno home. She grabbed him carefully and examined her poor dog. He was such a good dog-she just didn't understand why somebody would hurt him like that.

She took him inside of the house and laid him down in his own bed. He had a room that was specifically for him. She put water in his water bowl and food in the other one. Moonie wasn't worried about him going outside to pee since he had a catheter-maybe to poop. She just had to give him his pain medicine.

"Man I'm tired. Damn, you put them to sleep?" Moonie asked Kain as she walked out of the bathroom. She had just showered and now all she wanted to do was eat her food and go to sleep.

Kirsten was in her bed asleep and Kain had put Kai in his own. The baby monitor was on so they would be able to listen and see them.

"Yeah." Kain answered.

"Good...I can eat in peace, your daughter is greedy." Moonie told Kain was sitting down on the bed and opening her styrofoam plate up. She had a bad habit of eating slightly cold food.

"That side window is busted." Kain informed her.

"What?" Moonie said while placing her spoon down. She was in the middle of eating some shrimp fried rice with the sweet and sour chicken.

"Somebody did break in...you was right. I'm surprised Simba didn't scare them off." He said, talking about his dog.

"So what are you going to do about it? My dog got hurt real bad."

"I put a couple of boards on the window but I'll call the window repairer tomorrow-I can't leave that shit like that."

"I know who did it." Moonie snapped while closing her styrofoam plate. "That bitch Rosie."

Kain stayed quiet because Moonie did have a point. He replied back a minute later saying, "How you know?"

"Kain she told me to watch my back. I'm not stupid. She probably broke inside of our house and planted some hidden cameras. Guess what, I'm about to look at the surveillance camera."

Moonie grabbed her MacBook and went straight to the surveillance camera. Both Kain and Moonie sat there and watched the whole tape from today. Moonie was correct about the home invasion but she was incorrect about the person. Rosie wasn't the one to break inside of the house.

It was a unknown woman. They noticed that she was either light skinned or just white but the lady had long straight hair so who knows. Moonie was upset when she noticed that the lady was the one who had injured Bruno.

She couldn't even stand to watch it but she did anyway. The lady kicked Bruno a couple of times and she started dragging him by his left front leg-which explains his broken leg. He had those stomach wounds from her kicking him.

The unknown woman planted some cameras inside of their house. They were everywhere-all in the living room, the bathroom, the kitchen, and in their bedroom.

Kain pulled out every hidden camera and he broke them in half with his big bare hands. "What's wrong with this bitch?"

"This is way too creepy for me. We need to hire some security guards." Moonie stated while running her fingers through her thick hair.

Kain was pissed and it showed all over his face. He couldn't believe that somebody had broke inside of his home. He knew that he was slacking but he was trying to enjoy his family. Now he had to be on his shit at all times.

"You think Patrice had something to do with this?"

"I don't know..."


"You came to talk to me about Rosie?" Allan asked while looking over at Kain. "What about her?"

"You already know man..." Kain started. "She came to me claiming that she owes you ten millions dollars."

Alan furrowed his eyebrows while looking around the empty bar he owned. Kain was thinking about investing his money in a sports bar, he already had a nightclub anyway.

"Rosie told you that shit?" Alan asked with a slight chuckle. "Well since she's running her mouth..."


*ding dong, ding dong*

"Coming!" Moonie yelled while making her way out of the laundry room. She had just finished putting the coloreds inside of the washer.

She finally made her way to the door. "Who is it?"


Moonie's eyes bucked as she contemplated on answering the door or not. She felt like she had to since he already heard her voice.

Kirsten came behind her with her light blue pajamas on. Her thick curly hair was in a disoriented and she held her baby alive doll in her hand.

Moonie opened the door and notice that it was Adonis. He was standing there looking exactly like Kain and she found that scary.

Adonis was a tall bronze colored man with hazel eyes. He always wore his hair cut real low but still he had some waves. The beard he sported was neat and he had a couple of white strands. Tattoos were neatly drawn on his body. He was the whole total package. Young and older women loved him. He was a old snack.

Moonie noticed that he was wearing a graphic shirt that showed off his muscular biceps and tattoos. He had on a pair of jogger pants to go with it.

"Um-Kain is not here right now..." she told him while rubbing the side of her arm. He was making her feel a little nervous.

"Where is he?" Adonis asked nosily while eyeing Moonie. She was so thick from all of the baby weight she had put on but it made her look real good.

"He's having a meeting with Allan."

Adonis furrowed his eyebrows. "Well can I at least come in and wait for him?"

Moonie didn't know about that, she didn't want to tell him no because she didn't want to be rude. She just didn't want to be left alone with him.

"Uh, yeah." She said while backing up, he walked in and looked around the nice clean house. Good thing Moonie had cleaned her house up because the living room was wrecked with Kirsten's toys earlier. She had to get on her knees and scrub the carpet since Bruno's blood was all on it.

"It looks and smells good in here." Adonis complimented while picking up Kirsten who was reaching her arms out. She wanted her grandpa to pick her up.

"Thanks, I just finished cleaning up." Moonie informed him as she closed the door. She watched as he took a seat beside the swing since Kai was laying in there asleep.

Moonie slowly eased over to the single couch and took a seat. She watched how he interacted with his grandkids. He even had the nerve to wake up the baby.

"Did Kain tell you that I'm divorcing Patrice?"

"He did." She answered back while glancing up at him.



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