Don't Fall Down (A NewScapePr...

By Mariahreading

19.5K 610 301

[Currently on Hiatus] (Y/n) is a famous bounty hunter. When she was on a mission she ran into a Deathclaw. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
1k special
Chapter 5
3k special
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 18

194 4 2
By Mariahreading

{Your P.O.V}

"Okay, so we are doing this." I stated anxiously as I see a sign saying, 'Radiation Ahead!' In big bold letters. I start thing about how Alpha will survive the radiation zone. I think Uni should be fine but Alpha...

She doesn't have that weird technology that Uni has. This whole situation feels bad to me. I don't know why but it does. The very heavy power armor doesn't help either. I'm already tired by the time we got to the beginning of the Radiation Zone.

I look to the guys and see that they aren't worried at all. Well at least Cory and Adam don't look worried. Nick on the other hand...  He looks terrified. I don't blame him though. I was also scared and I bet everyone was too. They're just hiding it. 

There was a lot of dead trees, makes sense though. Hopefully nothing else dies out here. Cory makes sure that he has Dawn. When he called out to Dawn, he sounded frustrated. He said He was decoding something to figure out who that mystery guy was. While that happened I went ahead to check out the area. 

It was super spooky. Well besides the fact that there was a little picnic thing set up. A little picnic basket was there and everything. I looked through the chest and decided to leave the items to Nick. Maybe he could sell them or something. There was Cornbread but It was probably going bad so I didn't take it. 

I could hear the footsteps of my group coming to me. There they were, all together. But not for long, I thought. I didn't wait for them. Instead going to see what else there was to explore. While still being in my thoughts. What if I lose them and never see them again? Would The Boss come and try to take me back to the world of a well known Bounty Hunter? 

What if I never see Cory again? I would never hear of Nick's great deals on his latest Potions. No more of Adam's joke or Uni hatred for Mushroom Stew. I tried to shake those thoughts out of my head but time to time they come back. Just to haunt me once more. 

Before I could think of my next thought, I felt a sudden hit of impacted. "OW," I yelled in pain as I took a step back. Looking up I could see, even if it was blurry, what I had bumped into.  

It was a cabin?.. Cabins? There were just a bunch of building. "What the..?" 

This was.. Random. Why would someone build this out here? Was it here before the nuke hit? Hearing someone yell made me look behind me. 

"(Y/N)! You can't just wander around like you own the place." Cory said, obviously worried. I looked back at him, rubbing my head. 

"Ah, right, sorry." I apologized and turn back to the cabins. "This is pretty strange, must have been nice before the nukes hit." I thought of what everything could've looked like. I didn't know much of life back then. 

"Hey (Y/N)? Are you okay? You seem kinda out of it?" Cory asked. I looked at the ground and back at him, at his beautiful hair that seemed perfect even though it was dirty and messy. I wonder how he does it,  there's no showers and yet he still manages to stay so handsome and-

"(Y/N)?" Cory yelled while grabbing my shoulders. I blush and shake my head. "Is the radiation getting to you? Maybe the power suit isn't working. We should head back." Cory rambled. 

"No, it's not that." I continued, "I just realized I haven't had time to think somethings over." I look into his eye. "I'm okay, don't worry about it." I smiled and walked into the cabin. 

In the corner of my eye I could see Cory standing in place before calling Uni to look around more. I walk into the house, Nick following me and looking for anything to pawn. 

There seems to be nothing on the first floor, and I let Nick do all the looting. I saw a ladder leading to the second floor and go up it. Hoping to find something I looked around and out the window.  

I stared out the window and listened to the conversation below. I could hear Nick being super excited about a two headed something. 

I could see Uni and Alpha running around together, she must've gotten mad that I ignored her and went with Uni. 

I could see them sniffing out a outhouse? Then they go inside it? 

'What are they doing?' I thought as I looked down at them. Though in the corner of my eye I could see something moving, but was quickly sidetracked by Cory coming inside. The others following close behind. 

I sit on the bed that was in the corner and fall back onto it. I look up to the sound of someone climbing up the ladder. Cory is the one who came up, and I sat up. 

"Nothing up here besides these surprisingly comfortable beds." I said patting at a spot next to me. He looks at it then sits down. 

I sigh, "I have a terrible feeling about this whole place, maybe that's why I'm acting so weirdly." He looks at me, "Yeah, Well this place isn't the best place to be. But we kinda had no choice. We couldn't say over there." I nodded my head. 

"Yeah." I sighed again while leaning my head on his shoulder. He tenses up a bit before relaxing and slowly wrapping his arm around me. 

A few seconds past..

"This armor isn't making this better." I groaned, l lifting my head and getting up. I walk towards the ladder going down and see Cory getting up quickly. 

"We'll continue this later." I cooed and climbed down. 

Once we made it down, Cory had to get himself together before saying, "I think we can stay here to rest up, maybe even for the rest of the night."

Everyone nodded and started to kinda relax. 

Till there were gun shots hitting the door and the cabin. Everyone ducked behind something and I grabbed Alpha out of the same way to the door. I held her close and put my back on a pillar. I grabbed a gun from my backpack and put Alpha down slowly.

I looked up to Cory who was  standing on the other side, gun at the ready.

"You better come out, or we'll come after you." a creepy voice said on the other side of the door.

Cory looked back at us, "I dunno this guy sounds kinda creepy." Uni barks something in response. Adam also agrees. 

"Um, I don't think I can handle this. I'm going upstairs." Nick says while climbing up the ladder. I sigh and Adam quietly yells, "Coward!" Adam and I looked at Cory for guidance. 

He groans at the whole situation. 

Then Adam starts sniffing the air, "Geez, something smells terrible. I think it's coming for the other side." He keeps sniffing, "It ain't me, You smell that Uni?" Uni barks some more, I frown at the fact I still can't understand him. 

Cory goes up to the door, "We're going to come out, and when we do, you're not going to shoot us." He whispers, 'Mostly for your own good.' He looks at us then opens the door and we walk out. 

I stayed at the back and see the guy with a long white beard put his gun down and tell the other two to do the same. 

"What's your name?" Cory demanded more than asked. I slightly blushed at his tone and looked to the guy for his response. 

"Gerald." He said finally.  I take a long look at him and his friends, Their skin..How are they still alive? 

My eyes widen at the realization of what they were.-

"You're a Ghoul." Adam said, saying what I was thinking out loud. 

"That doesn't matter." He states while continuing , "What are YOU doing out here? That's the better question." 

"We're just looting around, making our way through the glowing sea." Cory answers calmly. I see Nick come out and slowly make his way behind me, I sigh while he says how we are here for Bottle caps. 

I'm going to say this now, I don't trust them. They are kinda shady, and they're are ghouls that are breathing in this toxic air. 

I look towards Adam and seems to be in awe at the fact that there are more ghouls. Which makes sense because he's a ghoul, but you can never trust people out here. I'm surprised they trusted me so fast, but Adam was skeptical. 

'Gerald', Cory, and Adam continue to talk until Ghoul guy starts smelling the air. 

"What's the smell? Is it you?" Gerald comes up to Cory and sniff the air right in his face. "No, how about you?" He looks at me and narrows his eyes, "Something's wrong with you, but it not you." 

"I could the same for you." I growl quietly. 

He then turns to Adam, "It's you, isn't it?"

"And? What of it?" Adam scowls, Gerald shakes his head. 

'Geez, they seem to be really hitting it off' I thought and slowly walked towards the house. I watch as they continue to talk. I see Alpha walking over here. 

"These guys are a bit weird, no?" She says while sitting next to my feet. I shake me head.

"Yeah, and Adam is talking to them as if he knows them." I sigh. She looks up at me. 

"I'm not getting a good feeling about this, it's probably my sixth sense." She says, puffing her chest out. I raise and eyebrow.

"Sixth sense? I think you've been hanging out with Uni too much." I laugh at their cute puppy dog love. 

She growls, "Whatever." 

We turn back to the gang to see Nick and Cory heading towards us.

"Can we all agree that Adam is being WAY too friendly with these Ghouls?" Cory asks. I nodded my head. 

"More friendly than when we first met." I stated while looking towards Adam's direction.

"Yeah, I don't trust this guy. He's kinda losing his mind." Cory says hesitantly. I laugh a bit. 

Uni barks a bit and I looked towards Alpha, who was listening very closely. 

"Okay Uni, How about you sneak behind him-"

"No." Cory starts.

"-And distract him while I come up at him with this Axe." Nick suggested. I put a hand on his shoulder. 

"As much as I don't hate that idea, We can't just kill them for no reason. They have to do something bad first." I explained. 

"Innocent till proven guilty." Cory helps me. I shoot finger guns at him and wink, "Exactly." 

"I know but-" Nick starts. 

"OH HEY ADAM." I slightly yelled while seeing Adam walk towards us. 

"Uh, Hey?" he shakes his head, "Anyways, I was chatting with these guys, and they said they know a safe way out of the Glowing Sea!" 

"Adam, do you really trust these guys? I mean-" Cory gets cut off.

"Of course. Yeah they're a bit" He looks back at them, "Weird but I haven't seen another ghoul in a long time. He's a ghoul, I'm a ghoul."

"Yeah and don't you're looking at this with a little bias?" Cory suggested. 

"Maybe I am. But their plan checks out. They have everything laid out well. I think we can trust them, call it a hunch if you want." Adam explains. 

I look down and stood there awkwardly with Nick. 

"I dunno, This seems bad..." Cory trails off. 

"Even if this goes bad, We can take em." Adam backs up his idea. 

"I mean, We are going in here blind. But do we really want to take directions for them?" Cory asks. 

"I always take directions from people I don't like. I listen to you right?" Nick jokes. I laugh at this. 

"Ha ha, very funny." Cory frowns but everyone laughs. 

"They could be useful Cory." Adam finally states. Cory thinks for a minute. 

"Fine, but if this goes south then we are out."Cory decides at last. 

Can I just say, I don't agree with this plan at all. But I bite my tongue and not say anything. I don't care who these guys are, I'm leaving at the slightest bad or weird thing they do. Whether anyone likes it or not. 

"Okay, well then let's go talk to them." Cory says as Adam leads the way. 

I have a terrible feeling about this...

(AHHHHHHHHH, ARE YOU PROUD OF ME?? Ah sorry, But seriously, I finished a chapter. I made it super long so yeahhhh. Imma work on the next one so expect another one later this week?) 

MariahReading out~

(2139 words)

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